
Tip outs.

Atlanta suburb
Wednesday, September 9, 2009 3:17 AM
In case you were wondering, at the Platinum Plus in Columbia. It is $30 per day plus $5 to the DJ and another $5 to the manager. If she works past 7PM (shift change)it is an additional $5 for the DJ and manager. If she does a champagne room gig, the tip out is zero. The club really socks it to the dumb customers that buy it.


  • gatorfan
    15 years ago
    I think dancers tip out DJ and house mom but still have to pay a house fee to work there. It has to generate some revenue for the club, but probably is more a fee for the right to work there. Clubs would just not hire ugly dancers solves that, not by house fees.
    15 years ago
    Interesting info. Would make a worthy add to the intel section on each club. Or, maybe it's so widely known it doesn't matter?
  • gatorfan
    15 years ago
    This info is more helpful to the strippers not us customers (unless we are paying the dj tip out and house fee for the girl). I've heard rumors NY clubs charge $300.
    15 years ago
    Gator, I heard last March in San Fran the gals at MBOT had to pay $1,000 a shift. Needless to say, a handjob was $240: "$40 to the house and $200 for the girl" was the oft repeated phrase. They sure weren't getting the business the night I was there. So I wonder what happens then?
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    Just wondering if the dancer fees represent a decent revenue source for the club or if it is a rounding error on their balance sheet to help prevent ugly dancers from working? I recall one comment on tuscl about how Rick's Cabaret had increased revenues because of so many new dancers working and paying their fees. This was an interesting view because I originally thought it was the customers visiting more often that caused revenue to increase. When unemployement is high, more time to visit the strip clubs. Spending less per visit but making more frequent visits.
  • magicrat
    15 years ago
    Shadowcat..I've heard the same amounts for the PP club in Greenville fwiw.
  • gatorfan
    15 years ago
    $1000 a shift, damn. Strippers at that club are in the hole a grand before they even start, talk about being motivated to work at a strip club. For $240 a handjob though, I wont be going there anytime. I heard San Fran has tons of good asian massage joints.
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    magicrat,I have known dancers that have worked both clubs plus Heart Breakers in Columbia.Once they have registered they can freely work any one of them. I am told that they can make more money per lap dance in Greenville but that the volume is just not there.They can make more money overall in Columbia.
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    One club in Columbus, OH (X club) does not charge a house fee to the dancers but they take half of what they get from dances after each dance. The DJ takes 10%. This means low risk for the girls and less sale pressure for the customers (although there are still plenty of ROBs) and this is the highest ranked club on Tuscl from Columbus, OH. The only problem with this method is that they attract a lot of amateur/ugly dancers. Kahoot's charges $50 tip out and $10 to DJ and house mom from what I have heard from dancers.
  • magicrat
    15 years ago
    Shadowcat..the more per lap dance used to be the case in Greenville, but not anymore. I've been offered 2 for $20 there. Nowadays, it really doesn't matter what you pay, you're not going to get any action in the vip. I can't imagine the dancers in Greenville making any $ to speak of. Totally disappointing which is why you notice I've been going back to Columbia and driving an extra hour+ one way. I was told by a dancer a new manager wants to cleanup the vip. He's actually cleaned it out as you rarely see anyone go back there anymore.
  • gatorfan
    15 years ago
    From what I've heard, clubs either want bigger house fees or a portion of the lap dance. I'm guessing this might explain some of these bigger fees being mentioned.
  • pop
    15 years ago
    The tip out is one of the things that makes the plus a great club. The girls pay less tip out here than most other places around the country. Although tip out goes up later in the evening, the club does not take a cut of any of their dance money. They also don't make the girls work any set schedule but still end up with plenty of girls working almost every day. The champagne room is a rip off for customers but even though dancers only get tip out credit they still do very well. Those guys that pay all that money for the champagne room give the dancers huge money.
  • harrydave
    15 years ago
    Tipout at Hiliter in Phoenix: If arrive prior to 11:30 AM, $25 up front or $35 after working(afternoons and evenings a bit more) plus 10% of dances, plus $5 to DJ and whatever $ to guy who carries your bag to your car. The girls, of course, cheat on the dance percentage, and some of them short the daytime DJ because he treats the girls unfairly (i.e. enthusiastic intros for some, and nothing much for others). Anyway, this overall tipout arrangement seems ok to the girls. The club is very popular.
  • chandler
    15 years ago
    Everybody here seems to conflate tip outs with stage fees. Some clubs and dancers do, too, but at most places I know about, there's a fixed stage fee paid to the house at the start of a dancer's shift, and a tip out to the staff at the end that's supposedly dependent on how much she made. For example, the last I knew, the Flight Club had about an $80 stage fee, however dancers didn't have to pay until they had done at least one lap dance. If they chose to bail before that, they could pack up and leave without paying anything. Their tip out was typically much higher on a decent night.
  • steve229
    15 years ago
    Stage fees, tip outs, house fees, per centage dance cuts...who knew stripping was so complicated? Always amazes me how a high school drop-out can do these kind of calculations in her head.
  • potheadpl
    15 years ago
    I hear plenty of girls saying they only have made enough to tip out. One dancer I know tries to make her money onstage and on Thursday night she left with 20 bucks after all was said and done.
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    several years ago, I had a favorite that asked me for a $5.00 loan, so she could make tip out and leave. I gave it to her not ever expecting her to return it. She never did but the appreciation was noted in future dances.
  • BJ's in Minneapolis has a $10 tipout. That's it.
  • magicrat
    15 years ago
    My hole in the wall dumpy place has a $10 tip out, plus a portion of the vip dances, roughly 25-33%. They also do nice $5 table dances, which have no house fees involved.
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