
Comments by CCRiderm (page 4)

  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Dating Advice ???
    Because they have a drive through Gator! :)
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Road Clubs
    Toronto is another "guarantee". You have to get out of down town and out to the area around the airport, but you can have a very good time. Philly (my stomping grounds) is up and coming if you'll excuse the pun. The Philly scene three years ago was horrible. I live here and never went to local clubs. I just did the road thing like Rick. However, things have changed and much for the better. Pick a club by the airport and you can have a good time. Seattle used to be a blast, but it has been effectively neutered at this point. I second the vote for East Saint Louis. You have your options here. Classy upscale with pretty good mileage and guaranteed to go home with a smile (Hollywood) or a bit more grunge and you are pretty much guaranteed to go home with anything you want. (Miss Kitty's) I like Scarlett's at Ybor strip just outside of Tampa. Had some interesting times there a couple of years back. This is where I learned how to get lipstick out of khaki pants after a visit one night.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Went out on a Wednesday night---bad idea
    I usually stick to days during the week. Sure, the range of choices is smaller, but the place isn't as crowded and you get quality alone time in the back. Isn't that what we really go for anyway?
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    14 years ago
    Two clubs on The Block fined by Liquor Board
    Let's see...add the Circus Bar and the Red Room to places to let Junior come out to play. Good news! :)
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    It could be a strip clubbing road trip
    Stop at the major truck stops at night and you can avail yourself of the "Lot Lizards" and get several adventures for your $300.
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    14 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    I think you should have been a gentleman and offered the lady a hand....
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    BTW...personally, there is nothing sexier than the little smile that crosses the lips of 99% of women right after they come. It is pure pleasure and she doesn't hide it. Watch the videos and you will see them. It might only be there for a microsecond, but it's there.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    GMD, If that is what floats your boat (and it certainly does mine..) Check out http://www.dailymotion.com/playlist/xwfkg_elfaedo_amadeus You will need to establish an account (free) and login to see the videos but this is a playlist of nothing but videos from a series called "A Beautiful Agony" They are face only closeups of women...shall we say...enjoying themselves? Absolutely beautiful. Go have a look.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    4th of July, 234 years later.
    Steve, I will always remember that song and it gets me every time. A number of years back I was down in the Opryland resort for a conference. I was sitting in the open air restaurant having dinner and the band in the bar across the way started playing "God Bless the USA". I don't know why, but I just looked up. On the top of the big glass dome over the atrium flies a large American flag. It was a clear night and the flag was blazing from all the lights on it. I sat there, a grown man, listening to that song and eating my ribeye steak with tears running down my cheeks. Good thing the restaurant was pretty dark or they would have sent the guys in the white coats in for me. Happy Independence Day gentlemen. ALWAYS remember what it costs to be free.
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    14 years ago
    Cheerleaders <-> Strippers
    If they do make it to the strip clubs, I want the brunette in picture #2....
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    14 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Stoodup like a classic PL
    That's OK Gator because accountants are usually shitty dancers. :)
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    South Carolina
    Polite way to tell a dancer 'No'
    It has a certain ring to it Gator...
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Drive to South Carolina or VIP in Atlanta
    Steve, Every 2-3 days? Repeat after me...."My name is Steve and I am a stripclubaholic." :) Wait, I just went on Monday and I'm going back tomorrow...move over, I need to come to the 12 step meeting too...
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Had Enough
    Just remember Clubber, as far as Florida is concerned, we can just cut that sucker off and not be any worse for the wear. :)
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Women May Get Their Version of Viagra Soon
    No worries Sam, Uncle Barack's new insure everyone plan will even cover strippers. We're good!
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Had Enough
    I take umbrage to the insult to us "Yankees" :) Grow the fuck up...both of you. Jeez, we're here looking for good boobies, not boobs.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Two people arrested for prostitution at Myrtle Beach strip club
    $150 for Heather? Hell, I'm headed to MB!!
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    14 years ago
    I for one, LIKE it when Judy is exposed. :)
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    14 years ago
    Sugardaddies and Sugarbabies
    Lovely women out there, eh Samsung?
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    14 years ago
    ink and piercings
    Steve, I know several women that would get a "Hitachi" tat.
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    14 years ago
    Only Customer in the Club
    We have a big club here in Philly (Delilah's) It is a really upscale place and it is huge. They open around noon. I stopped in one day around 12:30 and I was the only one in the place. It really felt strange with the girls dancing all the way up on the runway for just me and the bartender. Now, that being said, we had NO interference in the CD room. Turned out to be quite a good morning.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    When will you give up?
    Every time that I spend way more than I had intended to on a given visit I vow to give up this hobby. The good news is that I come to my senses a couple of weeks later and I'm back at the tip rail.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Seediest Club Ever?
    I absolutely have to vote for Miss Kitty's in ESL (Washington Park Actually) The stages are painted plywood and I felt like I had to go back to my hotel to take a shower after I left the place. Now, that happens in a LOT of clubs, but this was not in a GOOD way...
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Older vs. Younger
    Well, I tend to gravitate to the older dancers just so I don't feel like a real old perv. I'm Trailer's class. :) While you are young, I think you bring the intelligence and perspective that is sorely lacking from your contemporaries. Usually when I try a younger dancer (under 30) the conversation usually drops to cattiness about other dancers, the trouble of making ends meet, etc. While I don't expect Nietzsche, I do require SOME intelligent banter to allow the fantasy to kick in. I sense you would have that covered. Now, with all that being said, last week I was in Minneapolis and I ran into a girl who was probably in her mid 20's and she was just about the sexiest thing on two legs. She had that intensity, the eye contact. The sultriness that radiates from a woman who knows she is sexy and doesn't use it like a hammer, but like a feather. When she was taking my tip at rail side she put her forehead lightly against mine and gave me this deep penetrating look from under lidded eyes and quite frankly, I'm glad I didn't have a checkbook with me because I probably would have bought her a Porsche. Go figure.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    natashawellskova and the lido room
    Absolutely a shill. I was wondering the same thing. Although, I might want to go. :)