
NO Interest Secured Loans to Your Favorite Strippers?

Probably a super duper bad idea for most stripclubbers.

A few of the strippers that I know use the pawnshop as their friendly banker. They borrow thousands and sometimes lose their junk by being just a day late with the minimum payment. Or, they pay a hefty fine plus the interest of 20% a month.

Surprisingly they don't see anything wrong with paying 240% a year in interest. I wonder how much all the fines add to the pawn shops bottom line? Probably a heaping helping.

Originally, I thought of getting involved because I hate to see people "ripped off." Yes, I don't literally think the pawn shop is stealing from the dancer and actually it is providing a needed service to a few truly desperate people who'd be hurt a lot worse if not for their service. (Supposedly, pawn shops are responsible for a significant amount of crime that simple wouldn't take place if pawns shops were shut down by the government. And, I can actually believe that might be true. :( )

So who wants to start lending their favorite strippers $$$? :) Who has the expertise (to value their junk at 20% of its worth)? Who has the ice cold heart to exploit/help these women outside of their predatory domain?

How to get started? A T-Shirt with the message Get $$$$$$$$, 0% interest easy payment loans to hot strippers? :)


  • MisterGuy
    16 years ago
    Never loan money to strippers, ever.
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    It can be fun, imo. :)
  • arbeeguy
    16 years ago
    MisterGuy is right. Customers are customers, lenders are lenders. No way would I want to get into the lending business, especially with strippers. ONE THING TO REMEMBER -- like any business, the lending business requires skills and guts.


    However, if you do NOT FORGET ABOUT IT I hope you will tell us how it all turns out. It will be a rolly coaster.

  • Clubber
    16 years ago
    I have helped three dancers in my past. Each one, payed my back. They weren't loans of an unreasonable sum. I've had MUCH better luck lending to dancers than to others.
  • Dudester
    16 years ago
    I'm a manager at a Fortune 500 company and my take home is 500 a week (not counting overtime-usually 5-15 hrs). If a stripper isn't taking home a thousand a week, it's because she lives in a strict area (like Utah). So, if she's making 50k a year, the only reason she should go to a pawn shop is because she's into drugs, and/or the boyfriend is. If this is the case, she made her own bed-let her lie in it.
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    Or, she is addicted to gambling. Or, there was a real emergency in the family and she needed money next day.

    I've only loaned relatively small amounts and never expected to be repaid. Like clubber, I've had better luck lending to dancers than others.
  • jablake
    16 years ago

    I don't have the skill to value the junk. :) Remember these are loans where the clubber would be getting security for his loan, hopefully in substantial excess to what is borrowed.

    If I could value the junk, then I wouldn't mind at all giving a dancer a short term loan at 0% interest. If she wanted to use gold or diamonds, then how would I place a value on it? Some of these pawn shops eager to lend at 240% overvalue the assets of some borrowers becaue the borrower has a history of wasting a lot of money in interest and penalties. Pawnshops do get stuck with junk and that is exactly what I'd like to avoid even with Ebay handy. :)

  • ozymandias
    16 years ago
    "Neither a borrower nor a lender be."

    I would never loan money to anyone, stripper or otherwise, unless I did it with collateral and a contract. If I can't sue someone and put a lien on their house, I'm not lending them a dime. Well, unless it were my kid brother, the most honest and reliable person I've ever met in my entire life... I'll loan to him on his word ;)

    I will GIVE money away, however, to charity or, why not, to strippers. I don't even expect anything from it (that would create expectations, and by extension, disappointments.)

    If you want to give loans, start a bank!

  • jablake
    16 years ago
    The purpose of starting a bank is to make money. That isn't what I had in mind at all. I like interacting with strippers. OTC is good even when it's bad, imo.

    Anyway, who has the money for a bank and who wants to put up with all the government regulations. Furthermore, if I need to sue then I wouldn't lend a dime. I'd rather lose the money.

    Even though I've had better luck with strippers than upstanding citizens, I never lent too much. I would like to be more helpful and with real security I would be willing to lend more--SHORT TERM (3 or 4 month loans only). Screw the fucking profits. I like strippers. From friends and just regular joes it sounds like wives are far worse than strippers. My mother would make the typical stripper look like an angel so I can believe when other men tell me how horrible marriage is. O, the happy gentlemen? Jeez, they ain't got NO sex drive or are fucking everyone in town and don't want a wife for sex. My father was such a wonderful person, too. I had strangers come up to me and say that your father is the greatest--that is after they confirmed my indentity. I consider that just plain weird. But, hey it feels great when people you never met just start up a conversation for the purpose of telling you what a great man your father is. BTW, I'm definitely not a chip off the old block--unfortunately.

    Lastly, I feel mainly contempt and disgust for charities. The Light House for the Blind here in my Miami did change my harsh feelings toward charities somewhat. But, basically I'd rather burn the money than give it to a charity. Now, charity for attractive strippers--YES, that is a good cause. Charity for runaways, yeah I can manage to feel good about helping teenagers on the run. I will also help people who I know have helped other people without expecting anything in return--that is easy to dig deep to help a person like that.

  • mmdv26
    16 years ago
    OK to "loan" money to strippers. Two rules: 1) Don't loan more than you normally pay them for FS OTC; 2) don't expect to get it back in either cash, stolen goods or services. Follow these rules, and you won't feel as stupid later.
  • Book Guy
    16 years ago
    Loan as much as you can lose.
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    Well, at least with the strippers I'm dealing with the upper limit of the loan doesn't reflect the upper limit on risks. :) So, please don't assume that just because you lend $500 that $500 is the most you're going to lose.

    The young lady next door who I've known since she was a young child told be that if I keep bringing ho's over to the house she is going to move! I said what the hell you got against ho's? She says those ho's is dangerous and their men folk are even worse. Keep 'em in the strip club. Then she wants to know why that isn't the case? I said because the strip clubs are under attack and that means the game changes. I added that I may be moving girls in and that she could preach to them. :) (She is a sweet woman and she loves going to church, but she don't want to add ho's to the congregation.)

  • imnumnutz
    16 years ago
    made a loan once, fought her like hell to get maybe 30% of it back, then she skipped town. was eventually able to write the balance off as uncollectable on my taxes. this was nearly 20 yrs ago, don't know if you can still do it...consult your tax professional.
  • Book Guy
    16 years ago
    My tax professional is meeting me at Scores on Bourbon Street tonight for a little write-off client entertainment extravaganza ... :) ... just kidding ...
  • casualguy
    16 years ago
    Consider any loan to a dancer as a very high risk or like tossing the money down a trash can. You're likely not to get any of it back. If you consider it to be more like a parting gift where the dancer will no longer call you and will avoid contact with you, go for it, reduce the amount if you don't want to give too big of a parting gift.

    Now if a dancer makes a deal with you for the money to start with, you might get the deal for a while. Enjoy the deal while it lasts. One dancer made a deal with me in exchange for $100 to always give half off on all her dances in the club like forever. She stayed true to her word for 2 years even though she always tried to make up for the half off price by doing more dances.

    I'll leave loaning money to the bankers. They are good. They'll give you a good deal on a house apparently without checking income for some, let you pay for it for a long time. Then when you get behind, just take the house back.

    I just found out my FICO credit score the other day. I'm wondering how high can you get your credit score and how high are the highest scores you ever heard?
  • imnumnutz
    16 years ago
    c-guy, i'm not in the finance business but I do pay attention to my credit. Theoretically, the highest FICO score you can get is 850. From what I've read, it is virtually impossible to get an 850. I do not know my exact score, but there are all sorts of online "FICO estimators" you can access that will give you a general range of what your score is, based on your answers to a series of questions. I've been told I have pristine credit, the estimators put my FICO score in the 790 to 820 range. I've read that FICO will be tweaking its formula in reaction to the current mortgage mess.

    By the way, for anyone interested, you can get FREE copies of your credit reports (not your credit score) from the 3 big credit agencies at annualcreditreport.com. Do this once a year for each of the 3 to catch any mistakes and make sure you have not had identity theft issues. The credit co.s will gladly sell you your credit score. I think if you apply for a mortgage, the lender can give you your score if you ask for it.
  • Book Guy
    16 years ago
  • motorhead
    16 years ago
    Loaning money to strippers? Never heard of that one. Giving them money, yes, loaning them money, no.
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    The loan is just a tool in a hopefully well stocked arsenal. (Don't know where anyone got the idea it was for profit at 0% interest.)

    For example, it is very surprising how quickly even a small loan can make some dancers disappear. A more aggressive dancer can calmly be quieted by reminding her that her loan still hasn't been repaid. Again, it can be surprisingly that a dancer would rather lose future business than work out some type of deal.

    As I said before I've had better luck lending to strippers than "upstanding citizens." So, it is extremely gratifying when a stripper appreciates a loan and is either willing to work out an arrangement or better still pays as agreed. A stripper or anyone for that matter who works a deal or repays as agreed looks a whole lot better in my eyes. If I liked the person before, then I'll be damn tickled pink with them when they demonstrate what I consider to be good character--they seem more like me and thus I like them more. :) I don't recall a single "voluntary" debt that I've failed to repay----however, that definitely wouldn't include any filth imposed by a court especially when denied a jury trial.

  • jablake
    16 years ago
    I don't care for this tool (erroneously it seems too much like "entrapment"), but it could be consider related to the loan tool in that it attempts to see character thru the BS/SS. Give the stripper ample opportunity to steal from you. I had a boss that just loved doing that with his employees, but I told him it was transparent. He says to YOU, not to most people. Anyway, that was one of his tools for judging people. He wasn't at all concerned about losing the bait or getting someone in trouble. He just wanted to try and test their character. He hoped they would pass with flying colors, but failure wouldn't be met with "punishment," it just established a more realistic framework from which to "exploit"/work with the employee.

  • casualguy
    16 years ago
    My FICO score is higher than ever. I was wondering if anyone can get above 850 or get bonus points. My score is not 850. I wonder if my smart relatives have a higher score. Their daughter recently won a National Science Foundation award. That seems more impressive to me. I wonder how many dancers will even know what that is?

    If FICO scores for dancers were based on how well they paid back any money they got from someone in the club, I would say their credit scores must suck big time in general. However I know of some dancers who bought houses so they can't be all bad.
  • Yoda
    16 years ago
    The reality is that if you "loan" them money you are actually "giving " it to them. You will never see it again.
  • jablake
    16 years ago


  • Clubber
    16 years ago
    As I stated earlier, "I have helped three dancers in my past. Each one, payed me back. They weren't loans of an unreasonable sum. I've had MUCH better luck lending to dancers than to others."
  • jablake
    16 years ago

    It may seem very counter-intuitive, but I'd trust a dancer with a loan over the genuine god fearing person or over just regular friends. The loans weren't big money at all. Sometimes the dancers wanted to pay in trade, which was ok even though I'd prefer they honor the original agreement. Other times I didn't even have to ask. They were happy to repay and appreciative that I was willing to help out with a small loan. Others just went into hiding mode.

    Again, forget about the dollar signs. I think it is fun to help out and would like to help out with greater sums if the need arises.
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