
Comments by dallas702 (page 28)

  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Cash and IRS
    "Depression area" should be "Depression era" ! ! ! And I can not even blame 'auto correct' or 'speech to text' or any of them fancy, newfangled dohickies.
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    11 years ago
    Cash and IRS
    I think the $10K figure started with drug enforcement at our borders. If I remember correctly, they originally used a Depression area law requiring a declaration before transferring US cash in or out of the country. It is still a legal requirement to report cash over $10K when you enter or leave the US. Unfortunately, law enforcement nationwide has decided that large amounts of cash (even less than $10,000) "has" to be evidence that something illegal is happening. A few weeks ago the local news reported that police had busted a drug house. As proof, the story panned across the evidence as the reporter identified; the two boxes of ziplock bags, the postal scale, an unregistered 9MM Glock, an ashtray containing suspicious ashes and (the coup de gras') $3,720 in CASH (gasp). No illegal drugs were found, but that cash money seemed (to the local news as well as the police) proof enough that bad things were occurring! To keep this posting on topic for TUSCL purists, I think one of the people arrested for "suspicion" was a former stripper.
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    11 years ago
    Gun fire in Jersey Mall
    "That's is how family members end up shooting another very often." US population is over 350,000,000, the number of domestic shooting fatalities is under 800. That works out to about 00.0023%, or a slightly greater risk than getting hit by lightning. Only a liberal calls something that happens lees often than a $1,000,000 lottery win, "very often." Logic just isn't one of your strengths is it, Alucard?
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    11 years ago
    Gun fire in Jersey Mall
    I forgot to mention that in 2011 there were 6,420,000 auto accidents which caused $230 BILLION in damages, 2,900,000 injuries and 42,636 deaths.
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    11 years ago
    Gun fire in Jersey Mall
    Cause of death (2010) and number of deaths Heart Disease . . . . . 780,213 Cancer . . . . . . . . 575,000 Accidents (non-auto). . 85,000 Alzheimer's . . . . . . 83,500 Nephritis, Nephrosis . 50,476 Diabetes . . . . . . . 69,071 Drug induced . . . . . 40,373 Suicide . . . . . . . . 38,364 Septicemia . . . . . . 34,812 Alcohol induced . . . . 25,692 Parkinson's Disease . . 22,032 Pneumonitis/Solids-Liq. 17,011 Gun deaths, homicide. . 11,101 . . (approximately 96% of gun homicides committed by career criminals using illegal weapons) Gun deaths, accident. . 851 Gun deaths, unknown . . 222 Total number of deaths related to firearms discharge, all causes including proximate and non proximate (including suicide, accident, undetermined) in 2011 . . 31,940 Approximate number of guns in civilian hands in the USA 350,000,000 Banning AND confiscating all firearms in the USA might reduce firearm homicides by 300 to 400 per year. A 1992 study by ATF and CDC estimated that any attempt to confiscate firearms in this country would result in between 2,650,000 and 16,000,000 deaths. Only an amoral idiot, desiring fascist control of US citizens and the deaths of millions would suggest banning and confiscating firearms.
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    11 years ago
    What does a stripper kissing you mean?
    OP = "What does a stripper kissing you mean?" Usually it means you are trading spit with a stripper AND the five or six guys she has been kissing in the past hour.
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    11 years ago
    Forbidden Fruit
    Years ago (too many to count) I lusted after a friend's girlfriend, or to be specific - her butt. She always wore very short, tight skirts and looked very good. I was sure that her ass had to be better than anything in Playboy! Finally, one weekend a a lake I saw her stepping out of the lady's showers in a towel that conveniently fell away just after she passed me. Man was I heartbroken. Flabby, pitted with cellulite and spotted with something like zits, her ass was one of my young life's great disappointments. So, yes, sometimes the forbidden fruits should remain mysterious and unknown!
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    11 years ago
    Dancers to avoid
    I usually agree with Lone Wolf's "do not buy dances" list, but just to be argumentative (hey, it's Monday! Argumentative is the official Monday attitude.) I'll point out that some of my favorite dancers fall (or once were) in one of those categories. A dancer I usually visit when I am in the area where she now lives, was once a brand new and slightly overweight dancer in a club I visited. After enjoying a known "talent" in the club, I "let" the new girl sit with me while I recuperated. Eventually, I bought a charity (or pity) dance from her and it was as bad as I anticipated. I was still nice to her and she sat with me after the dance until I went off for a VIP with another dancer. A few months, and a few more trips to that club, and the "new" had worn off her dances. She came up to me, sat in my lap and said, "Please try the new and improved me!" I did, she was significantly lighter and her "style" had improved. Now, every time I am in the area I meet her for a meal, tour her apartment (yes, we do "that" several times a visit) and I visit her in whatever club she is working in. And now, she fits under #3 on the list (after a little maturity and 4 years dancing she absolutely is a 9.5 or better). Getting a pitiful dance from the new girl didn't turn out so bad.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Am I getting played? Am I buying to the SC fantasy too much or is this stripper
    She might be playing you. OR, she might be batshit crazy. OR, she might simply be a little flaky and horny as hell. OR, she might have a compulsion to ruin as many men's lives as she can. OR, she might have a compulsive need to belong to someone. OR, she might be the love of your life. Really, what are the odds?
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Setting expectations for OTC?
    There is NO single rule or set of rules to screen dancers for OTC action. Every woman is different and most certainly every stripper is different. There are a few guidelines that usually help me. (These are not "mine" but I have benefited from the use of the ideas.) First, if a dancer agrees to OTC try to establish a level of trust. She will be more comfortable and forthcoming with you once she believes you are neither a vice cop not a serial killer. Second, at some point, attempt to get HER to define her expectations for the OTC meeting. It will be much easier to determine whether you want this meeting if you know what she expects. Third, establish her financial interest in the meeting. Sometimes a dancer really just wants to have dinner and sex with someone besides her abusive, drug dealing boyfriend. Almost always, it IS a financial transaction for the dancer. Best if she brings it up, but certainly do NOT meet up OTC without finding out first her financial expectations. Fourth, treat her, at every opportunity, like a queen. Express, often and extensively, how fortunate you are to be in her company. Do everything you can to make her believe that you think she is beautiful, intelligent and graceful. While she is showing you a great time she is not a slut, whore or cheap lay. I sincerely believe that stroking her ego not only helps her feel better about her time with you and therefore perform better and do more, but it also helps me believe the stuff I'm saying. None of this guarantees great sex every OTC!
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    11 years ago
    Do I Need Sex Therapy?
    @Slick, dude - be careful! Surfing is absolutely hazardous to your health and that martial arts stuff can get you killed. Stick to the chicas where the worst that might happen is a jealous boyfriend!
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    11 years ago
    Poll: When did you FIRST lose your virginity?
    I can't remember the first time (the curse of underage drinking!) but the second time was 1969 in a car parked at a playground in a nice subdivision about half a mile from her house. I distinctly remember the cop tapping on the window just as she started panting very rapidly.
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    11 years ago
    Cover Charge
    I often visit clubs in the afternoon and very seldom pay a cover (except for and occasional $5 or $10 cover at a juice bar). I do not have a problem with a reasonable cover for an evening visit. Consider the OP's movie alternative. To get in to see a movie the normal evening ticket is $12 to $18. When you add $8 for a bag of popcorn and $7.50 for a small soda, you have spent $30 or more for two hours of sitting by yourself in a dark theater. If you take a date the movie is $60, BEFORE you try anything. Add dinner and drinks and a "movie" date is closer to $200. Even at that price, there is no guarantee I'll get more than a peck on the cheek unless I've been out with her before. In the alternative, an evening at a club costs $10 to get in and $10 to $15 for beer and if I spend anything on dancers, it is because I'm (at least) groping them and they are groping me. At the club, if I don't like the dancer sitting beside (or change my mind after a few minutes), I can quickly select a different dancer. So my total is about $25 plus compensation for specific entertainment. At a club if I am out $200 it is because I had a VERY good time.
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    11 years ago
    New Jersey
    I have a regular partner who I swing with, every week or two. She chases the bench back and forth and barks a while before jumping up to join me on the porch swing. Several years ago I went to a swing club party with my (then) ATF and discovered that I didn't really want to trade the hottest woman in the room for somebody's dumpy wife!
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    11 years ago
    Free Booze At Strip Club
    About 6 years ago I walked into an "off island" Montreal area club and the bartender (a crusty old guy) said, "treat the ladies right an' you drink for free." I was kind and generous to the three young women and the bartender kept his promise. A decade ago I brought flowers into a club and gave every dancer a carnation, I drank for free. The "Clubhouse" in Dallas (a full nude BYO juicebar) occasionally offers free drinks (beer and mixed drinks) as a daytime promotion. It happens all over the country, in all kinds of clubs. No "free booze" promotion is going to get me to visit, that's not why I go to SCs. But if they are offering, I will not turn down a free drink! (That would just be rude!)
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    11 years ago
    Dress to impress?
    @LeeH, you may be right about SOME dancers looking at clothing. Yes, I admit I was (over)generalizing. But I do point out that I have often seen hot chicks in SCs putting moves on seriously underdressed dudes. I don't personally know if a guy in a t-shirt and shorts will get first rate attention, since I always wear lightweight slacks and a button down shirt. That's not "dressing up to go Strip Clubbing" it is just my first choice for casual wear, anytime. My only defense for dismissing clothing in my prior post is that I have too often seen dancers skip over one "well dressed" dude to snuggle up to a guy in a t-shirt. Age is not consistently a factor, nor is waist size. Fortunately, I am not one of those the dancers often skip!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Does anyone else find that a Dancer claims them as "thier" customer?
    Yes, it happens. Usually you are powerless to change it. If you assert you freedom from the claiming dancer, she may ignore you but other dancers then avoid you too. On the other hand, if the dancer claiming you is hot and puts out, the only possible complaint is "variety." A talk with your dancer may get her to "pimp" for you.
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    11 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Posting as others: Re: Alucard.
    @ime, you have a point, but I was not referring to a regular user who flames, or irritates other users. I am referring to the recent situation where someone intentionally creates an account either similar to an existing user or as a put down of an existing user, for the sole purpose of flaming or harassing others. Disagreements are one thing, filling up the discussion board with ugly or banal comments just to harass or abuse the board is quite another. I am not suggesting any moderation/supervision of this board. I am saying that when an identity is clearly created for they sole purpose of harassing or spamming it should be deleted. It could be simply done. When we as users identify such an account we could notify Founder who could, at his convenience, review and decide whether to delete or not delete the account. @Corvus, Ignore works for regular posters who you dislike or find irritating, but when an individual continually creates spam accounts or harassing accounts, it doesn't stop them from filling the board, sometimes by responding to themselves.
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    11 years ago
    Dress to impress?
    The only time what you wear is relevant to most dancers is when it is uncomfortable to grind on (like jeans). For the dancers who know what they are doing, and are looking for paying customers (whether extras or not) your hair and hands make a lot more of an impression that any suit or fancy shirt. If your hair is unkempt, greasy or obviously dirty, very few women will be hitting on you for dances (it just advertises that you are dirty and may be smelly). If your hands are filthy, figure on few dances because most women don't want to be groped by dirty smelly hands. Also very figity hands might attract a few dancers who want to find out if you are so high that they can clean you out without much effort. On the other hand, obviously clean hair, scrubbed hands (calloused or soft - stained by work or spotless) and clean clothes will mean some dancers will check you out. If your hair is recently well cut, some dancers will cruise by to check on you whether you are in a $2,000 suit or a t-shirt and shorts.
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    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Should this review be flagged.
    Yes. And I did flag it.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Posting as others: Re: Alucard.
    The troll/flame accounts have recently become a problem here including the Alucard. account (note, I am referring to the *dot* account, not the actual anti-gun flake). It would be nice if there were a way to easily prevent duplicate and multiple identities, but I am not sure that is possible without a significant investment. My default preference is that when an account is positively identified as a flamer/troll/copy account that the account is deleted. That means Alucard. (*dot*) and several others.
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    11 years ago
    I travel to Jax often and understand your concerns. WWPMI is correct in that Wacko's charges $30 a dance and is generally not as "loose" but I do recommend Wacko's for afternoon or early evening entertainment. (Also, 1. you can find "extra" entertainment value at Wacko's - they are just not as "out front" about it. 2. Many dancers will negotiate prices for multiple dances (if you find your "right" girl - talk to her about price.) Elsewhere in town the only other "good" choice (not great, but good) is The Gold Club on Gen. Dolittle (that's east of downtown, east of the I295/9A east loop off of Atlantic Ave.) The Gold Club is in a building that used to be a steakhouse and bar and it is broken up unto relatively small spaces. Down sides, they don't really get going until 10PM or later but still close at 2AM, Dances are $30 and not very private, few drink specials in the evenings, and extras are rare. Up sides, usually a good assortment of hot dancers, better energy in the club, nice crowds (not small, not thuggish) and the food isn't too bad. Good hunting. I'll be looking for your review(s).
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    11 years ago
    Halloween Advice
    Wear dress shoes, black knee socks, a fedora, a trenchcoat - and nothing else. Go as a perv and flash the dancers! If you don't get arrested getting to the club, I'll bet it will be a big hit with dancers (and convenient for lapdances.)
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    11 years ago
    35 years ago there was a nude club just off West End near downtown. A vice cop in the club saw a customer actually touch a dancer on her breast and within days the Wrath of the Righteous swooped down upon every club in Davidson County. Nashville still has not recovered from that ancient crackdown. If you have to spend time in Nashville, tour the Ryman and grab a beer at the Purple Orchid.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    One dancer that "gets it".
    @ibbaicni, just because you don't want/seek extras in clubs does not mean the rest of us treat dancers poorly. I actually read very few complaints here about not enough "hot women" dancers, nor did I assert nor imply that I have ever regarded any woman a "a piece of shit." (If you want to ask my Mom that question, go ahead. She is 94 and a little hard of hearing, so you may have to shout - O, and watch out for her .38 snub.) @Jester214, If you think being intimidated by potential control over a situation is "one of the dumbest things" you have read on here, I imagine you would find the rest of Jung's analysis of human psychology to be extremely bizarre.