
Comments by harrydave (page 28)

  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    To V or not to V
    Agree, 25 mg or 50 mg does the trick. And with the price of generics at about $1 for a 100mg pill, it's affordable for any horn-dog.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Why New User Rail (August 2009 registered) should be banned from TUSCL for Posti
    Agree about the ignore option. I can go elsewhere for rabid political discussions. Let's stick to broads, boobs, and booze. And TUSCL_Bro, you can continue doing what you're doing too.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    what is legal?
    I'm not aware of any jurisdiction in the US where this type of contact in a strip club is legal. In Phoenix when thy were enforcing the new law a couple of years ago, undercover cops witnessed the illegal acts and then uniformed cops came in later and issued citations to the girls involved. I never heard of a guy getting in trouble.
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    15 years ago
    Fishnet Stockings
    I say, go ahead and be a slut with fishnet stockings one night, then be a classy lady the next. Variety is the spice of life!
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    15 years ago
    A Serious Legal Question
    Real story here. My GF go to a party at a club in Tempe AZ. It's a swinger party, but it's a regular bar, so everybody is encouraged to behave so there is no problem with LE. AT around 11PM they open a downstairs room for just the swingers. We tag along. The room has a small bar, a few tables and some benches along the wall, and a big hot tub. In a few minutes, about 6 of the ladies, including my GF are in the hot tub, and a little girl-girl play unfolds. The guys are happy too. This goes on for maybe a half hour, then the ladies get out, dry off, and get dressed, and the evening continues. So, it does exist.
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    15 years ago
    Boyfriend in the club?
    I think the clubs in my area (Phoenix) would prefer the boyfriends stay out of the club. As many of you point out, there is always some BF who can't handle it. My personal experience is that I am one of the BF's. My GF and I have lived together for over 4 years. I met her at a club. I helped her get clean and free from her deadbeat BF at the time (who continues to be her friend). She continued to dance, and I would visit her club, but we would play it cool, as if I was just one of the regulars. I guess I'm just not the jealous type, and since she was not interested in doing OTC work, I had no reason to be. She worked one or two days a week, so I certainly wasn't relying on her income. In the past year, she stopped working to focus on college. She's at ASU, majoring in biology (hey, no jokes about that!). So, maybe BF's in the club is a bad thing, but you never know.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    When was the last time you saw a really good "feature" dancer?
    Actually, my question was kind of a put-on. In most upscale clubs I have been to, say in Vegas, there are plenty of beautiful women, many with big racks, and some of them have skillful dance routines. So I guess I don't see what is so special about feature acts. Now, in average clubs and dives, it's a different matter, so a feature girl might be a welcome diversion.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    When was the last time you saw a really good "feature" dancer?
    Yoda, you stole my word. Never. Let me ask you guys, when was the last time you saw a beautiful girl with a big rack in an upscale strip club? 'Nuff said.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Civies vs. on-the-clock
    When I was a regular at one club in Phoenix, a few of the girls there would socialize before or after their shift. Not surprisingly, this only happened after I spent time there and demonstrated I was not a stalker, loud drunk, cheapskate, bipolar, or smelly. It helped that I would show some interest in their life (i.e,. put on hold my "greenvegas" persona), and listen as they unloaded in that special feminine way. ;-) I have never made the time commitment at other clubs, but the club cultures vary, and at another club in Phoenix I see only limited socializing. I think management frowns on it.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    i wont be ignored
    Time for your lithium.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Ever misjudge a dancer's attractiveness?
    A typical surprise is when a skinny dancer takes off her bikini top and her formerly voluptuous breasts do a free fall. My GF refers to them as deflated breasts, a characteristic of crack addicts.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    How do you know what they want?
    Pothead, I think "how" said it best, "What do you want?" Just because guys on this discussion board talk about OTC extras a lot, doesn't mean you have to work for that. On the other hand, if you want to have sex, then maybe this is your opportunity. Yes, they are looking for $$, or maybe $$$, or maybe $$$$$. But the first step does not have to be sex for money. It could be a couple of drinks or dinner. I'm not exactly an aggressive type either. My typical move was to first establish myself as a regular with a girl (say 4 or 5 times in the club getting dances mostly from her) then basically ask her to dinner. In some cases, the girl would take a break with me; in other cases, we would set up a date for the next night. I used dinner as a way to get on a more even relationship, if possible (not always possible!). The key for me is I wanted to spend time with the girl, irrespective of having sex or not. So, figure out what you want: a human relationship with the possibility of sex, or just sex? Then just ask. Getting shot down is worse than chiding yourself for being too timid.
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    15 years ago
    Dancer counting her money
    One of my regular girls used to count her money frequently and was always disappointed there wasn't more! I suggested to her she let me hold her money. So one evening she agrees, and she brings me her money after every string of dances. I just stuffed it in my left pocket and I refused to count it. It became a little game. At the end of the evening she sat down with me, and I gave her the wad of cash. She made about twice as much as she normally would. I think many girls could benefit from setting work-hours-goals rather than dollars-goals.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    strip clubs and morality? who defines it? whats your opinion?
    Chandler, I like your reminder about the ambiguity of a discussion about morals. I just read the Wikipedia article on morality, and it points instances where morality is subjective or certain moral prescriptions are controversial. Like, "killing is wrong", except when you invade a country. I bet each of us has seen illegal and immoral acts by the thousands in strip clubs (and on the highway, every day). In my mind, this does not then paint all the patrons and strippers with the broad brush of immorality. I like the challenge in life of sorting out the people I meet one at a time. I don't understand guys who go to strip clubs with the predisposed notion that "they are all whores". They are missing out on a lot, and must leave each time drenched in a stew of self loathing. I usually leave sorry there are only 24 hours in a day!
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    strip clubs and morality? who defines it? whats your opinion?
    Hey andersonsc, thanks for bringing your unassailable knowledge to us morons and pathetic losers. So informative, and without a hint of arrogance or superiority. It sure did open my eyes. Three cheers!
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    strip clubs and morality? who defines it? whats your opinion?
    gatorfan, agreed. Anybody want to take a field trip to Amsterdam?
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    strip clubs and morality? who defines it? whats your opinion?
    This is an interesting argument. Dougster, I have spent a ton of time with strippers, a lot of it OTC doing normal things like going to dinner, taking day trips, going to the movies, etc. I am in full agreement that many of them have issues. There is history of abuse and drug use, and at times mental illness. However, the vast majority are pretty clear about why they are stripping; they can make more money in less time, with schedule flexibility. A few of them couldn't reason their way out of a paper bag, but that is also true of some poor souls who work at a variety of menial jobs and can't seem to get anywhere. Do we all have mixed motivations for the things we do? You bet. Is money everything? No. So how does that make strippers any different? Are some of them exploited? Yes. But then some people say Walmart is exploiting all their workers. I could go on, but the basic point is that strip clubs, their workers, and their patrons are pretty much reflective of the larger world. Attempts to classify stripper and generalize about their traits can be amusing, but also dehumanizing. Why would we do that except to build up our own pathetic egos?
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    strip clubs and morality? who defines it? whats your opinion?
    Mr. Anderson, you have very conflicting and largely negative views about strippers. If you feel it is immoral, don't go. As for me, I've never been comfortable with American norms for morality, especially around sexuality. I'm an unmarried adult. The "girls" in the club are there of their own free will. We're not hurting each other. In most cases, we're enjoying each other's company. The moral turpitude in this situation is pretty obscure to me.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    This could lead to somthing...
    Well, I wish it was a joke! After getting the text message from my future wife at the club, I took off from work 30 minutes early and stopped by the club. I've had extra expenses lately, so I had only $60 to spend today. I settled into my regular seat and looked around. It must have been 45 minutes before she finally appeared, coming out of VIP with some guy. Then she spent another 20 minutes in the dressing room. Finally, she came out, waved to me, and went straight back to the guy from VIP. I'm pretty sure she would have preferred to spend time with me, but I had run out of time, so I left. What's next. Should I get her the bracelet she said she liked?
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    15 years ago
    This could lead to somthing...
    But if we can't overlook a few minor faults in our soul mates, where would WE be? Sorry, I was so excited typing that post, I forgot to proof read it! BTW, she just text messaged me and asked if I am coming into the club tonight. Yes!
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    This could lead to somthing...
    Clubber, Thanks for the advice! So many guys on here are cynical and just dump on you when you ask a serious question. To be honest, I found that perfect girl at a small club in Phoneix. It wasn't love at first sight. A real relationship takes time to develop. It was later in the evening, after a few drinks and a string of particularly nice lap dances, that I knew I wanted to be with her for the rest of my life. My hearted soared when she confided in me that she wanted to spend as much time as possible with me, and that we could possibly meet outside the club in the near future. I did discover that she is a chain smoker, has struggled with drug addictions (but who hasn't?), and a couple of her molars had to be removed due to substandard dental care. But if we can't overlook a few minor faults in our soul mates, where would be be? The relationship is still early, but I am completely convinced she is the one. I spend most of my income on her. But you can't take it with you! What should I do next to move the relationship to a higher level?
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Do you limit how much you spend on one stripper?
    The problem with discussing what we spend is, while we tend to view it as a transaction of money for value with some guidelines and consistent expectations, on the other side we are confronted with inconsistency, unsustainable greed, and a relationship with money that could best be described as a one night stand. That is why it is so refreshing to meet a dancer who gets the money for value thing and preserves the integrity of that understanding (basically by putting out more when we spend more on them.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    This could lead to somthing...
    DJ, my quest, unlike yours, has not been for extras. Instead, I want to find a nice girl, get married, settle down, and have some kids. I have been looking in all the clubs in my area for the right girl, but I'm not having any luck. What do YOU think I should do?
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Need Drink Advice
    I'm gonna agree with minnow. Ask her what she likes. However, if I had no idea but I wanted to be a good Boy Scout, and be prepared, for a lady I think I would stock: Bacardi Rum Grey Goose Vodka Jose Cuervo Tequila Champagne (California Brut) Coke OJ Cranberry, Cranapple, or CranRaspberry juice Tonic Margarita mix That's about a $75 investment. But if it makes her clothes come off, it's worth it!
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Fighting in the Clubs
    I have not and would not ever be in a fight in a strip club. In my regular club a few years ago I never saw a fight, but I did see a couple of guys dragged out of the club by the bouncers. One in particular was a 30-something fireplug who was drunk and groping the girls. They complained; the bouncers asked him to leave. 30 seconds later, three bouncers were grappling with the guy and it took a couple of minutes to get him out of the club. The cops were called. In the intervening minutes, the guy suffered a variety of bruises and contusions. Then he argued with the cops. Last I saw of him, the cops were mobilizing on the sidewalk. There are many lessons in this; and most of us learn them in middle school.