
Have you recently cut back on strip club spending?

I have simply by not visiting the last few weeks.

Just wondering if others have to.

I heard the flu and sickness was widespread too a couple of weeks ago and didn't want to get sick again. Are clubs crowded where you live at?

I'm considering the possibility of limiting strip club visits in the future as well now too. I can save up money rather fast without visiting strip clubs.


  • SuperDude
    17 years ago
    Winter blahs, post holiday bills, heating bills high because of harsh weather, whiny greedy dancers, fear of recession, desire to decorate my apartment to get back to the dating scene, auto repairs, childrens college expenses--yes I've cut back--a lot.
  • MisterGuy
    17 years ago
    Sounds like a plan casualguy...
  • chitownlawyer
    17 years ago
    I am not cutting back my spending, but I am cutting back my visits, to put a focus on better value. Two trips to Tijuana have convinced me that I would rather cut out five $200.00 visits to my local club in order to have a blow-out trip to Tijuana. If I go out for a 1 1/2 day visit to Tijuana, I struggle to spend $1,000.00, and that includes the cheapest airfare from St. Louis to San Diego, and accomodations at a reasonably nice hotel, akin to a Holiday Inn in the U.S., plus all incidental costs, meals and taxi fares, etc. And, given my orientation toward mileage, I can't do better than Tijuana.

    Of course, the real cost of that long a trip (at least 36 hours portal-to-portal) is foregone professional billing time...but I try to pick a Sunday for the first day, or otherwise time it for a period when I wouldn't be billing that much, anyway--and life is about more than work, after all.
  • David9999
    17 years ago
    was averaging about $1000 a week, which I can easily afford, but for other reasons not advisable, trying to get down to less than $500 per week, which is possible if i stay away from AMPs - made easier in the last few weeks due to what I suspect is possible LE related activities going on
  • leonard3
    17 years ago
    wish i had never went to one. i started going to one in evill in.that was bad misake.now i cant wait to give her all my money.she goes to bank an i go home broke.started off given her 100. now down to 5 an 10. cant stay away need some advice. old fool older than dirt.leonard3
  • MisterGuy
    17 years ago
    I think you might be able to do better in Quebec (outside of Montreal anyways) chitown. Dunno if the airfare is cheaper though. I would think the quality of the girls would be better at least. Our dollar sucks though right now. How is it in Mexico?
  • shadowcat
    17 years ago
    No. Mine has increased because my disposable income has increased. In Dec I started drawing my full Social Security retirement pay. Jan 1st I got a nice pay increase. I am still working full time. In Feb I got an after tax profit sharing check for $3500.00. I can live on less than half of my after tax income.So the dancers are making more off of me.
  • chitownlawyer
    17 years ago
    MG, I don't know if there is some formal "pegging" of the Mexican peso to the US dollar, but the exchange rate has not changed since last May.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    almost all dancers must now pay homage to the big cahoona, lord shadowcat, keeper of the bigger paycheck and big spender.

    Hope you don't mind me having fun.

    I am actually finding it more difficult to want to spend my discretionary money when I believe I can make a lot of money in the stock market. I'm learning.
  • DandyDan
    17 years ago
    Somewhat, as I got a new car last year (for the first time, a new new car) and have payments to worry about. Rent went up at my apartment as well. Some of my enjoyment has gone down, too, because some of my favorites have moved on without being replaced, although one recently came back.
  • rootman
    17 years ago
    I'm spending way too much with weekly or two/week visits. It's amazing, I'm supporting so many households now and still alive. Gotta find a way to back off soon. But I could get hit by a bus tomorrow, no regrets.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    I'm thinking about returning back to strip clubs. However I don't want to be around sick people. There are still people getting sick where I work at. I don't want to get sick by visiting a strip club either and having some sick dancer spread her germs to me. It would be nice if sick dancers would stay home but I've seen them come in to work and even sit next to me.
  • Clubber
    17 years ago
    Mine has gone way down, but not that recently. When I retired, I was no longer on the road and it was not easy to get too clubs. Of course the income also went down, but it sort of evened out.
  • shadowcat
    17 years ago
    RETIRE? Fuck that. I am 66 now and plan to keep going as long as my health stays good. March 21 will be my 41st anniversary with my company. I am #1 on the seniority rooster. This is a career that I chose and love. It pays very well and the time off is very good. Why should I retire and have to restrict my strip club activities? When I am no longer interested in sex and strippers, then I will think about it.
  • Clubber
    17 years ago

    It wasn't a wanted retirement. I happened to be the highest paid in my office, and was, if the truth be told, overpaid for what I did. As the company was reducing cost, and trying to cut back, I had a big target on me. I was offered another job in another division, but for about 1/2 the money. I opted to take an early out at 55. I bought a small local business and ran that a few years till I decided it was way to much work and not much reward, so I sold it. I've had a few local jobs on an off since, but I never wish to go back into corporate America. I'd rather spend my time with my wife doing what we want, when we want.
  • MisterGuy
    17 years ago
    Good luck clubber...sounds like a plan... :)
  • imnumnutz
    17 years ago
    My ATF is moving about 2 hrs away and says she's getting out of the business. Maybe, maybe not. We'll see. Meantime, I probably will be spending considerably less money in clubs with her gone.

    I head to Vegas next month, and always put aside a substanital part of my budget for clubbing. If I find a dancer I really like, and that happens about 1 out of every 3 trips, that money will last for a couple of nites. Otherwise, it goes to video poker or comes home.
  • harrydave
    17 years ago
    I'm not spending less, but I am getting more selective. I think it started when Bones was on a tear and reviewed a ton of clubs in a short period of time. I enjoyed his reviews, and it was obvious he netered a new club, sized it up, and if the magic wasn't there he bugged out and went someplace else. That was not my modus operandi before, but I'm getting into that now. No more sitting around at 9 PM wondering if some lazy but beautiful babe is going to decide she needs to work after all. Recently, I've had some short visits at some marginal clubs, and I do feel better walking out the door having spent only $20 or $30. On the other hand, I was in Tampa a couple weeks ago and it almost killed me. ;-)
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    That's a long time shadowcat. I think you've been working longer than I've been living and I mean that literally.
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