Dress to impress?
We've talked about numerous times the kind of pants you wear to a strip club, but how about your whole outfit?
I find myself dressing more nicely in a strip club compared to two or three years ago when I would just wear baggy jeans, baggy shirt and maybe a hat. Nowadays most times I'll wear dress pants, slacks, dockers etc and a buttoned up polo shirt or sweater. Every now and then in a dive I'll wear shorts (man I love how it feels when a girl grinds on my shorts) and a shirt.
What about the rest of you?
(BTW numerous strippers have commented on how soft my pants are and how those are the best kind of pants for lapdances. I gotta thank TUSCL for making me realize jeans aren't the best kind of pants for lapdances)
I find myself dressing more nicely in a strip club compared to two or three years ago when I would just wear baggy jeans, baggy shirt and maybe a hat. Nowadays most times I'll wear dress pants, slacks, dockers etc and a buttoned up polo shirt or sweater. Every now and then in a dive I'll wear shorts (man I love how it feels when a girl grinds on my shorts) and a shirt.
What about the rest of you?
(BTW numerous strippers have commented on how soft my pants are and how those are the best kind of pants for lapdances. I gotta thank TUSCL for making me realize jeans aren't the best kind of pants for lapdances)
If your hair is unkempt, greasy or obviously dirty, very few women will be hitting on you for dances (it just advertises that you are dirty and may be smelly). If your hands are filthy, figure on few dances because most women don't want to be groped by dirty smelly hands. Also very figity hands might attract a few dancers who want to find out if you are so high that they can clean you out without much effort.
On the other hand, obviously clean hair, scrubbed hands (calloused or soft - stained by work or spotless) and clean clothes will mean some dancers will check you out. If your hair is recently well cut, some dancers will cruise by to check on you whether you are in a $2,000 suit or a t-shirt and shorts.
* Any woman who wants to grind on denim will be working in a much kinkier establishment than a strip club.
* I usually wear dress pants -- I learned "no jeans" here at TUSCL (and from Barney Stinson), and I have nothing in-between. One night, I wore a pair of dress pants that are microfiber -- they're just this side of feeling like silk on the outside. A dancer who I often hung out with back then told me that I'd better not EVER come into the club wearing anything else. She has even said: "Thank you for letting me rub my ass on those pants."
* dallas720's points about hands and hair are spot-on, but the dismissing of the impact of clothes is WAY too over-generalizing (and also flat-out contradicts my experiences).
* Related to that, like it or not, a lot of people judge a book by its cover. And like it or not (and I don't), no matter how open-minded and forward-thinking a person is, many are inclined to look more favorably on someone who is dressed up. Such is the world in which we live. That's not to say that casual clothes can't work -- shadowcat is proof that they can. But most of us here are mere mortals.
* Like Corvus, I also dress to stand out. I have no interest in the high-end clubs where many patrons would dress up anyway (and the dancers all look alike, and are 95% silicone, including their brains). The more dive-y the place, the more I'll stand out. And if I want to be remembered by a particular dancer who's drunk off her ass (and can't remember shit as a result), additional triggers always help.
I don't personally know if a guy in a t-shirt and shorts will get first rate attention, since I always wear lightweight slacks and a button down shirt. That's not "dressing up to go Strip Clubbing" it is just my first choice for casual wear, anytime.
My only defense for dismissing clothing in my prior post is that I have too often seen dancers skip over one "well dressed" dude to snuggle up to a guy in a t-shirt. Age is not consistently a factor, nor is waist size. Fortunately, I am not one of those the dancers often skip!
In high end strip clubs, you are among a flock of pidgeons. That's when the biggest rolex wins.
K like to be fashionable and suits promote no style whatsoever. Worst yet, is the dark blue or black suits. A little change here there but overall the same but naturally there are exceptions but a suit in the club generally isn't. Plus I find it assimilation for me to wear a suit and I'm highly opposed to assimilation. So not my cup of tea ever.
I have been pointed out as a cop by customers in low end clubs because I dress nicer than other customers but my clothes come off the rack. I wear a suit or sport coat because it is easy to look better than to have to overcome the fact that I am a fat old white guy.
There are plenty of guy's doing better than me in shorts and t shirts so in the end it is what every works for you.
As long as you don’t look (or smell) offensive; the dancer could care less what you are wearing as long as you are spending.
Any dancer w/ any experience probably knows that the dude w/ the $1000 suit may not spend shit and they guy with the sweatpants may be spending $1000.
I’ve heard many dancers state how many custies that look like they have money, or even known to have money, don’t often spend much if any (e.g. pro athletes; etc.).
"I’ve heard many dancers state how many custies that look like they have money, or even known to have money, don’t often spend much if any"
This is how they stay RICH!!! lol
I like to dress relaxed but dancers and club staff do notice clothes first. Dancers have said at least I have enough sense to wear soft pants. They do not want to grind on a pair of rough jeans. They have soft skin. I wore an old pair of work pants last week instead of shorts and I noticed I was asked if I. wanted to use the champagne room. I don't think anyone asked since last winter,lol.
Pretty fuckin' strang post my friend...all I can say to you is KEEP ON BEIN' A COO-EL DUDE!!!
I dress to be open, and completely transparent about the reasons I'm there Thus it's sweat pants or shorts. If some stripper comments, I say "Yeah, I'm a perv I admit" to wish they'll usually say "yeah, me too."
Strippers love PLs. You aren't going to fool them that you are something else by wearing something else, if you are just going to end up paying anyway. Give the other side some credit.
Perhaps dress to impress wasn't the right title for this thread, it sounded good though. In reality I am not trying to impress them by the way I dress, I am just trying to look nice. I do want to impress her with my *dick*, so that maybe after her shift I will get to explore her body further.