avatar for David9999


joined Aug 2007last seen Sep 2010

Comments made by David9999

discussion comment
16 years ago
avatar for rootman
I did it now hit me
Getting an emotional kick out of a certain dancer can be very enjoyable, however there's no real good answer to the question you've posed, other than a very expensive answer: that's having multiple ultra-hot ATFs at the same time because it avoids the exclusivity factor which seems to be the root cause of most these issues relating to emotional entanglements. You still can have that emotional kick going on, its just that you won't put them on as quite a high a pedestal as you otherwise might, and they generally know or figure out you've commoditized them to some degree, and (yes its true) it IMHO tends to be a net benefit to kicking up the chemistry thing, and most of the girls at this level are used to special treatment from customers typically a few decades older.
discussion comment
16 years ago
avatar for jablake
Married Latina Afternoon Fun . . . SS?
The economy is impacting nearly everything these days, and despite her ultra hot looks maybe her business has not been that good recently - so perhaps she is misinterpreting his demand for a quickie with the first step of looking for another escort. That may also fit in with the first session when she spent the whole day with him, sort of an investment for her. Otherwise she sounds a bit crazy because it makes absolutely no sense for her not to accept his preference for a quickie when he is willing and able to pay for a full hour.
discussion comment
16 years ago
avatar for jablake
Married Latina Afternoon Fun . . . SS?
Interesting story Based upon the facts as presented its entirely possible 1. that this escort has fallin "in love" with the guy at some level 2. worse for her, she knows he hasn't fallin for her and only wants her for paid sex and nothing else. 3. even worse, not only does he want ONLY paid sex but ultra quick paid sex. If the girl is late 20's and he's mid 40's or thereabouts - its not entirely implausible, depending on the other facts involved here. People "in love" more than anything want and are willing to spend time with their love interest - and this case seems to have that element.
discussion comment
17 years ago
avatar for reignfire
South Carolina
Which do you prefer: Dancer approaches you or you approach dancer?
Doesn't matter, but I usually act first. There's a small group of elite dancers (often very good looking and sometimes very experienced) that will hardly ever under any circumstances approach a customer, so if customers want dances from them - will be missing out if they don't ask them. Some of these dancers while they've able to follow this strategy for years and do Ok simply cannot handle rejection. Some in fact are shy, however most dancers if they don't do some variation of "wanna dance" - will be constantly leaving money on the table with lower earnings than they otherwise would have. Most importantly they will missing out on constantly recruiting new regulars, which generally only have shelf lives of probably 3 to 6 months in any case Now for the dancers that are aggressive, since its a business transaction and most will solicit nearly any customer anyways, I don't see why its a compliment to the customer when a dancer approaches them, so I just approach them if I'm interested. Every single dancer I've been involved with with any kind of long term "relationship" or whatever one might label it- I've approached them. The downside is with the 90% who end up a one-dance session (I usually buy 3 or 4 dances in total) - they then might still think you're interested on subsequent days, so they will come back and you need excuses. Even though its in the nature of a commercial tranaction male aggressiveness obviously is a plus if the mutual "chemistry" matters as it might to some patrons. Many of these dancers notice the passivity of certain males in clubs and even comment on it now and then, and its generally not a plus. True, its not real world, but real world constructs can in some cases operate in a parallel fashion.
discussion comment
17 years ago
avatar for David9999
I'm ready if you are
"All it means is that your claims don't sound consistent with the words you've posted." They don't sound consistent with what OTHERS have said I've said, but if you look at what I HAVE actually said, they are consistent for one main reason: because they are the truth. Some points you should note: 1. The super-stud bullshi.t was never a claim I in fact made, it was a distortion of my comments (by several posters) in regards to the evolutionary attraction issue where I noted I was experiencing (despite the counter-intuitive nature of it) a significant ratcheting up of the all important "chemistry" when the perception (and ideally reality) of being a "gentlemen horndog" of sorts was presented. Its true I was engaging in behavior more than sufficient to present the vibe, however for example the comments in regards to "doing" (or equivalent) every woman "not nailed to the wall" comment was clearly referring to the importance of the female's belief and perception that the male was highly nonmonogamous. I didn't say I was doing that. I've made it clear in post after post that in my case I was interested in quality not quantity in terms of any "relationships" (if one can even call them that) that I've had, which I said again and again has been primarily focused on a relatively small group of women. 2. My comments about height, weight, and presentability were twisted into some kind of James Bond bullshit and were only made in the first place in the context of a question BookGuy had in regard to the fact of whether height issues would matter on this issue, and in the interest of being honest I presented them exactly as they were - even though it would hurt any "theory" I might be trying to support that asserted the perception of male nonmonogamy was a key attraction point that females subconsciously were drawn to. 3. The cross-check I was seeking merely would have confirmed (to a rational personal at least) that I was licensed to practice law and thus a member of the bar in at least one jurisdiction in the United States (and thus among other things not a 15 year old), it would not have proved I was currently a practicing attorney, because that it not a claim I've ever made on this forum. In fact sometime last fall or early winter when I stated this exact thing, someone on this forum asked me why I wasn't practicing, and I clearly stated this was not uncommon for people with multiple degrees (aside from standard lawyer undergrad and JD degrees) and I was involved in a field typically far higher paying than the practice of law, and certainly far more flexible in terms of hours and demands. The problem I've had is that every piece of new information I've added is a further piece of indentifying information, so I cannot respond to every charge or even every (well meaning) comment, for example Jablake's comment on the practice of law w/o further elaborating on certain identifying information. 4. the income amounts were in fact accurate, and anyone familiar with the general field I've involved with would understand the amount cited in fact is comparatively low end relative to others in this field and related areas. 5. the spending amounts I've cited over the past 12 months are also accurate and I've had many posts (all consistent because all were true) as to the ongoing high levels of spending and my constant efforts to control this spending. 6. the number of strip club visits cited is also 100% accurate, and if one has a degree of job flexibility as one sometimes has when one has been involved with one company over many years, that number (while not wise) would be doable. You in fact one can see a response of only a week ago that I made to Jablake that the "client" issue (he was referring to) was not relevant in my case. 7. The issue of why I don't post club reviews, I stated the reasons and Jablake stated the reasons accurately: and it has to do with indentifying information where I'm primarily visting clubs in 2 or 3 cities or regions dropping relatively high amounts on relatively few dancers, clubs where owners certainly know me as one example. Yes, I've probably bought dances from 100 different dancers in total in the past year in various clubs - but that is not my concer per se, it instead relates to issues pertaining to a small group of dancers. AMPS (while I would rather no post info on them either) on the other hand at least present a completely different profile, as for one they nearly always discreetly keep clients from seeing other clients, so hardly anyone ever knows you're even there - even when you visit on location many times. Strip clubs by definition are a much more open activity, and there's an issue of confidence (at a dancer level) that's not relevant to AMPs because such AMP girls by job definition in most cases tend to be offering FS. Now on the other thread after FOUNDER turned my request down and my attempt to answer the crediblity issue, I reluctantly posted very detailed information on my experiences in AMPs, yet I was then accused of merely copying some (supposed) AMP site, impossible in fact for anyone that knows what TER and the other sites offer in regards to that locale, and in fact my information presented will not be found anywhere, and anyone could go these AMPs for affirm my information was 100% accurate. Its one thing defending what I've said, but when comes down to defending what others SAY I've said, it becomes very convoluted and nearly impossible to refute w/o further and further providing identifying information.