

Wednesday, July 23, 2008 8:52 PM
Just curious: What is your age and how old were you when you first went in to a strip joint? I'm 48 now and started when I was about 24.


  • shadowcat
    16 years ago
    Well, I am 66 now but did not get serious with strip clubs until about 7 year ago. Prior to that I was married for 27 years and only occasionally went to strip clubs, Before that I was a sex monger.
  • DickJohnson
    16 years ago
    My first time was about when I was 19yrs old at the world famous Mons Venus, Tampa. I was just amazed that i really thought this is heaven on earth. I went thru two live-in girlfriends and took a break for a while but now am back and mostly lovin it!!
  • ozymandias
    16 years ago
    19... went with some friends, and wasn't carded. It was at the Cheetah in Atlanta. The strippers found me so cute, which infuriated me at the time ;) O.
  • Techman
    16 years ago
    I will be 64 in Oct. When to the Gayiety Bursleque in Cincinnati at age 14. I have been in SC's in most states except the far NE. Love the challenge.
  • chitownlawyer
    16 years ago
    28, when I visited two strip clubs during my bachelor party. After that, I took a break of 5 years, and did not return until I was 33, when I started taking a lot of business trips to Houston, Tampa, LA, etc., and I added strip clubs to my evening entertainment while on the road.
  • mmdv26
    16 years ago
    57 now. Single in Dallas '77-'85. Sometimes went to Baby Dolls on Sat night. BYOB. Small stage in the corner, I think girls got naked. Don't remember laps. Dumpy little place as I recall. Seems like it was closer to Bachman Lake than now. That area has really changed over the years!
  • magicrat
    16 years ago
    56 now. First time was Tattletales in Atlanta, GA when I was 28 and thought I had died and gone to heaven.
  • snowtime
    16 years ago
    Seems like a lot of us are in a similar age group. I am 57 and first saw "Heaven Lee" at a stripclub in Nashville while I was in college. For those of you old enough to remember she was the stripper who used to run on the field and kiss a major league baseball player.
  • Clubber
    16 years ago
    59 here, but really not sure of my first visit. I think is was likely right before or after I turned 21. I believe somewhere on Miami Beach. Actually, I not sure they were even called strip clubs back then.
    16 years ago
    I'm 68 and don't exactly remember my first strip club visit. I think it was when I was in the navy in the mid-1960s whan a buddy took me to Boston's old Combat Zone. After I started working and traveling on business I too added strip clubs to my evening entertainment (back in the days before laptops and cel phones etc. when guys traveling on business actually got to have some free time in the evenings.) It was an occasional thing until I started visiting the same city every week and met my ATF, then it became a weekly event for about 2 years. When she quit dancing 10 years ago I began to lose interest, and since I retired I rarely have the chance or the interest to go to strip clubs anymore. Now I get massages instead (the legitimate kind) - I find it to be just as enjoyable and a whole lot cheaper.
    16 years ago
    Some of you probably wonder why I still spend time posting on this site. Simple - it brings back pleasant memories.
  • arbeeguy
    16 years ago
    Now 73 and still find it fascinating. First experience was around age 15 when I snuck into a carnival tent to watch the hootchie-cootchie show. Pretty stimulating for a 15 year old. My two favorite club visits are my first Mons Venus in the 80s, and Vic's Place, a couple of years ago. Two clubs could not be more different than these two.
  • 59
    16 years ago
    Similar timeframe to OP. 49 and believe I was 22 at time of my first visit. Pretty lame New Jersey Go Go $1 lunch if I recall with coworkers.
  • DandyDan
    16 years ago
    I'm 35 now, so I guess I'm the young one here. I was 21 when me and one of my old high school buddies, drove into Chicago and went to the Admiral Theater. I got a couple of air dances and thought it was great because the girls were hot. I knew little of how terrible Chicago clubs were then.
  • nj_pete
    16 years ago
    51 now, and started clubbing 12 or so years ago whil traveling on business. Had, of course, been to the ocassional club for batchlor parties and the like, but the business trips around the country started it.
  • brainiac
    16 years ago
    I'm 43 now. My first trip to a strip club was in 1999 when I was in Las Vegas. A friend and I went to a smaller club outside the city and then to The Crazy Horse Too. The "heaven on earth" comment applies. When I came home I wanted to visit them in Columbus but I was afraid of sitting among the guys who were there night after night to see "their" girls. I overcame my fears of creepy regulars last year just before Ohio changed the laws regarding conduct in strip clubs.
  • clubman2
    16 years ago
    Late 60s when I was in college, not sure of the age. We would skip some classes and go to the old Troc Burlesque Theater in Philly. Great show and the comedians were funny as hell.
  • motorhead
    16 years ago
    I'm 49 now, which to my surprise, makes me just a little bit younger than many of you. I guess I'm surprised because I always seem to be one of the older guys in the crowd when I go to a club. My first SC visit was to a little dive near the Speedway in Indianapolis in 1982 - which would make me 23 years old at the time.
    16 years ago
    Arbeeguy, congratulatons. I thought I was the oldest fart here. I bow to your superior wisdom.
  • Clubber
    16 years ago
    I wasn't sure of the name of places for my first visit, but I am pretty sure it was called a Burlesque place on Miami Beach.
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