To much sex in the champange room??

avatar for wondergrl5
Ok sex ITC isnt a bad thing necassarily. But a friend and fellow poster asked me to say why im looking for a new club. To show too much of a good thing.

Recently my club has been going downhill not dancer wise (or for you guys "extras" wise) But the "extras" that some girls did do became blatently obvious. So management panicked after some off duty cops warned them. And the insane firing spree began. Girls who were condsidered tame (by this clubs standards) where reprimanded and one was fired (to heavy a grind huh?!?!?!) Two girl dances (my fav) banned one week encouraged the next. So things are now all crazy there with girls not knowing what is allowed or not and we lost about 1/3 of the newer younger girls to rival clubs. Yes including me.
Is there extras still at this club ??? yes and no the girls who worked there for years still provide extras but recently one who has been there 9 years was suspended. Why? for doing what she has done for 9 years. Why the sudden shock by the management? And now there is a constant police presence there pulling everyone over at random.
So I guess too much of a good thing is possible especially if some girls act up far to much and some customers have big mouths LOL


last comment
avatar for wondergrl5
17 years ago
pardon the typos spilt a beer on the keyboard
avatar for jablake
17 years ago
Too much freedom in the country.
avatar for wondergrl5
17 years ago
Ha ha so Ive reviewed my club so i can see the rest of the reviews.
Hmm i believe i was mentioned. LOL
avatar for arbeeguy
17 years ago
A club I had frequented became known for hand jobs and blow jobs. LE sent in Undercover Cops, and the club was charged with prostitution. As far as I know, there was never any actual fucking in the champagne room, but that didn't matter, cuz the HJ and BJ were in violation of city ordinance. So the club was closed. As I recall there was never a trial. Perhaps the management paid a fine. The main thing was, the club closed due to "too many extras in the VIP"

From what I have read, similar things have happened in Memphis, Houston, City of Industry, East-Saint-Louis-area, and Ohio. Probably a lot of other places around the country, both officially and unofficially.

It is very hard to know if claims of illegal activity, posted on this web site, have contributed to fines, closures, or jail time. I hope not. My guess is that LE has better methods than reading TUSCL reviews -- but who knows for sure. "Loose Lips Sink Ships"
avatar for wondergrl5
17 years ago
Im pretty sure strip club list is monitored.
avatar for casualguy
17 years ago
Must not be any real crime for the police to focus on. Everyone can safely drive 100 down the highway, go hold up a store somewhere, or anything else they want to do. The police are inside the strip clubs looking for a sign that a dancer is grinding too heavily. Taxpayer money well spent wherever that is. Criminals go free why the guy trying to have a little bit of fun is harassed.
avatar for mmdv26
17 years ago
Put a very expensive annual operating license on strip clubs and make them part of the economic food chain for the city the club is in. I know we all complain about high admission charges, but what if the high gate includes very high mileage or extra's without the persistent threat of LE. Elected officials in most cities don't have the balls to endorse such a plan, but the concept makes sense. Clubs would end up in very small communities where the annual fee really did make a difference. As a society, have we become so advanced that we can't tolerate the thought of resorting to our most basic skills as a way to earn a living? Yeah, I know the answer.
avatar for mr.munchie
17 years ago
And look what that has ended up costing the PL in Nevada. The prices in the legal spots are higher than top-drawer traveling GFE/PSE providers and someone is standing at the door with a stopwatch to make sre you don't go over time.
avatar for FONDL
17 years ago
I've been saying here for years that sex in strip clubs is ultimately going to ruin the industry. It's driving out the better girls like Wongergirl and attracting LE. Isn't the declining quality of dancers one of our biggest complaints here? Why can't guys who are looking for sex just hire escorts and leave strip clubs alone? Anyone who truly enjoys going to strip clubs and wants to see them survive should be strongly opposed to extras ITC. Don't be surprised when your favorite club gets shut down. If extras are common there it's only a matter of time.
avatar for clubman2
17 years ago
I agree FONDL. It wasn't that long ago when the dancers were senuous on stage and if you got an "extra" no matter how little it was from one of your regulars and a pleasant surprise. Now it seems to be the expected norm. It's a shame
avatar for BobbyI
17 years ago
But let's get real. If strip club do get run into the ground there will always be escorts. So what's the big deal?
avatar for jablake
17 years ago
How does this escort deal work? I read the stories about bait and switch and besides being expensive, you don't even get see what you're buying. And, just cause the lady looks OK in a picture---well, they've got some dancers from Angels on Craigslist and so far the picture has always looked a lot better. And, the prices? A $20 hoe advertises herself for $200! Personality? Again, the escorting I'm slightly familar with doesn't allow for a pre-interview purchase.

Streetwalkers might God willing return in great numbers to save the day.
avatar for jablake
17 years ago
"Why can't guys who are looking for sex just hire escorts and leave strip clubs alone?"

Because that doesn't make any sense in the least? I'm escorts are much more expensive and you have problems with bait and switch, too good photos, personality as well as sensuality issues, risk of attack, etc.

Seriously, this ongoing mantra just doesn't make a lick of sense---at least here in Miami and probably most places in the U.S.
avatar for wondergrl5
17 years ago
If you want to find sex at the club meet the dancer and arrange meeting OTC. If she isnt intrested she says NO and you move on Its quiet simple. But why must it be a requirement to solicit AT the club?
avatar for jablake
17 years ago
"But why must it be a requirement to solicit AT the club?"

Freedom of speech? Conserves gasoline? Protects the environment? Helps establish community standards? Security? . . . IOWs, reasons to numerous to mention and applicable on a case by case basis.
avatar for wondergrl5
17 years ago
ok cool solicite and get it raided.
avatar for njscfan
17 years ago
I don't want to disagree with my friend wondergrl, but she knows perfectly well that sex in the club does not always lead to disaster.

There are a lot of good reasons why some girls (and patrons) will prefer sex ITC to sex OTC, at least initially. One big reason is safety. A girl who meets a guy in a hotel room is taking a big chance unless she knows him. In the club, she at least has the comfort of knowing there are lots of people within 20 feet, and that there are employees of the club who will watch over and deal with any unruly patron. If a girl wants to make extra money that way, I fail to see how anyone is harmed.

It is nonsense to suggest that sex ITC will ruin clubs. Sex ITC has been ever present for many years. Clubs go thru changes and cycles, but that does not mean they are going downhill generally.

There are some clubs that allow sex and some that don't. Some clubs go thru cycles, becoming more strict when they feel they are being watched, less strict otherwise. And, yes, some clubs get shut down (often only to reappear again elsewhere under a new name). AMPs and escorts are the same way. There has been a constant battle between LE and the sex industry for thousands of years, and LE has never won, because there will always been a steady demand for sex, and there will always be a steady supply of women willing to sell it. Anyone who thinks they can change that is crazy.

There is nothing new about sex in the club. Strip clubs have been like this for decades. Contrary to what some posters suggest, this is NOT a new development. The idea that sex ITC is ruining the clubs is baseless. Also bullshit is the idea that the quality of clubs or dancers is somehow declining. On the contrary, on average clubs are more pleasant and safer than they used to be, and dancers are better looking. Thanks to the internet and places like tuscl, it's much easier for us to comparison shop, and that forces the clubs to improve their quality. The club where I can most easily get sex also happens to be the club where the girls are the best looking.

People have been whining about sex ITC for years. And guess what -- the clubs still exist, the girls still dance and provide extras, and life goes on. When is the sky going to fall? It hasn't yet, and the chicken littles have been prattling on about this for eons.

What is this debate really about? Some particular patrons have a very specific definition of what they think strip clubs are for, and they want to shove that definition down everyone else's throat. They think some "good girls" only dance and wriggle, and the "bad girls" are selling sex. This is all part of their over-romanticized notion of strippers. The same guys who want to ban sex ITC are the guys who like to think of the stippers as their quasi-girlfriends (albeit girlfriends with whom they never have sex).

Well, gee, when were these particular patrons appointed strip club monitors? Why do they get to decide what they rest of us should and should not enjoy? If there was an election when they were made arbiters of what is and is not allowed, I don't recall getting to cast my vote. Personally, I think the market should get to decide what type of service is provided at clubs. If, indeed, most patrons don't want sex, then the clubs won't provide it. But if a significant group of patrons do want it, and are willing to pay for it, then the clubs should be allowed to provide it.

So some guys are made uncomfortable by sex in the club? So what? Stick to clubs -- there are plenty of them -- where extras are strictly prohibited. And if you happen into a club where extras are allowed, try not to think about what the other guys are doing in the VIP. It's none of your business anyway. Does it just gross you out knowing a guy in the next room is getting a blow job? Tough shit. It grosses me out when I see a 20 something sitting in the lap of some disgusting old septuagenarian, but I figure it's the price I have to pay when I walk into a club. Until all our seniors are willing to commit to staying away from any girl young enough to be their granddaughter, kindly stop telling the rest of us when we may or may not engage in consensual sex.
avatar for jablake
17 years ago
"ok cool solicite and get it raided."

Here in Miami, it doesn't make a bit of difference whether the dancers are "clean" or "dirty." Besides, if it weren't for all the "dirty" dancers of years past, then dollars to doughnuts there would be NO contact allowed in the clubs. As is given the vague definition of "prostitution" here in the State of Florida the lap dances could already be seen as "prostitution." In fact, Gambling dancer got burned on the that BS some years back---she was a "clean" dancer in the club. By "clean" dancer I mean standard lap dances---definitely she didn't do FS or BJs or even HJs *in the club*. You think the police cared? :) Please. They care about extorting money from the club. You think the judge cared that she was a "clean" dancer? Again, please. The judge cared about extorting $$$ like a good government master. So, the club increased its payments and surprise from God Almighty, NO more raids until the next inflationary increase. :)

Instead of thanking veterans who are busy fighting this government war and that government war, for what little freedom there is thank criminals like Al Capone and homosexual sodomists and "dirty" strippers and back alley abortionists (I don't like abortion, btw) and "pornographers" like Playboy and etc.

It is funny how twisted things have become where government soldiers were seen as the bane of liberty that needed to be confronted by an armed citizenry to allegedly being the force "fighting for our freedoms." :(

Those government soldiers sure as hell aren't gonna be lifting a finger in defense of my freedoms because then they'd be labelled "terrorists." You know like the U.S. government labelled freedom fighter Mandela a "terrorist." The fight for freedom is brave people standing up saying BS to this stinking government law and that stinking government law.
avatar for wondergrl5
17 years ago
I only get pissed because sex is expected now and when Ive said no
they attempted to take it by force.
avatar for wondergrl5
17 years ago
AND I NEVER said ITC is bad. Im saying dont fuck it up for everyone.
avatar for njscfan
17 years ago
wondergrl: I know, we've talked about this in our pms, so now we will share our private discussion with the board.

If the PH mangagement cannot protect its employees' safety, then it should be shut down. That's true for any type of employer, in any type of business. I think any type of club -- extras or no extras -- should have the means available to protect the girls' safety (e.g., panic buttons). I don't think the potential availability of extras is what makes a club dangerous. The club you and I have talked about is perfectly safe, even though extras are widely available. What makes a club safe is that it is well managed. A club can be well managed (or not) regardless of whether extras are available.

And, again, I think a girl seeing a guy OTC is taking the much higher risk.
avatar for wondergrl5
17 years ago
ok yeah management is an issue
avatar for jablake
17 years ago
"I only get pissed because sex is expected now and when Ive said no
they attempted to take it by force."

Baby Doll got burned with a cigarette by an angry customer that thought sex was part of the VIP deal. I was surprised because she was always clear with me that she wouldn't do it in the club and it needed to be in a motel/hotel. She told me the problem was the customer's English was very poor and he just didn't understand that not all dancers do sex in the VIP.
avatar for wondergrl5
17 years ago
there are assholes everwhere though so yeah Im pissed but cant put that blame soley on the club
avatar for MisterGuy
17 years ago
"Ok sex ITC isnt a bad thing necassarily."

Bad girl! Seriously though, if things get too blatant, then they get shut's just that simple. Yet another reason why NJ :)
avatar for wondergrl5
17 years ago
Thats true Im thinking in NJ terms and almost every township has issues with clubs being in there area. So its like a big target for every employee. I just get pissed that Im put at risk by some girl propositioning a cop cause they dont discriminate during the raids in NJ. At least not in the boonies LOL
avatar for FONDL
17 years ago
Let's not forget that this is an election year. LE tends to become more active at times like this especially if there's a serious local contest for something like mayor or DA going on. It'll get worse as we approach November.
avatar for SuperDude
17 years ago
Elected officials need the newspaper stories showing them cracking down on clubs during an election year. LE will demand higher bribes during an election year, with this year being especially tough because of the shrinking recreational dollar. Dancers, seeing the continuing drop in revenue, offer more and are increasingly careless about keeping things quiet. Customers want more for their money and have less to spend. Club owners are squezzed by LE, suppliers, public officials and recession. So, what did we expect?
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