
Most lap dances are a waste of money.

Do you agree or disagree? I guess it depends how much money you have to spend and what you feel like you got out of the experience. I was thinking I'm not getting that much out of the experience so I decided I won't be bothering to get too many lap dances in the future.


  • jablake
    16 years ago
    If it is more than $5, then it is a waste due solely to my puny budget and the fact that I need a lot more than 1 dance.
  • Clubber
    16 years ago
    I would have to agree with casualguy, but only partly. What I have found is, the first couple, with the same dancer, are often a waste of time. But if you continue, then they can often become not so much a waste!
  • Dudester
    16 years ago
    Depends on your locale. In Houston, extras are usually offered within the first couple of dances-with the right dancer. You really have to scout them out though. If you think the college girl with the fake tits will do it for you, you're mistaken. Look for the single mothers who need to take home money to their kid(s) and the loser boyfriend.

    Then there's the black clubs. They are extremely high mileage to begin with. Again, if you go for the beauty queen, she'll do the extras-but wants serious $$$$. Look for the single mother-she'll negotiate a rate for you.
  • BobbyI
    16 years ago
    Well my big objective is to find the girls who will do OTC.

    Yes I would say "most" LDs are a waste of money if that was all there was to it. But when looked at as a means/screening for OTC they have value.

    Also some (very few) girl's LDs are so good that they are worth the price even if they do no extras or OTC. That's pretty rare though.
  • shadowcat
    16 years ago
    I suppose it just depends on what you want. You can always stay home and jack off (it's free). When I go to an Atlanta club or any other that is new to me, I don't expect much. I just go to be entertained. When I want high mileage, I head for my favorite club and favorite dancers. I spent last Sun Mon and Tue there. snowtime joined me there on Sun and Mon. In the 3 days I got lap dances from 20 or so favorites. They were all 2 for $20 and worth every dime to me. I knew they would be because I have spent a lot of time and MONEY over the last 7 years making relationships. I try new dancers occasionally.Some are instant hits. Others, I should just have stayed home and jacked off. If you are ever in my favorite club, look out for Megan. Biggest ROB I have ever met. I have twice written her up in my club reviews. I ran into her last Tue. She asked if I was still pissed at her. I said YES! Then she made some remark about my age and how I shouldn't be hateful. I was glad that the brief conversation was loud enough to be overheard by several customers. Later, I told the story to one of my favorites. She said that she had heard the same thing from other guys.

    It's your money. Spend it on what ever pleases you.
  • Book Guy
    16 years ago
    I have to agree with most of what's been said, on both sides. Many lappers ARE indeed a waste of money; yet, 'tis indeed MY money to waste as I see fit. Generally I get discouraged halfway through the night that I'd ever find someone whom I would really enjoy the company of, who also would be willing to fuck me; so, I stop talking to the strippers and start just paying them for the opportunity to fondle their tits. As long as a lapper is taken in that context, then, it's pretty clear that you get what you pay for.
  • parodyman-->
    16 years ago
    Been buying most of my dances from a handful of regulars lately. I know what to expect so to me it isn't a waste of money.

    Besides is going out and having a good time a waste of money?
  • parodyman-->
    16 years ago
    “I suppose it just depends on what you want.” – World peace?

    “You can always stay home and jack off (it's free).” – Guess that makes you the frugal flogger.

    “When I go to an Atlanta club or any other that is new to me, I don't expect much.” – I bet they aren’t expecting a cheap old bastard like you either.

    “I just go to be entertained.” – I bet a guy with your intelligence would be entertained by cartoons.

    “When I want high mileage, I head for my favorite club and favorite dancers.” – And the drug store too sadly…

    “I spent last Sun Mon and Tue there.” – Do you want a medal?

    “snowtime joined me there on Sun and Mon.” – I did not know you were one of those two dudes one girl bisexuals.

    “In the 3 days I got lap dances from 20 or so favorites.” – does this include snowtime?

    “They were all 2 for $20 and worth every dime to me. I knew they would be because I have spent a lot of time and MONEY over the last 7 years making relationships.” – “Relationships” infers that both parties care for each other. You spent a lot of money on business transactions because you cannot keep a normal adult relationship.

    “I try new dancers occasionally. Some are instant hits. Others, I should just have stayed home and jacked off.” – I’m sure snowtime would have been down for that.

    “If you are ever in my favorite club, look out for Megan. Biggest ROB I have ever met. I have twice written her up in my club reviews. I ran into her last Tue. She asked if I was still pissed at her. I said YES! Then she made some remark about my age and how I shouldn't be hateful. I was glad that the brief conversation was loud enough to be overheard by several customers.” – Let the woman hating begin!

    “Later, I told the story to one of my favorites. She said that she had heard the same thing from other guys.” – Heard what? That you are a cheap, disgusting old bastard? She already knew that.

    “It's your money. Spend it on what ever pleases you.” – Do us a favor and spend it on English lessons so you will know things like “whatever” is one word.
  • imnumnutz
    16 years ago
    They are indeed a waste of money if you just get dances with random girls in random clubs. I won't even think about getting a dance unless a) she really, really turns me on and b) I've observed her on stage or dancing for a guy so I can see she knows how to please her customers...

    I can go to the best clubs in the country...Vegas Rhino, Flashdancers, Mons, and go for evenings on end without getting a dance because I don't find girls who meet the above criteria. But when I do, I'll be a generous customer for a long time...
  • how
    16 years ago
    Most LDs are not a waste of money, because I reject the "wanna dance?" fly-bys, and converse with a dancer long enough to know what to expect first. If she and I don't share the same interest in the LD, then we don't waste time/money.
  • mmdv26
    16 years ago
    Have to try out the new ones! Usually can tell from conversation whether they will even come close to what you expect. I'm strictly in it for high mileage. If she isn't groping during first dance, that's it - no more dances. But, I will sometimes convince myself that things are going to get better and I do a second or even third dance. Almost always regret those; chalk 'em up to more "wasted $$".
  • Dain
    16 years ago
    Agree. That's why I seldom get them; but when I do I make sure that the girls know that I want to bring my evening to a climax. Hence I get one "dance" per visit. They always remember me, usually by name.
  • DandyDan
    16 years ago
    It depends on what I want, but if its a girl whose presence I enjoy, its never a waste of time. There's really only two ways it's a waste of time, and that's if the girl turns out to be a bitch, or the girl doesn't have a clue how to dance.
  • how
    16 years ago
    The last LD I can remember that was a waste of money was an unusual situation: I was sitting in a club alone, and two dancers approached. One said the other was new and had never danced for anyone before; would I be her first? I took the bait, and it was the worst/lamest dance ever.
  • lopaw
    16 years ago
    LD's are an absolute,complete, TOTAL waste of money, for sure.
    God love 'em & keep 'em coming!!

    Now if only I could figure out a way to claim them at taxtime, I'd be a happy girl.
  • casualguy
    16 years ago
    I got 4 lapdances and enjoyed every one. Decided to quit there before things went downhill.

    In some clubs I see a lot of dancers just walking around or trying to talk someone into getting a dance, my idea, just lower the lap dance prices. First lap dance free, if you like it, you get 3 more for $30 total and the DJ doesn't cut the songs short or talk the whole time. If a lower price increases gasoline consumption, it should do the same thing for lap dances.
  • shadowcat
    16 years ago
    Why do dancers introduce you to new dancers? I would think that they would want to keep you as a personal customer. I have met several girls this way. Lucky for me. None of them have been duds.
  • parodyman-->
    16 years ago
    "Lucky for me. None of them have been duds." -- Bet you wish they could say the same about you.
    16 years ago
    I've often thought of the purchase of LDs as a reward for spending time with me. I'm not only paying for the dance but the additional time they sat with and entertained me. If they aren't willing to do that I rarely buy a dance unless the girl really turns me on.
  • chandler
    16 years ago
    >I was thinking I'm not getting that much out of the experience so I decided I won't be bothering to get too many lap dances in the future.<

    If that's your feeling, casualguy, why get ANY? Sorry, I just can't relate to ever getting a dance unless the girl turns me on so much I can't resist.
  • casualguy
    16 years ago
    Well if you got 20 lap dances and after the fact a few days later you start thinking you probably would have got about the same enjoyment out of only 8 or 9 lap dances or less, most were a waste of money. However it can be fun to waste money. Not a total waste but I've heard comments from others stating that "lapdances are a waste of money". Seemed like an interesting topic.
  • casualguy
    16 years ago
    When you do a few stock trades and watch that money go up 10 to 20 percent in only a couple of days, that makes you think what you could be doing with the rest of your money. It makes those lap dances seem really expensive compared to all the money I could have made or be making by making a few stock trades. I'm not daytrading either and I'm not using margin. That is a lot riskier but I think I could make more doing that but I probably won't do it unless I'm extremely confident and have a lot more money. I just read today about a 23 year old trader was confident in his trades. He lost 90 percent of his funds betting on precious metals that they were going up using futures. Bad move. Then he claims he can get back to where he was in 6 months. I guess I'm digressing from strip club topics except the money part.
  • casualguy
    16 years ago
    Chandler, part of the reason for getting lots of lap dances might have something to do with some drinks, some female persuasion, and a lot of cash in my pocket at the time. Put all three together with some dancers who look good or pretty good and your resistance and logic goes out the window. I can be logical on here but put all three of the above variables into the equation and logic seems to disappear. I have to admit though, it's a lot more fun to be carefree and wasteful than it is to be cautious.
  • how
    16 years ago
    trilantz, I always accept "no" as an answer from a woman, whether in a club or elsewhere. No attitude from me in return.

    Likewise, I appreciate when dancers graciously accept a declination from me when they ask if I want a dance.
  • casualguy
    16 years ago
    Hopefully there will be enough people in the clubs buying lapdances because I won't be for a while. Not like I used to anyway.
  • motorhead
    16 years ago
    About 10 years ago, I was getting to the point that I felt lapdances might be a waste of money.....then "touching" started to become more common. So now I would say, that unless there is 2-way touching involved, yes it is a waste of time.
  • casualguy
    16 years ago
    Even with 2 way touching, you reach a point of diminishing returns.
  • chandler
    16 years ago
    Trilantz, the question was whether lap dances are a waste for the person spending the money, not the dancer. For that matter, if you want to make a case for spending because the recipient will appreciate it and put it to good use, I think one could do a lot better than to give it to strippers. Believe it or not, other people have kids and bills to pay, too. But not so many other people have deadbeat boyfriends and expensive drug habits, or such lousy self-discipline that money passes through their hands like a sieve.

    However, none of that is to argue against buying lap dances, because customers generally don't care whether or not the girl will waste it. They only care whether the experience they're paying for is worth it.
  • BobbyI
    16 years ago
    chandler: "I think one could do a lot better than to give it to strippers... not so many other people have deadbeat boyfriends and expensive drug habits, or such lousy self-discipline that money passes through their hands like a sieve."

    chandler's finally starting to understand!
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