
The Pink Site: 10 Dancer Truths

Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
Wednesday, October 31, 2007 12:43 PM
Just in case anyone has neither the time nor the inclination to visit the Pink site ([view link]), let me summarize all you need to know. This is what I have gleaned from the thousands of dancer comments: 1. It's all about the money. 2. Let me say it again, IT's ALL ABOUT THE MONEY. 3. Men are disgusting pigs. 4. Feel free to look, but don't touch. 5. Men will always want more. Ulimately, all SC patrons will want sex. 6. Dancers live in an exaggerated world of fear. 7. Dancers fear for their safety, even from their regulars. 8. Sometimes, especially from their regulars. 9. Did I say it is all about the money? 10. Size matters.


  • Professor906090
    17 years ago
    David, just one question: I can do money part of the equation, but what is the minimum size to "matter"? Any detailed info from the pink sight?
  • jablake
    17 years ago
    Seems on target except for No. 6. Dancers have a job that is more dangerous than serving on the front lines of Iraq without all the bennies. Dancers are always under paid, under appreciated, over worked, sexually harassed and physically abused by male misogynists run amuck. An occasional rare perk for the dancer is a cute lesbian needing erotic servicing.
  • jablake
    17 years ago
    Oh they did back off the anti-touch when I explained that I wouldn't go to a stripclub and spend all money in that case because I can see even prettier women over the internet a hell of a lot cheaper. And, if you're into talk well the internet offers that also. And, it is more environmentally friendly! :) The big benefit of strip clubs to me is the contact with young attractive women. No contact and my money goes elsewhere real quick. Heck, maybe even into savings or something stupid like that. Surprising they were able to comprehend this.
  • Professor906090
    17 years ago
    Jablake, I agree and since "it is all about money", money should rule over the "anti-touch" and "size" issues real quick. But how did you come up with the conclusion that most dancers are underpaid? I think they are paid well but blow the money on you know what.
  • jablake
    17 years ago
    Well, they have to deal with disgusting males . . . how could they not be underpaid? And, it is dangerous work . . . physically and emotionally. Just visit the pink site . . . years of psychotherapy may not be enough to help those poor dancers. Yeah, most of 'em blow their money on the stock market . . . or unflattering outfits. Either case what a waste . . .
  • David9999
    17 years ago
    On the pink site in general most posters certainly THINK they are underpaid for what they do, however the market determines their value over the long term. For smart dancers, ones for example following the advice of moderator/dancer Melonie (this woman is very bright, although her boob job was slightly overdone) - and no doubt dancers can make alot of money with the right look, right club and the right amount of effort, and many can work far longer than the typical 1 to 2 year burnout if they take cares of themselves and avoid drugs and booze. Some dancers have 20 plus year careers. Melonie (correctly in my opinion), suggests girls should either go all out 100% in the business and shoot for the big money or get out of the business -and she recommends a voracious savings and investment program. She has noticed that girls that get in the business part-time or half-baked, end up not often only failing in the business, but failing at whatever the outside interest was, for example schooling and so forth
  • driver01
    17 years ago
    Point of clarification. I'm thinking it's a pretty safe bet to assume that #10 is a corollary to numbers 1,2 and 9-- that being the only size that matters in a SC is the the size of the lapdancee's wallet.
  • lopaw
    17 years ago
    For the record - as much as the pink site rags all over the male customers, us female customers are treated even worse - in their pink eyes, we are all either: 1. fat, middle aged hags going commando trying to DFK every dancer that will come near them 2. angry, insecure girlfriends dragged into the club who sit there and hate on all the dancers 3. crazy drunk sorority girls desperately looking to take all of the attention away from the dancers for themselves. While those types all do exist, they are not representative of ALL female custies, no more than the negative descriptions that the pink site places on most (if not all) male patrons. They bag on ALL of us constantly over there. One of the main reasons that I removed SW's addy from my bookmarks. Forever.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    So, I guess if number 7 is true, the dancers should be afraid of me in the strip clubs. Maybe the next time a stripper is arguing with me about why I should get a dance from her after I already told her no, I should tell her about the web site so that she'll know better.
  • evilcyn
    17 years ago
    I have to ask, why do you go to the pink site, Im a chic, and a dancer, and they annoy me with there bitching and whining.. If they think it sucks so bad, don't be a dancer.. Yes the job is about money, just like any job is, would any of us really put in a bunch of hours, be away from our kids, and not enjoy hobbies as much as we would like if we didn't have to work.. To me, you take the good and bad days, you deal with stupid drunken assholes some days, and others you come across a good guy would just wants some dances and entertainment and pays you well for it.. I've made some great regulars along the way, ran into some guys who love me to death and they just annoy the hell out of me all the while I am smiling for them.. They just need to suck it up shut up, and just do the job or don't over there on the pink site and get over themsevles...
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    I have to check to be sure I'm NOT at the pink site whenever I look at this board lately.
  • motorhead
    17 years ago
    driver01: Bingo! You win the prize. I didn't say the size of WHAT. Most likely the size of the wallet as you said, but also the size of the dancer's boobs, or the size of the customer (some girls don't like fatties, but some some girls don't like skinny guys either - they don't think thin legs can support the girl when dancing.)
  • SabineLavine
    17 years ago
    Wow, dancers want money? That's a shocker. Seriously, if you are going on an industry insider messageboard you can expect to read things that are indicative of the reality of that industry. The site isn't for you, the strip club customer. It is for dancers and other members of that industry. We spend our working hours making you guys feel good about yourselves. When you pay us, we give you that fantasy. We do our jobs well, and most of us enjoy the work. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't go anonymously into a network of other dancers and industry insiders to vent, network, and chat freely in a non-judgmental environment. It's funny how you don't seem to think dancers should be venting about our customers, but you openly insult us all over here. I've only read through a few threads and have seen your comments about how most dancers have the "intelligence of a frog" and other digs about how stupid we all are. Its pretty hypocritical to sit and get worked up over us telling the truth on OUR OWN MESSAGEBOARD while disparaging us at the same time. Oh, and your "truths" 1-5 are pretty right on. The bit about us being afraid of our customers is laughable, but go ahead and think that if it makes you feel good about yourselves. And I think I speak for all of us when I say we couldn't care less about your size. We care about the size of the men we are fucking, but since that's not you you don't have to worry about it! lol
  • Yoda
    17 years ago
    OK really, can't you people come up with something better to talk about than bitching about another website? Just don't go there. Seems pretty simple.
  • David9999
    17 years ago
    Since this thread is now being referenced on an active thread on [view link], its not suprising that one of the biggest pussy-whipped/clit-sucking/pink-site ass-kissing/suckups would come on here complaining about the Original Poster's "10 Dancer Truths" Advice: don't read the thread if you don't like it. Seems pretty simple. By the way while you are at it, how about moving to Russia, they don't have a 1st ammendment and freedom on speech. Then you can dictate there what and what not people can say, read, and write about
  • Professor906090
    17 years ago
    Russian girls make pretty good dancers though
  • minnow
    17 years ago
    I thought OP was good "tongue in cheek" jab at other site. Can't people take a joke, have a little humor, look beyond narrow parochial interests?
  • bigdawg_1
    17 years ago
    I'm not saying that there are not some creepy guys going to strip clubs, but for the most part strippers are as safe as most of [view link] is all about the money and everytime I met a dancer who I think is not about the money I am wrong. Iv'e been going to Strip/ Gentlemen clubs for over 25 years and I haven't found an honest normal stripper yet. I guess the honest ones are the ones who don't spend time with me.
  • AbbieNormal
    17 years ago
    I'm with Chandler. I don't quite understand the obsession certain posters have with SW, or why they feel the need to constantly import threads from there. I've read it but never posted in any area other than the club reviews. Why? I don't really care. If you go to any number of sites where waiters, waitresses and bartenders vent about customers you'd get the same impression a lot of people here take from SW, that they all loath every one of their customers to such a degree they can barely contain it, and do so only for the money. Well, yeah, it's bad business to be rude to any customer, so you treat them all with courtesy. Some don't deserve it, but most do. Want to know the real big secret? Most waiters don't spend any time at all thinking about their customers other than the few who are assholes or the few who are especially nice and good tippers. My guess is its the same with strippers. Want to know what a stripper thinks of you? As a general rule she doesn't. As for why I found SW amusing to read at one time, but was somewhat critical, to me it reads like a parallel universe of what I've found clubs to be like. In a decade of clubbing I've found most clubs offer some level of contact, many more than is allowed by law. Most dancers will allow customers to touch them, if the tips are good, and many will initiate the contact if they think it will help sell more dances. I can't count the number of times a dancer has pulled my hand to her breast during a lapdance, basically to let me know I'm allowed to touch if I want. In many clubs I've been to the lapdances are performed with a specific happy ending in mind. That's my experience. To say it doesn't seem to be reflected on SW by the dancers would be an understatement.
  • David9999
    17 years ago
    Egomania certainly is rampant on the pink site, and as I've said before most dancers (similar to moderately cute girls you recall from high school level) are merely 7 or 8 scale in looks. Most dancers are not that big a deal and w/o the platform heels and stage lighting, many of these girls walking down the street you wouldn't look twice at in real life.
  • David9999
    17 years ago
    The pink site happens to be an excellent reference point/conversation starter for dicussions in here. No its not the end-all be-all about what dancers are thinking, however the issues presented there are certainlhy intertwined with the issues presented on this site If the topic is relevant to strip clubs, I don't see why the hell it matters how or where the original thought or topic began I've actually noticed that some of the best threads on Strip Club List have derived as reactions to issues brought up first on Stripperweb
  • Professor906090
    17 years ago
    David, I think we need to do our own "10 Customer Truths" and make it a permanent part of this site, placing it right above Stripping 101.
  • ThisOldManPlayed1
    17 years ago
    Size matters? Since when?
  • pacodawg
    17 years ago
    Wallet size.
  • ThisOldManPlayed1
    17 years ago
    Oh S*H*I*T - wallet size! What was I thinking??? LOL
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