
Jailed Stripper Buddy Loves Jail 2nd Time . . .

Wednesday, September 16, 2009 8:00 PM

A stripper buddy was facing 10 years for purchase and possession of a small amount illegal drug. Of course, she claimed she was innocent. I think everyone comprehends that law enforcement spends all day and all night arresting innocent people.

Unlike her first stint which she described a scary because she was placed amongst violent felons eager to see blood, the second stint she described as a pleasure vacation. When a judge threw her case out in less than 30 seconds, it was like not so fast your honor. :) Turns out her fellow inmates were sex workers e.g. prostitutes, strippers, etc. so she felt right at home. However, it got even better because these girls just wanted to play. Some inmates had money for extras like cookies and candy. Well, those who weren't fortunate enough to have cash on deposit wanted to perform to earn those goodies. The working girls with goodies liked paying others for sexual services for a change so she said it was like a 24 hour porn show.

I said it doesn't sound like your first stint at all. She said HELL NO!!! Those women in the first stint seemed more like men than real men and looked even worse. Rape was the order of the day and there weren't any sex parties. Second stint she couldn't believe how hot many of the inmates were and how eager they were to play. In the future she says she only wants to get arrested on drug charges. The arresting officers had told her the whole thing was a big nothing with arrest and staying jail a short time being the real punishment----the 10 years was just legal bs.


  • Clubber
    15 years ago

    ME? Never. Political debate, in my lifetime, started turning "ugly" when the democrats went after Nixon. Even today, many still rant and rave, while conservatives try to remain on an even keel.

    Recent example: Just look at the health care debate. Opponents are labeled by demos as "brown shirts", evil doers, swastika carriers, and the list goes on! Joe Wilson calls obama a liar (which just happens to be true) and HE is chastised!

    It all would be funny were it not so true and sad.
  • DoctorDarby
    15 years ago
    I described this debate as "ugly" not because it was unimportant, but because it was getting personal and the tone was increasingly angry. We just went through a hoop-rah over trolls starting off-topic political threads and came to a consensus (I thought) that we didn't like it. To see this thread go in this direction seemed to go against the understanding that it the board works better when religion and politics stay absent. Whether we got punk'd or not, some folks sure rose to the bait with a fury. Clubber, feel free to flog jablake on his bare bottom with a nice piece of wet celery for being such an ornery boy :-)
  • jablake
    15 years ago

    "jablake, if I say, 'Truly, you have a dizzying intellect," will you please reply, "Wait till I get going!'?"

    Sure, I'm in a fairly chipper mood thinking about about a communistic America dedicated to equality and more equality.

    Wait till I get going!
  • how
    15 years ago
    jablake, if I say, "Truly, you have a dizzying intellect," will you please reply, "Wait till I get going!"?
  • Clubber
    15 years ago

    In another topic I got the whole thing. He is just putting us on, and he got me and it seems you as well. He made such a ludicrous statement about obama, "-so far I'd rate him a miracle worker.", that I KNOW he is putting us on! He did a good jub. Should we say, "We've been Punk'd"?
  • jablake
    15 years ago

    BTW, although the police were honest with my stripper buddy and the arrest and jail time was the true punishment for being in a known drug zone and that the 10 years were a joke, that doesn't mean other innocent Americans aren't rotting in the governments' prisons. Jury trial? Yes, just like your right to bear arms won't be infringed. :) The jury trial is for the most part completely DEAD in prison state America. The chance someone like her could get a jury trial of any type is slim to none. The game ain't played like that. Yes, it is a game as are the prisons----for profits and power.

  • jablake
    15 years ago
    "Also, in this vile country even if I had come forward to try and set the record straight it is very possible the prosecutor and judge would still view these illiterate wage slaves as criminals----how dare they try and collect their hard earned wages in any manner other than that provided by law. Stupid wage slaves need to learn their place. And, the wealthy need to be legislated into criminals. :)"

  • jablake
    15 years ago

    "jablake, I have consistently stated the opposite. Individual liberty good; big government bad. Remember?"

    No, how, no. You LOVE a massive government engaged in endless wars. Remember? Furthermore, if a person states that this is a vile country then in your mind BINGO the person must flee the vile country and move somewhere that he most likely doesn't speak the language or understand the cultural nuances. Somehow you think a vile country should take precedent over those who were born and raised in said country. I believe the country and it supporters need a bunch of soap and water at the very least. I think this country needs to go hard course communistic to teach those with your type "love the vile country or leave it" mentality a long over due lesson. :)

    America is a country that not only loves endless wars, but loves building evermore prisons. Well, I'm willing to get into the American spirit to appease and teach the likes of you a long long long overdue lesson. Endless war? Hey, as long as it is against supposed "conservatives" let the bombs drop and missiles fly! Ever more prisons. An excellent idea as long as it filled with supposed "conservatives" and those guilty of keeping excessive wealth. You support a terrorist government, then so be it. You need an endless taste of it. Government torture is wonderful? Yes, I can see where it would be wonderful against those supposed "conservatives" and those who maintain excessive wealth. Yep, I can be as much of a pro-government nut; even more than the so called "conservatives." Not only that, but if Obama could possible fix this country and turn it into a communist bastion of equality, then I need to brush up on my flag waving skills. I know you'll be impressed with my new love of country. With any luck the likes of you will be picking cotton on a government plantation in the blazing sun.

  • Clubber
    15 years ago

    This "ugly-ass political debate" is infinitely more important than any "stripper-in-jail-lesbian-orgy fantasies"! Of course there are those that have no clue, those that do not care, and those that know AND care. I wonder where you fit?
  • how
    15 years ago
    I do understand DoctorDarby's concern. The answer to the question "how did we get from one to the other" is found in jablake's statement that America is a "vile country."
  • DoctorDarby
    15 years ago
    How did we get from stripper-in-jail-lesbian-orgy fantasies to this ugly-ass political debate? Talk about topic drift. Yikes.
  • Clubber
    15 years ago
    Extreme liberals don't necessarily hate America, but they UNIVERSALLY hate what America stands for. IE: The United States Constitution and the Bill Of Rights! In short, freedom!
  • how
    15 years ago
    jablake claimed, "government is always more important than the individual in your feeble mind."

    jablake, I have consistently stated the opposite. Individual liberty good; big government bad. Remember?

    The United States was founded on individual liberty, and limited central government authority. That's what conservatives defend. Liberals regularly seek greater central government control, even if it is simply so they can get more goodies from the public trust.

    The president is not the country. And any president who says "I want to fundamentally change this nation" is not one to be revered by those who would defend America.

    Understand? I doubt it, but that's only because you are brain damaged. Seriously.
  • how
    15 years ago
    We who love liberty will defend it against evil people like jablake.
  • jablake
    15 years ago

    NO how, NO!!! You must flee to AFRICA. I mean you believe in the imbecility of love it or leave. You don't love your new master/country, then do what you preach for God's sakes. Flee to AFRICA. I mean government is always more important than the individual in your feeble mind. So, if you're not loving the America that President Obama and Senator Kennedy wish to build then as per own moronic belief system get the fuck out!!! :)

    I'll be loving the new and improved America----Heck, I might even get into flag waving. Telling defeated "conservatives" love it or leave it! Yep, would be fun to spout their idiocy back at them.
  • jablake
    15 years ago

    How has repeatedly expressed the belief that President Obama HATES America. That Senator Kennedy HATES America. That leftists, the new majority, btw, HATE America. LOL! :)

    Gee, I for one am grateful they didn't abandon the shit hole country to supposed "conservatives." No, they decided to bravely fix the mess thru legal channels. Ideally, the America of how and Clubber will be just a bad memory in 10 or 20 years. Ideally, nit wit supposed "conservatives" won't stay but flee to AFRICA or wherever. Yes, those nit wits need the tables turned and hard. Just remember when the communists fully control America lock stock and barrel wave the flag of the U.S. proudly or get the fuck out! You comprehend? Don't be like the terrorists and cowards who found this nation-----no go and run unless you are willing to a proud and loyal communist. Communism, unfortunately, is the solution to the total idiocy of supposed "conservatives."
  • jablake
    15 years ago

    I wish the assholes who founded this nation would have left America instead acting like a bunch of two-bit terrorists and cowards. But, instead of leaving their country they unfortunately, imo, decided to wage war against their government. Butchering their own country men. If they didn't love their country then assholes could have just moved to AFRICA!!! :)

    Alleged "conservatives" can so stupid it is very amusing. :)

  • jablake
    15 years ago

    By the way, when the game changes and America fully becomes a communist country----I'll expect you to praise the new America to high heaven or move to AFRICA.

    So comrades are you willing to get with the program or are you going to act like the cowards and traitors who founded this nation? :)
  • Clubber
    15 years ago

    I remember some time ago there was some guy on a radio station being very much like jablake. Some guy called in that knew the host and made an offer to pay for the guy to move to Africa. The host stated that he knew the guy and he would be good for the move. Guess what, The guest spent the next hour trying to back track as to why we had to stay in the "vile" country. The height of hypocrisy from them all!
  • how
    15 years ago
    jablake described America as "this vile country."

    Two things, jablake:

    1. You are pitiful and bitter.

    2. Leave America. Right now.
  • jablake
    15 years ago
    "Correct on one point. You almost never find a guilty person in jail. Just ask them!"

    I worked off and on as a debt collector---for whatever reasons I have a very low opinion of debt collectors. :) Hey, it doesn't make sense because if the debt is real, then the person needs to pay it, imo. First thing I'd try and find out is if there was any reason the alleged debtor believed he shouldn't pay the debt. Debtor disputes the debt in seeming good faith and I'm generally moving on. The debtor might just be the real victim.

    Anyway, I'm working to collect this relatively small debt from this company that makes all manner of promises and never pays. The owner is an old woman who is very sharp and crooked to the core based on first impression. She wants to pay, but she just has a cash flow problem. For "good faith" she even gives be a "bogus" check with the all important proviso that I wait at least 10 days before depositing. Sure, I could have cashed it immediately and cleared her debt----however, I take my promises seriously and decided it'd be better to waste more hours and time collecting in a more honorable manner.

    Sure enough after 10 days the money in the account was gone! Not a surprise in the least and I even found it amusing. But, I gain her trust and as she explained her dire financial straits and her desire to pay, I just agree and give total sympathy. But, I explained that as part of my job I'd have to make regular visits just to show my boss that I wasn't loafing. She got to enjoy my visits and I learned more and more about her hoodlum operation! :)

    Over the many months (remember this was a relatively small debt) I noticed that she kept getting new employees and no old ones stayed. When I mentioned this to her, with large sad eyes she lamented that good workers were so hard to find! Oh, poor baby. One day I noticed a crew that really worked their tails off and seemed so eager to please. I mentioned with a big happy smile that it looked like she finally found good workers. With bright beaming eyes she says "YES, and I might even pay them." For a moment she looked like she'd been caught, but I didn't let on that I caught or understood her slip of the tongue.

    A relatively short time later she was all upset because her trusted employees (the good workers) had stolen company checks and forged her signature! Oh, she tries to help people and give then a job and how is she repaid? BY THEFT!!! Poor baby. I'm sure the police officers felt so sorry for this old lady. Yep, must have felt really good arresting these ungrateful scum who were stealing from this old lady.

    Now the game had changed, however. I didn't appreciate the old lady having those pea brained workers arrested. I remarked "YES, it is really bad that your workers wanted to get paid their wages. I think the police might be interested in learning about your business." The game was up and now she wanted to pay cash in full to settle her debt. :) She probably thought I was a sucker for not pressing the advantage. I was a sucker for wasting so much time on her and my hands were filthy for not at least attempting to help her arrested employees. My attitude was that these imbeciles need to start learning the truth about their government. Who knows maybe the morons got off with a slap on the wrist.

    Also, in this vile country even if I had come forward to try and set the record straight it is very possible the prosecutor and judge would still view these illiterate wage slaves as criminals----how dare they try and collect their hard earned wages in any manner other than that provided by law. Stupid wage slaves need to learn their place. And, the wealthy need to be legislated into criminals. :)

  • txtittyfan
    15 years ago
    Some people have a better life in jail than out of jail. Free room and board and medical treatment.
  • jablake
    15 years ago

    She also had advice concerning the drinking of juice: If the other inmates tell you the juice is poisoned, then Just Say No to Juice! The first time she thought those inmates were nutty for even thinking that the juice was poisoned, but her sex drive was soon zero after drinking the juice. It took her a couple of weeks after release until she started looking forward to sex with her boyfriend and customers. (BTW, she doesn't consider herself to be a prostitute because she will only sell to customers that she likes. Prostitutes in her opinion sell to pretty much anyone.) She said you know it is a bad situation when she doesn't care if her pussy gets licked---normally anyone wanting to go down on her---paid or unpaid---gets the thumbs up. Not so after drinking the juice.

    The second time she didn't drink the juice nor did any of her fellow inmates/sex workers. She was relating how she loved cookies and candy, but she'd rather trade 'em for some non-stop pussy licking from one hot woman after another. She said it was really too good to be true. She states emphatically that she isn't gay because she'd prefer a strong good looking man to a hot woman----but, pussy licking is much better than dick by a million miles. Also, she claims that she won't lick pussy. Make out sessions? Yes, after the young pussy licker had earned it. She hopes somebody was making videos because the action was too hot not to share. The guards for the most part weren't any fun at all----too afraid of losing their jobs for being intimate with the inmates. This led to jealousies and sour dispositions. Since the inmates were pretty much sex workers or nymphos, she didn't see the big deal. Maybe the guards would bring goodies for trade from the outside? :)
  • jablake
    15 years ago

    "I would advise your friend to be careful what she wishes for!"

    That is very wise advice. :)
  • jablake
    15 years ago
    Hi clubber,

    I think she was actually innocent----the arrest was to teach a lesson. The lesson being don't play smart in a known drug area----go in that zone get arrested! Hopefully, she doesn't get the idea that future jail stays will be one long sex party with smoking hot sex workers.

  • Clubber
    15 years ago

    Correct on one point. You almost never find a guilty person in jail. Just ask them!
  • DoctorDarby
    15 years ago
    This brings to mind several things. Part of it sounds like a Penthouse Forum letter ("my pussy got wet as the blond, lesbian, triplet, teen cheerleader hookers surrounded me in my bunk . . .); while the other description remind me of a 1970s drive-in grindhouse flick (CAGED WOMEN: see how their tender bodies are abused in the most depraved ways . . .)

    Her willingness to go back to jail to experience another steamy lesbian orgy reminds me of the joke about the guy who was choosing the room in Hell where he would spend eternity. He chooses the most pleasant one, where a mix of attractive people are standing waist deep in shit having drinks and smoking cigarettes. As soon as he makes this his choice ,a voice says "OK break's over, everyone back on your heads."

    I would advise your friend to be careful what she wishes for!
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