Joined Feb, 2006
Last Seen May, 2021

commented on
1k to spend 1 nightI do pay for membership. As I've said...I don't visit clubs as often as I'd like to...but I'm not gonna stand for this--I've paid…

commented on
1k to spend 1 nightvalid comments guys. As I said....I'm sorry. I've been to just 3-5 clubs in the last 3-4 years.
And no...not LE. Far from…
And no...not LE. Far from…

commented on
1k to spend 1 nightI apologize. I never reviewed as many as I should have, but then again..I'm not a regular (not out of choice). I've been visiting…

1k to spend 1 nightJust can't make up my mind between Indy and Detroit. Looking for a safe, decent club with OTC opportunity. Any ideas?

commented on
help me pick...lol...thanks for the tips. Extras are not mandatory...just "nice to have"---but I keep my expectations low. I have been to about 35-40 clubs, but…

help me pick...driving from Boston to Louisville. I'll have two evenings to kill. Have the following stopover options:
1st night: Pittsburgh, Akron, cleavland or Toledo(if it's…
1st night: Pittsburgh, Akron, cleavland or Toledo(if it's…

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extras at sc'sdamn...am I missing something? I've been to close to 40 clubs in my life. OTC was offered once...ITC..once. Still kicking myself for…

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Raliegh/Durham for a night...any recommendations?yup..I am the "last run" guy....and NO, this is not the "last run"...this is just an unexpected trip. For some reason, I really…

Raliegh/Durham for a night...any recommendations?Going to Raleigh/Durham for 2 days for work. Any pointers on which club to go to? Some place with cute girls and…

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If it was your last time..where would you go?Thanks a lot guys. I decided to stay put for this weekend--figured Labor day would be too busy at all clubs. After…

commented on
If it was your last time..where would you go?Thanks for the replies guys...
Steve>>what induced me to commit so rash a course of action?--well..I have no idea....just figured if I can tolerate someone…
Steve>>what induced me to commit so rash a course of action?--well..I have no idea....just figured if I can tolerate someone…

commented on
If it was your last time..where would you go?Oh..and NO PP in Columbia, SC. Went there a few months ago, and it was littered with all these girls from FL, and…

If it was your last time..where would you go?So..just to give you guys some background, i've been to a few clubs here 'n there. I'm tying the knot soon (and i'm…


Platinum Plus
201 Stoneridge Dr, Columbia, SC 29210, USA*I've been visiting this site for a while, never wrote a review. Visited a lot of clubs based on reviews here..so finally got…