natashawellskova and the lido room

avatar for arbeeguy
I have enjoyed reading other articles on this web site. But not this one. I invite other readers to read the "article" on The Lido Room by Natashawellskova. What a farce. Wonder why Founder or his assistant accepted this as an article. You can read this piece and my comment. Then come back and comment in this thread. Maybe I am missing something here. But it really smells phony to me. Other posters may see it differently.


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avatar for georgmicrodong
15 years ago
I remember a post from Founder on one of the discussion lists a while saying that he was looking for a way to allow club's management to advertise on TUSCL without compromising the review system. Could this be that way?
avatar for CCRiderm
15 years ago
Absolutely a shill. I was wondering the same thing.

Although, I might want to go. :)
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