
Comments by mmdv26 (page 65)

  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Who are all of these people that post on here?
    I've had trouble understanding why this board is attached to a strip club review site. For a long time, this shadowcat/parodyman bullshit was annoying to me. Recently, I'm starting to see it more like pro wrestling. Scat relentlessly jumps in the ring waving his arms and yelling, only to be promptly kicked in the shins by parody. At random, a half-dozen others pile on. One in particular gets off the pile only to jump right back on. And suddenly the whole thing becomes a writing critique. Acid? Sometimes you have to wade through a lot of shit to get to a good one. True here; true in the club. I guess this board is where it belongs afterall.
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    16 years ago
    Most lap dances are a waste of money.
    Have to try out the new ones! Usually can tell from conversation whether they will even come close to what you expect. I'm strictly in it for high mileage. If she isn't groping during first dance, that's it - no more dances. But, I will sometimes convince myself that things are going to get better and I do a second or even third dance. Almost always regret those; chalk 'em up to more "wasted $$".
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    I am published!
    Thanks man! Good review.
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    16 years ago
    How important are reviews?
    Admittedly, the rating numbers are VERY subjective. But they can be valuable if you see many of them over a period of time. I would avoid a bikini club that consistently got 2's and 3's, and direct my time toward a club that gets 8's and 9's. I'm suspicious of 10's (Cheap beer gets a 10....at a strip club!) When I am getting ready to visit a club for the first time, I will read lots of reviews in order to get a general feeling as to what that club is all about, and whether it is a club I will enjoy. I probably won't bother to visit if it reviews like a waste of time and money to me. Case in point: I needed to be out in western Kansas a couple of Friday's ago. Did I want to come back east a little later and swing thru Scranton, KS to visit one of my old fav's the Trop 56 Club? I had been out there earlier this summer, and they didn't have a new liquor license after a change in ownership. Me, two underage guys shootin' pool, one girl who weighed more than me....big waste of gas. Well, Thurs night I got on TUSCL, found out that Trop got it's new liquor license. Stopped by, had lots of fun. Thanks TUSCL reviewer for that timely update. (Probably could have called, but this is easier) I read reviews on out of town clubs that I like to visit when I travel. I can keep track of what's going on at that club. I find complaints amusing, because I have usually experienced those same annoying things that the reviewer complains about. For example, the I will attest to the fact that the restroom at Dolly's in ESL was probably the dirtiest place on earth. This fact was well-documented right here on TUSCL. I have learned, by reading reviews, that they had a fire at Dollies earlier in the year, and as part of the remodel, the restroom got rebuilt and is cleaner now. One of these days I will visit Dollies again, and I will not be surprised that the restroom is cleaner (or newer anyway) - not real important to me, but it's nice to know. AND, I gained that knowledge by reading reviews right here at TUSCL. I will probably plan an ESL trip later this year, and when I get there I know I will have about the same level of fun as I have had in the past, BECAUSE, I have been keeping up with reading the reviews of ESL clubs right here at TUSCL. I don't write many reviews. Primarily because I only frequent one club these days. I don't travel as much as I used to, but when I do, I will be sure to write home. I probably should review my fav club (or the girls) more often, but others have been doing a pretty accurate job of it lately. But, like a 12-step program, it's important to convey my experiences so that you can learn from my successes and failures. I'll go visit that club later in the week and write a fresh review of that day's experience.
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    16 years ago
    Breaking the cycle
    It's an expensive hobby with little to show at the end of the day. But it fulfills some irrational emotional need that I have, so I keep dragging me and my OCD back. Back in '99 or '00 I stayed out of all clubs for 6 months. Saved a wad of money, and fucked my wife a lot. LOL I did a little mini-fast in July; no club all month. Went back the other day and was bored at first. Went to VIP with too long ignored fav; she was hotter than usual. I'm hooked again. This time I'm going to try to just be semi-addicted.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Listen bitch. I tried to not involve you again.
    I think founder is actually shadowcat, and this is a ratings push...drink up boys!
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    16 years ago
    South Carolina
    Married Dancers
    Years ago, I knew a dancer who, along with her husband, bought a house under some "assistance" program. Among other things (like a small down payment), the purchaser was required to correct certain pre-identified problems with the property. Since I had a skid-steer, I could correct the drainage problems on the lot that this dancer's house needed. She and I reached a "services" trade agreement, and I stopped by on a Saturday morning to get started. I met her husband, and he seemed like a pretty OK guy. They were both in their late teens with a young child. He insisted on helping with the work if he could, which made me a little uncomfortable, since I didn't know how much I wanted to work closely with somebody who's wife I was planning to fuck later in the day. Anyway, everything went well. By noon, we had decided that this was going to take part of a 2nd day (like the next Saturday) to finish it up (needed more dirt). He left to go get some beer, and dancer and I had some fun. In the end, this project went on for part of three days, and hubby always made sure to leave several times each day. Dancer would wear very revealing outfits around the house and yard, and she was always ready for "action". He and I worked together well, and I enjoyed that almost as much as fucking his wife a couple of times a day. When the job was done he asked me how much he owed me, and she chimed in that she would pay me and for him not to worry about it. I nodded approval of that plan. She quit dancing a couple of months later. I stopped by the house, but nobody was there. Windows broken, trash laying around. I never heard from either of them again.
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    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Waffle Houses...
    Thank you lady(s) and gentlemen! I knew there was a reason why I continue to read this board. Between the all-too-frequent, drunken, shit flinging tantrums that occur here, there are moments of sincerity and honesty like this topic has generated. I'd like those hash browns scattered, please.
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    16 years ago
    GA Town Buys and Closes strip club
    Sounds like the taxpayers got FS on this.
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    16 years ago
    SCORES gets hit where it hurts
    Sounds like Scores violated the law in a significant way, so I'm not sure I understand the "screwed" part of it...In any case, it's hard for me to lose sleep over the fate of a high roller club where FS ITC might run $2500. The "mom & pop types" have been getting squeezed for years - they're used to it. They pay their fines (maybe no alc for a while) and eventually get back on their feet. I sense that nationally the incidents of "enforcement actions" has declined in recent years. It is my perception that society (and its lawmakers)may be relaxing its moral standards a bit where it applies to clubs.
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    16 years ago
    57 now. Single in Dallas '77-'85. Sometimes went to Baby Dolls on Sat night. BYOB. Small stage in the corner, I think girls got naked. Don't remember laps. Dumpy little place as I recall. Seems like it was closer to Bachman Lake than now. That area has really changed over the years!
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    16 years ago
    Ethnic groups as dancers
    I like the feel of the smooth, tight skin that many black girls have.
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    16 years ago
    How i know I have spent too much time at the SC
    A couple of months ago, I had a momentary, almost reflex compulsion, to reach out put my arm around her shoulders and cup a perfect breast with my hand when being introduced to a particularly attractive young woman at a business function. Fortunately, I was able to limit my response to a polite hand shake. Then she turned to walk away....fuck. I damned near asked her if I could get a dance. Pavlov's dog here.
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    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Is the affection real or stripper shit?
    You are seldom the target of her affection. Your wallet is.
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    16 years ago
    What's your favorite dancer line?
    Feel how wet I am.
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    16 years ago
    Saving strippers
    Under 30, they generally don't want you to save their ass. Over 30, their own ass saves them. It gets too big to dance anymore, and they marry a Permanently Pathetic Loser.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Who Fucks Better: Strippers or Escorts?
    I have been OTC for sex with dozens of dancers. In most cases, the decision to ask the dancer for OTC was because there was at least a little bit of enjoyment and some mutual appreciation in our customer/dancer relationship. The amount of enjoyment and mutual appreciation ITC was proportional to the satisfaction of the encounter OTC. Some girls who I met OTC just for the hell of it were so fucked-up they could hardly get undressed to have sex. Generally they didn't seem to be that disabled ITC. No second time with them. There have been 6 or 8 like that over the years - maybe they had to get high to actually show up OTC??? Mostly, my experiences OTC have been very good to extraordinary. And it was predictable, because our relationship ITC was pretty good. Perhaps short of romantic as chitown mentions above, but mutually enjoyable and somewhat fulfilling nonetheless. I've had a few decent escorts along the way, but I doubt that I will ever employ an escort again (except TJ, if I ever get back there); the dancer model of sexual delivery just works too well. I mentioned to her a few weeks ago that I "didn't know why we haven't got together outside of here." Her response: "yeah, really!" Here we go...
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    To much sex in the champange room??
    Put a very expensive annual operating license on strip clubs and make them part of the economic food chain for the city the club is in. I know we all complain about high admission charges, but what if the high gate includes very high mileage or extra's without the persistent threat of LE. Elected officials in most cities don't have the balls to endorse such a plan, but the concept makes sense. Clubs would end up in very small communities where the annual fee really did make a difference. As a society, have we become so advanced that we can't tolerate the thought of resorting to our most basic skills as a way to earn a living? Yeah, I know the answer.
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    16 years ago
    How Many Strippers Have You Fucked?
    In 20 years, FS 60-70 different dancers. 1/3 OTC. Many, many repeats. Zero FS in the past year - losing interest in OTC, and not clicking with anyone ITC. Getting some BJ ITC however.
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    16 years ago
    South Carolina
    Which do you prefer: Dancer approaches you or you approach dancer?
    lopaw - exactly my answer
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    16 years ago
    When does a guy become a slut?
    Last month when I made the mortgage payment, my wife and I had sex 6 times. When I paid her car insurance, we had sex 6 times (different month). I feel like I'm paying for sex, because if I didn't make these payments I might not get sex from wife. So, I'm not too familiar with this "free" sex thing you all speak of.... resent being called a PL for paying for it. Might be PL if paid too much for it. Would rather think of that as just being a novice sex purchasing agent. Did get free sex in a club one time. Dancer I had known a few years before was gone for a while and came back. She recognized me, asked how I had been, wanna dance. OK. Half way thru 1st song, we are one. Get done during 2nd song. She says no charge for the dances, no tip; just wanted to say hi. Never saw her again. No drink, no tip, didn't even have to pay cover charge that day. No aftershocks either. So that was free. Even in college had to buy dinner, drinks, weed or something.
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    16 years ago
    VERY (VERY!) IMPORTANT NOTE TO FOUNDER (everyone please read!)
    Well shit. Does this mean ya won't be stoppin by the house!
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    16 years ago
    what do u guys think?
    I try to keep in mind that any ATF I have is a dancer. Dancers work in a world of sexual stimulation. They develop a routine for getting through life, and the routine might include having sex with someone to get that person's attention or favorable treatment. Sex, handshake; what's the difference. Can't put dancers on too high of a pedestal - especially our ATF's. They usually fall off at some point.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Some guys get a boner just sitting by the stage watching the girls dance. It might be embarrassing for the customer if the dancer noticed such sporting of the wood out there at the poorly lit stage area. Therefore, some clubs have secluded areas where the light level is often higher than the stage, so you can go with the dancer and sport as much wood as you want and if the dancer notices, then it's okay. The are lots of other things that can happen in the VIP, but that might take years and thousands of dollars to discover.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    BIG Tits = BIG money ?
    Like the preceeding posters on this topic, I too like smaller tits with larger nips. Fakes are a turn off for me as well. I know 2 dancers with average looks and bodies who have had synthetic boobs for as long as I have known them as dancers. I never saw them as overly popular, even with new customers - who might get a dance just to feel some big hard ones. Their dances were mechanical, boring and low mileage. They didn't appear to get any more dances than the 34's. Fast forward a couple of years, and both of these girls have waiting lines to get dances. One is now doing HJ's, and the other BBBJ's. So, yes the girls with big boobs are getting a lot more dances, but it isn't because of the boobs. While it's likely that big might get a few more dances than small, I have trouble believing that a typical dancer's income would double merely as a result of getting bigger boobs. Of course if she only got 3 dances a day with C's, and then got 6 dances a day with DD's...