Senate act on strip clubs adds to sodomy criticism
Detroit strip clubs
Michigan legislature outlaws full nudity in strip clubs after outlawing sodomy. Why would I even go to Detroit strip clubs any more?……
What else can one say.
This stupid morality law will just push even more business out of the state, especially the Detroit area. Who wants a trip to Bogarts to end with a criminal arrest instead of CIM? Why go to the Flight Club if the vice enforcers are there to watch you?
I hope that most of the ladies of Detroit's most welcoming clubs will choose to travel to the south. Their talents will certainly find an approving audience in or near cities like Miami, Pompano Beach, Tampa, Atlanta and many other venues.
However I have noticed the more democrat or liberal voting an area is, the less strip clubs it has and more restrictive the area seems to be as far as strip clubs go in general.
The US is going downhill, end of a 500 year cycle of dominate by the west and end of a 250 year cycle of dominance by the US. China and the East are likely going to become dominant and better economically than the US which is in decline. Both parties here don't get it. They talk about fighting ISIS and foreign enemies of freedom but at home they are almost just as bad as ISIS. It's another sign this country is going downhill. Next up I believe the FED may get worried about people holding cash or using cash to avoid negative interest rates. Can't have that. This will further screw strip clubs when they try to get rid of cash. I imagine some strip clubs will invent their own cash convertible back to digital money. exchange rate? who knows? different topic though but coinciding with the decline of the US and all these restrictions on our freedom and money.…
in the top left of the link is another link to the coming war on cash that central banks around the world are concerned about. To sum up, with central banks resorting to negative rates as a last gap effort to avoid a declining economy, it becomes cheaper to hold cash than to keep it in a bank. Central banks can't have that so charging people to hold cash or eliminating cash is what they have already been discussing. People taking all their money out of a bank could collapse the entire financial system because there isn't enough cash to convert everyone's money to cash.
I probably should have majored in finance. It is what I seem to be more interested in.