
Comments by imnumnutz (page 15)

  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Celeb Lookalikes?
    It's all in they eye of the beholder. There was a dancer at Crystal City Restaurant in VA that I thought looked a bit like Shania Twain. I said so on a local website, and about 50 posters followed me to tell me I was nuts.
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    16 years ago
    crazy horse too in vegas sold
    Dude, prostitution had nothing to do with it. What started the house of cards falling at CH2 was a "bouncer" beating up a patron so badly 7-8 years ago that the guy is confined to a wheel chair. On top of that, the owner was convicted of bribing some local officials. He just recently got out of jail. Two days later, one of his biggest opponents, the guy who owned the auto shop next door to CH2, turned up dead in a hotel room. You can read all about it on the Vegas paper web sites...
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    16 years ago
    Longest Visit to a Stripclub?
    reminds me of Judge Smails' line from "Caddyshack" "Don't you people have homes?"
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    16 years ago
    Thanks to Founder/TUSCL
    agreed, this really is the best site for strip club info. Now, if we could only get rid of the "Hot Lap Dance Club" shills and get everyone to match up their reviews with their club ratings. I just clicked on a review for a club that that the writer rated a nine, but when I read his review, he stated that there "were only 12 dancers and only 4 were above average..." Seems like the club would be closer to a 3 than a nine...
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    16 years ago
    my quote
    "It was worse than he expected, and he had expected the worst."
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    16 years ago
    NO Interest Secured Loans to Your Favorite Strippers?
    c-guy, i'm not in the finance business but I do pay attention to my credit. Theoretically, the highest FICO score you can get is 850. From what I've read, it is virtually impossible to get an 850. I do not know my exact score, but there are all sorts of online "FICO estimators" you can access that will give you a general range of what your score is, based on your answers to a series of questions. I've been told I have pristine credit, the estimators put my FICO score in the 790 to 820 range. I've read that FICO will be tweaking its formula in reaction to the current mortgage mess. By the way, for anyone interested, you can get FREE copies of your credit reports (not your credit score) from the 3 big credit agencies at annualcreditreport.com. Do this once a year for each of the 3 to catch any mistakes and make sure you have not had identity theft issues. The credit co.s will gladly sell you your credit score. I think if you apply for a mortgage, the lender can give you your score if you ask for it.
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    16 years ago
    Greatest movie "stripper" scene ever
    it ain't the greatest, not by far, but Halle Berry or her body double had a nice little strip club scene in an early Bruce Willis movie, The Last Boy Scout... Lela Rochon did a nice stripper scene or two in Gang Related, out about 1990 or so. But hottest of all time had to be E. Berkley in Showgirls, as noted above. One classic that is often forgotten is a young Sophia Loren stripping for Marcelo Mastriani (SP?) in an early 60s movie, Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow. They reprised their roles 30 years later in a Robert Altman movie about the fashion industry. She was still pretty damn good looking.
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    16 years ago
    New York
    Does your wife/girlfriend know or care?
    i'm single, but my married pal who goes to clubs tells me his wife knows, but just doesnt want to hear about it. he gets his share of dances and he never ever does anything OTC. The kicker. Long after may ATF became my ATF, she finally saw my buddy from a distance, I pointed him out to her at a college basketball game we went to. "Oh, I've danced for him. Don't take this personally, but I don't think he's a very nice guy..."
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    16 years ago
    Greatest movie line ever
    there's tons of good lines in "The Good, The Bad and The Ugly." Fer instance... Clint Eastwood and Eli Wallach (playing a dispicable but slightly comical bad guy) are closing in on Lee Van Cleef. But Van Cleef escapes, leaving a body behind with a note attached to it. Wallach, whose character can barely read, tries to read it anyway. "See you soon idy...idy..." Clint grabs it and reads it..."See you soon idiots." He quickly looks to wallach and says, "It's for you."
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    16 years ago
    NO Interest Secured Loans to Your Favorite Strippers?
    made a loan once, fought her like hell to get maybe 30% of it back, then she skipped town. was eventually able to write the balance off as uncollectable on my taxes. this was nearly 20 yrs ago, don't know if you can still do it...consult your tax professional.
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    16 years ago
    How do you know you've been visiting strip clubs a lot?
    you can find your favorite seat without having to wait for your eyes to adjust to the club's lack of light when you visit during daylight.
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    16 years ago
    Ohio Cubs after the No-Touch Law
    The new law by itself means little. Enforcement is the real key to it having any affect. In Central Ohio, there seems to have been little enforcement, from what little I can pick up from fellow patrons and my ATF. Please see my review of Kahoots from Feb. My guess is, however, that enforcement varies by community.
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    16 years ago
    Have you ever asked a dancer if she files taxes or not?
    I have had several dancers bring taxes up on their own. Whenever it happens, I strongly advise them never to discuss taxes with anyone in the club. You never know who you are talking to, who they work for, etc.
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    16 years ago
    Tip every dancer? Or are you picky?
    If I am sitting at the stage, I tip the stage dancers. If I'm not at the stage, I don't tip. Exception, as stated above, if I notice someone really putting out extra effort on stage, then I'll make a point to tip, even if I was not sitting stageside.
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    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Would you follow a dancer that is changing clubs?
    I'm suprised at some of the above answers. Guys seem more loyal to the club than to their ATF, but for me, the whole reason to go to a club IS my ATF. I could care less about the club, the music, the drinks, the waitresses, etc. The sole reason I visit is to see my favorite dancer(s). If she decides to change place of business, and the drive is within reason, I would visit her at her new new club without question.
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    17 years ago
    Bad news from my ATF
    Bobby, when 44 said, "thought this was it for me, but my tests were good..." and he hasn't come back to clarify, that's a pretty damn good indiciation that he was playing bareback. I'll wager neither got tested before they started having sex. Hey, I hope I'm wrong and wish 44 the best. By the same token, his story should be a wakeup call for anyone having sex with an ATF, or casual sex with anyone, for that matter.
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    17 years ago
    Bad news from my ATF
    forgive me for being critical. you were seeing someone in the sex industry and not using protection? DUDE!!!
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    17 years ago
    North Carolina
    Mood killers?
    mr. g., I have seen "advance tipping" in Vegas at Deja Vu. As far as turnoffs, do NOT under any circumstances sing, this is not American Idol, and do not chew gum.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Have you recently cut back on strip club spending?
    My ATF is moving about 2 hrs away and says she's getting out of the business. Maybe, maybe not. We'll see. Meantime, I probably will be spending considerably less money in clubs with her gone. I head to Vegas next month, and always put aside a substanital part of my budget for clubbing. If I find a dancer I really like, and that happens about 1 out of every 3 trips, that money will last for a couple of nites. Otherwise, it goes to video poker or comes home.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Best Vegas clubs
    i go to vegas about 3 times a year, last month was my latest trip. Keep in mind that I am very picky about dancers. If I am going to spend cash on 'em, they've got to be stunners. I believe 90% of the dancers I see, even in the best clubs, are just average at best. As far as clubs are concerned, the Rhino is the best. There are usually 1-2 girls that I'll have dances with when I visit. Mileage? I guess that depends on you definition. I have never seen, nor have I experienced, anything close to "full service" at the Rhino. However, I have experienced lots of touching and kissing with the right girl. Not every girl, but I'd say two out of three, if you treat them right and develop some rapport with them, are usually pretty generous. I had one stunner a couple years ago basically ordering me what to do..."pinch my nipples...pull my hair." Yeah, I paid for the privlege, but it wasn't unreasonable. Afterall, it was Vegas. My visits to Olympic Garden and Cheetahs in January during the Consumer Electronics Show were very disappointing. I saw one girl between the two clubs that was worth approaching. Virtually all the dancers were just average, or below. Even Rhino, for all the hype, only had a few that deserved a second look.
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    17 years ago
    When did you know?
    It was really at first sight for me. I saw her walk into the club and head to the dressing room--I would have waited 6 hours for her to come out. Fortunately, I did not have to. After our second evening in the club, she called me a day later to say she had a cold and warn me that she might have passed it on to me. We were on the phone for maybe an hour. At that point, I knew we'd have something more than a dancer-customer relationship. Are we boyfriend-girlfriend now? No. But I enjoy the relationship we do have more than some i've had with civilian girlfriends in the past...
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    17 years ago
    Anybody here actually budget their money?
    I guess I am a child of my parents. They came to adulthoold during the depression, and while they were by no means stingy, they were frugal. I go to Vegas 3 times a year (including next week!). I never say "the limit this trip for gambling and strip clubs is $2000" but I do have some sort of internal mechanism that tells me when to shut down. I'll bet $25 on a basketball game, and be just as happy when I win as I would be had I bet $250. I'll find a dancer I really like, and spend $500 on her during an evening, not think twice about it, but it just isn't my nature to spend 3 hours in the VIP room swigging champaign and dropping something in excess of 4 figures. And I always leave looking forward to my next trip...as I am looking forward to hitting the Rhino in a few days!
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    17 years ago
    Do you perfer to be approached?
    call it a fetish, if you wish, but i prefer the thrill of the chase. I like scoping out the hottest dancer, finding she is occupied and in demand. The more difficult she is too approach, the more I want her.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Some dancers seem to take rejection a bit too hard
    Don't care who they are or what they look like, dancers who rip up singletons are just plain stupid. Remember, once they rip up five of them, it's equal to ripping up a fiver, which they of course wouldn't do. Stupid, stupid, stupid. Again, stupid. If they don't want their singles, tell 'em to give them to me.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Slow or fast?
    it depends on the dancer, but i generally like things to procede at a leisurely pace...