
Listen bitch. I tried to not involve you again.

Atlanta suburb
Tuesday, August 5, 2008 3:56 AM
But I can not stand by and let myself be slandered by a couple of ass holes on this board. You know that I have never sent you any hate mail. In fact some of them have been fun. You also know that none of my followers have ever sent you any hate mail. You know that I did not drive you off this board but you do not have the courage to come out and admit it to those who accuse me of it. Fuck you and Fuck them too.


  • BobbyI
    16 years ago
    Was is this non-sense all about?
  • mmdv26
    16 years ago
    I think founder is actually shadowcat, and this is a ratings push...drink up boys!
  • BobbyI
    16 years ago
    Ok, I'll break out the popcorn and butter.
  • casualguy
    16 years ago
    Shadowcat is getting slandered? I must have missed something. Sounds like a religous discussion talking about having followers. I must have missed a lot. I'll go get some snacks and watch.
  • parodyman-->
    16 years ago
    Shadowcat yells "bitch" and magically bobbyl answers...
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    "You know that I did not drive you off this board but you do not have the courage to come out and admit it to those who accuse me of it. Fuck you and Fuck them too." No shame at all. Yes, I'm being judgemental again. :) But, dang this just seems so off the top. Especially for a guy who was busy dodging bullets to purportedly to protect our freedoms. Yes, a few unkind words against you by others and it is time to start ranting against a poster who'd rather stay out of a mere flame war. Hell, if you needed your butt saved in Iraq while bothering the locals she might be the first to brave bullets and bombs to drag your ass to safety. But, courage to jump into essentially a food fight featuring words on an anonymous board? Way too sensitive for an old bullet dodger and purportly a protector of our freedoms. No shame at all. :(
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    OK, shadowcat supporters and followers: Time to talk the talk. The "bitch" won't rescue shadowcat from hurtful words. Your mission? Heap on the endless praise to ease the pain and reassure him he is loved not only by his paid hoes, but by many here on TUSCL. A little paypal donation to his email account would probably be a sweet touch. He could brag to his paid hoes that he is so loved that his followers paid for the BJ and other sexual services via paypal donations. OK, I hope to see at least a double digit number of his followers praising him, here and now on this thread! :) If not, then you're COWARDS like the "bitch" and deserve a shadowcat Fuck You! ;)
  • BobbyI
    16 years ago
    Join Church of Shadowcat today. (PayPal donations kindly accepted, and guaranteed to reduce your (or your relatives) time in purgatory.)
  • BobbyI
    16 years ago
    For a limited time only: For those who act quickly enough to be among our first 666 givers, we'll send you a couple of very special tokens of our appreciation. Gift 1: "Shadowcat teaches how to get the strippers to really like you. No not just about the money. Real like, like." Have strippers give you their boyfriend's cell phone number. Have them bake you a cake on your birthday. Have them push your old geezer wheelchair to the strip club exit... Gift 2: "How to get strippers to fuck you in a hotel room for $150 max." You see it's all about building trust over the long term (and plying them with a bit of alcohol...)
  • njscfan
    16 years ago
    I can't decide which is more odd: Shadowcat's original post, or Bobby's purported reaction to that OP. This was Bobby just a few weeks ago: "I think you guys are totally missing shadowcat's points. Not only does he, for god knows what reason, want the stripper affection to be real, but: ***> He wants to know that he is doing better than the rest of us with the girls. This is proved not only by all the signs of real affection he gets, but the incredible deals he gets for paid for sex. <*** So I'll go first: I myself never get signs of real affection. They just want my money, and then won't even give me a smile or a hug goodnight afterward. And I pay at least double what shadowcat does. So he's way ahead of me. Who's next?" So why the change in attitude? Has Shadowcat refused to show Bobby his porn collection? If so, it would be a cruel blow, given that masturbation is Bobby's only form of sexual release.
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    cognitive dissonance anyone? :)
  • BobbyI
    16 years ago
    Apparently njcsfan is still too stupid to recognize sarcasm. Hardly surprises me anymore after his recent melt down.
  • njscfan
    16 years ago
    No, sorry, your prior post wasn't sarcasm. You made a sincere attempt to defend Shadowcat, and everyone viewed it that way (including Shadowcat, who thanked you for the post). A week later you did not deny that you commonly rose to his defense, and you complained that others unfairly picked on him. In less than a week you've gone from being Shadowcat's most loyal "follower" to this attack. Why the change?
  • BobbyI
    16 years ago
    ^^^ Dumb troll. Ain't the first time you've missed sarcasm. Seems to be a major weakness of yours. Looking to get put on ignore? Go back to accusing me of being 13 (your IQ (coincidence?)). I think that line works better for you.
  • BobbyI
    16 years ago
    *snore* Seriously... Go back to the accusing me of being 13 line. Think you'll get way more mileage out of that one. njcsfan = dumb troll.
  • BobbyI
    16 years ago
    *snore* Seriously... Go back to the accusing me of being 13 line. Think you'll get way more mileage out of that one. njcsfan = dumb troll.
  • BobbyI
    16 years ago
    *snore* Seriously... You've missed sarcasm many times here. Seems to be a weakness of yours. Work on it and, in the meantime... Go back to the accusing me of being 13 line. I think you'll get way more mileage out of that one. njcsfan = dumb troll.
  • BobbyI
    16 years ago
    (Have to say it four times slightly differently. Maybe njcsfan will grok one of them. Well, I kinda doubt it, but what the heck.)
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    I'd say NO FEEDING TROLLS, but then again one man's terrorist.
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    I'd say NO FEEDING TROLLS, but then again one man's terrorist. Just a repeat for emphasis this time and not to correct. The thought is "uncompleted" for effect.
  • BobbyI
    16 years ago
    I think I know what happen. njcsfan read parody or MisterGay accusing me of being a shadowcat follower, and since njcsfan has no mind of his own and is a MisterGay/parody follower, well it just had to be true. Because we all know MisterGay and parody would never completely make up or exaagerate shit as part of their silly little flaming wars. njcsfan really needs to start thinking for himself. But then again, with an IQ of only 13 that could be dangerous. Yeah, better for him just to suck off (in more ways than one, i'm sure) and follow MisterGay and parody.
  • BobbyI
    16 years ago
    I think I know what happened. njcsfan read parody or MisterGay accusing me of being a shadowcat follower, and since njcsfan has no mind of his own and is a MisterGay/parody follower, well it just had to be true. Because we all know MisterGay and parody would never completely make up or exaagerate shit as part of their silly little flaming wars. njcsfan really needs to start thinking for himself. But then again, with an IQ of only 13 that could be dangerous. Yeah, better for him just to suck off (in more ways than one, i'm sure) and follow MisterGay and parody. (Repeated twice for emphasis.)
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    Hmmm . . . seems like it might be time to ask Founder or Chitownlawyer to settle this dispute based submitted evidence that shall nay, MUST remain confidential. :)
  • shadowcat
    16 years ago
    I will settle this right now. I never sent wondergirl any hate mail and neither did any of my friends She knows that and knows I did not dive her off this board in the past. She saw me getting my assed kicked by a couple of ass holes on here She knew that what they were saying was bull shit but she could not stand up and say so. Bitch!!!
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    Perhaps she didn't realize you're a pathetic pusillanimous punk! Dodging bullets indeed! Can't even dodge a few insults shot your way! Oh, and where praytell is your army of friends and followers? Probably they've turned their collective backs in DISGUST!!!
  • parodyman-->
    16 years ago
    “I will settle this right now. I never sent wondergirl any hate mail and neither did any of my friends She knows that and knows I did not dive her off this board in the past. She saw me getting my assed kicked by a couple of ass holes on here She knew that what they were saying was bull shit but she could not stand up and say so. Bitch!!!” SHOULD READ: I will settle this right now. I never sent wondergrl5 any hate mail and neither did any of my friends. She knows that and knows I did not drive her off this board in the past. She saw me getting my ass kicked by a couple of assholes on here. She knew that what they were saying was bull shit but she could not stand up and say so. Bitch!!! SO MUCH BETTER IN ENGLISH! Were you drinking when you wrote this? It was barely translatable into English. The sad thing is you are ignorant of the fact that posting like that just makes you look stupid. As for your claims of not having sent any harassing emails, I’d have to doubt your word. Look at how you refer to wondergrl5 here. [“Bitch!!!”] “Bitch!!!” is what you should yell when you want your court jester Bobbyl to chime in, not the way you should refer to a female who so obviously intimidates you. You are an old man yet you are also a scared little boy. Very sad indeed.
  • njscfan
    16 years ago
    Wow, poor Bobby's really losing it. You can almost see the flecks of spit flying through the air. One poster suggested to me that Bobby's problem is "raging hormones." I suspect the real issue is that his parents took him off Ritalin for the summer break. After Labor Day when high school resumes, he probably will calm down.
  • BobbyI
    16 years ago
    And just like I told him to, njscfan went immediately back to the "teenager" troll. Looks like njcsfan is ready and willing to be my little bitch! Sorry njcsfan: I don't want you. But don't worry you're not abandoned. parody and MisterGay just love having a docile,obedient little bitch like you.
  • njscfan
    16 years ago
    Bobby Far from giving you a hard time, my speculation that you are in high school is actually cutting you slack. If you are in high school, then you are just an insufferable brat. There's hope. You may grow up one day. If you are an adult, however, that hope dims. If we take you seriously, and believe what you claim, we wind up with the following sad report: *You've never been married *You can't even find a girlfriend *You resort to strippers as a substitute for companionship, because no woman will have non-paid sex with you *Even with the strippers, they treat you like garbage. They won't even smile at you, or give you a hug goodnight, or show you any sign of affection at all. *Indeed, you feel no connection with the strippers at all, even though they are your only source of female companionship. Your couplings with them often make you feel worse. *You apparently are sometimes broke, and when you have no money, the strippers are nowhere to be found, and will have nothing to do with you. *Which explains why you have only had sex five times in the last year. Because without money the strippers won't even touch you. (So I gather your financial picture is often rather grim.) *Five times in one year. And you only have sex with paid sex workers, because you can't get a girlfriend or wife. God that pretty much defines "pathetic loser," doesn't it? You have had sex fewer times in the past year than I have had sex in the past week. *You haven't had sex with anyone -- not even a stripper -- for 16 weeks. No wonder you're so sensitive about jokes about your propensity to masturbate. I have never in my adult life gone 4 months without having sex with a woman. I can't even imagine what it would be like. (Likewise, I've spent all but a few months of my adult life in a LTR. I guess you wouldn't know what that's like, would you?) But then, I can't imagine what it would be like to be a loser like you. *And, last but not least, as you confessed to us just this week, you can't even maintain an erection, and have to rely on viagra. Really pathetic. If that's to be believed, either you're an old geezer (and so the sorry state of your life is even more hopeless and pathetic), or you're a relatively young guy with a major sexual dysfuntion. So not only are you a despicable little worm, you're a limp dick worm at that. On the whole, it's not too suprising that no woman will have anything to do with you unless you pay her money. Nor is it surprising that even most strippers openly treat you with contempt. Tell me, do the strippers laugh at you when you can't get an erection? That must be a painful experience, which would certainly fuel your ever present hatred for them. Not a pretty picture. Add to this the fact that you are constantly spewing forth venom towards strippers, and repeating the same old gay bashing insults, and you look only worse and worse. Was your mom a prostitute who abandoned you as a small child? Did your foster dad regularly rape you? That would go a long way to explaining your sexual panic when it comes to both women and gays. Not saying it's true, of course. If you have another explanation for your fear of women and gays, let us know. See -- you're much better off if everyone thinks you're only 13. If you're 13, you're just a brat. If we assume you're an adult, however, then you are the most friendless, hopeless pathetic loser on the discussion board. But that's ok Bobby -- just respond with one of your typical "gay" insults, or repeat for the 10th time the "your IQ is 13" remark. I'm sure that will make you feel a little better about the sad state of your life.
  • parodyman-->
    16 years ago
    No wonder Bobbyl has joined forces with shadowcat. They have a lot in common.
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    I sorta feel sorry for shadowcat assuming he is for real. He thinks he is this sweetheart in person and yet on the discussion board he comes across in a very negative light. I keep repeating to myself about walking a mile in his shoes and then maybe I could see where he is coming from. The BEST dancers that I knew would try help even the most abusive deranged customers. I'd see that and think that dancer is a hell of a lot stronger than me. I asked one what the reward is and she says I hope to make him feel at least a little better; I wouldn't want to walk in his shoes. I doubt she ever made it given her lack of a basic education, but her dream was to be a nurse or teacher. A very kind hearted person. :)
  • BobbyI
    16 years ago
    njcsfan: funny. Most of the statements you allude to are from when I was being sarcastic but here you cast them as if I was serious; OR are taken completely out of context.(e.g. viagra was from a thread in which we discussed drugs. Yes some drugs do that to people and viagra is a good counter measure. Doesn't mean I need it when not high); OR are completely illogical leaps (sex with five strippers in the last year means sex at least five times, not exactly that many times. THINK, njcsfan: multiple times with the same one. Other women besides strippers... Is this math/logic too hard for you?). In any case, that's the last I have to say on the matter. I am not going to break it down point for point. You are clearly just a troll who doesn't even believe your own writings and are just trying to stir up a bit of shit. It's too bad, b/c unlike MisterGay and parody who have no hope of making a good post in their entire lives, you have actually contributed some good posts here. But then it all fell apart for you when chandler called you down not being the stud you think you are (since you do have to pay strippers), and being wrapped around wondergirl's little finger. In any case. I get along just fine with the very rare normal strippers. Have even dated some (=completely unpaid from the beginning.) Unlike you, I have no insecurities about my ability to get a girlfriend or unpaid sex. It's not exactly rocket science. (Well maybe for you it is...) So that's it: Since you are just playing games here, and don't even beleive what you write yourself: njcsfan = ignored reason: general disingenuity.
  • ShotDisc
    16 years ago
    Shadow, I am sorry to see that you have apparently gone off the deep end. I think you need a break from the board and the lifestyle. Get some help.
  • casualguy
    16 years ago
    We could all agree to stay home and not spend any money on strip clubs. That's what I'm going to do, at least for a while.
  • parodyman-->
    16 years ago
    Why would you want to do that? I seem to be needing to get out and have fun more often, not less.
  • parodyman-->
    16 years ago
    Wish I had the time to just get out and have fun more often. Commitments suck!
    16 years ago
    Shadowcat, I can't figure out what you're upset about. Maybe there are some posts that I haven't seen (I have several people on ignore) but this thread, including your first post, doesn't make any sense to me. In any event, let me assure you that if you ever met Wondergirl you'd never call her a bitch, she's about as far removed from that as any girl I've ever met.
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    Hi FONDL, Unfortunately, I think you're wrong. I can already see it unfold: Shadowcat walks in and doesn't know her, but LOVES those tits and is ready to pounce and eat some meat. Suddenly, in his brain is the flashing message FEED THE PREY i.e. chocolate candies first and then devour. OK, remarkably she is eating out of his hand!? He is smart when it comes to strippers and chocolate; too bad he's single handedly turn over 50% of them into 300 pound-plus blubber-blobs and then shipped 'em to places like Angels. Anyway, now it is time for the crucial swipe, despite his drowning in dollars, and he roars TWO FOR ONE to her. She sweetly says No Thank You, but it was nice chatting with you. He rips the remaining chocolates from her hand like a crazed cat!!! The he starts howling BITCH! BITCH! BITCH! Even after he cools down he keeps yapping the BITCH wouldn't do a 2 for 1 and she gobbled down his chocolates without paying! BITCH needs to understand FREE chocolates are only for cooperating hoes that also do 2 for 1. BITCH is not only going to get her own BITCH thread, there will be BITCH emails, BITCH t-shirts, BITCH reviews and then he is going for the jugular! BITCH doesn't realized he dodged bullets to protect her freedom to be molested on the cheap by King of TUSCL and his followers.
  • BobbyI
    16 years ago
    I, myself, think wondergirl is much worse than a bitch. At least with a bitch you know what you are dealing with it. And a bitch isn't afraid to speak her mind. Bitches at least have a certain reality and integrity. wondergirl, OTOH, is the epitome of passive aggression, and general gutlessness. Won't make any real statements, but just take cheap shots, and then run and play "little girl, please help me!" if she gets any heat back. Come on wondergirl: time to grow a pair.
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    Please don't grow any balls, hairy or fuzzy ones at least, and don't feel obligated to participate in idiotic flame games. :)
  • BobbyI
    16 years ago
    Oh, come on now, jablake. You've launched some pretty good flames of your own lately.
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    I have? I apologize profusely and I plead 2nd childhood. :)
  • parodyman-->
    16 years ago
    Shadowcat has problems with women. Bobbyl has problems with women. Bobbyl tends to follow shadowcat's lead. Watch out bobbyl or you will end up not only his cellmate but his bitch too.
  • wondergrl5
    16 years ago
    Then put me on ignore bobby if you want a fight find some one else
  • wondergrl5
    16 years ago
    I dont have to fight with someone who has issues its like arguing with a coma patient POINTLESS. Go play with the others and spew "gay" jokes and other schoolboy antics. Flame me all you want. If that makes you at least feel like your little pee-pee is bigger good for you honey. Its all a matter of perspective. I dont argue with a tantruming toddler or a grown adult with a Oedipus complex. If you need to prove you manliness by taking jabs at me cause other posters scared you and you need to put them on ignore then fine. Castration anxiety is still any issue for you I see that so go attack someone you deem weaker. Maybe someday the big boys will let you play with them. But Ill babysit you for now sweetie
  • BobbyI
    16 years ago
    ^^^ hehe Freudian psychology. That is so like a century ago. Not even his good stuff. *sigh* Is the fact that your education sucked so much why you became a stripper? LOL!
  • wondergrl5
    16 years ago
    awwww I hurt his wittle feelings I doubt you know much Psychology bobby if you did youd probably be well balanced.
  • wondergrl5
    16 years ago
    oh yeah thats a gay answer itty bitty bobby boy
  • BobbyI
    16 years ago
    think i know more than you, sweetie... didn't make enough "dancing" to pay for a good education? *sigh* Issues... please your the one who worked as a whore and now continuing your attention whoring here. LOL!
  • parodyman-->
    16 years ago
    Wondergrl5, Keep it up! I love watching Bobbyl get slapped around like a racquet ball.
  • wondergrl5
    16 years ago
    Prove you know more Bobby And while you type away you oh so brilliant response think to yourself I AM A BIG MAN!!! I AM ATTRACTIVE cause the girls I pay for affection tell me so
  • wondergrl5
    16 years ago
    awww bobbyl your missing some lovely posts from the guys that scared you enough to use the ignore button Dont wanna play?? Do they play to rough for you sweetie?
  • BobbyI
    16 years ago
    Ok, I'll prove it: a) wondergrl5 worked as a whore. b) best psych reference she can pull is Freud's highly descredited, indeed, comical ideas re: odepius complex QED Sweetie, as you read this, you keep thinking to yourself "I am a smart, beautiful girl! I KNOW this b/c that's what my customers and the poster on TUSCL told me". Don't let the fact that you WORKED AS WHORE and couldn't even buy yourself a good education stop this belief of yours.
  • wondergrl5
    16 years ago
    Yes Yes dancing is whoring men who argue with you are gay. Hunny repeating the same thing over and over proves nothing. Calling me a whore proves your intelligence how? Say something mentally stimulating someting thats makes a valid point. In oterwords grow a set and show off that magnificent alpha male brain. You know the one that helps you cut and paste articles about STD studies. As for my former profesion dancing well no bobby it didnt pay for my education. My scholorships did that. But I did get to pay off my mortgage. So dancers are whores and you dated several why???
  • BobbyI
    16 years ago
    wondergrl5: yeah, I'm sure I'm missing alot. Let me guess: parody: "Man, the other night I smelled my own underwear, and let me tell you it fucking smelled like shit!" MisterGay: "parody? You were sniffing male underwear and didn't invite me over" njcsfan: "I have the world's best marriage, as exemplified by me fucking 20+ whores a year on side and not telling her. Wondergirl will be number 21 this. Hey, wondergirl, 21 is a luck number don't you think" parody: "man, I almost passed out my underwear smelled so bad" MisterGay: "shit, I'm late for special ed... where did mom leave my oversized hockey helmet?"
  • wondergrl5
    16 years ago
    WOW underwear and caca jokes. The proofs in the pudding folks bobbyl is a master at wit and intelligent debating
  • BobbyI
    16 years ago
    wondergrl: b.c. they realized the reality of the situation quickly and got out fast (like a couple of months). they did stay and build elaborate fantasies about the reality of the situation and start believing them like we see so many do here. dated them after they quit. they were the ones who didn't belong there to begin with. let me guess? scholarship to some community college. degree in pscyh or literature or some other BS subject? correct? how many handjobs did you give as a dancer, hun?
  • wondergrl5
    16 years ago
    Nope Columbia but hey thats a party school right?? So normal girls date you and all the rest are whores HA HA I wish I did take Psych your to easy. Oh should I resort to caca poopy underwear jokes would that make it easier for you?? Sorry no HJ'S One thing some posters said on this site where true I didnt have the stomach for the biz
  • BobbyI
    16 years ago
    Columbia's a good school, however i don't imagine your degree was in logic... I said the strippers I dated were normal girls. They poked their head into that world momentarily (out of some morbid curiousity) and then got out. No I didn't date all the normal ones. Some already had boyfriends, or were married or just weren't my type for whatever reason.
  • wondergrl5
    16 years ago
    A degree in logic lol thats as useful as a fine arts degree.
  • wondergrl5
    16 years ago
    Bobbyl my reasons for delving into the "adult" world youd probably find interesting.
  • BobbyI
    16 years ago
    An electra complex? penis envy?
  • BobbyI
    16 years ago
    ^^^ LOL. sarcasm. Seriously. You should share them. With mindless idiots like parody, and MisterGay running around doing nothing more than telling pooh jokes, the board could sure use some insightful posts. Show us what you got!
  • wondergrl5
    16 years ago
    cute ok next time Ill quote Ellis or Irving
  • wondergrl5
    16 years ago
    I did have extensive blogs but the late nites to be quiet honest really fucked me up. The clubs (well around here) are what most posters would try to avoid. For a bookworm (i.e late bloomer ok flame that but its true ha ha) I felt to experience the world which was tabou I decided a dramaturgical approach. Yes i read far to much Goffman. And I found while many sterotypes are true some are way off the mark.
  • wondergrl5
    16 years ago
    But I didnt pursue the major I wanted so I guess its all theory till I finish those credits. At least my Bachelors in Biz is useful. Actually that is why I joined this forum (forum being the operative word). When I try something I need extensive research before trying it. If I just follow the opinons of the girls thats not a well rounded perspective same goes for the customers. All and all this whole "dark" world is no diffrent from life. And yeah life is like highschool cliques and fights and everyone believes they know it all.
  • parodyman-->
    16 years ago
    Bobbyl is just choc full of good material today! “I said the strippers I dated were normal girls. They poked their head into that world momentarily (out of some morbid curiousity) and then got out. No I didn't date all the normal ones. Some already had boyfriends, or were married or just weren't my type for whatever reason.” But if he had “dated” them they’d have ended up buried in the crawl space under shadowcat’s house. This is where he keeps bobbyl in a dog crate until he needs a “supporter.” BTW Bobbyl, --- When you applied for the job of shadowcat’s “supporter” you should have told him you had no athletic abilities whatsoever. No one will ever mistake you for a jock! Also in your ramblings Bobbyl you mention “penis envy.” I had not thought it possible but you just may have found a subject you are well versed in.
  • BobbyI
    16 years ago
    "All and all this whole 'dark' world is no diffrent from life." Do you mean TUSCL or the strip club world? Either way, I'd say neither is anything like real life. Least not my world. This board, at it's best moments, has a few brief instance of good information exchange. However, for most it's first and foremost a power struggle. For some (njcsfan) to compenstate for alcoholic fathers and low middle class upbringing. For other, like MisterGay and parodyman-->, because they are complete losers in the game of life and have no mind. Other real life failures, like chandler, are certainly more intelligent than MisterGay or parody, but still trying to prove something nevertheless. If you are comparing it to strip clubs. Well a strip club is just a bunch of people lying and using whatever it takes to take advantage of others. Real life, at least mine, is much a much more co-operative thing. Not saying completely devoide of competition, but at least where I work, we see that someone does not have to lose for someone to win. And the customer is high regarded. Nope. Strip clubs and TUSCL = nothing like real life. Less power struggle and more ethics in the latter. At least in my world.
  • BobbyI
    16 years ago
    As proof of my power struggle thesis, you'll notice how often the guys on this board will go on and own with their endless debates about shit which has absolutely nothing to do with strip clubs (e.g. politics). Just trying to prove to each other how clever they are, but appearing as clowns to everyone else.
  • parodyman-->
    16 years ago
    I think the real clowns do not post reviews. Bobbyl?
  • wondergrl5
    16 years ago
    Not comparing TUSCL to life its in a "virtual" plain. Therefore not relevent to real life applications. Anonimty is part of that. Strip clubs from a patrons perspective nothing like life. The things you see behind the seens are a mix of trails of life and every cheesy afterschool special Ive seen. But that is my perspective. I observed some interesting things. But everyones world is diffrent
  • parodyman-->
    16 years ago
    Perhaps the reason Bobbyl can't post reviews is that the clubs will not let his 13 year old ass in. (Even if he shows them that lone pubic hair.)
  • parodyman-->
    16 years ago
    Maybe he could sneak into the clubs inside shadowcat's crusty silk shorts. If anyone asks just thell them bobbyl is the colostomy bag.
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