
Comments by dallas702 (page 27)

  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    An Awkward Moment LOL
    A few years ago at the Clubhouse in Dallas I was upstairs (An interior "balcony" used by the club as VIP) in a dark corner with a very young, very cooperative spinner. She was straddling me and bouncing excitedly on my rubber encased equipment when the manager walked up and asked her to stop by and see him! I was a deflating experience! The good news was the dancer took it in stride (literally, she did NOT even slow down) and after the manager walked off I regained my prior interest. Turns out the manager just wanted to check schedules with her and he totally ignored out activity! (at least that is what she told me later.)
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    11 years ago
    Simple Question
    I don't see what's wrong with finding a hot young slutty whore! If they enjoy sex, have fun being sexual, and need to make money, that seems to yield a somewhat advantageous confluence of traits! And what better place to find hot, young slutty whores than a strip club?
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    11 years ago
    Temple Hills 2AMer
    Muff Riders!
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    11 years ago
    Thank God Trump is FIRED!!! Lock him up!
    Loss of a giant
    Mandela certainly earned the adoration of his nation, and the rest of the world, for his peaceful revolution that dramatically changed South Africa. I strongly disagree with his personal fondness for communism, and especially his admiration for F. Castro, but the new South Africa - as created/envisioned/developed by Mandela is NOT communist. The man valued freedom, individual rights and fair - controllable - government more than communism. I may not have agreed with his political leanings, but his practical results are clear. I respect the man for his grace and calm. I salute him for his accomplishments. I mourn his passing.
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    11 years ago
    80 years ago Today...
    @Rockstar666, you use the word, "liberal" in its archaic meaning. Liberals once favored government oversight to protect a free market economy and were generally willing to spend more tax dollars on infrastructure than "conservatives." As used today, "liberal" means a "progressive," big government, government controls everything, extremist (think Pelosi). I am guessing the reason for the changed usage is that progressive (read: socialist) extremists overwhelmed the Democrats and most (if not all) Democrats in D.C. are progressives who want to use the older label. Why not move from being a "liberal" who does not believe in what the Democrat progressives are attempting, to a libertarian? The conservatives you bemoan, are no better than progressives in wanting federal laws to control the morals of the population. The libertarian concept is fewer laws, smaller government and strict application of the constitution (I know, one person's "strict" is another's misinterpretation). The libertarian claims are something like, live and let live - but stay out of my wallet and my bedroom!
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    11 years ago
    What do you do with a stripper that won't take no for an answer?
    Years ago I was somewhat regular at a midwestern club (1-3 times a month) where a thin brunette worked. After getting a few dances from her one night (OK, but nothing special and nothing extra) and having a pleasant convo with her later that same visit, she began latching onto me every time I came in. Nothing I could do (including getting dances from other girls, but not from her) would keep her from hugging me as I walked in and sitting in my lap as long as I was in the club (unless I was getting a lapper from someone else, then she would wait for me). I tried going to the restroom and changing tables, I tried sitting with other dancers - she simply found me and joined me. Finally, I told her to PLEASE STOP. She said, "OK" and went away. Problem solved, right? WRONG, the next time I visited, she came up to me and asked if I was still mad at her! Sometimes a problem does NOT have a ready solution!
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    11 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: America's cheapest states to live
    What this kind of "ten most X" reporting neglects to include really has an impact on rankings. In the example from CNBC, the report neglects to address the impact of wages on "livability." Oklahoma may be very "cheap" when looking only at costs, but since wages in OK are also among the lowest in the country, disposable income in OK is actually less than most states. No spending $ = no good clubs I lived for a decade near Nashville, TN. In spite of its Music City status it really was a very inexpensive place to live (low taxes - property and sales, low housing costs, and cheap TVA power). But for most people in Nashville, salaries were also very low. So Tennessee may cost less than some states, but most people there make so much less than average that they actually have less left over from their paycheck than people who live in NYC or San Fran. Not much money to spend = few clubs It is the $$ left over - after paying the rent, car note, utilities and buying groceries - that pays for lap dances! I think that the quality and number of strip clubs in a particular area is an indication of real livability. Only in an area where many guys can pay their bills AND have money left over to regularly hit the clubs and buy VIPS will strip clubs proliferate. LA - high cost of living, but lots of very highly paid people = COI!
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    11 years ago
    New York
    I saw "Blockbuster" in the title and thought you were talking stock trades. The video rental company shut down its last store last week and there will be no more Blockbuster trades! (I know, bad joke. But I just couldn't resist!)
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    11 years ago
    I know this dates me, but I still prefer the model 1911, .45ACP. It is easy to clean, easy to clear jams (which are few and far between) and accurate enough within 50 feet. Eight shots is enough for almost any personal protection need. The .45 round is a good compromise between portability/weight/size and punch. Several gun makers are selling "updated" versions of the 1911 and that keeps the price reasonable.
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    11 years ago
    Fish Out Of Water
    @Slick, Dude, you need NOT worry. I have "dated" a few who were less than fully equipped between the ears. I have experience with people who were not blessed with either; original brainpower, education or opportunity. And, I have been to the Villa. Any woman can find something to appreciate at any museum. Let her interests be your guide and you will quickly get an idea what gets her attention. Do be her guide, don't be a know it all. Let her take you where she wants and ask her opinion often. You made a perfect choice. She may not appreciate the same things you do, and she certainly will not know nor care about much of the history (though you may be surprised at her interest in specific parts of the history), but beauty has an appeal that is far beyond education or intelligence. She will find things there to love, to "oooh" over and to squeal about. And she WILL find scenes or scenery that will kick her "romance" genes into high gear. (The upper level has a pool deck with a view of the coast and the Pacific that may force her to hug tightly to your body.) That is the kind of museum trip that will make any woman hot for your bod. Enjoy!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Too many of us have learned difficult lessons about relationships with strippers. For some of us the result is bitterness. For others, callous disregard for the possible feelings of dancers. For most of us the bad experiences (and the good) teach us caution but also remind us that strange tail many sometimes be very expensive, but it is always very good.
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    11 years ago
    Breathless Go Go bar shooting in Nj
    The gun-ban nut suggests that people like GMD, who legally carry a firearm, will "increase the violence of any particular incident. And possibly innocent & unarmed persons may be caught in the crossfire of a "OK Corral" type battle and be wounded or killed." Of course, that is his opinion and he will continue to hold tightly to that that opinion even in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary. And that overwhelming evidence does exist. In every state where "concealed carry" has been approved, violence and crime of all types have gone down significantly in the first year after implementation, and remained much lower than any state where concealed carry is not permitted. Firearms related injury and deaths went way down in every state, as well as robberies, rapes and muggings, but notably every category of crimes against persons or property went down in every state approving concealed carry. On the opposite end of the spectrum, EVERY city in the top ten with the most firearms murders, BAN guns. Chicago has one of the most severe firearms bans of any city in the world and averages over 500 firearms murders a year. Clear and irrefutable evidence that will not change a gun-ban nut's opinion.
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    11 years ago
    Gun fire in Jersey Mall
    @motorhead, I lived in NJ for a few years (job requirement) and I found the white corn (a variety of sweet corn) to be excellent. I am sure some people would miss that. Otherwise, I would be unable to dispute your assertion.
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    11 years ago
    Gun fire in Jersey Mall
    After a reboot installing new software, I scanned TUSCL without signing in and found zipman68's comment. (Normally I would have missed it since he earned a place on my ignore list.) Just for giggles, this time I'll respond. First, I never stated nor implied any desire to restrict anyone's rights, including the First Amendment right of free speech. I never said, nor implied, that the OP did not have the right to free speech. Please note, contrary to zipman68's assertion, free speech is NOT the same as dissent. The US Constitution does NOT specifically protect any right of dissent. Under certain circumstances, dissent has even been successfully prosecuted as treason. What I did say was, I consider those opposed to the US Constitution and yet living in the US to be amoral assholes. That is because I do consider anyone opposed to the rights, protections, responsibilities and benefits created and protected by the US Constitution, and yet residing here enjoying those self same benefits, to be both amoral and an asshole. That doesn't mean the OP does not have the right to express his opinion. It means that I sincerely believe his opinion makes him an amoral asshole. My opinion is offered, not because he exercises a right granted under the Constitution, but because he benefits from those rights and protections and yet openly opposes the very principles, structure and documents that provide the benefits he enjoys. Zipman68's criticism is misplaced, duplicitous and unwarranted. I spoke no word in opposition anyones rights. I said nothing about liberty. I did not in any form suggest the mitigation of any portion of the US Constitution, nor the restriction of any right, power nor authority granted therein.
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    11 years ago
    Gun fire in Jersey Mall
    @motorhead, maybe it is because most of us are mildly irritated by the brainless drivel repeatedly posted here by the OP. This time, instead of the twerp commenting on someone else's post, he started this one, allowing everyone the opportunity to express their low opinion of the OP. (note that not one single comment in this thread supports the OP or his position.) I said, "mildly irritated" because, while I do consider those opposed to the US Constitution and yet living in the US to be amoral assholes, the OP's repeated moronic posts are about as bothersome as a single fly in a busy SC.
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    11 years ago
    More strippers a-coming!
    @degol, I was young once, too. For some weird reason I dug in and was very careful with my money. Before I turned 30 I had a nice split-level - half paid for, three cars - all paid for, savings and retirement accounts. I didn't have as much fun as many of my friends, but I WAS ahead of the game! Then came that damn divorce! What I didn't lose in the settlement, I paid out on attorneys. Start over! Second time around, I balanced play and save a little better, but raising two kids on my own (yes, I did get custody) meant a lot of play time was spent in Chucky Cheese. We all think we could have done it better than we did. Sometimes we are right, sometimes we are just too damn sober.
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    11 years ago
    Well, I found out how to tell a stripper really isn't into you...
    Surprisingly, some strippers are just too shy to sit and talk, for any price. If she refuses to do a lap dance, then you know you are rejected!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    More strippers a-coming!
    Actually, for many young women, WITH skills and education, stripping still pays better than many careers. Unfortunately, after they start stripping, too many end up "living" the lifestyle, wasting what they earn.
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    11 years ago
    This needs to STOP
    3-D printers need to be programmed to be able to print guns. Confiscate and destroy all IT programmers!
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    11 years ago
    Gun fire in Jersey Mall
    @McDuece, you disputed my 350 million population and used a number of 317 million. I would argue that the US Census Bureau estimate for 2012 of 313,914,040 does not include resident aliens whether legal or criminal. Since the legal alien count is over 12 million and the number of alien nationals illegally in this country in estimated by many credible sources to be at, or over, 25 million, I will stick with my number of 350 million. That's our census of 313 million, plus 12 million legal foreigners (guests), plus 25 million illegal aliens (invaders), for a total of 350 million. You next point is a math error. Yours, not mine. The decimal fraction of 0.000023 is the same as the percentage of 00.0023% @zel8mich, minor detail - but I said "less than 800." The actual number of domestic deaths by firearms is not "available." - I guessed. But I stand by my comparison to total population. Your chances of getting killed by firearms accident in your home is related to the total population versus the number of accidental deaths (in home) by firearms. The number of people who died of all causes is irrelevant.
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    11 years ago
    Big Brother
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    11 years ago
    TUSCL, Life, and Manners!
    Troop, I am going to tell a somewhat long story. Please read. I will eventually get to the point. My nephew has an adopted daughter who just turned 18. When she was two, she started climbing into my lap, snuggling up tightly and saying, "I wuv you, Nuncie" (I think nuncie meant "uncle"). It was cute and everyone really liked her silly little wiggles and chest to chest hugs while she was sitting in my lap grinning as only a two year old can. It became "our" routine greeting. I live far from my nephew and visits are often months apart. When she was 14 this cute little girl turned into instant hot, hot, "jail bait" but she STILL got on my lap snuggled up and said, "I wuv you, Nuncie." After the second time it happened, and she STAYED (wiggling and hugging) on my lap, I decided to stand whenever she came into a room and avoid inappropriate contact. I tell you this girl, between 14 and 18, just got hotter and sexier every year. And any time she could catch me sitting she was in my lap. I think she figured out the game very early on (before me), but still she IS my great-niece. This girl just a few weeks ago went on her, first ever, date. Her dad (wisely in her case) would not let her date until she turned 18. I don't know how it happened in our extended family but my nephew, his wife, all three kids and the dog are as "clean cut" all American, church on Sunday, BBQ on Saturday as it is possible to be. Nothing inappropriate EVER happens in his household. In spite of her strict father and "clean" upbringing, we started making comments (between my nephew and I) when his daughter turned 11 (well before she "bloomed."). What began as, "Kid, that girl will be your gray hair and ulcers in a few years" eventually became, "Damn Kid, you know you could take that girl to Nevada and be a millionaire in weeks?" or (sticking out my right arm) "That child may cost me body parts, but it's bound to be worth it!" Between my nephew and I there is never any doubt that my quiet comments are exclamations upon his daughter's remarkable beauty and never anything more! He jokes with me that, "While she may become the hottest stripper in history, at least she has made a gentleman out of you." (A reference to me standing every time she enters the room). He has also made other pointed, and gross, remarks about her. For both of us it is about being grossly funny, nothing more. But if you take those comments out of the context of a very safe and deservedly trusting family relationship they can seem perverted, insulting or simply gross. (Maybe they ARE perverse and gross - but we know we mean no harm!) If some stranger made insulting remarks about my great-niece I would be very quick to react, and I would probably OVER react with anger and possible violence (she is so darling, sweet and innocent -in addition to being hotter than a $2 pistol - anyone would want to protect her). I can see how an insult to my niece (who is, admittedly, over-protected by the whole extended family) could cause long term anger and even rage. Putting it in print, might be even worse. So, to my point (finally!) I can see both sides. My nephew and I make inappropriate remarks about his daughter - we laugh. Someone else makes that kind of remark we shoot from the hip (in both of our cases that phrase can - potentially - be taken literally!). I would have a hard time forgiving a stranger who said something out of line. And we are not even talking about my Mother! ! ! ! ! Doc was a jerk. He wrote something gross, insulting and totally inappropriate! It was stupid. BUT - - whether you believe his apology or not - - he is not an immediate threat to you or your family. It is time to drop it. Don't let him off the hook, just put him on ignore and never bring it up again. Life goes on, and keeps going until you die. In the meantime we get to live. Well or poorly, angry or joyful, we live. Enjoy life, hit your fav SC and buy a VIP with the most sensual dancer there. Enjoy!!! But if you so much as look twice at my niece - I will blow your dirty head apart! ;-)