When did you know?

When did you know that your ATF was indeed your ATF? Did it happen gradually, eventually dawning on you over time? Or is there some specific event or moment that you can point to where you suddenly knew? In my case it's the latter - I can point to the exact moment when it happened, when I knew beyond all doubt the she was the one and that there'd never be another who could take her place. I'm not going to clutter up this post with the details because it's a long story. But I will describe it in a blog sometime when I have time. I don't think I've ever described it here but it was a life changing event, one that many of you won't believe.
I certainly did not seek out an ATF - I never had one before. It just happened. And after 18 months, I still do not know why it happened. From a purely physical point of view, she is not what I had been attracted to in the past. So I can't explain it.
Chandler used the word "craved". I never thought about my relationship with her using that word - but it is very appropiate for me also.
I am going to be very frank on this question with my one and only former ATF!
I first labeled her my ATF the first time she danced for me at which time she took my entire COCK down her throat! (not that I'm big mind you) The ATF award took... ummm... about 2 mintues!!!
But, if things continue going hotly with a new found FRIEND of mine ( :-) ) on the internet..... it won't be long for the chance of CROWNING her my NEW ATF. Will just have to wait and see!
All indications are, however, that Miss ATF may be losing that distinction. After 16 months of being the ONLY dancer that I wanted to spend time with, she is falling from grace. Several factors have influenced those feelings, but ultimately it was the declining frequency of her comminications with me. When she wasn't calling as frequently as she once did, I started thinking more about hitting the club again.
The last three times that I OTCed with Miss ATF, I also hit the club either the night before or the night of spending the day with her. On each of those occasions, I found a dancer to my liking and also hooked up with HER OTC (once with the girl that taught me what "freaky head" was (discussed in a previous thread), and twice with a dancer that is probably going to steal the title away from Miss ATF).
I have Miss ATF, who still holds a spot in my heart (yeah, just label me RIL). In a heartbeat, I would pick her to choose my time with - and maybe more. However, I also have a current Fav. With things waning between Miss ATF and I, due to the turmoil that her life is in currently (according to her), my Current Fav (CFav) has stepped in and filled a void. When a date opened up in my schedule allowing for an OTC, I opted to arrange a meeting with my CFav, not my ATF.
Although my CFav has a knack for being able to turn me on to such a high level that very few have, she does NOT have a lot of the traits and qualities that Miss ATF possesses; qualities that put separates Miss ATF from ALL of the other dancers that I've been with.
Just type it in a text editor then cut and paste. That always works for me when time limits are involved.