Discussing TUSCL with strippers
Atlanta suburb
Most of the strippers that I have met don't even have computers. Of the ones that do (1%) have heard of TUSCL. I find that talking to them about it gets rid of the stripper shit. It lets them know that I am not just some amateur. Many have said not to mention their names in my reviews. Others have said to mention their names. "I could use the business". Over the years I have known 4 that have posted on here. Currently only gridget does but she is no longer dancing (except for me). My opinion: being honest opens doors and spreads legs.
If she seems to have knowledge of the review sites, which seldom happens, I then may get into a discussion of the difference between TUSCL and SCL. If girls are aware of any site they are aware of SCL due to the free access. Girls aren't going to pay for a membership and few will write a review so TUSCL is not of much use to them.
For us, an entirely different matter.
Non-anonymous for who?
They may be true but if they out the girl or the club, they're cowardly. I hope strippers don't come to expect this, because it will have a chilling effect.
When I write reviews, I mention girls by name if they are worth looking up. I don't talk about extras explicitly. Just a little restraint that I would appreciate in return.
This thread made me think of another question I've had. Why don't more TUSCLers give the dancers names in reviews? I understand if the girl has broken a few rules, but most of the time its normal stuff. The 'I don't want to get her in trouble' idea is flawed. I'm certain every other dancer and management knows what the girls are doing, that should be obvious from the comments here and what dancers tell you about other dancers. Even the waitresses will know which dancers do what, if you ask. Anyway, I always appreciate reviews that help me figure out who the rip-offs or psycho chicks are and which ones are talented LDers before I go to a new club. Saves me a lot of money and time.
I'm not saying bogus posts can't happen here, but at least TUSCL makes users have to do one extra step of logging in.
Most dancers that I know don't know about TUSCL. I think many of them have heard about SCL, but they don't know it by name. If I mention the internet, the first thing the girls want to know is what bad things it said about them. If I play them along a bit, they sputter around denying that they did something with somebody, but they are sure he probably told the world about it on the internet. HA HA HA.
There was another dancer friend, now retired, who was aware of the existence of strip club forum, but not with any particular detail such as names etc. She would occasionally allude to them and ask if they mentioned her or the club she worked at. I found I just didnt want to engage in conversations of this type so I avoid them.
I have yet to discuss tuscl with a stripper in person but likely will do so in the future. Good idea.
LOL@samsung. At least they knew your name.
Between visits, TUSCL gives me a low-level virtual fix that keeps my addiction going through reflection and vicarious experience. It doesn't work the other way around - when I'm in a club getting a direct fix, the last thing I think about is this website.
It was different back when online strip club forums were a new thing. I tried bringing up the subject with strippers whenever possible, with mixed results. A few girls had some laughs reading some of the funnier ASSC threads I told them about. Most, though, if they had any reaction, seemed to feign an interest and never really follow up. It's like strippers posting on this board. It seems like it would be the most exciting thing ever, but once the novelty wears off, it's kind of ho hum compared to other things you can do with strippers.
Turns out he had been in a club I breezed through earlier (one dancer and two customers, me and him). I'd seen him out of the corner of my eye but it didn't really register at the time. He said he was also shopping around, so I did think about TUSCL and wondered if he used it. I rarely post about where I am (or immediate reviews) if for no other reason that I might hit the same club twice on a trip.
As I said up above, no on TUSCL-dropping with dancers. I have mentioned it to other customers once in a while, though. I wouldn't necessarily mind bumping into a fellow TUSCLer by chance, but my schedule runs so tight that I wouldn't want to seem rude rushing off.