
Comments by imnumnutz (page 14)

  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Independence Day and TUSCL.COM
    total 'em up, and the posts in this thread are proof positive of what Founder said in post #1. Very few countries, very few, would allow this type of discussion. Yet we carry on wihout giving it much of a second thought, the post 9-11 restrictions not withstanding. Our country is by no means perfect, but it is certainly among the least imperfect ever conceived.
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    16 years ago
    I am proposing.....
    alaska? montana? Sorry, like yogi said, you can't get there from here...
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    16 years ago
    Informal Poll - off topic
    don't own one.
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    16 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    George Carlin
    he was the hippy dippy weatherman with the hippy dippy weather, mannnnn....a groundbreaker like lenny bruce, but much funnier.
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    16 years ago
    Janine featuring in Chicago
    good god, how old is she now?
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    16 years ago
    a few years ago, I was in one of the "semi vip" areas at Cheetas in Vegas with a really pretty girl. we hit it off and she really gave it her all during the dances. No, there was no whipping it out, the cheetahs vip is not private, but she did everything she could to get me off. While I enjoyed myself immensely, things did not come to their expected climax. She almost took at as a personal insult. I told her not to worry, it was because of my activities the nite before, and she understood and calmed down. Even though it was a strip club it was nice to have someone disappointed over their inability to satisfy me...and no, no condom was involved.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    What is the minimum wage for a stripper?
    agree with David9999. dancers involved in lawsuit should be careful what they wish for. They start getting paid wages, they will have taxes withheld. I know several who don't even file right now, so they are making a tax free income. Clubs start paying strippers, the IRS will know who they are, may start coming after them for back taxes. Ladies, leave well enough alone.
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    16 years ago
    Latest nice guy news - once again missing the point
    you got cash? The more you got, the better looking girl you can land. It's as simple as that! Strippers tend to like bad boys. you packin'? got drugs? been to jail? Congratulations, you're gettin' laid!
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Las Vegas info request
    You are picking a good time to visit vegas. room rates are down slightly and I'm hearing stories from those who use Priceline about great bargains. I cannot help you much with clubs that deliver like Mons. The best club for my money is Spearmint Rhino. Always lots of talent, but level of contact varies dancer by dancer. Some you hit it off with, and allow a great deal of contact, with both you and she initiating it. Others are standoffish. I don't go to many other clubs like Cheetahs or Olympic Garden, 'cuz the dancers are not of as high quality looks wise. Cannot wait to get to Mons in mid August, when I'll be visiting FL.
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    16 years ago
    You ever decide just to stay home and save your money?
    yeah, i'm home watching NASCAR right now. Not so much an issue of saving money, rather it's my low expectations of finding anything worth looking at in Central Ohio clubs. Computer porn is free, though...
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Porn stars as featured performers...
    i have written about this particular soft-core porn queen before: Linn Thomas, the first woman to be both a Playboy playmate and Penthouse Pet. Linn to my knowledge, never did hardcore b-g, although she did do some pretty serious softcore g-g with Victoria Zdrok in an M. Ninn video, "Temptation." She toured for about 4 years, and I saw her numerous times. I can say unequivcally that Linn was among the 2 or 3 nicest, sweetest women I have met in my entire life. She was smart (had a college degree) could talk about a variety of subjects and wasn't afraid to laugh at herself. She would lapdance for me all nite after she was through on stage and she was always appreciative, never acted entitled. Linn apparently left the biz altogether around 18 months ago, I'm pretty certain she was persuing a graduate degree at some school in the New York area. She didn't drink, didn't do drugs or gamble her earnings away, so I guess she left the biz with a lot of bucks. I still fanatsize about running into her somewhere down the road...She is the gold standard for feature dancers as far as I am concerned.
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    16 years ago
    Non strip club topic - how much are you spending on gas money?
    there are so many good arguments, pro and con, about energy production and usage in this country. it's disappointing when some choose to promote their agendas with false or misleading ones. the argument has been out there for sometime that ANWR would provide only enough oil for 6 months, or 1.5 years, or whatever. That would be true ONLY IF THE U.S. WERE CUT OFF FROM ALL OTHER SOURCES OF OIL, BOTH FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC. Under any realistic circumstance, there is oil enough in ANWR to assist in meeting our energy needs for decades. The U.S. Geological Survey estimates there are between 6 and 16 billion barrels of recoverable reserves in ANWR. We've extracted over 15 billion barrels from Alaska's North Slope over the past 3 decades, much more than was originally thought to be there. Is ANWR the sole answer to our energy problems? Of course not! There is no single answer. The problem is with those who say, "My way is the only way...you're way won't work!" We see that everyday in Congress, and that's way nothing of consequence is getting done. The compromise is to try to do as much as we can on ALL fronts: Production from exisiting energy sources, development of as many alternatives as possible, and increased conservation. Meanwhile, beware the zealots and know-it-alls.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Strange requests in the VIP
    a really pretty asian dancer at the Vegas Rhino used to ask me to pull her hair. Couple of girls there used to like being spanked.
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    16 years ago
    Non strip club topic - how much are you spending on gas money?
    i'm retired, so i really don't drive all that much. Went down to Cinci for a ballgame last week, though. Drove 65-68 and everybody was passing me. Guess gas really isn't too expensive after all. Columbus area prices are in 3.85 to 3.95 range.
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    16 years ago
    ever have good food at a strip club?
    Crystal City Restaurant, near Reagan National Airport just across the Patomac River from DC. Have not visited recently, but used to have a very good prime rib special for under $10 that was worth twice the price.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Sin Tax.
    what bothers me is the lack of honesty. you want to put a two, three, maybe a five percent tax on strip clubs, OK, maybe you will raise some revenue. Put a 25% tax on, as I understand is being proposed, well, be honest. You are not trying to raise revenue, you are trying to close the clubs down.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Are strip clubs safe from terrorists?
    nothing, nothing, nothing is safe from a determined person or group of persons who wants to cause harm for whatever reason.
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    16 years ago
    Economic Stimulus Payment Incentives
    s-cat, i do not doubt for a moment your cash advance story. But just as your milage may vary with strippers, your costs will most certainly vary with cash advaces, no matter how quickly you pay them off. Many, if not not most cards nowadays, charge a cahs advance transaction fee (I'm reviewing the terms and conditions of one card right now, and the transaction fee is 3%, or $30 on a $1000 cash advance. The bank you visit, if not the bank that issued the card, may charge an additional fee. Many folks today also carry a balance on their card from payment cycle to payment cycle and if you do, interest on any cash advance will accrue immediately. No one does, but everyone should carefully read their credit card agreement to find out about fees you may face in different situations. And pay off your balance in full whenever you can!
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    16 years ago
    Sometimes the best looking girl isn't the "right" girl
    this whole thread makes me appreciate my recent experience at the Vegas Rhino even more. I had dances from what I considered to be the 2 best looking girls there, both 9+. NO pressure to go to the VIP. NO asking to tip the bouncer. NO asking for a tip for themselves. Pure sweeties. Pretty good dances to boot.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Are crazy dancers a dime a dozen or only 1 in a 100?
    My ATF, who I believe to be a good person with a good heart, has told me some of the crazy stuff she's done. I guess there's a difference between being crazy and acting crazy.
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    16 years ago
    How long with your ATF?
    My ATF quit dancing 2 months ago, she may at some time go back, but we will see. She just came over last night and cooked a dinner for us that was dee-lish. How much longer with her? We still enjoy doing shit together, but who knows. She could call me tomorrow and say she met Mr. Right. It's like everything else in life: Day to Day.
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    16 years ago
    Dancer names
    Jupiter, used by a really pretty asian girl who dances at Vegas Rhino...luv the girl, hate the name.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    What is the most unusual feature of a strip club that you have seen?
    Back in the 90s. CH2 in Vegas had a free, help-yourself popcorn machine. Never seen that in a strip club before or since.
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    16 years ago
    Crazy Horser Too and Other Las Vegas Clubs
    CH2 has not reopened. The federal government took title to it following the conviction of its owners, and the gvt. just recently announced a proposed sale for $30 million. Can't help you on clubs cuz I like the big ones, specifically the Rhino.
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    16 years ago
    crazy horse too in vegas sold
    founder, p-man...remember something else about the early days os CH2...the help-yourself popcorn machine?