
Comments by dallas702 (page 29)

  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    One dancer that "gets it".
    I think one of the "attractions" for many dancers in clubs where extras are more common is the control the dancers have over many PLs. I agree with GMD and Farmerart that most people sitting in strip clubs are; not looking for extras, or too intimidated, or too timid to ask, or simply not aware of potentially available extras. I have watched prowling dancers move in on some of these overawed PLs like a lioness moving in on a lame buck. Like that feline, the dancer seems to enjoy playing with her food! And we all know that the PL seldom escapes with his dignity or his wallet intact. Clearly, the dancer who offers an enhanced lapdance experience is able to significantly control the situation. Since, for many of these women, much of their life is beyond their ability to control; being able to control a man in such a sexually charged environment is likely attractive to them. Perhaps the non-extras dancer is just as intimidated by the potenial of control as she is protecting her "standards."
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    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How to score points with strippers.
    I have told this before but, in support of Shadowcat's assertion, I will (briefly) repeat. Years ago I stopped in a grocery for beer on my way to a (juice bar) nude club. As it was close to closing, the grocery manager offered me about 25 carnations that he would otherwise throw out as they were left over from a store promotion. I took those flowers with me into the strip club. Though I (at first) felt like a geeky PL, I handed them out to dancers, waitresses and bartenders. They were a big hit, I drank free all night and several dancers found ways to show their appreciation!
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    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    One dancer that "gets it".
    A favorite of mine admitted last spring that I am not the only customer she offers extras (that was almost as shocking as when she admitted she was not a virgin when we met!). But she also claimed her list of regulars with "benefits" is short and restricted. She also recognizes that the "anybody with the price" extras girls help bring in the crowds and help fill her garter with regular lap dance money. This fav of mine claims she would go to work at McDs before she would blow someone she found repulsive. I love it when they have standards!
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    11 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Gift Cards
    Your employer chose to purchase "single use" (as in not reloadable, they can be used repeatedly until the original balance is used up) preloaded cards. This type of card has the least cost for the purchaser, because it is restricted and has limited function. Usually the purchaser's bank will sell this kind of card at face value. If your employer had PURCHASED pin #s (paid extra) you would have also discovered that every ATM in the world would also charge you to withdraw $. The cards will only work for "retail" purchases at "qualified" merchants. Mostly, that is a cost control measure. Merchants pay a fee for every card transaction, plus a % of the transaction, so your employers bank can sell the "single use, merchant only" card at face value and the card company (and the bank) still make a little money. But it is also a federally required security measure. This kind of card (not reloadable, restricted to purchases) is more difficult to use in the drug trade or laundering illegal profits. (Banks charge extra for cards that work better for drug lords!) Don't you just hate it when you get free money and have to spend it for things you need instead of stuff you want? Makes me feel like a kid getting instructions about what I cannot buy with the $20 grandma sent me for Christmas! (that was years ago, $20 went a loooong way!)
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    11 years ago
    Time vs. Money In The Clubs
    Farmerart, you have the means and the ability to successfully execute a plan many of us wish we were able to duplicate! I manage, on a more meager budget, to achieve a moderately respectable success rate on my visits to SCs. While I agree that, with enough money skillfully applied, almost any dancer will be "available" even to strangers, the qualifier "skillful" is just as important. With both the social skills to gain a woman's trust and enough money to overcome her reluctance, I agree that you will be almost universally successful. With a much smaller budget, I am successful less often, but I additionally have a little more time to keep trying. That works for me. What I reasonable presume will not often work is any attempt to "seduce" a dancer without adequate social skills or money. Which, I believe explains the vast numbers of PLs getting only their wallets Hoovered.
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    11 years ago
    Slow day on the Discussion board.
    I checked my post and only a disappointing dozen responses. Then I opened it and found half of them were just little blue names (on ignore list). Interestingly, the angry anti-gun extremist posted twice and crazyjoe says he wasn't nice. I thought about taking him off ignore to find out what he said, but then I figured he is simply not worth it.
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    11 years ago
    Dancing My Way Through School
    Like Farmerart, I have encountered the supposedly intelligent and educated stripper. One dancer (in a Dallas club) actually named, properly, the 3rd Emperor of Rome as Gaius Julius Ceasar Augustus Germanicus as well as his childhood nickname of "little boots" (Caligula). But she proved her diminished capacity when she repeated the rumors of Tiberius' depravity as cause of Caligula's unpopular rule. Everyone knows Caligula was already 19 years old when he went to live with uncle Tiberius and Caligula had either STDs or a bad press secretary. Still, I was sufficiently astounded by her minimal knowledge that I allowed her to dance for me, and give me her number - for future discussions!
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    11 years ago
    Bible Belt
    tumblingdice, I lived between Cranbury and Princeton. Worked on US 1 in South Brunswick (in one of those "business campuses"). And mostly I saw that the only thing that "got done" was more loans by the toll authorities so they could stay in business and pay for the private helos and limos for the authority board members.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Old Stuff Part 3
    "Days of Future, Past" "Knights in White Satin" Moody Bules
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Bible Belt
    I have lived in TX, TN and GA in the "Bible Belt" and CA, IL, and NJ supposedly far from Bible thumping territory. My experience has been that the "Bible" states were friendlier and more accepting that the supposedly more liberal north or the left coast. The left leaning, progressive, so called "liberal" states were anything but! In New Jersey, people want and get a new law for every situation encountered then complain the law doesn't cover enough and demand more controls. In Illinois, the laws don't apply to politicians but everyone else gets slammed. Enforcement is haphazard and seemingly governed by political campaign slogans. And California is something like Lenin and Marx got drunk with Gengis Kahn and Stalin and farted a symphony of rules.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Lines by strippers that worked to get you into VIP.
    "I caught my boyfriend with my sister last night. Would you like to be my revenge?"
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    11 years ago
    Camming - how times have changed
    A a SC the other day. They dancer on stage insistently signaled to another dancer to come to the stage. Dancer on stage hands a camera phone to dancer two who promptly begins closeup video of the stage routine. I saw some of it afterwards. Surprisingly good quality and intensely "up close and personal." Yes, the times they are a' changing!
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    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Dallas 2AMer.
    Amend the Constitution! Require ALL adult citizens to carry a loaded firearm when not on their own property. Require weapon safety training in elementary school. Require proof of firearms training before admission to High School.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    North Carolina
    Current State of Strip Clubs
    The national economy is still staggering under an almost nonexistent "recovery" with "QE" supporting the stock markets, but nothing to generate new sources of disposable income. In spite of 5 years of "no growth" economics, very few strip clubs have closed. In most markets, the quantity of dancers has actually increased even though the raw numbers of customers has apparently decreased and the amount spent per customer visit also has gone down. Put together, this (partly unverified) collection of data could be interpreted to mean a decline in the strip club industry. I see it differently. It appears to me, that a combination of the economic woes and changing cultural values (twerking at the VMAs, stripper clothing worn by civi women on the street) have created: 1. a strong and diverse base of SC customers, 2. a wiser SC management (keeping expenses lower, keeping the doors open) 3. more strippers (maybe not better, but more!), 4. opportunity for significant growth with returning economic strength. SCs will still face significant challenges especially with the numerous legal cases attacking the "independent contractor" relationship. I seriously doubt that computer porn will replace lap dances, or that crowds of out of shape 35 to 75 year old males will flock to regular night clubs and be groped by willing 20 y/o women. Locally, strip clubs will be harassed by Sheriffs and DAs running for reelection. Zoning authorities will continue to make opening a new club more difficult. Some markets will die, while others thrive. Where there are plenty of dancers, some will go hungry and blame a troubled industry, while others (providing extras or not) will make lots of money every day they choose to work.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    How Can You Tell When A Stripper Is Lying? Her Lips Are Moving
    Just to be clear, if all strippers are flakes that does NOT mean all flakes are strippers.
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    11 years ago
    Aa dancers
    Unfortunately, the racial stereotypes are not entirely false. US crime statistics, compiled by the FBI, show that young black males - nationwide - commit over 80% of all violent crime. Since young black males actually comprise less than 5% of the total population that is a staggeringly significant number. While I agree with SuperDude that false stereotypes have been unjustly used in other areas (there is no significant statistical difference - in any area, crime or property value or other - between Black, Asian, Hispanic and Anglo FAMILIES - two parents plus child or children) - the one area of significance does apply to SCs. Right of wrong, many strip club managers fear the negative impact of predominately black crowds in their clubs. I don't know whether limiting the number of AA dancers is an appropriate answer and I don't like the restriction, but I understand why that approach is attempted.
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    11 years ago
    OT:85 Bears
    @Londonguy, As a former Rugby football player (wing 3/4 or occasionally inside half) I can assure you that the prissy sport known as American football has little in common with real rugby football. In the NFL mockery of the real sport; the field is much smaller, they constantly stop play (even when no one is injured), all the players are muffled in gear similar to a 14th century knight and their are great numbers of officials all over the field. Additionally, in the NFL faux version, players who begin the game are regularly replaced during those constant, irritating stoppages. They (the NFL) even allows complete replacement of the players every few minutes. In recent years the NFL has also begun to regulate what manner of contact is permitted when attempting to tackle an opposing plater. Now the ever present and overly officious referees will stop play (again) and penalize a team because someone was too assertive. O' for days when 30 hardy (and somewhat less than completely sane) men would walk onto a full sized pitch in shorts and a sturdy cotton shirts to enjoy 80 minutes of unrestrained battle, paused only long enough to remove the injured from the field of play, allowing at it's conclusion the surviving players to stand (stagger) proudly and salute a vanquished (or victorious) opponent with a pint raised high.
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    11 years ago
    Greatest baseball player you ever saw
    mikeya02, I wasn't there but saw it several times on TV replays. I shook hands with Nolan Ryan in Dallas, at a fan day, while he was still playing in Arlington. He is not small!
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    11 years ago
    Greatest baseball player you ever saw
    I saw Nolan Ryan pitch toward the end of his career. He still had sum stuff. While his fastball didn't pop as much as some younger pitchers, batters never knew what was coming so even the heat was a surprise. I also noticed that batters tended to be a bit more jittery with Nolan on the mound. I didn't understand that, he hardly ever actually hit anyone!
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    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    After hour clubs
    A Dallas SC, "Clubhouse" has a regular after hours "party" called Insomnia on Saturdays from 4AM until about 8AM. I heard from several people that the venue was inconsistent, sometimes rocking and crowded with party people and sometimes just a few tens of people. The one time I went (almost four years ago) they had a free breakfast, free set ups, live band and they were trying to be an after hours party and NOT be a strip club "open late." There was a pretty large crowd and an even mix of guys and dames. No dancers were in work lingerie, but there seemed to be a lot of dancers in the crowd. I enjoyed the scrambled eggs and coffee. Otherwise it was too loud, too late and too civilian for me!
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    11 years ago
    How To Show Dancers That..........You Got da Ca$h
    Farmerart addresses a real problem, even if most of us have nowhere near his loot to spend. I, too, want to be taken seriously by the dancers who are willing to go the extra mile to entertain. And after decades of clubbing, I don't have a pat nor easy answer. I have noted a couple of trends and some of our newbs might benefit from my observations. Remember every SC is different and nothing works consistently or everywhere. First, dancers do tend to avoid customers who walk in dirty and smelly, BUT clean dudes in working clothes can still get plenty of attention. A suit and tie will attract attention, but not necessarily from the dancers you want. Somehow, a dancer who has never seen the inside of an upscale dress shop, can still tell the difference between a custom suit and off the rack. ROBs will hit the off-the-rack guy and siphon every penny they can. It looks something like white-tip sharks in a feeding frenzy. And minutes later the off-the-rack dude is broke and abandoned. Clothes, age, weight, nor haircut make any difference to most dancers. If you walk in their club, they may be curious to determine what you want, or they may completely ignore you. Getting the attention of the curious is an objective without any single solution. Getting the attention of the others is a lost cause. Patience is the only consistently successful option. I usually find the bar first when entering a new club and observe the club from there for several minutes. Asking questions of the bartender or waitress can help, but I have found that barside answers are seldom applicable to the darker corners! Don't ask specifics about extras while at the bar. You won't like the answers and you'll be marked as either cop or pervert. After about 10 to 30 minutes I move to a table or seating in a more "convenient" area of the club. I look for the places "hungry" dancers seem to be watching, places where seating is more discrete, areas where customers are sitting with dancers and seem to be also getting up together to go to VIP. A tip to a waitress to ask a specific dancer to visit me will demonstrate that I have money to spend. Occasionally, I have asked a waitress to escort a specific dancer to me, handing her a five. When the waitress returns with the dancer I will discretely tip the waitress an additional $10 (not too discretely, I do want the dancer to "accidentally" see me). The pay off for waitress tips is better service, but otherwise limited. Don't expect dancers to pile on because you dropped $5, $10, $20 or even $50 (If you tip a waitress $100 - do expect dancers - especially ROBs - to pile on.) There are more ideas out there, but I repeat - nothing works consistently (except Shadowcat's T-shirts) and there is no system.
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    11 years ago
    Best strip club city
    As others have said, without base criteria defining "best" there are too many variables to name just one. But I can name two, for different reasons, using different criteria. If the criteria includes; hot two way contact, very good looking dancers, party atmosphere and lots of fun for your money, but NO extras - -you need to add Montreal to your list. In the old town and downtown areas of Montreal (on the island) are a number of busy fun SCs with modestly prices drinks, $5 to $15 lap dances, beautiful women and often great music through adequate sound systems. While "extras" are very, very rare, the dances are full contact, two way steamers. Montreal has more clubs that fit this criteria than any other three towns! If extras are important, my experience is like others, Miami. Hot chicks, great variety and almost a sure thing in many different clubs.
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    11 years ago
    Older than dirt
    Wonderful finish
    There was a young man from Nave, who kept a dead whore in a cave. One tit was missing, she smelled like shit, but think of the money he saved!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    One stripper - many, many years ago - always had a tea pot and tea service ready when I got to her place for OTC. Every time, before I could leave, we sat and had a cuppa'.