One dancer that "gets it".

avatar for shadowcat
I was talking to a favorite yesterday and she told me about a pissing match in the dressing room. Some of the dancers were complaining about the girls that were doing extras. She pointed out to them, that it was the girls that were doing extras that made the club packed everyday. That they were not a bunch of Playboy centerfolds and the guys did NOT flock in to just watch them.

Clean dancers have always complained about dirty dancers but few realize that they are getting a residual benefit.


last comment
avatar for tsepmet1
11 years ago
While I do agree that dirty dancers draw a crowd, the less desired affect for clean dancers have been that fewer and fewer customers are respecting boundaries. I think that the customer and dancer should do together whatever they are comfortable with, but the customer should respect a clean dancers boundaries without being grabby and disrespectful. Don't want a clean dance? No biggie, just move on without being an ass about it. <3
avatar for sharkhunter
11 years ago
That fact seems obvious to most guys. Clubs and other dancers get the benefit of extra customers in a club. The drawback might be if the police do a raid if the club is under scrutiny. Plus you sometimes hear other dancers complaining that they can't compete and do not want to with extras girls. Actually they don't need to try. A number of the extra customers are arriving because of the extras girls but they like to watch the hotter non extras girls.

If instead of extras we called it contact girls versus air dance girls. I may visit a club and get dances for the contact. I will not even visit a club if I know the only thing offered is an air dance unless they have 10's working there or something else that I can't get or see somewhere else. If they are the only nude club in the area, I might visit to see that but still not buy dances. It seems surprising how many dancers and managers seem to not understand. However management that doesn't have a clue and restricts too much or gets rid of the nudity if that was the only thing drawing in a crowd, gets rewarded by a major loss of revenue.

I saw that at one nude club in Wellford SC. Club only offered very restricted lap dances, not worth it IMO. However the club was still packed before 2008. They had a large club where dancers routinely got fully nude on the main stage and satellite stages. You could bring your own beer in to reduce expenses and enjoy the view. It was the only large nude club in the area. great recession hit. business went downhill fast. Things started picking up a little but some of the better dancers left. Management changed. They offered liquor, no nudity. Crowds left. Suddenly there was a vast empty parking lot on Saturday night less crowded than a liquid store. However you could now buy liquor and everything else everyone can already get at other clubs wherever they are already at. There was no reason to visit anymore.
avatar for sharkhunter
11 years ago
lol, my iPad thinks a liquor store is a liquid store. might be, lol.
avatar for dallas702
11 years ago
A favorite of mine admitted last spring that I am not the only customer she offers extras (that was almost as shocking as when she admitted she was not a virgin when we met!). But she also claimed her list of regulars with "benefits" is short and restricted. She also recognizes that the "anybody with the price" extras girls help bring in the crowds and help fill her garter with regular lap dance money. This fav of mine claims she would go to work at McDs before she would blow someone she found repulsive.

I love it when they have standards!
avatar for Alucard
11 years ago
"but the customer should respect a clean dancers boundaries without being grabby and disrespectful"

I can think of a way or two to cure these Assholes of their lack of respect.
avatar for sharkhunter
11 years ago
Clean dancers could cut out a lot of the grabby customers by telling the customers she has rules such as no touching at all in certain areas before going to do a dance. However discussing rules before even asking for a dance might be enough to get most guys to just say no thanks before she gets any money. I would respect her rules but if you are in a club and only one or two dancers don't like something, most guys will not know.

It's probably a good idea to ask about a dancers rules before agreeing to a dance. I don't always think clearly if someone looks really good. :)
avatar for Lone_Wolf
11 years ago
shadowcat is spot on. The majority of my SC visits don't involve extras and I get plenty of dances for honeys that don't give them. Even so, I like having the option to get them if I want them. And, the bulk of my spending does go to dancers that provide good value.

avatar for sharkhunter
11 years ago
I just thought of how a regular strip club could draw in much larger crowds. Offer byob or bring your own beer at no additional charge or a tiny charge. They could even have club coolers that glow in the black light to restrict someone taking it home or have something like a Walmart tag that beeps if you take it to the entrance. Then charge two dollars for ice and an extra two dollars to enter with beer. I'd visit the club with my own beer instead of going somewhere else if it was one of the clubs I often visit.
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
Extras make the world go round.
avatar for Ermita_Nights
11 years ago
I don't understand why you'd want to bring your own beer.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
11 years ago
“… Don't want a clean dance? No biggie, just move on without being an ass about it …”

As a customer; I can’t disagree w/ that.

But it would be insincere to believe that only the custies wanting dirty dances or extras are the *only* problem.

Many dancers take exception, and bitch about it on SW all the time, if a custie does not want to get/pay for an air-dance (clean dance). It seems many dancers want to have their cake and eat it too. They seem to want to give the types of dances *they* want (instead of what the custie wants) while making back too.

Dancers should think – if they were a guy/custie; would they opt for and pay for an air-dance when they could have a high-mileage dance?

And IMO, I would say most custies that go to SCs do not opt for extras even if available. For many the issue is of air-dances vs high-contact dances w/ many viewing air-dances as pretty much a waste of time and $$$.
avatar for georgmicrodong
11 years ago
I'm skeptical. I don't think customers looking for extras are typical at most clubs. Are they there? Sure. But based on my own observations of the types of people I've seen in clubs over the years, I don't think the numbers are large enough (outside of certain individual clubs) to make the claim that extras bring in the customers in general. At specific clubs, yeah, but not overall.
avatar for crazyjoe
11 years ago
"but the customer should respect a clean dancers boundaries without being grabby and disrespectful"

I can think of a way or two to cure these Assholes of their lack of respect.

Wow alturd...what can you think of? Enlighten us. Your against guns and violence. How do you propose this cure then? Talk to them and appeal to their reason? If this is the case how do you appeal to someone's reason when you have none?

I smell shit now

avatar for Clubber
11 years ago

Just how is a "pissing match" scored? Is it like golf, a low score is good, or perhaps bowling where high is better? Do they sell scoring sheets? :)
avatar for Lone_Wolf
11 years ago
@georgmicrodong: Interesting observation. I frequent one the best clubs for extras in the Phoenix area. The VIP has six booths and even when the club is packed almost always one of the booths is available.

I've sometimes wondered why the VIP wasn't filled to capacity given the large crowds. So perhaps you are right.

Even so, I would not go to that club if extras were not available.
avatar for shadowcat
11 years ago
Clubber - It's like bowling. Whoever yells the highest wins. :)
avatar for deogol
11 years ago
Alutard: "
"but the customer should respect a clean dancers boundaries without being grabby and disrespectful"

I can think of a way or two to cure these Assholes of their lack of respect. "

A gun?
avatar for sclvr5005
11 years ago
Yeah extras make the world go round but if they become the mainstay of a club's appeal the girls can get complacent about offering it and the next thing you know LE is at the door. That just happened to a well known extras place in the COI.
avatar for rattdog
11 years ago
hey if the girls that offer air-dances don't like the extras that are being allowed in a a club-the saying appliies to any of us who disagrees w/an employer (harassment, shitty pay, etc)-there's the fucking door.
avatar for sclvr5005
11 years ago
^^ are you fucking kidding? Someone gets harrassed by an employer and THEY need to be stepping? No it don't work that way. That employer would have their ass in court first.
avatar for jester214
11 years ago
While I'm certain in some clubs it works the way the dancer said I'm also certain that in some places if certain dancers started regularly handing out extras it would have a negative impact on those dancers that didn't.
avatar for rl27
11 years ago
I had a few dancers complain about other dancers who were giving extras and pointing them out, and I think it's quite hilarious. Kind of stupid, If she was hot she might have gotten at least one song from me, but now she has just told me who to look for and won't even get a single song from me, no wonder she is pissed, horrible business skills. Then again most of the time the dancer doing the complaining is a dancer I wouldn't want a song from anyway.
avatar for farmerart
11 years ago

Very astute observation. I never really thought of it before but I absolutely agree with you. Usually I am so focused on my own horndog aims whenever I am in the club that I pay little attention to other customers.

Upon reflection I can see how right you are. Most customers that I see are just sitting in intimated awe gazing at all the bare female skin wandering around the club. Getting a simple lap dance is an act of supreme courage for these characters.

Different story for the Detroit and Mississauga brothels, of course.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
11 years ago
People having their livelihoods ruined is a normal part of the free market system. Even so, it's natural for said people to be pissed about it, and shitty not to feel a bit of sympathy for them.
avatar for dallas702
11 years ago
I think one of the "attractions" for many dancers in clubs where extras are more common is the control the dancers have over many PLs. I agree with GMD and Farmerart that most people sitting in strip clubs are; not looking for extras, or too intimidated, or too timid to ask, or simply not aware of potentially available extras. I have watched prowling dancers move in on some of these overawed PLs like a lioness moving in on a lame buck. Like that feline, the dancer seems to enjoy playing with her food! And we all know that the PL seldom escapes with his dignity or his wallet intact.

Clearly, the dancer who offers an enhanced lapdance experience is able to significantly control the situation. Since, for many of these women, much of their life is beyond their ability to control; being able to control a man in such a sexually charged environment is likely attractive to them.

Perhaps the non-extras dancer is just as intimidated by the potenial of control as she is protecting her "standards."
avatar for jackslash
11 years ago
What are extras?

avatar for ilbbaicnl
11 years ago
@dallas am I timid because I wouldn't ask your mom to suck my dick for $50? I'm sure that Emily Post would agree that the rules of courtesy require a man to not ask any woman who strikes his fancy to suck his dick for pay. We hear a lot of complaints on this website that not enough hot women want to work as strippers. Hint: being regarded as a piece of shit who does not deserve any courtesy is not an attractive job perk.
avatar for sharkhunter
11 years ago
The reason to bring your own beer would be to save money. If one beer costs $5 before any tip in the club, bringing in a six pack would cost $30 if you bought them all from the club. From the grocery store, it costs a whole lot less. Of course you would want to stay at least a few hours to allow the alcohol to wear off. Some guys bring in a lot more than 6 but then sometimes they can share with dancers or whomever they want to without spending any extra money on drinks.

If you are rich or don't drink much, it's probably not going to be worth it to bother.
avatar for jester214
11 years ago
Perhaps the non-extras dancer is just as intimidated by the potenial of control as she is protecting her "standards."

That's one of the dumbest things I've ever read on here.
avatar for sharkhunter
11 years ago
Example 6 clubs beers plus tip, $6 each x 6 = $36 per visit times 4 visits per month times 12 months = more than $1400 per year in beer costs versus less than $150 per year if bought from the grocery store.
Savings over $1400 with byob. That doesn't include the savings in buying dancer drinks. I read men have some kind of alcohol enzyme or something that removes alcohol at a rate of about 2 beers an hour. I read women do not have it. I'm not sure about all women though.
avatar for Ermita_Nights
11 years ago
But if a club is selling beer at $6 per bottle, then it's clearly part of the business model. You might as well wish the girls would give dances for free.
avatar for dallas702
11 years ago
@ibbaicni, just because you don't want/seek extras in clubs does not mean the rest of us treat dancers poorly. I actually read very few complaints here about not enough "hot women" dancers, nor did I assert nor imply that I have ever regarded any woman a "a piece of shit." (If you want to ask my Mom that question, go ahead. She is 94 and a little hard of hearing, so you may have to shout - O, and watch out for her .38 snub.)

@Jester214, If you think being intimidated by potential control over a situation is "one of the dumbest things" you have read on here, I imagine you would find the rest of Jung's analysis of human psychology to be extremely bizarre.
avatar for jester214
11 years ago
Why don't you torture animals? Is it because you're afraid to be in control?

You can't just slap psychology on any situation. Used in the context you chose, yes one of the dumbest.

The justifications some people come up with amaze me.
avatar for Clackport
11 years ago
I'm one of those guys that's not looking for or wanting extras. Before I found TUSCL I had no idea that stuff happened in strip clubs.
avatar for unclewillSea
11 years ago
I love pretentious bitches that complain about other girls sucking and fucking in clubs.
3-6 months later, those gals are doing the same thing.
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