
I am published!

Friday, August 15, 2008 3:26 AM
Hey, everyone! Check out my review of the Spearmint Rhino. Let me know what you think. (Troll-girls get out your spelling/grammar check and flame me on that if that's all you got!)


  • mmdv26
    16 years ago
    Thanks man! Good review.
  • parodyman-->
    16 years ago
    Who cares?
  • arbeeguy
    16 years ago
    Parodyman, let's turn the question around, and ask, "Who cares about your oft-stated opinions/insults/lies about Shadowcat? Duh - THE AUTHOR CARES. Nobody else cares at least not much. But at least BobbyL was focusing on the mission of this board -- to PROVIDE INFORMATION ABOUT STRIP CLUBS. I do care, and I have some comments. My major complaint about his review - since BobbyL asked for feedback - is that it is WAY TOO MUCH about BobbyL and therefore needlessly wastes the reader's time. To paraphrase and extrapolate Parodyman, the average reader DOES care about the specifics of the club being reviewed. Bobbyl provides a few specifics of the club, but was extremely wordy in doing so. But nobody really cares about BobbyL, either as a strip-club attendee or as a consumer of Escort services. BobbyL, I counted 40 occurrences of I, me, or my. THAT'S RIDICULOUS. To quote Parodyman, "Who Cares". The piece was also way too long, but if you write a review that long, for crying out loud give us some paragraphs. Show a little mercy, man. I did appreciate the insight on Las Vegas business practices. You reinforce my suspicion that one can sometimes find a willing hooker among the population of Las Vegas strippers. The negotiations and the end result (you never specifically said you got laid, but you did imply it) were moderately interesting. I look forward to reading your second PUBLISHED REVIEW and hope it shows improvement. I know u have it in u to do better. Finely (sic): Next time, consider removing the personal and dancer-specific items from the CLUB REVIEW, and put them into a BLOG. You can discuss "I/me/my" as much as you want in a blog, without detracting. A lot of what you write on the discussion board might be more suitable as a blog, also. (The first word of this, my closing paragraph, is the first word of the last sentence of BobbyL's review.)
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    Hi arbeeguy, Normally, *I* like wordy. But, that review was too wordy and more importantly as you pointed out not enouth specifics about the club and the paragraphs weren't there! :( Probably asking too much, but would you care to rewrite it? I think you should be able to cut the number of words by at least 70% while retaining the overall meaning. Or, I could be wrong. :) I don't my the personal points, but the pronouns----there's got to be a better way! :)
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    Correction: I don't mind the personal points, but the pronouns----there's got to be a better way! :)
  • parodyman-->
    16 years ago
    When I first saw the topic "I am published!" I wanted to ask bobbyl if his local police made him register as a sex offender. His review was self serving garbage with little useful substance. I'm not impressed.
  • arbeeguy
    16 years ago
    Parodyman - I agree with almost everything you said at 12:55. And also I want to think you for you terse post of 8/14, because it stimulated me to put down my thoughts. The only thing I disagree with is the phrase "self-serving". I do not see why it is any more self-serving than any of the others we see day in and day out on this board. Now if you had use the word "self-aggrandizing" I would totally agree. But there is a big difference IMHO. It is obvious that BobbyL has a strong need for recognition and approval from others who post on this board. Puzzles me why, but I do not know the man, and the charm of this board is the interesting comments and viewpoints. Including your own, by the way, when you are not denigrating shadowcat.
  • njscfan
    16 years ago
    Jablake & Arbeeguy Your critiques of Bobby's "review" are valid. The review is very lengthy and has no substance. However, I do not think you have identified the source of the problem. The problem is not that Bobby is wordy or egocentric. True, he is both of those things, but they are not the problem here. Rather, the problem is that the review is phony. Bobby has never been to this club. Bobby was cornered into posting a review. But because he hasn't been to a strip club, he had to post a fake review. His choice of the Spearmint Rhino for his fake review was inspired, for two reasons. First, it's in Las Vegas. Why does that matter? Because Las Vegas is a largest tourist and business/convention destination. So by posting a review about a club there, Bobby does not reveal where he lives. He needs to keep his state of origin secret, or he would easily be exposed. If he said he lived in Arkansas, for example, he might be faced with questions about clubs in Arkansas, and he wouldn't know how to answer them (because he's never been to a strip club). By picking a Las Vegas club, he can be a visitor, and keep his home state a secret. Second, the Spearmint Rhino is a large and very well known club. There are tons of reviews, and the club has its own web site, complete with detailed pictures and a comprehensive layout of the club. Everything Bobby said about the club can be gleaned from the club website, or from the snippets of reviews that even a non-reviewer like Bobby can have access to. But because Bobby isn't too sure on any details, he had to keep his review very, very vague. You will notice that frequently on the few details he gave, he hedged his bets a bit. That's why the review is so lacking in substance. Why is it so wordy? Because by loading up the review with tons of meaningless prose that has nothing to do with the club itself, Bobby can camouflage the fact that he does not actually know anything about the club itself (because he has never been there). Indeed, when you read the review, Bobby's story ends up sounding just like that -- a story, that is, a work of fiction. Arbeeguy noticed that Bobby forgot to mention whether he got laid. I noticed a more telling detail missing -- not one word about what any girl in the club looked like -- not her age, physical description, ethnicity, anything. Frankly, nothing Bobby has done on this site has convinced me more that he is a troll, than this blatantly phony review. Bobby posted this only because he had to. But when you read it, it is one of the most glaringly fake reviews on tuscl. Other people have had the insight that Bobby and David9999 may be the same person. I don't really know if that's true, although some of the similarities are striking. They both incessantly posted about their "themes" that were deliberately provocative (David9999 re "seed spreading," and Bobby re sexually transmitted diseases). Both did their utmost to disrupt the board, and went on attacks against anyone who challenged them. (Parodyman tries to suggest that Bobby is a loyal follower of Shadowcat, but that is clearly not true. Bobby has attacked Shadowcat when he wanted to cause trouble, particularly after Shadowcat said Bobby was full of shit. Curiously, the only person Bobby was always loyal to was David9999.) Neither one would post reviews (and now Bobby has posted a blatantly false review). And, interestly, they both joined tuscl within a month of each other. But even if they are not connected, they certainly are both internet trolls. I will admit I am pretty naive about the internet generally, and hadn't even heard of internet trolls until I read this article in the NY Times. If you are internet savvy, then I guess I must seem behind the curve. But if you are as naive as I am about these things, then I would highly recommend reading this article. It is pretty disturbing actually. Here's the link: [view link] The most troubling thing (to me) is that the internet trolls do not content themselves with disrupting discussion boards. They also engage in prolific identity theft, and attempt to harass people offline. This made me think back to David9999's attempt to get other tusclers to communicate with him offline somehow. I don't know if that was an attempt to hack into people's email, or otherwise engage in identity theft. But I for one am glad I don't have my actual email posted on this site. And I am certainly going to do my best to avoid Bobby and anyone who appears to be his double. It's one thing to be harassed by flames, it's another thing to be harassed offline.
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    Hi njscfan, He could have done a review about one of the clubs that I've written about and added a few made up facts . . . it just doesn't seem that difficult to write a review. I should be able to write a half-way decent reviews of clubs that I've never been to and it seems like anyone can knock out reviews. And, let's say someone calls me on my knowlegdge of Miami clubs--yeah, I feel fairly confident discussing the $5 clubs. But, if someone called on my knowledge of clubs in Texas would it be that difficult to BS? If someone calls you a liar, then you call them a liar back and geez it proves nothing. If he is a troll and you believe that, then it seems like you enjoy feeding him.
  • njscfan
    16 years ago
    Merely providing an explanation for what you noted, namely, that his lone review is singularly lacking in substance. Bobby and David9999 stand out for their reluctance to post reviews. But I agree with you on one point -- I won't bother responding to Bobby anymore (even with his attacks on my family members).
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    And, you may be 100% on target. I see people do strange shit all the time so anything is possible. Heck, FONDL stated that he hasn't been to a stripclub in 10 years or something absurd and he is hanging out at TUSCL? That just is somewhat mind-shattering.
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    Talk about weird . . . a lady friend wants me to teach her 18 year old daughter how to drive stick. What is weird about that you might ask? The friend drives stick like an old-pro and enjoys spending time with her daughter. Her thinking may be that teaching another person to drive especially her daughter is too stressful---just seems weird, imo.
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    Well, I attempted to do a rewrite and I'd give myself a failing grade. To wit: Scores has a happy hour in the late afternoon and I got good and drunk over there before deciding to visit my favorite club, the Rhino, via taxi. I paid a $30 cover. The décor is very much to my liking with furniture and carpeting that are nice. There are nice areas where you can sit away from the stage (on an upper level) if you want to be shy. The club has multiple stages, a bar (w. video poker?), and rooms of varying "privacy" and, of course, price. The place was busy while I was there but not jammed. I think the girls could sense that I was a bit drunk, so I was not left alone the entire time. The girls were at least smiley here and acted nice, but all seemed to share a fixed set of lines. There were good looking as far as Vegas goes. Not quite as high quality as Scores, but good looking nevertheless. (This is a bit surprising since the Rhino has a rep for being much dirtier.) I do remember jokingly picking one girl up in my arms as if I was going to carry her to the VIP but she told me I had to put her down otherwise the management would get upset. Now, fortunately, I am a bit wise to the ways of Vegas, so have learned to always take the girls for a spin before doing the VIP thing. That night I took several girls for a spin. Mileage was, overall, pretty low but some girls would at least let me touch their breasts or would rub my dick for a bit outside the pants. Prices varied. $20-$40. I was told VIP prices here are $200/hh. (Rumor has it that for $400 VIPs there are areas and girls where anything goes.) As is standard practice in Vegas, don't believe the $200 thing. That's just to get you in. Then they will try and upsell you to "buy the lady a drink", if you say "sure" you might be surprised it will run you $20. I would also advise never to do the VIP with a girl who spends her entire test drive trying to sell it to you (duh!). Anyway, I decide that I wanted some take out that night rather than gamble on VIP. This turned out to be surprisingly easy. I thought no girls would be up for it given how busy the club was, but it turned out I would be lucky this night. How did I do it? Very simple, if the girl showed a bit of work ethic and I got a decent "vibe" (I am quite a charming guy) I just quietly asked her if she "did private shows." Didn't take me long to find one who said she would, and could since she was about to leave anyways. She wanted the name of the hotel I was staying and the room number. I gave it to her. (Surprisingly, she also didn't really negotiate the price; $300 was fine with her.) Now given how easy this was, and how reasonable the price was, I wasn't sure if she would really show up or flake out. But less than an hour after I arrived at my hotel room, I got a call that she was in the lobby. Everything turned out to be legit!) In summary, yes there are escorts who double as strippers in club. If you want that just ask. The worst they can do is say no. Also don't assume they have to be high mileage in the club to do private shows. Friendliness seems to be the more accurate factor in guessing who will and who won't. Finally, always be careful of the hustle factor when in Vegas.
  • BobbyI
    16 years ago
    I definitely put paragraphs in when I wrote the review, and when I look at the review now I can see paragraphs. That troll-girl njcsfan is just being disingenuous again. If my review is so obviously phony how did it get published, or why hasn't it been taken down? Also I explicitly asked njcsfan before I published to tell me what level of detail he would deem necessary for him to consider my review legit. He declined to specify anything, which, in my books, means he loses his right to complain now. In any case, thanks jablake and abreeguy for the feedback. I don't have much experience in review writing, but will take your suggestions into account in the future. As for my review being "self-aggrandizing". Are you saying that because it ended in how I met up with a stripper afterward? I would have picked a different club to review, but njcsfan insisted that it be a club that I had "pulled" a stripper from for OTC sex afterward. Anyway, good to hear child-of-an-alcoholic has finely (*wink*) realized that I will bust his troll ass back down again and again, any time he is willing to crawl out from under his rock. Wise of him to completely given up now. Total victory over njcsfan is mine! And Quite Easily Done!
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    Hmmm . . . I just took another look at your review and I still don't see paragraphs.
  • BobbyI
    16 years ago
    What browser are you using? I see paragraphs in my review. But when I click on people's names I don't see paragraphs in their reviews (although when I go to the club I then see the paragraphs). Have we found a TUSCL bug?
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    I'm using internet Explorer 7 something. It should be the latest.
  • BobbyI
    16 years ago
    I have version IE version 7.0.6001.1800
  • BobbyI
    16 years ago
    I wonder if "njcsfan" will jump in here and accuse of me of lying about putting in paragraphs and being able to see them now.
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    I have 7.0.5730.11
  • wondergrl5
    16 years ago
    ok Im seeing no paragraphs on any recent reviews. Older ones I do.
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    "ok Im seeing no paragraphs on any recent reviews. Older ones I do." Part of the well-oiled conspiracy. ;)
  • BobbyI
    16 years ago
    I'll shot an e-mail over to founder.
  • wondergrl5
    16 years ago
    is the tme fixed??
  • wondergrl5
    16 years ago
    oops ^ time
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    This review business caught me by surprise. :) I never understood till of late that this was major deal. Yes, I like to read reviews for the *details* but, I just figured some people do 'em other people don't. I learned one thing about the Rhino------I sure as hell don't want to be anywhere near it. You have to get lucky to cop a breast even when you're Prince Charming and you're paying between $20----$40, seems outlandish, but then you all are probably just a lot wealthier than me. I'd probably have rated it a 1 and been pissed that there isn't a 0 rating available. The review seemed too "kind and gentle" considering the reviewer seems fairly openly hostile to almost all strippers. Surprised njscfan didn't note that or if he did my addled brain missed it. BTW, I did read the link provided by njscfan. Found it very depressing, but it might just be the mood I'm in.
  • MisterGuy
    16 years ago
    "If my review is so obviously phony how did it get published, or why hasn't it been taken down?" They publish fake reviews here all the time...I think Founder likes the irony of it all or something like that... "Also I explicitly asked njcsfan before I published to tell me what level of detail he would deem necessary for him to consider my review legit." No, you didn't. "Total victory over njcsfan is mine!" ...in your own, twisted, little mind...lol...
  • clubman2
    16 years ago
    The one I justposted has the paragraphs.
  • njscfan
    16 years ago
    clubman: I had no idea you lived in NJ. Small world. My sense of PH is that it was becoming a bit of a HJ factory. You?
  • clubman2
    16 years ago
    Can probably better assess that after another visit but I'd say that's a possibility. At least last night, that would have been in the context of a good LD. Did 3 with each dancer and it was a definite possibility.
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    "If my review is so obviously phony how did it get published, or why hasn't it been taken down?" It wasn't too long ago that jokes were being made in this forum about a published review by trinadiazreal. Founder definitely recognized that the review was fake, but it still stands. He might let it stand cause it is so silly, but generally I don't think the standards to publish are high and shouldn't be! IMHO. :) Now, when you said you tried to get published and failed I was thinking what?! But, if every other sentence was a vulgarity then that could explain it. Now for some strange reason TUSCL seems to be anti-transgendered clubs! ;) I don't know the reasons, but my attempt to get Trixies listed has failed a couple of times. Other clubs that I request a listing for it seems like almost immediate service. Anyway, who knows why poor Trixies keeps getting left in the dark. :( Maybe TUSCL thinks I'm trying to pull some stupid gag or they don't understand the demand for T-Males or . . . The T-Male at Angels was a BIG Blubber Butt, but she looked better than the other whales. Her equipment was tiny and she didn't drop the panties as required for stage dancers and most of those dancers seem to want to drop the panties first.
  • BobbyI
    16 years ago
    njcsfan: "Other people have had the insight that Bobby and David9999 may be the same person. I don't really know if that's true, although some of the similarities are striking. They both incessantly posted about their "themes" that were deliberately provocative (David9999 re "seed spreading," and Bobby re sexually transmitted diseases). " <sarcasm> David9999 is my sock puppet. He spread information about how to put the "Gentleman Horn Dog Vibe" to get strippers all horny to fuck you in the first place. I then "downplayed" the risks of STDs so guys would ditch the condoms, so the bitches would be likely to get knocked up, to further the "seed spreading" of us Alpha Male types. </sarcasm>
  • BobbyI
    16 years ago
    njcsfan: "Both [BobbyI and David9999] did their utmost to disrupt the board, and went on attacks against anyone who challenged them." I really wonder what is wrong with njcsfan. Is his memory really that bad? Does he misremember things because he ends up hating people and loses all objectivity? One of the things that stands out about David9999 is that he stayed above "attacking" others right up to the end. Even when he was severly baited. Yeah, did call njcsfan a few bad names at the very end, but that represented maybe <1% of his posting. I really wonder if these are just "misrelloctions" on njcsfan's part however. I am beginning to suspect outright lying (guess he gets practice from all the lies he needs to tell his own wife) and attempts at revisionism here.
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    Bobbyl makes a very good point: David9999 seemed, imho, like he wanted to stay away from flame wars. Every once in awhile he would lose his cool inappropriately and respond very negatively to an honest question. But, he sure didn't seem to want to engage in tit-for-tat at least from what I can recall.
  • MisterGuy
    16 years ago
    "One of the things that stands out about David9999 is that he stayed above 'attacking' others right up to the end." Yea, cuz he wasn't using his "STFU" everytime someone challenged him...sure...talk about bad memories...
  • arbeeguy
    16 years ago
    Back to the question of authenticity. I thought everybody knew, or at least assumed, that a lot the reviews we read on TUSCL are fake. If I were forced to place a cash bet on one side or the other, I would have to bet that BobbyL's review of Spearmint Rhino WAS fake, but I can't be sure, and neither can NJSCFAN. But it really doesn't matter. Remember the phrase at the bottom of the page: "Everything written on this site should be considered a work of fiction." If the review is fake, it is more in keeping with the disclaimer than if it were completely truthful.
  • arbeeguy
    16 years ago
    Concerning paragraphs It is 9 pm (Central) on Sunday night. Within the last minute I have looked at BobbyL's review of Spearmint Rhino twice. Going through two different paths to get there. In one instance the review was under the heading "BobbyL". There were no paragrphs. In the other instance the same review, word for word, was under the heading "Spearmint Rhino". There were numerous paragraphs. So I believe that BobbyL wrote the review with plenty of paragraphs, but for some strange reason, the software removed all the paragraph control characters when it copied the review into the BobbyL personal space. Go figure.
  • BobbyI
    16 years ago
    abreeguy: Well you strike me as kind of a dumb fellow so it's not surprising you would take the losing side of that bet! In any case, find kind of amusing that you complain that I use the word "I" 40 times in my review yet in your review of "Soft Touch Washington Park, Illinois" you used the word I at least 33 times. Hypocrisy? Or does the cutoff just happen to be 35 or some convenient number for you?
  • BobbyI
    16 years ago
    Shit. I only counted "I" not even "me" or "my". LOL!
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