
Comments by harrydave (page 27)

  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Hall of Fame, Hall of Shame
    PAS, nice summary. For a very brief moment, my eyes got all moist as I realized we're like some big disfunctional family. Ok, a big disfunctional family of perverts.
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    15 years ago
    "Everything I need to know, I learned in a Strip Club"
    I learned: 1) To regularly contribute to TUSCL so I could get free admission 2) To visit the ATM of my own bank to avoid ATM fees 3) To open a tab only for close friends 4) To be more explicit in how I communicate my interest in sex 5) To be able to identify and protect myself from drug addicts, liars, and psychotics 6) To ignore the DJ when he announces the availability of VIP 7) To exercise great patience and compromise less 8) To realize my ex-wife was not great in bed Oh, that last one was not nice!
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    15 years ago
    On the Road Again
    Here's a career aspiration that will be sure to include plenty of travel: management and/or IT consulting for a national firm. That's pretty much what I do. I don't want to bore you with a rundown on the places I have traveled to. I'm sure the airline guys have me beat. About 15 years ago, I got tired of watching TV and reading books in my hotel rooms, and I decided to step out for some adult entertainment. The TV doesn't get much use now. After I "discovered" TUSCL, I was able to plan my trips more strategically. For example, I once flew in/out of Indianapolis, for work in Columbus OH, just so I could visit BBF coming and going. The net cost was lower than my regular itinerary, but the Columbus client complained I wasn't supporting their local economy enough! Now I just hook up with TUSCL_Bro, and my club experiences in Columbus are just fine. Then there was the time I went to Buenos Aires with my client from Puerto Rico....;-)
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    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Ever get a free(?) lap dance?
    I had a couple of regulars a few years ago who would occasionally get tired of wandering around the club getting rejected, so they would sit with me and every so often offer a free dance. Which I accepted. But, nothing is free. Those free dances were more like investment dividends from a Ponzi scheme.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Tip outs.
    Tipout at Hiliter in Phoenix: If arrive prior to 11:30 AM, $25 up front or $35 after working(afternoons and evenings a bit more) plus 10% of dances, plus $5 to DJ and whatever $ to guy who carries your bag to your car. The girls, of course, cheat on the dance percentage, and some of them short the daytime DJ because he treats the girls unfairly (i.e. enthusiastic intros for some, and nothing much for others). Anyway, this overall tipout arrangement seems ok to the girls. The club is very popular.
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    15 years ago
    Foreign-born Dancers
    For every stereotype, there are many exceptions, so I am open to the possibility of a great experience with a girl of any nationality. - Germans are too serious; but the 6 foot tall doctoral candidate German I met in Phoenix was lighthearted and giggly - Asians are cold; but the Malaysian girl in Columbus OH insisted we find a private corner so we could snuggle - Russians are mercenary; but the Russian girl in Bridgeport CT just wanted to hang out at our table and flirt for free (ok, and drink, and of course Russians are drunks...!) - Latinas are sensual; but the girls in Nogales are all business (talk about mercenary) Filipinos are whores; but the Filipino girl I knew well in Phoenix would go OTC with me, but never hinted at sex Now Brazilians...I gotta agree, they are fun!
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    15 years ago
    Most underrated locale for SCs?
    Here's a short list of under-appreciated locales, most of which I was fortunate to visit on business trips: 1) Austin TX - not exactly the mileage capital of Texas, but very nice quality of girls at several clubs, and a variety of clubs to choose from 2) Fort Myers FL - a few clubs, and with Tampa up the road, overlooked, but my limited time there suggests a regular could do well with the ladies 3) Reno NV - another smaller place with potential Now the BAD places you would think should be better, and with no intent to offend you if you live there: 1) Birmingham AL - OK girl quality , but low mileage, and a typical mistrust of outsiders 2) New Orleans - girls, girls, girls! Yeah, right. 3) Wash DC - low mileage capital of AMerica; there must be another game in town we are not privy to (oh, yeah, $2,000 hookers!)
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    16oz T-bone...$7.25.
    In Phoenix, the Hiliter has a decent lunch menu and the prices are reasonable. When my GF worked there, I would go in Fri at lunch time, eat a burger or cajun chicken sandwich, and let her steal my fries. At the the Playhouse near the Detroit airport, the dinner food was good, and the bench seating arrangement promoted sitting and snuggling with a girl while you noshed. Once, a girl and I fed each other from my plate (there are some famous movie scenes like that), and when we retired into the dance area, the dances were extra special. But most of the time, I treat Jack Daniels on-the-rocks as one of the food groups.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    Which Clubs Have The Most Attractive Dancers?
    Ok, I like a lot of the suggestions. In my experience: 1) Mons Venus 2) Sapphire (Las Vegas) 3) Flight Club (Detroit)
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    15 years ago
    Day Jobs
    1) PhD candidate in biochemistry (confirmed) 2) Golf course cart girl 3) Accountant That's about all the ones I can think of that actually had a day job. The great majority seemed to sleep through the day.
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    15 years ago
    What is YOUR line of BS?
    For a while, I was "Dirty Harry" 'cuz I got the name from a girl who was going to school in the Bronx and she and I both liked the same hip hop artists. Now, I'm simply Dave, I'm divorced and I like sex. As for what I do, the truth always results in blank stares or polite nods. "I'm a civil engineer who does management and IT consulting for an environmental engineering company." her: uh huh (WTF)? My simpler version is, "When you turn on the shower, clean water comes out. I work for the guys that make that happen." her: oh yeah, I like taking showers!
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Any two way full contact clubs left in Florida?
    The insistence on 2-way, fully nude, and alcohol pretty well narrows it down. I think potheadpl has the best suggestion, but I've never made it out of Tampa when I visit there. My last time at Mons 6 weeks ago, it was 2 way contact, fully nude, and a soda in a little plastic cup. I like to drink Jack Daniels, but I can do without that when I go to Mons. The inexhaustable supply of nude babes is intoxicating enough.
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    15 years ago
    If it was your last time..where would you go?
    I agree with wallanon that Providence, RI is a good option, too. When I said bring lots of cash, I was thinking of a multi-club experience spread out over a couple of nights. So you will need $300 or so per night, plus a little extra in case you run into that OTC opportunity.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    If it was your last time..where would you go?
    Why limit yourself to one club? You should organize a "club crawl". East of the Mississippi, I would recommend Tampa or Detroit. In both cities, you can choose from a range of clubs, from upscale to total dive. Mons Venus in Tampa is a great club, with no assurance of OTC offers; while there are other clubs like Ybor Strip to try out. Detroit has the full range of clubs, and a hotel room near the airport can be a great base for your "crawl". Take a lot of cash!
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    New Orleans Strip Clubs - Latest Info
    Well I agree with previous posts. Have been to New Orleans, and in the French Quarter, the best you can do is to stay alert, insist on NO cover charge, and be very selective with girls, since the hustle factor is so high. I think the street scene is more interesting.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Approaching a dancer when she is sitting at another table
    I might wait 30 minutes or so for a favorite, maybe get a fluffer to warm me up if the time drags on. I would not interrupt her if she is sitting with other guys. Here's a different take though. If she is sitting with guys, and she is not giving dances or otherwise partying, and this goes on for a while, and there are other available guys like you, then there are some not so savory possibilities: a) you are butt ugly b) she is in a bad mood c) one of the guys is her jealous, abusive boyfriend d) any combo of a, b and c
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Which city has the worst stripclubs in the whole country?
    Just a historical factoid regarding Cincinnati. The group responsible for promoting the new restrictive strip club law in Ohio is based in Cincinnati. They have some serious limp dicks in that town (no offence to the local horn-dogs, who are probably doing a lot of porn surfing). As for Orlando, I have a soft spot for that town. My first visit to a strip club was at Thee Doll House. Pretty mild, but fun for a newbie.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Any clubbing is good clubbing?
    I'm not necessarily looking for extras, but I would like, as a minimum, one way contact lap dances. As the famous blues song says, "The thrill is gone..." for me in clubs with no touch rules. Besides, I get kinda cranky when I am paying $8 for a single-shot drink and $20 for air dances, no matter how gorgeous the girls are. I think this may be a matter of age. It takes more than visuals to get my motor running.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Discussing TUSCL with strippers
    I've talked about TUSCL with plenty of girls. It can be an icebreaker. On one occasion I had a girl go completely paranoid, and beg me not to write about her; then she avoided me for the rest of my visit. When I write reviews, I mention girls by name if they are worth looking up. I don't talk about extras explicitly. Just a little restraint that I would appreciate in return.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Ever give dancers performance advice?
    Very rarely have I given advice, despite my natural inclination to act like "Mr. Know-it-all", and seeing plenty of girls who could use some advice. My sense is the girls don't welcome advice; they believe the customers can't possibly see things from the dancers' perspective. There's some truth in that. I did spend about 30 minutes giving very basic advice to a new girl in a Columbus OH club once. She was cute, and seemed to be willing to bend the rules; she just didn't know how to give a lap dance.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Which city has the worst stripclubs in the whole country?
    I would nominate Washington DC. Good thing it is near Baltimore. Also, until recently I thought Columbus OH clubs were pretty bad, but I have benefited from tapping into local knowledge. Worst State for strip clubs? I would nominate Vermont.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Which city has the best stripclubs in the whole country?
    I have always been happy when I can travel to Tampa or Detroit. Have not had the opportunity to try Houston or St. Louis. I live in Phoenix and it ranks high for value.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Ever wonder how much strippers actually make and where the money goes?
    Another data point from Phoenix clubs. My GF worked one day a week for about 3 to 4 hours. She brought home about $4,500 in a year. I know, because I helped her file back taxes so she could get on the State's radar and qualify for in-State tuition. Based on conversations and observation, I would say the stripper who puts in several shifts a week will bring in $150 to $200 per shift, or maybe $30,000 to $40,000 a year. Some will do much better, some will do much worse. If you figure the successful and hard working girls do 2x better, thats still very decent if you hide it from the tax man.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Best Detroit Clubs?
    Back to the topic at hand. My favorite clubs in Detroit area are the Playhouse and Henry the 8th. Now, for all around sleaze and guaranteed mileage, there is Henry 8th South.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Thirsty girls
    Well, she was using you, but that comes with the territory. One gambit that I have used occasionally in clubs that have girlie drinks (overpriced drinks from which the girl gets a commission) is to ask the girl what percent she gets, and then ask her if she would rather I just pay her for a lap dance or two. In most cases, this either breaks the cycle of stripper-shit or gets me a dance instead of a drinking "buddy".