Do you perfer to be approached?
I went to a club and meet a beautiful girl with a great head on her shoulders,she was one of two african americian dancers working at my favorite club and she was new,once we talked she told me that she was affraid to appoach me because she wasnt sure if i was into chicks of other ethnic backgrounds(sad to say she didnt make much at the club due to its location and the fact that everyone in the SC look like me,lol)to make a long story short I dont care for the pushy stripers that ask if you want a dance after two drinks or 2min of talking. I know what i came for and if i see something i like,i approach her. How about you?
The Wanna dance type usually pisses me off... especially when they get pissy when you say "no thank you". Which is only one tick above, "Want to buy the lady a Drink", Or "How would you like to buy me a Drink".
If I'm interested...All they have to do is look my way.
Strangely enough with nearly every ATF and semi-regular types I now know, I just walked up to them, 90% of them right as they stepped off the stage.
I've not seen many guys do this, which surprises me a bit. Now the downside is to walking up to a dancer (in effect cold) based strictly on visual cues - is you don't know how she speaks, her breath, or other factors - so you end up dancing with alot of girls this way, most you might have zero long term attraction toward, and that can get expensive, plus some of them (forever it seems) think you got some kind of thing for them.
I see some guys do the "test drive" perv rail thing, I suppose that might be more logical, however if the dancer happens to end up an AFT, its a real plus to have been able to have just picked her out from afar in an aggressive way.
The super-hot dancers can sometimes just wait for customers to approach them, and they often can get used to being able to entirely avoid the rejection issue, so you'd miss out on them if you just hang around waiting. One my very best ATFs I met that way actually turned out to be very shy in fact.
Another of my best AFTs happens to be a very high volume "do you wanna dance" type, but I got to her first - basically pulled her right off the stage the first time I layed eyes on her, and I think she appreciated that.
I like it when, if an ugly (to me!) one approaches and I rebuff her, she's classy and just moves on.
I dislike it when a hot one doesn't approach, or comes up and then disappears for some "regular" or rich-looking guy who just walked in.
What I want, is for the ones whom I want, to do enough work at breaking the ice that I can then start up the flirting that leads to spending time together.
The big issue has always been dancers that don't know how to graciously take no for an answer, because "wanna dance" is going to happen whether we like it or not and nearly every large earner I know - (same pattern with most of the dancers on pink site too) - uses some variation of wanna dance, typically lets say guesstimate 50% of their time doing high volume solitications and 50% handling anywhere from 2 to 10 a regulars per week of varying importance
I happen to know one dancer who doesn't use wanna dance and still makes huge bucks, she basically works limited days for her in-the-club sugar daddy types and doesn't accept of ask for dances from anyone else. However I'm not sure how she comes up with these guys over and over, should for example she have turnover, because she has to have some turnover (I mean how much can they do ITC) In any case she's apparently an exception
I like being approached, period. I enjoy a lot of interaction at strip clubs. I'd rather be approached by girls I don't want dances from than not by anyone. But if so, I don't see any of the downsides to taking the initiative to flag down hot girls. I have fun tipping at the stage for its own sake, but it's also a good way to get girls to join you. And I always ask them to join me at my table, not to go directly to a dance area, so there's still plenty opportunity to check them out.
It also depends on whether I'm there alone, or with a friend.
Then sometimes add to that bad breath and grabbing your balls, and in worst case they start into "WHY don't you want to dance with me"?? and won't go away. I paid one off 20 bucks to disppear and she kept coming back to demand more.
I prefer to be approached by the HORNIEST of dancers! Sometimes, their looks are immaterial to me, depends on my 'state of being' or 'state of erection?'. I don't care for the "pushy" dancers, as they are the epitome of 'it's all about the money'!
And besides, I can't expect much being as ugly and old as I am, and most dancers don't want to fart around with an erect 2 1/2 in prick, do they now?
If you approach her, it can feel like more of a business transaction, but if she approaches you, and handles it well, then it feels more like a connection is made.
Seems, however, that item 2 is likely to increase, rather than decrease, item 1. Weird.
The rare "smoking hot dancers" i.e perfect 10s or very close who also have brains and are working a high volume wanna dance approach and are shooting for the large money - they will know enough to minimize touching. THAT only happens when you pay the 25 dollars (or whatever) for the dance or 100 plus for VIP. These girls understand the average guy rarely gets close to such a girl in his real life - unless for example she's happens to be his dental hygenist
That said, it appears that most do not wish to be approached, in what I would consider, "normal" circumstances.
A sign something like this might work:
"Patrons may be asked to engage in private dances, saying yes or no is sufficient"
Of course, NO dancer would EVER break a strip clubs "rules"!
But you are correct, if dancers would just ask and accept the "No thanks." and move on, that would work for me. Also, they must not just come and SIT!
In regards to sitting, I'm alway standing so I don't get that much, especially lap sitting. However with one of my best ATFs, she's approx an 8.5 level dancer, but her very very sexy latin accent and nice voice and always great breath and overall scent, she's even more attractive up close - so will use the sit-on-the-lap technique - because she's knows what her strong points are. So for fun now and then when the club isn't too busy, she will go back to her (base) area, and then I find a table to sit at and she then finds me and comes up to me and sits on my lap (like we don't know each other) - its sometimes pretty funny and we have some good laughs doing it. This girl is almost irrisistable to any man when she's on your lap up close
read my mind
give me what i want
realize that this is a service industry and you are being paid by me
It's not too far from the truth, in fact. ... :)
If your "alarm bells" went off because of the way they approached, perhaps they were a tag team of thiefs! God know how many ways a couple of dancers could steal from a customer.