
The CDC says to use a condom to avoid the Zika virus.

Atlanta suburb
Friday, February 5, 2016 9:04 PM
What I want to know is how are you supposed to get it on the mosquito? :)


  • crazyjoe
    8 years ago
    We got to ask georgemicrodong that. He is the only one with small enough to fuck mosquitoes
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    I knew freezing cold weather was good for something. I heard a rumor that the Zika virus had been around for over 40 years and never resulted in too many problems until more recently when they started giving a new vaccine to pregnant mothers. The rumor was that the vaccine had side effects when it reacted to the virus so to cover it up, they blamed the virus. Makes perfect sense for a big drug company. I also heard something about genetically modified Mosquitos but I doubt there was anything to it. That would be like blaming killer bees for a virus outbreak. Thankfully we have the bill gates foundation down in brazil working at the heart of this. Thank god for big drug companies saving us all from these deadly outbreaks. I don't know what we would do without them. well other than vote for Bernie or Hillary so that the government can tell us where to work and what to do. If elected president, one day we may need a government permit just to buy a beer. Now that would be a Bernie or Hillary socialist dream come true. They could talk about all the health benefits we would get by limiting beer through permits? I mean Bloomberg already tried that with soda. Actually he just banned big sodas. For the few who don't understand sarcasm, I'm joking. I realized there are some people who don't understand sarcasm after reading posts from Alucard.
  • dallas702
    8 years ago
    @Sharkhunter, the story may be even more bizarre. According to some reports I have seen, Brazil did not start tracking microcephely until October 2015. In the first 3 months they identified 270 cases of microcephely. In SIX of those cases the mother had the Zika virus in her blood - 6 out of 270. Brazil did not report the percentage of general population who are Zika infected. Supposedly, that is the only connection between the birth defect and the Zika virus. Brazil is one of the few countries to use three of the most extreme insecticides that are known to cause birth defects (chemicals banned in most other countries), but officials in Brazil insist those chemicals are not responsible.
  • cantsleep
    8 years ago
    So how long till someone like WBC says this is punishment by God for per-martial sex?
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