
Comments by driver01 (page 4)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    SHONEYS????? Black Slang Meaning?
    And then it may have been "shoni"...Some sort of slur against the quality of the Sunday night patrons who used to come in for free??? http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=shoni
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    17 years ago
    Just where is the cut off point?
    Loose lips sink ships... Review the club, the atmosphere, the quality of the dancers or lack thereof. Talk about the prices, the bar set-up or lack thereof. Describe the vip area, lapdance protocol and the scene at the stage. Paint a picture of your overall experience- good, bad or ugly. But to get specific about a dancer and the "mileage" or "extras" you acquired seems to be a too common practice by men who should know better. There is nothing good that will result from posting such information- not for you, not for the club and certainly not for the dancer...Just one man's opinion.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    SHONEYS????? Black Slang Meaning?
    According to the attached link, you may have been perceived as a "know it all" and got the "shoney treatment" or it may have been a reference to Sundays patrons typically having small dicks. If your hunch is correct and they were using some sort of slang that they would not explain, then those you spoke to were probably having a little fun at your expense... Or maybe they were just all meeting up at Shoney's after work--lol. http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=shoney
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Guess the percentage, dancer over 21, has a kid what percentage do you think?
    With all the useless government information collected, you'd think there would be an answer to this question in the census. Adult Entertainers, unfortunately, do not get their own category...lol. http://www.census.gov/population/www/socdemo/fertility/cps2004.html
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Time to reflect
    Reflection is often an overrated virtue. My ex-wife was big on reflection... That is one reason she is now my ex-wife. But I do enjoy the reflections of dancer Kiki when she drops to her knees and places her head into my lap as I gaze into the mirror directly behind her showing off that fabulous perfectly rounded ass....Hmmm... Ok, so upon reflection I do enjoy a good reflection every now and then.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    How to have fun on the budget. Your definition.
    What's a budget? I keep hearing that deficit spending is good for the economy. And I'm all for a good economy...
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Does you ATF read our discussions?
    So ATF's can read? Who knew...
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Holiday, FL
    Not sure i would go so far as to say the BEST clubs in the Tampa Bay area are in Holiday-- Haven't been to BA in a while but if you are only interested in Holiday then BA is probably your best bet. There is also Brass Flamingo right up the road in New Port Richey on US19. Alcohol is available in both of the above clubs if that is an important component. The tampa nude clubs do not allow alcohol sales but MONS Venus is hard to beat when it comes to quality and quantity of ladies...
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    What annoys ME the most!!!
    Funny, it's usually the opposite for me. I never remember what a particular dancer told me on a previous visit and it's the dancer who gets annoyed with me...This happens because I have gotten good at nodding my head and smiling a lot. Women say I'm a great listener. I listen well, I just don't hear them...lol Professor- perhaps your expectations are a bit high. Dancers in busy clubs meet and chat up a lot more guys in one shift than you may realize. And if they are any good, you may walk away from the experience thinking that you made a "connection" of sorts. That is what a good dancer does. The dancer however, is walking away looking for the next customer. She's already got your money. Unless you have an established rapport with a dancer, it's a little unrealistic to expect that A) she will remember the details of every conversation she has with every guy she chats up from the previous day and/or B) that you said anything that is really worth her remembering. Nothing personal, but these girls have heard more stories, tales of woe and heartache, promises of riches, jokes, nasty comments and plain old bullshit than most therapists and bartenders combined. Chances are pretty good that she is on auto-pilot when it comes to conversation with you and most guys. The chat is what sets up the reason she is there. And that is to get you to put your money into her hand( or between her tits, whatever--lol). Listen to Chandler-- especially his second suggestion. Very good advice.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Thought triggers
    Whenever I look into an empty wallet...
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Turn-on or turn-off?
    While many dancers will try to guilt you into a dance by talking about how "slow" it is tonight or how "no one" is getting dances-- (How many times have you heard a dancer say something like, "I've been here for ____ hours and not one single dance,etc,etc...?) Likewise, there is a school of thought among other dancers to exaggerate their earnings in order to create the impression that they are "worth" spending your $$ on-particularly if you have been sized up as having $$. Their thought is to create in the customers mind the thought that there must be a damn good reason this chick is making so much money-- I better spend some of my own to find out--lol. It's all covered in the Stripper Marketing 101 handbook they get when they're hired...or maybe it's just stripper shit:) So professor, whatever turns you on my friend-- but don't put a whole lot of stock in dancers who plead either poverty or fame and fortune...Stripper shit, it's part of the game. I tend to treat dancers like politicians-- don't listen much to what they say, but I am very interested in what they do...
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    1-Yes, several times 2-Yes, once 3-Positive, very very positive.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    What do you think customers do that irritates dancers the most?
    Waste a dancers time....
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Hitting the trifecta
    Fondl, My daytime experiences at BA have been very hit or miss-- more miss than hit. Have had very positive experiences in the evenings...Here's the website for Bare Assets which includes the hours or operation. Happy lapping...
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Strips as an affair substitute
    David9999, No sale brother...You forgot one seemingly small but significant thing in your evolutionary tale...God may have planted in you the seed spreader gene but he also planted the FREE WILL gene in all of us...You my friend, are responsible for your decisions and for the actions you take, same for every one of us. God gave us the "need to eat" gene too. Some people eat healthy some choose to eat their way to a heart attack at 50. Same for any activity in life. Sex included. Some choose monogamy, some choose abstinance and some choose to pay strippers obscene amounts of money to play naked with them. In all cases, you exercise your FREE WILL to act as you see fit. But hey, you never know- maybe your wife is more into anthropology than you give her credit for. Try the "it's in man's nature to spread his seed a plenty defense" out on her. Let us know how that works out for you...lol
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Strips as an affair substitute
    David9999, Let's see if I understand this correctly... so this hypothetical guy is in a good marriage with an attractive wife and he thinks putting himself in a room containing a fully stocked bar and is full of good looking young naked women who want to take him into a private secluded area for purposes that generally involve more than just good conversation, is a good way to avoid temptation???...I like the way this guy thinks...lol
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Hitting the trifecta
    Fondl, In Pasco, your best bet is probably Bare Assets in Holiday. Evenings are generally best. If you need a second option in Pasco County you might try Brass Flamingo in New Port Richey. Lot's of folks seem to like Brass Flamingo but I have yet to visit when the talent pool was very large or very attractive. If time is limited, Bare Assets would be my choice. Teaser's new location is right on Duval Street. A lot of locals like to say they prefer the old club and I can understand that sentiment. But the new( I say new but it's been there for almost 4 years now) place is on the second floor and has a balcony overlooking Duval. I've posted a couple of reviews so I won't go into too much here other than to say it serves it's purpose well-- good times, good times... Check the reviews...
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Hitting the trifecta
    Key West, yes....but South Florida in general offers all that you seek--Miami/Ft Lauderdale, etc- Also, Pasco County, just outside of Tampa qualifies as do several counties along Florida's eastern coast.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Way off topic
    SC-- maybe a great company to work for- but probably want to watch out for your 401k-- lol.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Dumb ass things
    Dumbest thing I've seen in a strip club? Way back in the day, in a strip club far far away I was sitting at the bar. Being my 3rd excursion into this my only club experience to date, I felt like I was getting "regular" status. I still felt the thrill of being somewhere I probably should not be starting to get comfortable in what was becoming familiar territiory. I'd had exactly one lap dance to that point and it was on my second visit. The girl was stunningly attractive, more like a model than a dancer. It was fun and exciting and very tame(by today's standards), but at the time it was a 10 because that's all I knew. So, as I nurse my drink up comes Ms Model and sits down right next to me. She begins the conversation with "what took you so long to come back"? She then leans into me and whispers in my ear, "I didn't get to drain your cock down my throat before because you high tailed it outta here too fast last time"...and yes, like the movies I proceeded to spill my drink all over her sexy little outfit. I didn't have a clue about this stuff back then. So, one of the dumbest things I've seen in a strip club was the reflection in the bar mirror of my face at that moment.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Moaners and Heavy Breathers - Fake or Real?
    They fake it for a couple of reasons-- most guys do care, it's part of the show. How many times have we read here or in the reviews about a dancer that was "in the wrong business" or wasn't enthusiastic enough in her LD technique,etc,etc. I tend to agree with Chandler's last comment, we only seem to mind the "faking it" when we know about it. The really good ones "fake it" so well that we leave feeling like we did HER a favor. Now that's talent. Do the math, on a busy night a dancer can end up giving a LOT of dances. If she's there 8 hours and averages 3 per hour that's 24 trips to the LD area and if she's any good, she'll be back there for longer than one 3 minute song per trip. If you happen to be say #22 on the roster of customers, odds are pretty good that whatever reaction you are getting from her is largely "performance art". But that is what we are paying for-- and some do it better than others...
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    I just bought a bottle of strawberry bubble bath.
    Romance?? Sounds more like "foreplay" to me...:)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Are strippers good in bed?
    Are escorts good in bed? Judging by the reviews on different boards, I'd say their performances range from a 1 all the way up to a 10. Are wives good in bed? Judging from my experience and that of those I know who are married, I'd say wives performances range from a 1 all the way up to a 10. Why should strippers be any different?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    How do you think dancers feel about rejection?
    Dancers are no different than anyone else in this regard. Do car salesmen feel rejected when you tell one that you'd rather deal with someone else when car shopping? Possibly but I think salesmen are thinking about the potentially lost $$ more so than any idea they have been personally rejected. As always, there are exceptions for individual cases but I tend to think that most of the girls who are experienced dancers tend to view customers like any salesperson who does cold calls. It's a numbers game. For every 5 or 10 calls made, they make one sale. Similarly, good dancers know they won't get dances from every guy, but the more of them they approach, the more dances they get-- a numbers game. I'm speaking here primarily of unknown customers. I always smile to myself when a dancer approaches me with what is obviously some good stripper lines that have worked for her in the past-- it's all about sale. As far as regular customers, things can get a little more complicated. Some girls do get possessive with their regulars. It's happened to me- but at the end of the day, I find that their anxiety is proportional to the amount of $$ they have earned from me in the past and anticipate earning in the future, more so than any sense that they have been "personally" rejected. A dancer often views HER regular as just that-- HER regular-- HER money. And when the regular decides to try someone new, drama often ensues. I know many dancers and the stripper shit that transpires in the dressing room over "regulars" usually revolves around $$ and the financial threat she faces by another dancer "hitting on" her "man"...lol--stripper shit. There is a book that needs to be written on stripper dressing room shit alone! Many of us have experiences with dancers OTC that often don't involve $$-- I'm talking above about the norms as I see them, not the exceptions. It's very easy to fall into the idea that a dancer gets "hurt emotionally" if a customer "rejects" her. The good ones know what a man wants and have learned how to play into that. Like the car salesman, they are smooth talkers and into play acting( many are also high--lol)... Always remember you are at the "theatre" and that the GEO PRISM does not ride like a Mercedes no matter what the saleman says.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    favorite alcholic drink...In oreder from top to bottom
    Gentleman, Scotch is a whisky, not a whiskEy. If it's Irish, it's a whiskEy. If it's from Canada, it's a whisky. And last but not least, if American it's whiskEy....now that I've confused myself and everyone else--lol 1)I like scotch whisky-- Oban is one of my favorites, never seen it in a strip club. 2) In summer, it's gin-- Beefeater martini up extra dry extra olive. 3) Wine, Port-- too many to name 4) Beer-- after a round of golf, if it's cold-- I like it. 5) Lastly, if you're picking up our tab, anything behind the bar- I like it.