
If it was your last time..where would you go?

Tuesday, September 1, 2009 1:13 AM
So..just to give you guys some background, i've been to a few clubs here 'n there. I'm tying the knot soon (and i'm afraid my bachelor's party is probably gonna be just R rated at most). I'd like to make 1 last trip to a club where I can really have fun. Once i take the plunge, I know i'll still visit a club here 'n there, but the most i'd do is get an air-dance..nothing more. So imagine yourself in my shoes, and pick a club for me. Here is what I have in mind: 1. 2-way contact 2. out of town (outside NY/NJ/CT), but somewhere east of the Mississippi. 3. OTC offered (not necessary that I'll go for it..but I like having that option). The only place where i've been offered reasonable OTC ever...is Detroit..other places they've always asked for more than $600 (may be I'm doing something wrong??..lol). 4. Good Value--don't wanna spend more than $500. If it sounds like I'm asking for too much..just ask me to shut up ;) Thanks a lot guys..


  • atxz28guy
    15 years ago
    Oh..and NO PP in Columbia, SC. Went there a few months ago, and it was littered with all these girls from FL, and it just sucked.
  • Dudester
    15 years ago
    You specified somewhere east of the Mississippi, that eliminates Houston, but if it was mt last time, I'd definitely pick St. James.
  • harrydave
    15 years ago
    Why limit yourself to one club? You should organize a "club crawl". East of the Mississippi, I would recommend Tampa or Detroit. In both cities, you can choose from a range of clubs, from upscale to total dive. Mons Venus in Tampa is a great club, with no assurance of OTC offers; while there are other clubs like Ybor Strip to try out. Detroit has the full range of clubs, and a hotel room near the airport can be a great base for your "crawl". Take a lot of cash!
  • steve229
    15 years ago
    Can we ask what has induced you to commit so rash a course of action? (I'm referring to marriage, not the strip club visit, of course!)
  • atxz28guy
    15 years ago
    Thanks for the replies guys... Steve>>what induced me to commit so rash a course of action?--well..I have no idea....just figured if I can tolerate someone for the rest of my life, without a doubt its her. harrydave>>Thats not a bad idea..I never thought of it that way. Detroit sounds like a good option, but what do you mean by "lot of cash"...how much are we talking about? (appologise in advance if that sounds like a stupid Q). Also..how safe is Detroit airport-area?
  • wallanon
    15 years ago
    If you want to stay in the Northeast, go to Providence, RI. If you want more distance, in the Mid-Atlantic try Baltimore, MD. If you want to go all the way South, there's always Tampa, FL. On club variety, mileage, and price those are your best options. Looks like the closest for you would be RI. I ran through there the other week, had fun, and among the three towns it's the one I'd choose for one more lap. Once you've picked a town, put the onus on your best man to do the dirty work on places to hit.
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    If you visit Detroit take the tunnel to Windsor and get a legal escort to come to your room. A wife will take care of you but she ain't going to entertain you. The escorting is cheaper than strip club OTC unless you have good game or you are a regular.
  • gatorfan
    15 years ago
    You could've visited a club in NJ, gotten laid by your choice of extremely hot Brazilian women, all for about $200 (for everything). Sadly this club is closing it's doors tonight at midnight EST for a legal settlement with the Twp which wanted the club closed.
  • MisterGuy
    15 years ago
    At one of the last bachelor parties that I went to, we had a great time at Desire in Providence, RI. They will make a deal with you on cover charges & LDs for the doomed groom.
  • harrydave
    15 years ago
    I agree with wallanon that Providence, RI is a good option, too. When I said bring lots of cash, I was thinking of a multi-club experience spread out over a couple of nights. So you will need $300 or so per night, plus a little extra in case you run into that OTC opportunity.
  • gk
    15 years ago
    Lose your independence with a bang? A memory of your own? Go to Flight Club in Inkster, Michigan (metropolitan Detroit north of the airport). High class. Fun. Great food. Cigars if you like them. Great looking women. Any kind of dance you might want. Expect to blow some bucks; everyting from parking to seating costs something here. Drinks are on the high side too and so is everythning else--but worth it. But that's what it sounds like you want to do. Read the reviews.
  • londonguy
    15 years ago
    Can't possibly advice you with my limited knowledge of three cities but hope you have fun on your last time and remember that 'marriage isn't a word, it's a sentence'.
  • travelingguy
    15 years ago
    I would say it depends on the type of dancers you like and how far you want to travel. Here are my recommendations: 1) NorthEast area - definitely Providence, RI. The 'extras' are technically legal. You will get mostly US girls with typical Northeast attitude. Depending on the girl that could translate into a great time. 2) Southeast area - choice of three cities, Atlanta, Tampa, and Miami/Ft Lauderdale. Tampa and Miami areas you get a lot of European, latin, Brazilian women who will offer you pretty much anything. Atlanta will give you variety and if you like Black women then you will be in heaven. 3) Midwest area - Detroit (really Windsor). The girls in the Detroit clubs are feeling the city's economy so your dollar will go MUCH further than most other cities. Indianapolis area also has a couple good options. If you go to Cincinnati there is a club in Covington where almost all the girls offered OTC without cost! But be aware that the club is different (and more expensive) in how you get the girl's time/attention inside the club.
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    travelingguy, I do not see any strip clubs listed in Covington or Miami and only one in Cincinnati. Please give some more details...I am very interested in learning more about this club you mentioned.
  • atxz28guy
    15 years ago
    Thanks a lot guys. I decided to stay put for this weekend--figured Labor day would be too busy at all clubs. After some research, I figured I'll go with Detroit. I remember the one time I went to the Flight Club (or may be the other one close to the airport)..but I had a great time there..spent only 45 minutes and always wanted to go back. So unless something changes between now and then, I guess its gonna be Detroit one of these weekends.
  • wallanon
    15 years ago
    samsung - If you click through Cincinnati from the search results about 7 clubs will show up, including the ones in Covington, KY. Looks like Detroit won out, so good luck to atxz28guy getting a proper send off in Motown.
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