
Comments by imnumnutz (page 16)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    More consistent ratings.
    wanna read an exhaustive, comprehensive review? Check out the detailed report filed by Officer for Cheetah - Atlanta.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    More consistent ratings.
    here we go again. Reviewer says he was in Cheetah's Vegas on Monday afternoon and the dancers were "all pretty." I am 2200 miles away and I can tell you for a fact that no club anywhere has a Monday afternoon shift on which the dancers are all pretty. This review is pretty. Pretty worthless.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    More consistent ratings.
    it is frustrating. i just read a review of little darlings - vegas in which it was stated that the dancers were "mostly 9s and 10s." I've been to Mons in Tampa, the Rhino in Vegas, even Scores NYC in its hayday in the 90s and believe me, NO club has mostly 9s and 10s, let alone Little Darlings. Of course, maybe the reviewer has never been to a club before, or has much lower standards than I do. But I would hope all reviewers would be understated in their assessments, rather than hype a club beyond belief.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Which do you prefer?
    i think i got lucky...my current ATF looks like a gg, but absolutely loves baseball, particularly cinci reds. i'm a tribe fan myself.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Smileage for Increased Mileage? :) I'd Rather Just Pay $ . . .
    observation. the first time i saw my current ATF she was on stage. I put a bright smile on my face so that i would appear interested and welcoming, hoping she would make her way to where i was sitting. She told me later that she thought I was smiling because I knew her and she was wracking her brain to figure out who I was... again, just an observation
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    Do Things Really "Get Better" In VIP (Or more expensive option)
    depends on the dancer, depends on the club. At the Rhino in Vegas, I have been fortunate to find several dancers who know what I like, and they are generally willing to give it to me in the VIP (not sex, but lot's of touching and nibbling). Won't happen out on the floor.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Am I dead in the water, or not?
    pardon my cliche, but sounds like too much water has passed over the dam. Move on.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Dancers Asking You to Smile . . .
    I absolutely hate being told by anyone how to act. If I was certain she wouldn't go whine to a manager and get me kicked out, I'd tell the dancer who told me to smile exactly what she needed to do to make me smile.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Solo visit to Vegas
    Rhino, Rhino, Rhino. Period. End of Story. Sapphire is WAY over-rated.
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    17 years ago
    The 10 Best Move Stripteases (main stream movies)
    I have not gone to the website, so do not know if this is included. As a horny teenager, I saw Sophia Loren do a g-rated striptease in "Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow." It remains about the hottest of its type I've ever seen. She lovingly reprised it in 1994 in "Ready to Wear."
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Dancer's influence on you
    My ATF also has had an effect on me, although not quite as profound as that mentioned above by FONDL. At the very least, she has me eating a bit healthier. She convinced me to get the leanest ground beef I can find--92%-95% lean--for hamburgers and got me to switch from rye to whole wheat bread. Fewer carbs, more fiber. She's slowly working toward a nursing degree, and I value her advice--although certainly she is no substitute for my physician on major issues.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Is dancer quality declining?
    yes, yes, yes. there are way too many clubs and not enough quality females to staff them, so standards decline until staffing needs are met. Paticularly in large netor areas, club numbers should be reduced by 50%.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Leading a Dual Life
    Been going to stip clubs in vegas for years. Just for yucks I sometimes make up a completely fake identity for the dancers who constantly ask who I am am and where I'm from. I'm going out this Thursday, and I may go to a sh*t club and tell 'em I'm from the IRS and I'm investigating tax evasion among dancers, then see how long before management tries to kick me out... Yoda, I feel you. My ATF is a 25-year old hottie half my age, and do we get the looks when we go to dinner! We just laugh about it and depending on the venue, will hug, kiss and carry on just to see 'em react.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Clock ticking on [Ohio] strip clubs
    incompetent is being kind. these guys had absolutely no clue as to how to handle this. As I have felt all along, however, the effectiveness of this law hinges on enforcement, and i aqm not convinced the enforcement effort will be very intense.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    a little thing and my ATF loved it... Just for yucks I printed out a nice proclamation type thing, using our nicknames for each other, about the VIP room we always adjourn to. She loved it. i printed another copy and put it in a nice frame for her. It sits now on her bedroom dresser.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    TUSCL Nicknames
    from an old (aren't they all?) Star Trek episode featuring a rogue satellite called Nomad.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    New Jersey
    What Types of Clubs Do You Prefer?
    i prefer the clubs with the good looking dancers.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Group says it has signatures to force vote on [Ohio] strip club law
    keep in mind that getting a law passed is one thing...enforcing it is quite another. Drive on the interstate lately? Speed limit is 65. That's the law. I drive 70. Everyone, repeat everyone, passes me, law or no law, because the cops just cannot or will not enforce. We have yet to hear from any law enforcement authority about the resources they will devote to enforcement of any strip club law. Let's see what's happening a year from now, if the law is still in effect then. The Ohio situation may turn out to be like that in Las Vegas (and remember, many clubs are in Clark County, not Vegas). They have some restrictions, although I cannot recall the specifics. Every couple of years, the cops will bust a club or two. Things tighten up for about 3-6 months, then gradually loosen again for another year or two because there is little or no enforcement.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    ATF vs buddy fuck.
    I don't know that I will ever have sex with my current ATF. To be honest sex is not as important to me as it was 20 or ever just 5 years ago. The companionship means more to me now than anything...although I stil get a kick out of holding hands when we go out in public and watching the reactions we get...she is A LOT younger than me.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Strippers and Childhood Abuse
    fondl, thanks. I try to convince my ATF of the very statement you made--that her past is what has made her the person she is today...the one I'm attracted to. Besides, she couldn't change it anyway. But between us guys, I'm sorry that she wasted such potential.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Strippers and Childhood Abuse
    my situation is somewhat similar to that of FONDL. My current ATF is, in my mind, very beautiful, intelligent and articulate. She comes from a broken home, was abused on a number of occassions between the ages of approximately 10-15, left home when she was 16 or so and has been on her own since. I know she has been in physical fights with at least 1 boyfriend. She told me all this and also said she is ashamed of some of her past behavior. I am 1000% certain that had she grown up in a loving, grounded family, she would now be, at 25, on her way to a very successful carrer in business, a profession, even in politics. She is trying right now to get the education she needs to begin a career in the health field, but is far behind where she might have otherwise been and always will be. My ATF reminds me, physically and otherwise, of an intern in our office from a few years ago, who represents the flipside. Very beautiful, intelligent and articulate, everyone loved her. Had her master's degree by the age of 24, left our office to teach in Europe for a year, now married and a successful commerical real estate broker. Her family was great. With the proper support and upbringing, that could have been my ATF.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Lindsey, Britney, Paris. Talk about stripper shit.
    lindsey and Britney, particularly Britney, aren't all that attractive. Brit is nothing more than-poorly dolled up trailer trash who would not even be in the top 50% at most of the clubs I visit. Paris is pretty, but just a spoiled airhead.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Kinky Play W/Strippers
    DougS, we must be related! I enjoy all the acitivities you listed, and in the same order. My current ATF and I have a ritual. We always meet at the club bar and at some point during our conversation, I'll ask her if I can play with her hair. She always says yes. I'll just gently stroke it off her shoulder while we continue talking, but once we go to the VIP, she lets me do just about anything I want with it--and she seems to enjoy it. Next week, I've asked her to bring in a brush so I could just watch her run it through her hair. Last night, she took her top off and put it over my eyes, then proceeded to brush her hair all over my face, arms and legs. I loved it and she knew it. She rarely talks dirty. But it is a turn-on when she does something special, like burying her head in my crotch, then looks up at my and asks, "...are you enjoying that?" She, of course, knows that I am, but she also knows I like her to ask.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Celebs In The Club
    observation after going to strip clubs for WAY too many years: Strippers say they don't necessarily mind celebs, but the wealthier they are, the less they tend to spend. Not all, but a good number. Pro athletes, from what I'm told, are generally they cheapest.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    How often do you ask a stripper if she has a boyfriend?
    never. ever. believe me, they all seem to bring it up on their own soon enough.