Who the heck is Mr. Happy?

chandlerBlue Ridge Foothills
I keep seeing references to this individual from some posters. Sounds like an imaginary friend. I thought this board was supposed to be for adults. What gives?
I keep seeing references to this individual from some posters. Sounds like an imaginary friend. I thought this board was supposed to be for adults. What gives?
last comment:)
Sounds like an imaginary friend.
chandler, you are too serious. I have a short clip entitled "pet names for genitalia". Every name you can think of. I find it amusing. This site is all about having fun. Do you want me to call it a PENIS?
I think chandler has an imaginary brain.
"This site is all about having fun. Do you want me to call it a PENIS?"
Well, then a little sizzle is in order. Call it a PIZZLE. :)
I asked Captain Muffdiver who Mr. Happy is, he never met him and does not want to.
DickJohnsons satirical posts are clever and humorous, this one is lame.
Shadowcat, I wasn't being serious.
Mr Happy has many aliases:
John Thomas
Dick (Ricardo, South-of-the-border)
Peter (Pedro-Lupe-Ramon-Garcia-Perez, South-of-the-Border)
I actually have a favorite dancer that calls it a Penis. I corrected her. It's a dick! She came back with "sorry. It's my medical back ground". She had started out to become a nurse but during her internship at a hospital, she couldn't handle the bed pans, etc.
I agree with Chandler. I appreciate reviews that include detailed information like: "She rubbed her panty-covered vulva over my kahaki-covered lap until my penis became turgid. The song was too short for me to achieve climax, but she had a nice smile...."
I know Mr. Happy.
He's a friend of mine.
So perhaps it's time we brought this topic to a happy ending.
Different strokes. I think it sounds sexy when a girl calls it my penis.
Different strokes? I think it feels sexy when a girl strokes my penis. It makes him feel like Mr. Happy!
"Senator, I served with Mr. Happy: I knew Mr. Happy; Mr. Happy was a friend of mine. Senator, you're no Mr. Happy."
BaddJack, I was thinking the exact same thing, inspired by gk's post. That Bentsen-to-Quayle barb was one of the all-time classics.
"Paging Hugh G. Rection, Mr Hugh G Rection is requested to the service desk"
"Mr. Happy, you have a massive erection."
"Really? Yes, I do. Um, I'm sorry, it's the-- it's the pleats. It's uh, it's actually an optical illusion. It's the pattern on the pants. It's not flattering in the crotchal region. I'm actually taking them back right now. Taking them back to... the pants store. Oh, this is awkward."
Corolary to BaddJack's post:
...Senator, you're no Mr. Happy...but you are a dick.
(Assumes we're talking about they typical U.S. senator.)
I actually enjoy hearing pretty girls say penis. I wonder if that has something to do with that being almost a taboo word while I was growing up and rarely ever heard. Now if they say Mr Happy, I think it sounds like they are teaching some little kids with a blue dinosaur. I saw a youtube clip where Megan Fox asks "Am I touching your penis?" I find that clip sexy. Although I wonder what show she was on and what was she talking about or the situation. I would like to see more of the other hot girl in the latest Transformers movie. The idea of Megan Fox as a green female incredible hulk doesn't really excite me very much. I heard someone mention that. I prefer to see her legs bare and naked, not painted green.
Duke enjoys his strip club appearance, but not when the stripper sandpapers his neck!
In honor of "the King" and as an appropriate decription of man's most important "tool", my "Little Elvis" sings to every stripper he meets: "one for the money, two for the show, three to get ready, Little Elvis gotta go . . ."
Mr Happy is a good friend that hangs around with his to nutty companions.
sometimes he gets me in trouble by his actions (especially when he get too excited and throws up)
I would thing that is something you would like for him to do, and often!