How Many Strippers Have You Fucked?

avatar for BobbyI
The "slut" thread got me to thinking:

How many strippers have you guys fucked during the last year? During your lifetime? What do you estimate your lifetime total will be?

And, please, I am only interested in *paid for* experiences here, since EVERYONE is going to lie about how many times they got it for free.


last comment
avatar for chitownlawyer
17 years ago
avatar for ozymandias
17 years ago
I fucked two today (ages 21 and 23, spinner types, yum), a threesome, $200 for a bit over an hour ($100 each).

In the past year maybe 12-14? Lifetime, no idea... quite a few.

I have a thing going with a brazilian stripper, sometimes I play, sometimes not, just kind of depends; we've sort of become semi fuck-buddies, basically because I've helped her build up a clientele. So not free per se, but paid in-trade.

It may sound odd, but I prefer to play for it - free usually is just an entree to hideous drama. Give me service, dammit!


avatar for DandyDan
17 years ago
Only 7 times, once earlier this year with one of my favorites, who had previously claimed she was not that type of girl, which shows what the power of alcoholic beverages is.
avatar for njscfan
17 years ago
Well Bobby you've cut to the chase on what I was trying to reach indirectly. For me, the body count in the last year has been 15-20. Over a lifetime, give me a break. Bear in mind that business travel, especially international travel, can drive up the number quickly. What the hell am I supposed to do at night -- watch TV in my hotel room?
avatar for parodyman-->
17 years ago
"Billions and Billions Served, all 9.7+ quality!" -- a big time anynonmous member of the bar and all around James Bondian guy.
avatar for CarolinaWanderer
17 years ago
Fucked in the last year, 3. Blowjobs ITC in the last year, 9. Club visits in the last year, 16.

Lifetime totals unknown. For some reason I did not document them all in my diary.
avatar for how
17 years ago
For this year, January - June, I count 15 visits to clubs, 12 FS inside the club, and 5 OTC experiences. Two of the latter were free, and one of those was an overnighter, completely spontaneous after having met for the first time in the club that night.
avatar for chitownlawyer
17 years ago
This depends on how you account for the girls in the TJ clubs, who are not really strippers, but simply whores.

If you count the TJ club girls as strippers, there have been, in the last year, five of those, plus a stripper in Dallas.

For the life time record, there have been seven TJ strippers, and five strippers in US clubs--three in the club, two outside the club.

This counts actual penetrative vaginal sex, not blow jobs or hand jobs. I'm not sure that I could accurately account for those.
avatar for TimboAtl
17 years ago
In the last year - 5. Lifetime 15 - 20. Only 1 OTC which was from Shadowcat's favorite club. Had several experiences where the girls just sit on Mr Happy without even asking. I've also noticed that FS is on the menu much more often these days.
avatar for imnumnutz
17 years ago
how many have i fucked? not enough...
avatar for Clubber
17 years ago
Just the single sexual act, as you asked, two, if my memory is still working well.
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
17 years ago
Fifteen, thirty maybe? Over 15 years, roughly, I'd guess maybe 25 or 30 maximum. But if I put my head to it, maybe I'd come up with fewer. There were full-service clubs in and around Toronto (including Niagara Falls, Canada, area) while I lived there; and Tampa, again, while I lived there; and I used to travel to Memphis, and have been to Houston, for this purpose, too. Still on my to-do list are Dallas and San Francisco (though I understand the latter is extremely over-priced for this sort of service at the sorts of clubs that actually do offer this sort of service). Maybe Vegas. I've never been to Vegas.
avatar for Shekitout
17 years ago
One. She was dancing at my favorite club. I fucked her several times after she quit dancing altogether and then several more times after she began dancing again at other clubs.
avatar for wondergrl5
17 years ago
You sluts!!!!
Sorry couldnt help it
avatar for mmdv26
17 years ago
In 20 years, FS 60-70 different dancers. 1/3 OTC. Many, many repeats. Zero FS in the past year - losing interest in OTC, and not clicking with anyone ITC. Getting some BJ ITC however.
avatar for AbbieNormal
17 years ago
Zero, OK, one. Two, thats it. Do blowjobs count? Wait, fuck?, one, no, maybe 0. Now this is as a stripper, like an OTC arrangement? How about if the aforementioned sex was as a result of a social engagement? I mean she wasn't stripping ...
avatar for Dain
17 years ago
Aren't you dudes afraid of disease?

I've had FS zero time, but have dined at the Y numerous times.
avatar for BuckMcNutter
17 years ago
A dozen or so. One OTC, got her on Hidden Video !!
Some of these dancers are nuts, They don't even ask you to put on protection. I have to stop them dead in their tracks to put on a glove??
avatar for wondergrl5
17 years ago
They are crazy no protection!?!!!!

But Id get the funny look during my dating years when I asked the guy too. whats up with that?? LOL
avatar for ozymandias
17 years ago
Just tagged another one an hour ago! Nothing like piledriver mish after a day of meetings.

So, +1

avatar for magicrat
17 years ago
We've got some legends here don't we. My count:

OTC 3 2 of them in the past 3 years
ITC 2 both in the past year
BJ ITC 6 to 8..all within the past year

And I've been doing this for 25 years! Times have certainly changed..hell strippers had pussy hair when I first started!
avatar for shadowcat
17 years ago
None. I am too old for that kind of stuff. I just got to clubs to socialize.
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
17 years ago
Straw poll: how many guys have just put superstarKobe on their ignore list? 99%? 75%?
avatar for Jascoi
9 years ago
ditto imnumnutz. "July 14, 2008 • how many have i fucked? not enough..."
avatar for Jascoi
9 years ago
i stopped counting at one hundred.
avatar for Dougster
9 years ago
I lost count around 50 a few years back. I suspect I'm getting close to triple digits now. They are becoming easier at the same time I am becoming more and more of a RICH STUD. So it's really like shooting fish in a barrel these days. Even without a System.
avatar for Dominic77
9 years ago
SJGay, you're always allowed to discuss your male stripper exploits with us. Do share.
avatar for san_jose_guy
9 years ago
There was a time I was doing all the hot looking AMP girls in 3 counties. Then I decided that what I was doing was pointless and foolish, and one girl even said I was addicted. I decided that I needed to cease, and instead try to make my marriage work.

avatar for Beaver_Hunter
9 years ago
Zero when this question was posted back in 2008...
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