One dancer that "gets it".
Atlanta suburb
I was talking to a favorite yesterday and she told me about a pissing match in the dressing room. Some of the dancers were complaining about the girls that were doing extras. She pointed out to them, that it was the girls that were doing extras that made the club packed everyday. That they were not a bunch of Playboy centerfolds and the guys did NOT flock in to just watch them.
Clean dancers have always complained about dirty dancers but few realize that they are getting a residual benefit.
Clean dancers have always complained about dirty dancers but few realize that they are getting a residual benefit.
If instead of extras we called it contact girls versus air dance girls. I may visit a club and get dances for the contact. I will not even visit a club if I know the only thing offered is an air dance unless they have 10's working there or something else that I can't get or see somewhere else. If they are the only nude club in the area, I might visit to see that but still not buy dances. It seems surprising how many dancers and managers seem to not understand. However management that doesn't have a clue and restricts too much or gets rid of the nudity if that was the only thing drawing in a crowd, gets rewarded by a major loss of revenue.
I saw that at one nude club in Wellford SC. Club only offered very restricted lap dances, not worth it IMO. However the club was still packed before 2008. They had a large club where dancers routinely got fully nude on the main stage and satellite stages. You could bring your own beer in to reduce expenses and enjoy the view. It was the only large nude club in the area. great recession hit. business went downhill fast. Things started picking up a little but some of the better dancers left. Management changed. They offered liquor, no nudity. Crowds left. Suddenly there was a vast empty parking lot on Saturday night less crowded than a liquid store. However you could now buy liquor and everything else everyone can already get at other clubs wherever they are already at. There was no reason to visit anymore.
I love it when they have standards!
I can think of a way or two to cure these Assholes of their lack of respect.
It's probably a good idea to ask about a dancers rules before agreeing to a dance. I don't always think clearly if someone looks really good. :)
As a customer; I can’t disagree w/ that.
But it would be insincere to believe that only the custies wanting dirty dances or extras are the *only* problem.
Many dancers take exception, and bitch about it on SW all the time, if a custie does not want to get/pay for an air-dance (clean dance). It seems many dancers want to have their cake and eat it too. They seem to want to give the types of dances *they* want (instead of what the custie wants) while making back too.
Dancers should think – if they were a guy/custie; would they opt for and pay for an air-dance when they could have a high-mileage dance?
And IMO, I would say most custies that go to SCs do not opt for extras even if available. For many the issue is of air-dances vs high-contact dances w/ many viewing air-dances as pretty much a waste of time and $$$.
I can think of a way or two to cure these Assholes of their lack of respect.
Wow alturd...what can you think of? Enlighten us. Your against guns and violence. How do you propose this cure then? Talk to them and appeal to their reason? If this is the case how do you appeal to someone's reason when you have none?
I smell shit now
Just how is a "pissing match" scored? Is it like golf, a low score is good, or perhaps bowling where high is better? Do they sell scoring sheets? :)
I've sometimes wondered why the VIP wasn't filled to capacity given the large crowds. So perhaps you are right.
Even so, I would not go to that club if extras were not available.
"but the customer should respect a clean dancers boundaries without being grabby and disrespectful"
I can think of a way or two to cure these Assholes of their lack of respect. "
A gun?
Very astute observation. I never really thought of it before but I absolutely agree with you. Usually I am so focused on my own horndog aims whenever I am in the club that I pay little attention to other customers.
Upon reflection I can see how right you are. Most customers that I see are just sitting in intimated awe gazing at all the bare female skin wandering around the club. Getting a simple lap dance is an act of supreme courage for these characters.
Different story for the Detroit and Mississauga brothels, of course.
Clearly, the dancer who offers an enhanced lapdance experience is able to significantly control the situation. Since, for many of these women, much of their life is beyond their ability to control; being able to control a man in such a sexually charged environment is likely attractive to them.
Perhaps the non-extras dancer is just as intimidated by the potenial of control as she is protecting her "standards."
If you are rich or don't drink much, it's probably not going to be worth it to bother.
That's one of the dumbest things I've ever read on here.
Savings over $1400 with byob. That doesn't include the savings in buying dancer drinks. I read men have some kind of alcohol enzyme or something that removes alcohol at a rate of about 2 beers an hour. I read women do not have it. I'm not sure about all women though.
@Jester214, If you think being intimidated by potential control over a situation is "one of the dumbest things" you have read on here, I imagine you would find the rest of Jung's analysis of human psychology to be extremely bizarre.
You can't just slap psychology on any situation. Used in the context you chose, yes one of the dumbest.
The justifications some people come up with amaze me.
3-6 months later, those gals are doing the same thing.