
Comments by driver01 (page 3)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    How toget past the SS
    Yea, well-- It was a continuing education kind of process...I learned the fundamentals dealing with dear old mom. But not until one acquires a wife can you truly master the craft and fully appreciate it's power and utility...lol
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    So what, precisely, is the script?
    If a low mileage dancer can make bank at a "high mileage" club, then why should she be relegated to the back of the bus. In one of the clubs I frequent the best looking, hottest dancer in the place is a strictly by the book kind of girl. While the perception of this club is thought to be "high mileage" this particular dancer makes a small fortune because she is good a what she does. She is personable, engaging and has a following so to speak. And guys spend a small fortune to spend time with her in the club. As long as the dancer provides the service she is hired to perform, I say more power to her. And if the patron wants more than she is willing to give that's one of the reasons clubs have more than one dancer working at a time-- variety is the spice of life...just one man's opinion.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How to get over them....
    Join the gym. Go shopping for new clothes. Get a new hair style. Oh wait, that's what chicks do after they dump the boyfriend-- sorry, my bad.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    How toget past the SS
    I have mastered the art of smiling, nodding my head in agreement and feigning interest without actually hearing a word she says. I learned this technique early in life when getting lectures from my mother. I perfected the technique with the wife. This skill has also allowed me to develop my peripheral vision. I can follow a football game on a TV at 3 o'clock while staring straight ahead at 12 o'clock. No need to worry about stripper shit if although you appear to be listening you don't actually hear them...It also works well in church or at corporate seminars...lol
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    So what, precisely, is the script?
    Why is it misleading? Just because your perception of a CLUB is high contact and you picked a girl that is "low contact"? How did she mislead you? Perhaps, I misunderstood your post but you did NOT say she offered you the moon and the stars and then did not deliver. Only that it just "happened to turn out" that she was low contact and didn't tell you. I don't think if you ask a dancer for a dance she is obligated to inform you she only delivers what the law allows--lol.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Has a dancer ever "mind-fu..cked" you?
    We've had varying degrees of this topic discussed ad nauseum so why not again...lol Strippers sell a service. Nobody puts a gun to the buyer's head and forces him to shell out money. Patrons have varying interests and varying amounts of cash. Despite what many here seem to believe, a dancers main interest is making money. If she is good at her job she will figure out the best way to part you from your cash. And if she is really good, she'll do it in a way that makes you want to come back and do it all over again. Call it a "mind fuck" call it "stripper shit" call it whatever. But a good stripper will figure out what you are there for and play to it. A good patron knows what she is there for and figures out how to get the biggest bang for his $$, within the limits she allows. One man's 100 bill is another man's $500 is another man's $1000. And one dancer's $25 dance is another dancer's $100 BJ is another dancer's $400 OTC encounter. Maybe we need to start a Stripper/Patron-Match.com website. Could be a hit--lol
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Do you perfer to be approached?
    Some interesting responses. But expecting NOT to be approached in a SC seems a bit unrealistic to me, at least most of the clubs I've been to. Kind of like visiting a car dealership. Try as you might to avoid a salesman, it usually takes about 3 minutes on the lot b4 you're getting pitched. They assume you are there to buy a car and want to be the one to sell it to you. Dancers are no different in that regard. They figure you're in the club to see some pussy and get some dances. They want to be the one you spend your money on.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    There is a reason NY's Eve is generally referred to as "amateur night"-- and it has nothing to do with civi girls getting up on stage...lol.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Stuffing the Ballot Box
    Jimhalsted, Right on brother...No way, No how can Club Harem warrant a 10 rating. Not if it was the last club on earth and one was thirsting for any semblance of the female form. Interesting that this BobbyC reviewer rates this place on par with Ybor Strip which he also rates as a 10. Frankly, a 10 is too generous for Ybor Strip in my opinion but at least I can see how a reviewer might come to that conclusion. But these 2 clubs are so far apart in the level of service & quality and quantity of dancers that I actually laughed out loud when I saw what you did...good one. Wish I'd of thought of it...lol Looks like Club Harem has themselves a WISHful genie and his name is BobbyC.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Do we really care what they (strippers) think about us?
    No more so than any other contractor I hire to provide a service.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Stripper Shit, Oh Stripper Shit
    She's just leading the horse to water...
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Weird comments you've heard dancers say
    "I'm working my way through medical school. I really love working with animals"-- where upon I said, "oh, you mean veterinary school?"..."No" she said, "I'm going to medical school for animals." So, would you like a dance? Stripper shit-- you gotta love it...lol
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    The age old question : Looks or Mileage
    Every now and then I will procure the services of a dancer that is "not my type"-- perhaps because no one at the club captures my fancy and since I am there anyway, why not. Or, a dancer may have engaged me in conversation and rather than tip her for her time, I might get a dance or two. On rare ocassions, I've actually done some "mercy dances" with a dancer that is clearly struggling to make some money that night( a preggo dancer that was getting turned down time and time again as she worked the room comes to mind.) Normally, I will get dances from girls I find attractive. That is kind of the point of going in the first place. At least for me, I don't go to a club to get laps from unattractive girls. High mileage ugly is readily available outside of the clubs--lol.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Women are women-- what you describe happens in civi life as well...You don't mention if you are paying for OTC time and if so how much but either way what you are describing is certainly not unique to dancers....nothing really complicated about it.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Whats the nastiest thing you have ever done with a stripper?
    My nastiest experience happened in a Miami club. I was hungry and they offered what appeared to be a pretty nice buffet. I bought lunch for a great looking little Latin spinner type and we ate and laughed and had us a grand old time. I had nowhere to be and spent most of the afternoon with her-- a very good time was had by all. Just as I was about to leave, some 5 hours later, I felt a rumble in my stomach and made a mad dash to the men's room where I spent the next 2 hours with my good friend John. Definetly my nastiest SC experience to date-- Beware the buffet.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Have You Ever Considered............ Marrying A Dancer ?
    Hell yes, I dream about it all the time...and then I wake up:)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    What do you do to stay awake on long drives at night?
    Books on tape/dvd--- if it's a subject/genre you're interested in, time flies. Before you know it, you are there and either a little smarter than when you left or with that feeling you get after finishing a great novel. I drive a lot. My acquisition of which book on dvd is usually dictated by the length of the trip. You can find them ranging from 3 to 28 hours, abridged or unabridged. If you don't want to purchase them(they can be pricey), libraries have them or you can rent them from Cracker Barrel to Cracker Barrel or truckstop to truckstop...They have been a very good way to pass the time and to stay awake...but that's just me.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Dancers Asking You to Smile . . .
    JaBlake-- you say you smile more over the internet babes than with flesh and blood naked women surrounding you in mass via the SC experience???? Hmmm...maybe I need to spend more time looking at porn on the internet- I must have missed something.
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    17 years ago
    Dancers Asking You to Smile . . .
    Interesting--- Usually I am asked a slightly different smile question--"What are you smiling about?" And my answer is always the same-- "I'm sitting in a room full of pretty naked women, sipping my favorite drink, a pocket full of money and no where else I'd rather be at this particular moment- what is there NOT to smile about?"...but that's just me.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Fat Dancer's Lament . . .
    JaBlake--- It's still a "DIVE"-- that's part of it's charm:) One other thing about this club...It has it's own website with live cameras on the stage and in the girls dressing room. While I may be a little slower than I was in my younger days, I have not yet reached the point where I would tune in to live stripclub performances via the web. Call me crazy but I still prefer a more direct "hands-on" SC experience--but that's just me-lol.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Fat Dancer's Lament . . .
    Mons Venus in Tampa-- dancers pay $42 to the house. There is no DJ to tip out and the only other expense is the dancers put $1 into the "jukebox" when it's their turn on stage. It is small and has 50-100 girls every night. Weight restrictions are strictly enforced and many a girl most of us would be more than happy to lap with at any other club are turned away at the door. Hot girls abound here for some rather simple reasons. The barriers to entry for a dancer are low and it's a relatively safe environment for the girls. The club draws patrons because of the abundance of hot dancers. And by draw I mean packed house 4 out of 7 days, busy 2 out of 7 and so so only one day a week on average. Redner makes a shitpile of money because he is able to get the strongest talent to work in his club and in addition to the dancer fees collect $20 per entrant into his domain. So it's a win for the dancer, a win for the patron and a win for the owner... Some of you guys here would hate Mons because it is a nude dance club in the truest sense. No hidden "extras" as everything is out in the open. But great grindage, lot's of groping and consistently more stunning women than most anyplace else in his market( hell pretty much any market--lol) Love Redner or hate Redner(the owner) but the man has a formula that works very very well for all parties... except for fatties, of course...lol
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    The Pink Site: 10 Dancer Truths
    Point of clarification. I'm thinking it's a pretty safe bet to assume that #10 is a corollary to numbers 1,2 and 9-- that being the only size that matters in a SC is the the size of the lapdancee's wallet.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    "I am Bond, James Bond, Junior..."
    LOL...As I said, I called bullshit on my buddy many many times. I maintain to this day that it was his cash doing the selling not his creative (or not so creative-lol) imagination. But he's a dreamer-- that's part of why he's a good guy to hang out with...plus he likes to show off and pick up the tab. And I let him because I'm a giver and he needs to feel like a bigshot. Damn, it's tough being so considerate of others:)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Just where is the cut off point?
    Book Guy-- First post you're arguing for more specific info-- second post you don't want to share with others a good thing you have found in one of your local clubs..kind of ironic isn't it? Not to be repetitive, I am all for sharing information. I provide back channel info all the time to known posters. What I believe is counter productive on a multitude of different levels is the posting on a public board SPECIFIC and graphic info about things that are not part of the normal, legally acceptable standards of the club or locale. There are ways to communicate your happiness or disappointment without putting dancers or clubs at unnecessary risk. From a strictly selfish standpoint, I totally understand your reluctance to divulge the good thing you have found- so I'm a little confused about your advocacy for more details. Frankly, why would anybody want to share on a PUBLIC message board that dancer A gave them head in the vip? The LE angle is real. I have first hand knowledge of that fact and I would encourage anyone who thinks otherwise to consider what has happened with the CL public boards. But put aside the LE aspect and consider the impact on the dancer? You may be putting her job in jeopardy. At a minimum, you certainly expose her to dealing with any asshole who reads the review walking in and expecting to receive the same service she gave you. And while she may suck every cock attached to a $100 bill, maybe she gave you special attention reserved for only every other cock attached to a $100 bill...lol. And if she doesn't deliver these "extras" that you so proudly expounded upon, she becomes a "disappointment" and is subjected to being hassled because of something you wrote- doesn't seem a very cool thing to do to someone who did right by you. I looked over many of the reviews I've written-- (damn I am boring) but I've linked to one that conveys a message. I am curious to know what the reader would infer from what I reviewed. Is it "specific" enough? http://www.tuscl.com/myreview.php?ReviewID=38398.745
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    "I am Bond, James Bond, Junior..."
    One of my old college fraternity "brothers" used to do the same thing. He tried every line from "I'm retired at 31" to "I work for the CIA"...and everything in between. He claimed the two that yielded the most results were "I'm a widower" and "I'm gay"... I always told him he was full of shit. He tipped very generously and dropped a lot of money on dancers. So he reaped what he sowed if you ask me... But he thought that some dancers responded to whatever particular plight he was selling, and human nature is evident even in dancers. So when he played the lonely widower who'd never been with anyone but his wife, some dancers just ate it up. He claimed the gay persona elicited a peculiar sort of challenge for some dancers- kind of like the Sienfeld episode where Elaine tries to get the gay guy to "switch teams"..lol. Seems a whole lot easier to simply pay the girl and be done with it, but that's just me.