
Fat Dancer's Lament . . .

A dancer over at Club Diamonds was shooting the breeze with me because it was so dead. She blamed the poor management and gave as an example the manager reading the dancers the riot act over weight. She was forced to and did lose 20lbs--she was still fat or big boned--or not be allowed to work. She says I pay all my fees and some customers really appreciate women with curves so I why shouldn't the market determine who can dance? The stupid manager is just so prejudiced and doesn't appreciate that we pay to work--we are the club's income. He thinks all customers like the type of dancers that he finds attractive. He just doesn't understand that money should do the talking--not his little dick! :)

She was nice and understood that I prefer small dancers . . .


    17 years ago
    By her logic they should have some senior citizens dancing too - maybe some customers would prefer that. C'mon Granny, shake that thang.
  • jablake
    17 years ago
    Yes, I think that is exactly her point. If a dancer is willing to pay to work, then she should be allowed the same freedoms as "attractive" dancers. It was nice hearing advocate the free market. :) Unfortunately, there is no free market for strip clubs. I wonder if the EEOC could twist some arms to get granny on stage?

    And, it wouldn't surprise me if the was a demand for granny! GERONTOPHILIA rocks for some. :) And, for others if granny reduces her price she suddenly is looking a lot sweeter.

    And, I'm sure there are some disabled folks who'd like to get on stage. Wheelchairs can be sexy! ;)

  • jablake
    17 years ago
    It was nice hearing her advocate the free market. :)
    17 years ago
    Jablake, sorry but I was being sarcastic. I think a club owner or manager has every right to set whatever relevant standards they wish for their employees, that's how a free market works.
  • jablake
    17 years ago
    Hi FONDL,

    Yes, I did understand that you were being sarcastic. Yes, if we had a free market, which we DO NOT have. See, I would be willing to open a club tomorrow or sooner if it was like the old days were you just find a store front an open a club. Those days are long gone. I checked into it. I wanted to open a club next to Angels. W. Dixie Hwy was a fun strip of stripclubs, but thru police action, church move-ins, and other tactics only 1 remains and it BANKS cash bigtime! Anyway, when I inquired I learned that there was a new regulation that stripclubs couldn't be close to each other any longer unless grandfathered in. Checking the zoning there were no other locations for a stripclub and in fact she (government zoning expert) said they were trying to shut down Angels. (I already knew that, btw.) Also, churches kill the opportunity to put up a stripclub---therefore the Haitian churches have moved in to keep out future clubs. Very smart. Certain child business accomplish the same ends and that has been used also. Furthermore, the big clubs ala Solid Gold were caught in a scandal where they had paid big money not only to restrict future stripclubs, but close existing ones!

    NO FREE MARKET, thus she has every right to demand further government interference, imo. If we aren't allowed to open a strip club featuring ugly dancers, then exisiting stripclubs need to burdened with additional requirements. I'd much rather see a free market and she definitely understands the concept---the problem is the government took those freedoms aways so it needs to add additional protections and rights to those that are getting screwed.

    I hope you were able to understand what I typed above. :)

  • jablake
    17 years ago
    BTW, it isn't just 1 new regulation. There are significant regulations to opening a new stripclub or even staying in business. When Angels falls for whatever reason that is the death of stripclubs on W. Dixie Hwy unless the laws are changed. People say big deal---you have The Trap or Tootsies or Black Gold. The reality is different clubs have different cultures. The Trap is pretty much worthless even though it is a small dive club (it was a super happy fun club). Tootsies is for the rich. Black Gold is a nice drive from me with plenty of police pull overs, which I'd rather avoid so my trips to that club would be low even if it had the right culture. When the other little clubs were allowed by the government each one had its own little culture. It was fantastic. Now, the clubs more and more dictate the rules because there isn't a free market any longer.

    Anyway, it doesn't make much difference as the average stripclub customer is dumber than a doornail and couldn't realize how little variety is left. :( What a country.

  • jablake
    17 years ago
    Oh yes, on some other thread customers were wanting even fewer clubs because there supposedly is a shortage of attractive dancers. Brilliant. :( Almost as smart as saying we need fewer restaurants so they can serve better food.

  • David9999
    17 years ago
    There's a small percentage of patrons that prefer heavier dancers, however managers generally know what and what doesn't rachet up patronage. Ideally I would guess the bulk of customers prefer somewhat slender dancers with pretty faces, long legs, curvy asses, non-augmented B to C breasts and a nice attitude - and there is a certain universal appeal to that

  • motorhead
    17 years ago
    Hi jablake, I appreciate your comment, but I don't buy the analogy. There is a finite number of quality girls in any given town with the right combination of assets to become top dancers - obviously everything physical - face, breasts, butt, height, weight - but she must also possess the right personality, desire to make money, provide excellent customer service, have the right family circumstances, etc...etc.... I stand by my claim that there just aren't enough quality girls with all the right assets to fill all the clubs in business now. We can produce and manufacture an unlimited amount of quality food - we can't manufacture quality strippers.
  • jablake
    17 years ago
    Hi David9999,

    In the black clubs it seems like there is a strong majority of black customers that prefer the fat ass. Perhaps among the Latins as well? (A couple of latin buddies have shown me they desire plenty of meat; disgusting, imo.) The white clubs--Tootsies? Solid Gold?-- are expensive and even there beauty standards seem warped. Fake breasts, taller, galmour look, etc. doesn't do a think for me. Even when they have the look that I love the price is just way out of my ball park.
  • jablake
    17 years ago
    Hi david120,

    We have plenty of women that could be hot dancers here in Miami. Yes this city is probably the exception. So over here there shouldn't be a problem getting hot dancers, ***but there is thanks to government***.

    When dancers are being hit with $160 house fee to work one shift at a $5 club that should tell you something. And, I've seen super hot dancers show and leave because there are too many ugly dancers showing. The uglies aren't minding these obscene fees because if they make just a little more than what they would at Burger King it is a winning deal for them. The attractive dancers generally think that given their looks and that they're going to go be groped and ogled that they should get some $$$. For them, prostitution makes more sense assuming they don't mind that line of work.

    I could be dead wrong, but I'm like 95% certain that if I was free to open a club that I could get super hot dancers and still make a profit. Not print money, but make a profit and get super hot dancers. When there were more clubs The Trap didn't have a problem getting super hot dancers nor did Cherries which also specialized in super hot. Clubs get killed/closed and dancer fees soar. Dancer quality has dropped assuming you like small and cute. Dancer prices for the customer has soared for--fake tits, tall, glamour. I wouldn't want that at cheap. There is no shortage of quality dancers here in Miami, if the government allowed more competition. Instead it is killing clubs or pushing the mega club like Tootsies. A bunch of customers think Tootsies is the greatest. Maybe if your wealthy . . .

    So if I'm a stripclub owner like Angels and I've got a bunch of dancers desperate to pay $160 for a single shift, then why care if they are butt ugly. Worse over time you get customers that want that look. At Angels it has seemed like a battle between older white customers spending on the hotties and the black customers spending on the blubber butts. Right now, I would say the black customers are now winning because for some reason they suddenly seem to have cash to burn! Meanwhile white customers don't have much in the way of real options unless you consider Tootsies a real option. :(

    I didn't proof read the above at all so it may be a little difficult reading.

  • jablake
    17 years ago
    With freedom, I believe here in Miami we could have what we had before. Small clubs that catered to certain tastes. The Traps\ catered to those that wanted super hot dancers that were happy campers. Those girls were something and Sky the bartender/manager took a lot of pride in the quality of the dancers. The profit was made not in dancer fees, but in catering to the customer! Cherries was another small club that catered to customers that loved super hot dancers---but expensive and actually worth it. I'd save to go there. Angels specialized in the low class whites with no money and propensity for violence. Again, customer needs were being met. There was also Lollipops and that was another menu. Damn stinking government gets involved and now the money is in financially raping the dancer with fees on top of fees. So Angels without all the competition can pretty charge the dancers maximum fees. Dancers make little and quality goes down the drain, but dancers are still fighting to pay the high dancer fees. Less competition and both dancer and customer get screwed big time while the club rakes in the money like no tomorrow. The Trap the same deal. Dancers pay big money and customers settle for whatever is offered. Kill/close clubs and yes this is the result that I would have expected. Does the owner give a fuck that the club is filled with dogs? No, all he cares about is charging high dancer fees. Government protects him from another business opening up next door and offering a better product at a better price. So customer gets stuck with high prices and low quality and dancers get stuck with obscene dance fees.

    Shortage of hot babes willing to dance??? NO WAY JOSE here in Miami. Just kill the government bs and you'll get all different types of clubs including those that cater to customers that love super hot dancers.

  • driver01
    17 years ago
    Mons Venus in Tampa-- dancers pay $42 to the house. There is no DJ to tip out and the only other expense is the dancers put $1 into the "jukebox" when it's their turn on stage. It is small and has 50-100 girls every night. Weight restrictions are strictly enforced and many a girl most of us would be more than happy to lap with at any other club are turned away at the door.

    Hot girls abound here for some rather simple reasons. The barriers to entry for a dancer are low and it's a relatively safe environment for the girls. The club draws patrons because of the abundance of hot dancers. And by draw I mean packed house 4 out of 7 days, busy 2 out of 7 and so so only one day a week on average. Redner makes a shitpile of money because he is able to get the strongest talent to work in his club and in addition to the dancer fees collect $20 per entrant into his domain. So it's a win for the dancer, a win for the patron and a win for the owner...

    Some of you guys here would hate Mons because it is a nude dance club in the truest sense. No hidden "extras" as everything is out in the open. But great grindage, lot's of groping and consistently more stunning women than most anyplace else in his market( hell pretty much any market--lol)

    Love Redner or hate Redner(the owner) but the man has a formula that works very very well for all parties... except for fatties, of course...lol
  • jablake
    17 years ago
    I went to the Mons when it was a dive. Had a blast. Some very hot dancers who seemed to be super sluts from heaven. One old dancer. I don't remember if there were fatties at that time--probably not. I felt like moving in next door and the prices were cheap even for a low income guy.

    Interesting that they bar fatties. :)
    17 years ago
    Jablake, you may not be aware of it but one of the biggest proponents of stiff business regulations is business itself. The main reason that barbers and massage therapists and plumbers and hair dressers and lawyers etc. all have licensing requirements is that they asked for them in order to reduce competition. It's what business trade associations and trade unions always do, they petition government to enact strong regulations for their industry to make it more difficult for others to get into the business. It's usually done in the name of consumer protection but the real purpose is to restrict competition. Some regulation is necessary but it almost always goes too far - that's the nature of government. Do you really care if your barber or massage therapist is licensed?
  • driver01
    17 years ago
    JaBlake--- It's still a "DIVE"-- that's part of it's charm:)

    One other thing about this club...It has it's own website with live cameras on the stage and in the girls dressing room. While I may be a little slower than I was in my younger days, I have not yet reached the point where I would tune in to live stripclub performances via the web. Call me crazy but I still prefer a more direct "hands-on" SC experience--but that's just me-lol.
  • jablake
    17 years ago
    Hi driver01,

    Yeah, from what I hear it doesn't charge like a DIVE. That, low cost, is an even more important part of the charm for me. :) When there were a bunch of strip clubs along W. Dixie Hwy even a working class guy on very low income could hang out and have a lot fun. And, you could go frequently. Before they started charging a cover I would go to Angels about 4 or 5 or more times a week at night. Now it is packed and not only is there a cover they charge for parking! So you might get hit with $40 (not usually) just to enter the dive. Normally, I will get hit with $10 for the cover at night. But, that is just a good reason to cut back. It does add up over the year. And, when old management was there I had a VIP pass to avoid a lot of costs such as cover, etc. I made up for it by buying a lot of dances. They don't need me anymore. :(

  • jablake
    17 years ago
    Hi FONDL,

    Yes, I'm very much aware of that. Angels is thrilled all its close competitors got killed by the government. They sure as hell weren't pushing for more rules and regulations, tmk, but they didn't minding reaping the rewards. It was the fancy club, Solid Gold, that wanted to use the force of government to make money and eliminate competition. Probably Tootsies is of the same mind. Anyway, at The Trap the opinion was who cares what the fuck the government is doing on W. Dixie Hwy . . . they couldnn't see that, that would directly affect the heart and soul of their lovable club. It was just beyond their comprehension that closing the other little clubs would definitely hit hard and in ways that could be very unexpected (to them). From $5 lap (club specials) to now $25 lap with no special that I'm aware of. From girls that were burning hot and a lot fun to girls that are being fee'd to death and you'd rather pay them to stay dressed!

    The Trap customers had a very poor understanding of economics and of social displacement. Those fantastic customers are pretty much history along with the fantastic management and dancers. The club is swimming in cash thanks to the government, and the dancers and customers get screwed. :( Dancers get far far fewer dances and fees have gone thru the ceiling plus there are brand new fees. Customers get ugly dancers who would have been relegated to the lesser clubs plus much higher prices.

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