Who Fucks Better: Strippers or Escorts?

Thinking of giving the latter a whirl. njcs already made some very useful comments in another thread, but I wanted a thread with a prominent title to give others the chance to comment as well.
Oh, BTW, I'm only interested in comparing OTC strippers w escorts. Would never do ITC.
last commentThey're the same, but somehow OTC strippers seem better because its seems more forbidden
They're the same, but somehow OTC strippers seem better because its seems more forbidden
Strippers by far. For some reason, strippers are just sexy than escorts and know how to move their body in just the right way.
Tijuana escorts. Never experienced US escorts, for fear of then experiencing sex with my cellie.
Of the broad categories of paid sex I have experienced, the quality of the sex, generally, has been as follows:
Tijuana escorts
US dancers
Tijuana bar girls
No sex, however, has been better than the sex I have had in the context of romantic relationships.
I have been OTC for sex with dozens of dancers. In most cases, the decision to ask the dancer for OTC was because there was at least a little bit of enjoyment and some mutual appreciation in our customer/dancer relationship.
The amount of enjoyment and mutual appreciation ITC was proportional to the satisfaction of the encounter OTC. Some girls who I met OTC just for the hell of it were so fucked-up they could hardly get undressed to have sex. Generally they didn't seem to be that disabled ITC. No second time with them. There have been 6 or 8 like that over the years - maybe they had to get high to actually show up OTC???
Mostly, my experiences OTC have been very good to extraordinary. And it was predictable, because our relationship ITC was pretty good. Perhaps short of romantic as chitown mentions above, but mutually enjoyable and somewhat fulfilling nonetheless.
I've had a few decent escorts along the way, but I doubt that I will ever employ an escort again (except TJ, if I ever get back there); the dancer model of sexual delivery just works too well.
I mentioned to her a few weeks ago that I "didn't know why we haven't got together outside of here." Her response: "yeah, really!" Here we go...
Escort: someone who looks good and organizes her day around extras-service. She is most interested in the ratio of time, effort, and security, to money. Thus, she will fuck in whatever manner makes you cum and makes you cum back for more next week IF you aren't a prognathous troglodyte.
Stripper: someone who looks good and organizes her day around partying in a strip club. She moves well and understands how to gyrate body parts without just thrusting them up-down vigorously. She may or may not fuck you, but if she does, then she will (more likely) do it in a manner that involves a variety of pleasures rather than merely a direct path to minimum effort for maximum income.
Escort whom you met at a strip club while she was stripping: see "escort" above.
As Bobby notes I've already expressed my opinion at length. To summarize: I think escorts' "technical" skills are often superior, and if you find the right escort she will do a lot of things some strippers won't do. On the other hand, if you find the right stripper the sex is more "real" and, ultimately for me, more satisfying. If given the choice between my current regular stripper and the best escorts I've had, I'd choose my current stripper.
I have never really tried a true escort, so I cannot compare them. I am reminded of the movie "Risky Business" staring Tom Cruise. If I called for an escort and she was like the first one to show at Toms house, I would surely be disappointed. I prefer to look for my Rebbecca de Mornay in a strip club.
An escort literally is a professional at fucking and sucking - while some strippers do it as a sideline, they aren't pros.
I've had good and bad from both categories, but an escort wins on balance.
Are the 2 young girls you regularly see professional escorts, or strippers who have sex on the side? If the latter, how would you compare the quality of those encounters with most escorts you have seen?
The girls I see are strippers, and they're great.
I've been with some escorts, though, who just blew my mind. Until you experience true "skills" you don't even know what you're missing.
Note that by escorts I don't mean the $200 chicks who post on Craigslist (those are mostly streetwalkers whose pimps happen to have internet access), but actual agency girls or talented independents. The agencies sometimes are best because a good agency trains its girls... I used to know a guy who trained girls for a Brazilian agency (like how to suck a dick really well (slow, teasing, worshipful, etc), how to do porn-style cowgirl and reverse cowgirl, the right sounds to make, and so on), which is certainly not too bad a job for a young fellow to have. Those girls were amazing, too!
I was with one stripper/prostitute who was so superior that I didn't think I was going to live and this is some years back. Just head and shoulders above the rest. :)
And, it started out that she didn't even want to do her job. It went from this is going to be one depressing hour to hours of bliss. :) It was strange and fantastic. I can't believe all the skill and knowledge she packed into that small body. And, I don't understand all the attitude to start especially when she was such an exceptional talent.
YES, she was one of those stripper/prostitutes who then refused to sell her services to me, but wanted to do the FREE sh*t. That is what can happen when you try and get true GFE. I didn't even know her that long and it was KABOOM with everything emotionally moving lightening fast.
I love S L O W. She just redefined that into endless and I wasn't doing any work at all. :)
There are some people who just CAN'T go slow. You directly instruct them, and they just gyrate all the more vigorously. Grr.
The go harder cause they may want to get the contact with you overwith. Dont kill the messenger!!! I was told by girls to do that to unsavory characters
Well, it goes without saying, that I'm unsavory. But the vigor won't end the session any sooner -- not unless there's something I don't understand about the link between dancer behavior and the speed at which the DJ's CD rotate ...
enjoy that conundrum