Thanks to Founder/TUSCL

Haven't been on the Discussion pages much lately, but spent some time today catching up on reviews & posts, as well as visiting a couple of "competing sites." TUSCL is SO much better than anything else I've seen anywhere. Constantly, the highly known "StripClubList" degenerates into name calling and cat fights that make it useless to serious hobbyists who want a real review. Let's face it guys, we spend a lot of money on our hobby. We deserve good information. And we can usually get it here. I, for one, really appreciate TUSCL and actually feel a responsibility to write an honest review any time I go to a new club or note any significant change at a regular stop. Thanks to all of you who do the same!
last commentGood post FinalLap, you can't take this site for granted. I have used it on "away games" and have benefitted from the advice and recommendations, so I feel obligated to return the same in my frequent haunts. Even if it just a matter of knowing who to avoid (ROBs).
agreed, this really is the best site for strip club info. Now, if we could only get rid of the "Hot Lap Dance Club" shills and get everyone to match up their reviews with their club ratings. I just clicked on a review for a club that that the writer rated a nine, but when I read his review, he stated that there "were only 12 dancers and only 4 were above average..." Seems like the club would be closer to a 3 than a nine...
Thanks founder. I appreciate all that you have done and treated me.
I have however discovered a new bug. When you put a person on ignore, it does not stop them from sending you a PM or I assume emailing you. Any easy fix for that or should I just ignore their messages?
Founder I suddenly realized that I can block emails so that is not a problem. Only the PM's.
i agree...this is the best SC site going...thanks to the founder
Prior to finding TUSCL, I was limited to about five or six clubs that were advertised in the local adult newspaper. After finding TUSCL, I took road trips, spent way more than I should have, and really have had a lot of fun along the way. I've been to several of the top 10 clubs listed here. When TUSCL became a pay site, I got the lifetime membership - I knew I'd need it. When traveling, My Mileage Does Vary, but I can usually "get right to the point" without wasting much time or money as a result of the accurate information I get here.
Lurk here most of the time. Rarely post club reviews, since I'm pretty much down to one favorite club, and others are saying much of what I would say about it. I do post to "discussion" more frequently, and enjoy reading what others have to say on the topics. I appreciate the unexpected depth that emerges in discussion. Seems that a few poster's handles from the past don't seem to be around these days - times change. I hope they are well!
There are certain cities that I don't get to visit as much as I would like, but, as a result of the accurate reporting here, I am able to keep up with the changes there so when I do visit I won't be lost. Thanks to Founder and all of you for making this site a place I look forward to visiting regularly.
I'd like to give props to Founder and TUSCL as well. It is an indispensable resource whenever I hit the road, leading me to the best spots and helping me avoid wasting a lot of money and time in lame clubs.
wow... thanks guys... now if we could actually get google to return when someone actually searches for strip clubs, my life would be complete! lol
shadowcat, I will be working on that PM problem shortly. thanks
I think everyone who uses this site is most appreciative of Founder's efforts. The information available on TUSCL is especially helpful to people like myself who travel regularly in business. I have been using it for a couple of years and would feel lost without it. Also enjoy the discussions(minus all the personal attacks) and appreciate Founder's input on them.
I'm happy Founder found a way to make a few bucks on this. Otherwise tuscl wouldn't be around anymore. Keep up the good work!
Hurray for Founder. I shot him a note a while back that the new TUSCL home page did not have a login; you had to click an Enter button to get to a log in page. He changed it, making the site just a bit more convenient for me. Founder, any chance you could take over Verizon and fix my cell phone service, too?
lol... I'd rather take over google and fix their wagon.
thanks again---great site!!!!!!
If Google wants to list the best strip club site near the top of their list, it's right here. I don't care for other sites that don't have reliable reviews or list all the clubs in the area or don't have up to date information. Maybe the other strip club sites are paying Google more money. I don't know if it's a lowly paid person at Google who determines where to list a site or what the deal is. Actually I would prefer the strip club discussions to be limited to members who sign in rather than anyone from the public especially politicians who might be looking for a scapegoat to attack.
I'll vote for Founder to be the new CEO of Google. Lol, now if I thought that was happening I would go buy Google and wait for the shares to skyrocket as people started noticing and thinking, "hey the site works a lot better now".