Thirsty girls

avatar for londonguy
So I was at the bar in a SC (no, not Rhino) and this bombshell comes and sits next to me and asks me to buy her a drink. Being the kind chap I am I oblige, she then asks for another, mmmm, ok one more I think and then asks for another again. Jeez the first two were $16 each and i'm thinking why not ask me for a dance and that way you can pay for your drink yourslef. I politely excuse myself as I have the feeling I am being taken for a ride. Is this a familiar sceanrio?


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avatar for steve229
16 years ago
Some clubs require the dancer to "sell" a certain number of drinks each night. Maybe she was trying to get you to buy her whole quota for the evening.
I think that, that only happens in clubs that have dancer priced drinks and the dancer gets a cut. My first ATF always had a bottle in her locker. She said I won't pay those prices and wouldn't expect you to either. On my last 3 day trip to my favorite club, I bought 3 dancers drinks. They were priced the same as customer drinks. Some are even kind enough to wait for happy hour.Out of all the drinks I have bought for dancers, I think that only about 5% were asked for by the dancer.Another reason I love my favorite club.
steve, I don't think that was the case. I think she just hoped I would sit there with her buying drinks for her as long as it pleased her.
Well, she was using you, but that comes with the territory. One gambit that I have used occasionally in clubs that have girlie drinks (overpriced drinks from which the girl gets a commission) is to ask the girl what percent she gets, and then ask her if she would rather I just pay her for a lap dance or two. In most cases, this either breaks the cycle of stripper-shit or gets me a dance instead of a drinking "buddy".
Yeah, I realised that after the second drink harry. I just put it down to experience.
avatar for Clubber
16 years ago
Welcome to the club, londonguy!
avatar for potheadpl
16 years ago
It's illegal for clubs to do that here. As a matter of fact, some of the clubs I visit were made infamous on when several raids were made.…

If you click through the mug shots, you'll find that some of the girls were arrested for solicitation of alcohol(purchase?). They still do it, however. One girl told me they were required to have two drinks bought for them each shift. I usually buy a couple of drinks for dancers when I go. There was one dancer who said, "I'm going to get a drink, OK?" and then came back expecting me to pay for it. I flatly refused. Plus, she was ugly.

As an aside, I usually visit clubs on the night shift, and the dancers I've seen are way better looking than the Tampa 14. Ick. The girl in mugshot #14 has an evil eye!
Dancers in Detroit always ask for or demand that you buy them a drink, which is usually priced 10% higher that the regular inflated price. Someone is getting a cut of this action.
avatar for gk
16 years ago
One of my favorite clubs has a big drink hustle and I admit to partying /drinking with the girls. But after a while its gets tiring. Too much sitting and watching them consume way too much alcohol, getting way beyond a buzz-on and then paying the tab for it wasn't fun anymore. I still get caught up in it sometimes, but I've been good at not playing this game as much as they would like me or any other regular customer to do. It's usually common in the clubs where they must sell a quota or they get a cut, as mentioned previously
avatar for Clubber
16 years ago
Buying drinks...

I used to buy water for my ATF. She did not drink alcohol. Now, I buy a drink or two for my favorite bartender, and if I want a dancer to spend time with me, I'll offer her a drink. If anyone asks, that is a sure fire way to turn me off. I do not care how hot she might be. Well, that is not entirely true. My perfect vision asks, she will get what she wants.
I used to think what harm can it do to spend a few bucks on a girl if it means she'll hang around getting acquainted. After all, that's how it works in a singles bar. With experience, I learned that it's not a good way to get started with a stripper. Too many fail to see it as a favor that should be returned in some form, or even appreciated. They just take it to mean they can get something for nothing. Girls who ask right off the bat are liable to have that attitude, so I just tell them to buy their own drink. Well, except for a weak moment now and then.

Once a stripper has spent some time with me and seems like the type who'll appreciate it, I'll gladly buy her drinks for as long as she wants to stay and pet.
Isn't that always the case Clubber. We go in with very strict rules for ourselves and they just seem to melt when just the right cute ass comes sauntering by....
avatar for Clubber
16 years ago

So true, so true!
"Is this a familiar sceanrio?" has been stated before, the dancer was likely full-filling her daily quota of drink purchases from customers or she was likely making x-amount of money off the over-priced drinks that you were buying. It's a ripoff.
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