
Ever get a free(?) lap dance?

Atlanta suburb
Saturday, September 12, 2009 5:04 PM
My favorite story happened 7+ years ago at my favorite club. My ATF was doing a gig in the Champagne Room. She knew I was waiting for her. She came out once and tried to give me $40 to get LD's from another dancer while I waited. I refused. A short time later a guy in a suit came up to me with another dancer. He introduced himself as the manager. I knew the dancer. He said "your ATF has bought you a LD, so just take her back there and enjoy it" I did. I learned months later that the manager and dancer were secretly married. Back in Jan on my 67th B-day I got two from 2 different dancers. Actually they were more like a 3 for one. I paid $20 for a 2 fer but got 3.


  • DoctorDarby
    15 years ago
    15 years ago
    Shadow, you have my admiration. When I go into some clubs and the gals waste little time pitching a dance, I sometimes try to work things around to "When is free day? You know, out of appreciation for your fellow man?" As you'd might imagine I've had little success...
  • harrydave
    15 years ago
    I had a couple of regulars a few years ago who would occasionally get tired of wandering around the club getting rejected, so they would sit with me and every so often offer a free dance. Which I accepted. But, nothing is free. Those free dances were more like investment dividends from a Ponzi scheme.
  • kalel15
    15 years ago
    I've personally never received a free dance, but my wife has. I got to watch two beautiful women grind on each other topless so I definitely didn't complain.
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    There is a club here in Columbus, OH that used to give a free lap dance on sunday or monday with paid admission ($10) and it also included a free buffet (name of club was Sirens, then changed to dreamgirls) Pretty good deal in my opinion. Now there is a club "Doll HOuse" that charges $25 admission on sundays and that includes a free drink and dance. Or you can pay the $10 cover and not get any freebies. I did have a stranger tell a dancer that I looked uptight and bought me a 2fer1 lap dance. Complete stranger in the club and never saw him again. I think he was doing it to try to impress the dancer with his money... The dancer sucked (as I expected, which is why I declined her when she asked me for a dance at first) and she expected a tip at the end (which I did not give).
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    I also forgot to mention the time I made a bet with a stripper last year. She thought Ohio State Buckeyes would win the the bowl game against Texas, and I bet on texas. I bet her $30 and she bet a free lap dance. Ohio State has a very popular football college team (but also overrated team) here because we don't have a NFL team. Now that I think about it I should have gone to Dreamgirls today to bet Ohio State losing to USC in football. $1 beers on Saturday until 7 pm, free meal ticket with paid $10 admission, free shot when OSU scores a TD, and $20 couch dances until 7pm when the price goes up..and I'm sure there is a drunk or stupid enough customer or dancer willing to bet on OSU winning.
  • gatorfan
    15 years ago
    Yes free lap dances do happen, usually are called time-keeper errors. There was a time where 1 stripper took me to the private booth but time-keeper didn't know and took well over a song before it was resolved. There are 2 for 1 lap dances at some clubs I've been to (at like a particular showcase time at midnight). But anytime there is a "free" lap dance, it's the stripper too who made no money for those 4-5 mins (why they are quick to point out time-keeper errors).
  • Philip A. Stein
    15 years ago
    I've got 2 freebies. First time I had got two from a spinner that had two sisters in the club. She asked if I wanted a third, I said sure, if it's free. She said ok because I had always been good to her and her sisters. The other time I was getting dance and she answers her cell phone. I push her off my lap and throw $20 on floor and leave. A week later, she sees me in the club and offered me a freebie. Free is good!
  • wallanon
    15 years ago
    I've had some free ones or extra time in VIP. Usually happens when the dancer didn't get the result she was looking for (her or me) or we "lose track of time". Personally I don't think any experienced dancer ever really loses count, and neither do I, but it's a convenient way to let the other know it's time to get serious. Then there's the offer of the freebie by a dancer who's getting desperate. I almost always say no because no good will come of it.
  • chandler
    15 years ago
    Several times I've had a stripper throw in an extra song after I told her we were done. Recently, at Shadowcat's favorite club, a couple of different girls have given me free samplers on the main floor that lasted for a song or so with pretty high mileage. All in the name of getting me to buy dances, of course. Another stripper there I'd just met danced a 2 for $25, then at the end of the 2nd song, she told me there'd be no charge for what followed and started blowing me before we fucked for another 10-15 minutes. I guess that doesn't count, though, since it wasn't a lap dance.
  • DandyDan
    15 years ago
    Only one story comes to mind, that was when I went to my favorite club, and the guy from the day shift at work was also there, and he paid a dancer to give me a dance. I then got him a free dance, so maybe it wasn't free after all.
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    chandler, Did her name start with "G"? She is the only sure thing that I have met there in the last 2 years. I know that she has a locker full of condoms. I have had many BBBJ's but not FS. Not interested enough. She only works days now. The night time bouncers know what she does and they keep an eye on her.
  • chandler
    15 years ago
    Sorry, Shadowcat, not G, although I have a hunch who you're talking about. One of the samplers I mentioned was from a G who later started to blow me in the lap dance room until I told her thanks but no thanks if she expected me to pay extra for it. I'm not aware of her reputation.
  • mmdv26
    15 years ago
    Years ago I went to a club that didn't count dances, and I would get an hour's worth of dances from my fav for $200. That usually worked out to 12 or 13, so at $20 each, I got a couple of freebies - more like a volume discount. At a different club, the bouncer caught a dancer giving me a BJ. He came over grabbed her by the arm, dragged her to the entrance and literally threw her out on the sidewalk. I told him what an asshole he was, and he told me to go f*** myself. We had a strained relationship for a year or so, BFD. Fast forward six years, and I'm in the same club when my BJ girl walks up and says 'remember me? Wanna dance?' I hardly recognized her, and apparently the bouncer from before didn't either, when he unwittingly (re)hired her. After a few grabs 'n grinds - about 2 minutes into the first song - she pulls junior out and sticks him in. We had a great time and when I got ready to pay her, she said she didn't want any money - she just wanted to finish what she started all those years ago. I never saw her again after that day.
  • Clubber
    15 years ago
    Technically free, yes, but I always tipped the dancer equal to a dance.
  • tdcx
    15 years ago
    $1 promo dances...not quite free but close ;) Shadowcat, I'm a longtime admirer of your "work" down in SC. If I ever make it down, I'll try to catch a day while you're there.
  • Dudester
    15 years ago
    A few years ago, I was at St. James on my birthday. I was talking to a blonde hottie. I told her it was my birthday and she asked to look at my driver's license. I showed her my license (she thought I was lying). When she realized I was telling the truth, she said "I'll have to give you a freebie." We went back to a back room and she actually gave me two, stopping because she was expecting "her guy".
  • stripclubspy
    15 years ago
    Used to visit a fav on "$10 dance Monday" for maybe 10 dances. One day went in on another day, did about 10 dances, she was apologetic about the cost and only charged $120.
  • Dougster
    15 years ago
    Quite common for girls here to offer the first one free: if you don't like it you don't have to get more. Or if they did something stupid the last time (e.g. blabber all the way through the song, give a crappy dance) and I point it out they will often offer a free dance to make up for it.
  • 59
    15 years ago
    At one of my clubs they often offer "free" dances during the 7 pm "Showcase". Dance is at your seat or bar stool and somewhat shortened. When I get them I'll tip $5. Often I'm with a fave and waive the "free" dance. When a fave inconveniences me (quite late or a no show) they will sometimes give me a freebie or two next time we catch up. A girl that I have a flat fee for an hour arrangement with will sometimes give me an extra dance or two "on her".
  • casualguy
    15 years ago
    The latest free dance I had was last night. Best free dances? It might have been when two dancers teamed up on me and told me they were going to dance for me for free no strings attached. I never did figure out what that was all about. I had just arrived in the club and sat down. I remember several years ago one dancer at Platinum Plus in Columbia seemed to really enjoy dancing for me. To keep dancing she offered to do half off the normal half off price. I think we started at two for $20, then it became 4 for $20. That's the best lap dance deal I think I've ever had even throwing in an occasional free dance from different dancers. I think she danced for 30 to 45 minutes for me. If they would just offer to do lap dances for $5, I'd probably spend the whole night getting lap dances. That is if any dancers were available.
  • magicrat
    15 years ago
    Common for some here, but a rarity for me...my last trip to PP Columbia, a favorite and I had gone to the back just as a song started. She took off her top and started dancing, and simply said "this one doesn't count". Guess what? She got a really nice tip from me, probably more than the dance would have cost. Why don't these gals realize if they give a little something, typically they will get more back in return?
  • BaddJack
    15 years ago
    I am sure that I have received free dances, but my feeble memory fades in and out. The most memorable "free" dance I received was about 10 years ago. I was at a seminar with many professional colleagues and it included lunches, a nice supper and a trip to the titty bar. There was a young associate of a VERY successful attorney that wanted to tag along, but he always seemed to be "out of cash", so we all played along and paid his way. At the titty bar we made him pay for all of the door charge, the first round of drinks and a round of cigars, as they took American Express. He also got a hefty cash advance. During the night, he noticed that there was a librarian-next-door type with eyeglasses and big soft tits that I was eyeing. So, he "arranged" for a lap dance with her. He left the club, and as he was leaving he said, "I got you a lap dance. Thanks for the evening," and he was gone. After the "smart girl" got off stage, she came to me and told me my buddy had arranged for her to give me a dance. She was GREAT. She also had NOT been paid. That's right: I paid for my own free lap dance. Bastard.
  • DoctorDarby
    15 years ago
    I got a free dance for proofreading and editing a dancer's college history paper one night. It was a fair exchange of goods and services, so everyone was happy.
  • notgreenvegas
    15 years ago
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