
Comments by mmdv26 (page 64)

  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    whats the best SC deal you ever had?
    ESL in the mid nineties several WP clubs offered DATY at the stage for a dollar tip. By proxy, you were kissing the other 30 guys sitting around the stage. Lots of beer in you required. Have had a few FS & BJ sessions for the price of a couple of dances over the years. Lots of beer in her required.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    R lap dances actually like having casual sex?
    Sometimes lap dances are more like riding that mechanical horse in front of K-Mart - same ol' monontenous motion for an entire song. Then the song's over and the horse stops.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Who's a Republican?
    Wars are a convenient way to hide billions in no-bid payments to political insiders.
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    16 years ago
    Up Front 'Suite/VIP' Payment
    I usually avoid the carnival rides at strip clubs. I usually avoid strip clubs where carnival rides are the main attraction. NEVER pay for services in advance. I learned that lesson the hard way years ago.
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    16 years ago
    What to do about Strip-Club Video tape???
    chances are unless you slashed the owner's tires, or f***ed his girlfriend, you aren't important enough to him to warrant blackmail
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Two together OTC
    MHE is that 2 girls OTC is only a good deal if BOTH girls are willing to do some real GG stuff. Otherwise one will get bored while your attention is with the other. Keep the TV turned off. If no GG, attention quickly wanders to what's on TV. Afterall, they're strippers. Real GG action may take more than 1 episode for the girls to get comfortable with each other. GG is also good filler while you are changing raincoats. Let them take the lead. This may preclude actually fulfilling your dream of having them side by side with the brown eye pointing straight up while you alternate pilaging honey pots or ... Damn STD's. Life would be lots more fun without the threat of them.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Sarah Palin Porno!
    "...the clowns behind him"...would that be the rest of the GOP? Sorry, Ozy, I couldn't resist! Please, no shooting. In the shadow of the "market shakeout" that we are having to suffer through right now, consider that for the most part lappers have remained $20 each for a very, very long time, and the songs haven't really gotten shorter either - in fact, hip-hop songs(?) might be longer. Now that's economic stability.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Does one rude dancer ruin your strip club visit?
    For me, a trip to the club is rarely "ruined" by any single act or dancer. If my visit is ruined, it's usually because I have a bad attitude that day, or I get a dance from a girl bigger than me.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Opinions Wanted
    Keep two years. I rarely submit reviews, but rating system seems fine. Nice site, I visit several times a week. Best $49 I ever spent on anything having to do with SC's.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Hiding the Tell-Tale Signs
    I try to avoid getting dances from girls that reek of too much perfume, or are wearing red lipstick. But sometimes they are just too fine to turn down! Glitter cream... very dangerous - hard to see it in dim light. Good idea to stop by the mens' room on the way out, get up close to the mirror and look for lipstick, glitter and hairs. Assuming there is a mirror. Scented hand lotion in the car rubbed all over the face and neck and shirt and pants. Great for re-moisturizing the skin. Be rubbing your dried out, chapped hands with it when you come in the house. Makes it look like you're taking better care of yourself.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Opening a club
    I think the remodeling or building of the club facility, furnishings, equipment and staffing are almost an afterthought when compared to the regulatory and zoning hurdles that must be overcome just to get the business license in many cities.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Suspension of Lawyer . . . Right? or Wrong?
    Where's CHITOWNLAWYER when we need him? Heck this is his state and almost former city. Maybe he knows the guy??? Anyway, I'd bet there's some code of conduct type thing for lawyers in IL (and other states as well), and this type of "transaction" probably fell outside of acceptable practices. Come'on CTL, finish that dance and get on in here; we need to know the truth on this!!
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Houston update
    Dudester, you are lucky! Appears that you also have your internet connection. You won't miss a single episode of the TUSCL Hall of Flame Show. Please, a moment of peace for those who did not survive Ike. OK, enough of that, now get your flamethrowers. Assume the position.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Is this a real man?
    After 20 years of wife telling me that I was incapable of intimacy, we went to therapy. Therapist told me same thing. This intimacy is the kind that goes beyond FS in a dark corner of the VIP. I quit going to therapy before he got too nosey about how I get my rocks off. Wife and I might separate, but I will probably try to be a better husband. I really haven't done OTC for over a year (getting a lot ITC), and as far as that goes, I have really cut back on visits to the club. I recognized that an upturn in my primary business during this shit economy was something I should not blow, and I have really been focused on that all this year. I'll probably focus on fixing my part of our relationship, too. Likely that part of that fix will mean quitting clubbing - we'll see. Maybe I'll just quit screwing around. Or just do it in moderation. Yeah, DJ, you're right it's kinda sad. But I truly believe I would have left my wife years ago if not for the relatively safe, and semi-affordable sexual experience my favorite stripclub is able to offer. I know that I'm missing that real intimacy...with an excellent woman.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    threesome OTC
    If you have never tried it before don't question it, just do it. At least you can get that merit badge. When you are done, if you didn't really think it was a great turn-on, it's probably because it wasn't. That's OK, I suspect that most 3-somes take some practice. I've done 3X, four times. The first time, I set 'em side-by-side doggie style and proceeded to drill A. Then B decided to watch and laid down. Well, that's no fun so I pull her up. Before I could get home the yellow flag came out, and had to pull into the pit and change rubbers. That's an incredible turn off. Do girl B, now what? You gonna change the bag again. Ever try to put one on that's already unrolled? By the time I finished in B, A was searching for the TV remote. The second time with different girls, and they were bi and very oral with each other and me. I was disappointed because I couldn't control myself, and we ended up with BBBJ, spit and no swap. Third and fourth times were with same (bi) girls (but not the second time girls). Lots of oral, each of us doing another at the same time. Slowed things way down, lots and lots of foreplay, finally got happy in Mable at the third episode. We agreed if we did it again, Doris would get the prize. We did do it again and Doris got the prize. She had a happy ending too. Haven't done 3x in 6 or 7 years now, no desire...been there, done that...but glad I had the opportunity. Kind of expensive for the level of enjoyment. Maybe if I was better at sexual multi-tasking, I would have enjoyed it more.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    threesome OTC
    Why is your ATF offering you a threesome?
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Bored with lap dances?
    ....we make fun of people like you. htstrpr, you sound as if you speak for the whole industry. You condescending, self-righteous bitch. Look in the mirror when you say the words "fucking idiot". Now, go back to your bikini club and do some more table dances.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Bored with lap dances?
    Hi htstrpr99 The distinction between a strip club and a brothel lies in what the hired help chooses to do in exchange for money while they aren't on stage - besides doing drugs in the dressing room.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Bored with lap dances?
    WOW, Perfect timing for this topic. Was in my fav club yesterday afternoon mostly to chat with the personable and hot barmaid. Wearing my loose fitting, baggy gym shorts; ingested my +/- 33mg of Blue...I was ready for the hunt. Barmaid rubbed my leg,under my shorts, way up high - that was nice, very nice! She introduced me to a brand new dancer (at that club). Petite black girl, mid twenties. Small tits, huge nips. Off we go to private area. Very dimly lit today. 2 dances, and no hands up the shorts. I'm not gettin much wood. I'm a bit disappointed, because this IS my kind of dancer. She's not even giving me access to the goods. OK, 1 more dance. This gets the "wheelbarrow" thing, and I rub kitty with my thumb while both hands are full of the cutest little butt cheeks. Change position, she's rubbin the package, but I could see the $$ being wasted. So we stopped after 4. Still no major wood. I could have been more aggressive trying to get under the string, but now days, I hold back and wait for them to offer it. No up the leg on 2nd dance - warning bells start going off. Not getting wood - even with daddy's little helper - happening more frequently. I go back over by the bar, knowing that I am burning out. OTC, too much trouble these days. Clubbing is losing its appeal. My burn out thought is interrupted by my long time spinner buddy, who lost the toy I gave her three years ago, and has been bugging me to get her a new one so we can try it out ITC. (If that ain't some dancer shit...) She is arriving early for night shift. No, don't change just for me, I gotta go. Yeah, I'll call ya. I promise we'll get together, but I'm busy all the rest of this week. Not yet, but I'll get ya one. Five years ago, I would have paid a grand to do FS OTC with her. (She refused.) Now - and she looks even better than back then when she was 17 - she'll go for $500. Yawn. Doing gfe/daty/hide/bbbj ITC for 8 or 10 dances plus $100 tip now, I think she'll do FS for $200 tip plus some dances...I'll have to work on that when I have time. Guys, sorry to make this so porno sounding, but the "hunt" is not what it used to be for me these days. Like Scat, I find that I'm hardly interested if it's not heavy GFE, and FS or BBBJ. Watching the right girl dance naked is still pleasant, but frankly it's become a little bit boring. Never thought I'd say that! I don't go clubbing as much as in the past, and activity at home is better than it has been in the past few years, maybe that has something to do with it... Thanks for listening.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Dancers not filing tax returns
    Hey Arbeeguy. Point well taken. I started my post more-or-less in mid sentence. I'll try again. I have noticed in my discussions with dancers at various clubs in various jurisdictions (aka, city, county, state) that there appears to be some differences in the way their earnings are reported; or in some cases not reported. I spent my first five years after college in the tax department of a regional CPA firm, but 30 years ago I moved to a non-financial management position in a different industry. Admittedly, I am somewhat out of touch with current regs as they apply to employees, but I seem to recall that several years ago the IRS made a point of announcing that they would view dancers earnings under existing regs directed primarily toward waitstaff earnings, tips and gratuities. So, I am a bit surprised when some dancers tell me they make no reports to the owner of the club and receive no W-2 or 1099. I assume that I am misinformed about the currents status of what the IRS requires clubs to do. Now, here's where the "jurisdiction" part comes in. If the IRS requires someone (or class of persons) to be treated as an employee, subject to FICA, and federal income tax withholding, then generally states and localities (aka jurisdictions) that have an income tax or earnings tax correctly require withholding and reporting just like the IRS does. That should clarify my use of the J word. Not that it makes a damn bit of difference to me, but I wonder if there is a disparity in the way this is being handled? I suspect that the club where the bartender counts dances and the dancers get W-2's, may have had a run-in with the revenuers, and are now being monitored for compliance with employer/ee regs. Maybe the other clubs, with apparently no reporting, just haven't "been there" yet. Who want's to help on this one?
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Dancers not filing tax returns
    Some jurisdictions require the club to treat dancers like regular employees. They declare some gross earnings amount each week from which the employee's portion of social security tax, and federal, state and local income taxes are also withheld. The dancer gets a payroll check for the net amount. At the end of the year they get a W-2, and are likely to file if they think they will be getting a refund. The employer also files quarterly and annual reports explaining all of this to the various taxing authorities. These reports include dancers social security numbers. Nationally, I don't know what percentage of dancers are subject to these reporting requirements. Obviously, what the dancer declares as earnings each week is likely a small fraction of what she actually receives from customers. If the "tip-out" is based on how many dances they do, then this record could be used by the IRS to reconstruct approximate "actual" earnings.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Perky nips or ample tits?
    I'd amend snowtime's motion to include: "on a petite frame".
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    North Iowa
    Do you ever feel bad about rejecting a dancer?
    Stick to your plan. The shunned dancer understands what's going on, and she knows it's part of the business. But from her standpoint it never hurts to ask!! Many years ago the girl I had said no to so many times came up to me and said, "You don't like me do you!" I felt terrible, so I told her I liked her just fine, and why don't we go do a dance. Several dances, lots of DATY and a BBBJ later, I had a new fav. We were friends for several years - even after she quit dancing and got married.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Costume Important to You or Not?
    It scares me when the front end of a '63 Cadillac jumps in my lap.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Cop: Sex With Hooker Wasn't Fun, It Was Work
    Don't have an opinion about the cop's behavior, but years and years ago when I worked in Texas, the local guys told this joke: A couple was in the car engaged in some heavy petting and kissing (that would be DFK & GFE for us hipsters) Anyway, the girl whispered in the guy's ear, "Oh baby, kiss me where it's hot, smelly and wet!" So he drove her to Beaumont.