
The age old question : Looks or Mileage

Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
In a recent thread, chander wrote:

"The problem is finding a girl there whose pussy you'd want to eat"

Lucky for him, he did find one. But that brings up the question that has probably been written about to death on this board.....but I think it's worthy of another discussion -- Looks or Mileage? Are they both obtainable? Personally, as long as I am getting to touch a little T & A with a model quality girl, I can do without extras. In a perfect world, it would be nice to have both, but given a choice, I want the gorgeous dancer....I'm not going to spend my time and money with a fugly just to achieve an orgasm.


  • jablake
    17 years ago
    Looks 100%. If the woman isn't attractive, then I'd rather spend my time at Burger King or watching President Bush give a speech.

  • MisterGuy
    17 years ago
    Both looks and mileage are definitely possible...just keep your standards high and think with the big head...
  • AbbieNormal
    17 years ago
    Depends, are you looking for looks, or mileage?
    17 years ago
    Looks or mileage? Neither. As long as looks exceed a certain minimum threshold, then for me it's all personality and intelligence. If there's decent mileage too, then that's just icing on the cake.
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    My approach is to try to get with the best looking stripper I can find in the club. If her attitude is good and we click, I just go ahead have as good a time as I can with the mileage she offers, whatever that may be. It usually winds up being damn good.

    I just don't accept the premise that there has to be a trade-off between looks and mileage. However, I admit that when I judge a stripper for looks, I tend to give higher marks for sexiness than for demure attractiveness. Likewise for attitude and rapport - a hint of sluttiness counts with me. So, my definition of "good looks" in a strip club probably factors in a perception of a certain amount of mileage.
  • driver01
    17 years ago
    Every now and then I will procure the services of a dancer that is "not my type"-- perhaps because no one at the club captures my fancy and since I am there anyway, why not. Or, a dancer may have engaged me in conversation and rather than tip her for her time, I might get a dance or two. On rare ocassions, I've actually done some "mercy dances" with a dancer that is clearly struggling to make some money that night( a preggo dancer that was getting turned down time and time again as she worked the room comes to mind.)

    Normally, I will get dances from girls I find attractive. That is kind of the point of going in the first place. At least for me, I don't go to a club to get laps from unattractive girls. High mileage ugly is readily available outside of the clubs--lol.
  • DandyDan
    17 years ago
    Given my history, definitely mileage. But personality and/or intelligence also fit in as well. A girl who is a 10, but a total bitch, won't do anything for me, but someone who may be a 5 or a 6, but is also someone whose company I enjoy, will do more for me. Of course, it would be nice to find a 10 whose company I enjoy and goes all out on the mileage.
  • Yoda
    17 years ago
    My formula requires a combination of both and, most importantly, personality. I go to clubs to have fun. If I want sex I know where to go to get it. At the club I want to relax with a girl that is easy to be with. Yes, good dances are important as is her appearance but it's not a black and white issue for me.
  • AbbieNormal
    17 years ago
    OK, I'll expand on my earlier post. First as Chandler said, why not both? I think the real question is are you willing to trade one for the other, and which way do you tilt on that trade. As I said, it depends. Sometimes I want one more than the other, but it isn't constant. A lot depends on my mood, the club, the local rules and how strictly they are enforced. If I had to answer I'd say looks, but I also have to click with a dancer.
  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    Enough looks plus enough mileage. Accurately detecting insufficiency of either is the issue.
  • ThisOldManPlayed1
    17 years ago
    If I am horny and "IT" has a pussy on it somewhere, more than likely I won't take time to look for the looks at all! :-)
  • snowtime
    17 years ago
    I am willing to settle for less than "10" looks if there is decent mileage. I will not however trade mileage for an overweight dancer. The weight issue is just important to me since I would have zero interest in a dancer with extra pounds. Like others have said on this site, you can find overwight girls anywhere, we go to stripclubs to experience something we can't easily find in the "outside" world. I realize many dancers can't bring their looks up to "10" standards but I expect them to put forth the necessary effort to stay fit. Accordingly, I will put up with a few blemishes if the dancer has a good attitude and provides decent mileage.
  • shadowcat
    17 years ago
    Bones: It is like the little blue pill. It won't work by it's self. You still have to get aroused and I can't get aroused by a fugly. If she doesn't have the looks/personality, I will never find out what mileage she will give.
  • ThisOldManPlayed1
    17 years ago
    Excellent point Brother CAT! Very true about "Blue Magic" also. A man must still have the 'desire'. If I have no other choice in my "horny state of being" and there is ONLY an ugly or two left, and I don't want to wait for "Rosie Palm and her five sisters", then while 'fugly' is working on me, I lean my head back and dream that it's a starlet doing what the 'fugly' is doing to me. LOL Doesn't work all the time though.
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