Thanks to Founder/TUSCL
Haven't been on the Discussion pages much lately, but spent some time today catching up on reviews & posts, as well as visiting a couple of "competing sites." TUSCL is SO much better than anything else I've seen anywhere. Constantly, the highly known "StripClubList" degenerates into name calling and cat fights that make it useless to serious hobbyists who want a real review. Let's face it guys, we spend a lot of money on our hobby. We deserve good information. And we can usually get it here. I, for one, really appreciate TUSCL and actually feel a responsibility to write an honest review any time I go to a new club or note any significant change at a regular stop. Thanks to all of you who do the same!
I have however discovered a new bug. When you put a person on ignore, it does not stop them from sending you a PM or I assume emailing you. Any easy fix for that or should I just ignore their messages?
Lurk here most of the time. Rarely post club reviews, since I'm pretty much down to one favorite club, and others are saying much of what I would say about it. I do post to "discussion" more frequently, and enjoy reading what others have to say on the topics. I appreciate the unexpected depth that emerges in discussion. Seems that a few poster's handles from the past don't seem to be around these days - times change. I hope they are well!
There are certain cities that I don't get to visit as much as I would like, but, as a result of the accurate reporting here, I am able to keep up with the changes there so when I do visit I won't be lost. Thanks to Founder and all of you for making this site a place I look forward to visiting regularly.
shadowcat, I will be working on that PM problem shortly. thanks