This thread is to honor fellow posters who have provided amusement or a good read here on the TUSCL Discussion boards. As a bonus, the thread can also be used for catharsis, if you want to call out a particularly obnoxious poster (I'm sure MG and gv might call me out...feel free).
At the end of the day, this is a privately run website. However the management sets the rules, dey be da rules! Based on what postings have been left alone over the past couple of months, there REALLY had to have been a bunch of crap spewing from his lovely mouth (keyboard). Unfortunately, I can't say since I've had him on ignore for a while now.
Chandler, you've written 46 reviews. A lot of the other regular posters in the Discussion section have written many reviews as well. I think gv/yourmomma wrote 1 (yet managed to spew a ton of crap.) My point is those generally with "some skin in the game" behave. There was nothing in gv/yourmomma I could tell which separated the person from someone who woke up one morning, skipped their meds, and decided to logon to the Internet in search of some cheap therapy. If I were the Founder/Editor, I'd send such folks off to the vast wasteland which is the Yahoo! Message Boards (good luck monetizing THAT Yahoo!.) To which, why not require 5 reviews before one can have Discussion section posting privileges?
chandler, you have to piss off founder personally. I know because it happened to me years ago. It started because 5 or 6 or us were posting pictures on club chat.He deleted them. I asked why and he wouldn't answer, so we got into it. I got stripped of my credit for 85 reviews and every post that had my name in it got deleted. That upset some other posters. I had to post under a different name for awhile. We reconciled and I got some credit back and my name back.I finally got it from him. He was worried about copy right issues. Oddly, we can now post pictures. BTW gv is back with a new name but same BS.
Founder: What did Greenvegas do to make this necessary? I haven't been following the board very closely over the past few days, so there may be something I missed. He seemed alright from what I saw of his posts. Provocative, yeah, but funny for it, and at least it was about strip clubs. WTF?
Greenvegas and Yourmother (both the same person) are gone because I'm tired of his mouth. This site is for strip clubs and reviews both positive and negative not berating dancers as a whole. Founder and Editor are two different people.
Greenvegas is gone. Founder did a great job with the ignore feature but I was just sick of him. For anyone who might think that this censorship, it's not. This is not a government run website (Thank God).
By the way, you all should be in the Hall of Fame. I love all of your posts and sense of humor.
TUSCL_Brother is a personal friend of mine. I talked to him on the phone Monday. He is a riot to be with. Unfortunately we live 900 miles apart. But there is a serious side to him also. He is a very loving son and father.
I nominate myself for the Hall of Shame...after feeding the obvious troll that is greenvegas. I realized that I shouldn't do it about three seconds after I hit the "Post" button. In fact, I'm giving him the attention he obviously never got from mommy and daddy just by mentioning him now, so this will be the last time I ever do that.
As for good posters, I appreciate BaddJack for his witty writing style and shadowcat for his seeming extensive experience, not just in clubs, but many other aspects of life as well.
I have to praise The Founder. I just utilized "ignore" for the first time and wow did it clean things up. Even the Discussion threads (where the topics are listed) have had the fat removed! Talk about effective!
When I first became a visitor, under a different screen name, there was a lot of not-so-good-natured in-fighting between some of the posters. It seemed to drag everything down, and I did not post. The ignore button changed all that. So, I agree with CT, and praise Founder. Hall of Shame is reserved for the folks that hijack the Board to put forth their own twisted agenda, whether it be political or social.
OneAngryDwarf: I also must plead guilty to agitating greenvegas. It began as fun, dueling wits with an unarmed man, and then he just got obnoxious. Mea Culpa.
Last nominee: Steve has the best Discussion Topic titles.
Kudos to the guys with beautiful women as their avatar.
TUSCL-Bro for Hall of Fame- for being there, doing that. Hall of Shame- thanks to the Ignore button, I dont have anyone to suggest (yes greeneyvegas is ignored!, no spazzing anymore thanks to that great ignore invention).
This is entertainment. I don't care what people post, it can be truthful or bogus. GV was a person posting as a moron. You choose to reply/ignore at your discretion, not at what other members feel the content should be.
I like the Ignore feature/works fine for me, but I also think there should be some ground rules. Unregulated forums can end up complete disasters if left completely unchecked.
I'm well aware that this is Founder's website, but he's usually maintained at least some semblance of professionalism and restraint. Deleting members simply because you don't like them isn't his way of doing things. I suspect some rogue assistant is acting like a bouncer who thinks his flunky assignment makes him some hot shit dictator.
I don't see what Greenvegas was guilty of except for not being another typical, humorless 50-something PL. Did he post off-topic spam or personal attacks? The only attacks I saw were directed AT him. BTW, the past couple of months here is child's play compared to the flood of obscene personal insults Founder has let pass from trolls in past years. I think Shadowcat's right in that Founder himself only acts if somebody attacks or threatens him personally. (Which of course I'm not doing, hehe.)
I sure do miss <-parody-man->, like I miss a chapped ass in sand storm (HOS).
(HOS) GreenVegas - Res ipsa loquitur
(HOF) Dick Johnson for his naive schtick.
(HOF) Lopaw - she breaks it down and keeps it real (I can't believe I wrote that). Great insight for female custys
(HOF&HOS) Shadowcat - lots of insight and quite braggadocios at times
(HOS) 100,000 posts filled with 50¢ words and two bit whores. Yawn.
(HOS) Chandler needs to fart are something. Way too serious all the time.
(HOS) Dougster, we get it, Mr Guy is gay.
(HOF) Brother is a friend to all.
(HOS) FONDL - whatever happened to him and his never ending ATF love?
(HOS) Philip A. Stein posts when he's drunk too much. Blah blah blah.
I could go on but I'm drunk. To be honest, about half of my HOS really aren't Shamers. They just are a little annoying at times. I haven't ever considered [igone]ing any of them.
Hall of Shame #1, by far, easily goes to chandler. In reality a nobody failed writer. But on this board and, apparently, in strip clubs he thinks he a big shot by playing his power games with strippers and against the PLs here.
Chandler: do you really think employing your laughable "editorial skills" and bitterly sarcastic writing here will compensate for the fact that you failed as a writer in the real world? Will playing your power games with strippers accomplish that?
last commentAt the end of the day, this is a privately run website. However the management sets the rules, dey be da rules! Based on what postings have been left alone over the past couple of months, there REALLY had to have been a bunch of crap spewing from his lovely mouth (keyboard). Unfortunately, I can't say since I've had him on ignore for a while now.
shadowcat and TUSCL_Brother, as they may be the only ones here I can call old men! :)
As for the Hall Of Fame, CTQWERTY got it right.
Founder for the Hall Of Fame!
I appreciate Clubber's sense of humor.
I appreciate samsung1 for that Kim Kardashian booty pic.
I appreciate Steve for his clever cultural references.
more to follow
By the way, you all should be in the Hall of Fame. I love all of your posts and sense of humor.
I appreciate judyjudy. She seems genuine. (And she's got great legs...)
As for good posters, I appreciate BaddJack for his witty writing style and shadowcat for his seeming extensive experience, not just in clubs, but many other aspects of life as well.
OneAngryDwarf: I also must plead guilty to agitating greenvegas. It began as fun, dueling wits with an unarmed man, and then he just got obnoxious. Mea Culpa.
Last nominee: Steve has the best Discussion Topic titles.
Kudos to the guys with beautiful women as their avatar.
I don't see what Greenvegas was guilty of except for not being another typical, humorless 50-something PL. Did he post off-topic spam or personal attacks? The only attacks I saw were directed AT him. BTW, the past couple of months here is child's play compared to the flood of obscene personal insults Founder has let pass from trolls in past years. I think Shadowcat's right in that Founder himself only acts if somebody attacks or threatens him personally. (Which of course I'm not doing, hehe.)
chandler - who you calling humorless? (I'll give you the 50-something PL part)
(HOS) GreenVegas - Res ipsa loquitur
(HOF) Dick Johnson for his naive schtick.
(HOF) Lopaw - she breaks it down and keeps it real (I can't believe I wrote that). Great insight for female custys
(HOF&HOS) Shadowcat - lots of insight and quite braggadocios at times
(HOS) 100,000 posts filled with 50¢ words and two bit whores. Yawn.
(HOS) Chandler needs to fart are something. Way too serious all the time.
(HOS) Dougster, we get it, Mr Guy is gay.
(HOF) Brother is a friend to all.
(HOS) FONDL - whatever happened to him and his never ending ATF love?
(HOS) Philip A. Stein posts when he's drunk too much. Blah blah blah.
I could go on but I'm drunk. To be honest, about half of my HOS really aren't Shamers. They just are a little annoying at times. I haven't ever considered [igone]ing any of them.
And 100,000 WORDS!
Why not start a topic for "pic" ranking? If you do, I vote jj # 1!
Chandler: do you really think employing your laughable "editorial skills" and bitterly sarcastic writing here will compensate for the fact that you failed as a writer in the real world? Will playing your power games with strippers accomplish that?
For a very brief moment, my eyes got all moist as I realized we're like some big disfunctional family. Ok, a big disfunctional family of perverts.