Went out on a Wednesday night---bad idea

avatar for potheadpl
My former wingman had a day off leash, so he called me up asking to hit the strip clubs two days ago. I usually only go out on Friday or Saturday, but it's rare he's free so off we went.

He wanted to try the only club in Pasco County we haven't hit, a place called Diamonds. TUSCL and SCL reviews aren't good, but we had to check it off the list. Well, the reviews were accurate. Every single dancer was ugly, old, had scary tats, or bad teeth. The dancer who latched on to me was a methed-out 40. We stayed for one beer and off we went to my favorite club.

Brass Flamingo was better than Diamonds. None of my favorites were there, but I got a dance with a smoking hot Hungarian woman who informed me she'd blow me for $150. Didn't have the money but def put that on the hard drive. Buddy was impatient(and drunk LOL) and wanted to try Emperors', which has a free breakfast buffet. I know, SC buffet(?), but it's usually pretty good.

Emperors' had NO FUCKING AIR CONDITIONING. In Florida. Girls were not quite as bad as Diamonds' but not good. In a matter of 10 minutes a heavily tattooed 40 year old showed me her pussy that looked like box full of tongues, and a skinny Italian girl decided to use my shirt as a towel and wiped her sweaty back all over me. The horror....

I think I'm sticking to the weekends.


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avatar for DandyDan
North Iowa
15 years ago
Most of the time when I've gone in the middle of the week, there is a distinct lack of dancers. And a good number of the ones who do dance are lowly rated. Basically, the dancers know not a lot of customers are coming in, so they are staying away. On the other hand, one of the clubs near me makes the dancers come in at least once between Sunday and Thursday in order to work Friday and Saturday, so that club can have decent talent in the middle of the week, but it's solely for that particular reason.

As for Wednesdays'in particular, every club I've ever known to have an an amateur contest does it on Wednesday, and while I know a number of people on this board don't like them, I find them interesting and I know people will go to them even though they are suckers for thinking they are all amateurs.
avatar for CTQWERTY
15 years ago
Pothead, bad experience with 'hump day'?!
Into each life a little rain must fall. But damn it. Not when I need a strip club fix. Actually I went Wednesday afternoon. See my review for the Goldrush Showbar in Atlanta. What started out shitty, ended up being a good visit.

I am a day shift guy. I totally avoid going on Fri and Sat nights. In some clubs there are more dancers and better looking ones. But also more customers. There are a lot of dancers that only work weekends. Can we call them weekend warriors? I find them to be more expensive and generally lower mileage. In my favorite club, I find better looking, friendlier girls doing more at reasonable prices during the day shift. I am making my monthly 3 day trip to my favorite club next Monday. Lunch with gridget on Tuesday. That alone makes the 240 mile drive worth it.
avatar for bigdude012
15 years ago
I avoid weekends. Way I see it that's when the drunks and idiots are at their worst. I prefer to go during the week for because ther are less customers. That being said if I had an experience like the OPs I probably would change it up
avatar for samsung1
15 years ago
Too many ROBs and bouncers working on the weekend nights in Ohio.
I wonder about a world where being offered a blowjob by a smoking hot babe is not enough to make it a good day.
Guys, I shit you not, come to Bogart's up here in Michigan. It's worth it.
I've come to the opinion that all clubs have good weekdays, it's just a matter of figuring out which day that is... Often it's Thursday, but I've had good luck on Tuesdays also.

It could be bullshit, but I find it to hold true.
It depends on the club. PT's here in Louisville s right downtown, not too far away from the business/office district. Allegedly pretty good at lunch time, from an eye candy standpoint anyway, though I can't vouch for that, or for any other aspect, from personal experience. There are a couple of other clubs downtown that I've been meaning to get to, but just haven't had the time lately.
avatar for dudeanonymous
15 years ago
I generally avoid weekends. Too crowded, too many idiots. Sure there are more dancers on weekends, but there is a lot more hustle and a lot less customer service. Hard to find the diamonds in the sea of cubic zirconia.
I usually stick to days during the week. Sure, the range of choices is smaller, but the place isn't as crowded and you get quality alone time in the back. Isn't that what we really go for anyway?
CCR: Yep, that's exactly right. If I get the right bartender at one club, she'll let me stay back there as long as nobody else wants the room, though I don't think I've ever stayed longer than an hour and a half or so. Even then, she gives me 15 minute notice. :)
avatar for Alucard
15 years ago
I'm avoiding Tuesdays at Bogart's because my private dancer prefers a bit more privacy when doing BBBJs. The VIP is too fucking crowded on Tuesdays.
avatar for lopaw
15 years ago
My usual clubbing times are late afternoons Wednesday or Saturday. True that the selection isn't as good, and there are less lookers working, but I've found the laid back atmosphere more congruent for mileage. And IMO it doesn't matter if there are 3 or 300 dancers working....all I need is the right ONE.
Exactly, lopaw.
avatar for troop
15 years ago
except for some stretches during the summer i usually work on the weekends so my clubbing is usually in the evening during the week.
yes there's often alot of wasted time involved but when you get the right girl she makes up for the previously wasted time and i've hit on the right girl several times when i least expected it.
nothing ventured nothing gained.
avatar for Alucard
15 years ago
RIGHT girl is right! I found the Right Dancer at Bogart's back in April. I'm going to keep seeing her until my return on investment says to look elsewhere!
phpl- Sounds more like a club & wingman problem than a night of the week problem. I doubt that Diamonds or Empororers would have been much better on a weekend night. Plus, at least 2 of 3 clubs you were going with wingmans program, not yours. Letting someone else drive your program not good on any night.

I'm about 50/50 between weekend nights and other times, can have a good time on any shift- sometimes all it takes is one dancer.
avatar for potheadpl
15 years ago
minnow---you're right, of course. If I had my preference, we would have gone to Brass Flamingo and Bare Assets. I know I'll see the type of dancer I like there. I'm not complicated. I want to see young, pretty, fit, and healthy. Fake boobs are a plus. LOL
avatar for Player11
15 years ago
I do most of any SC fun during week as I do not like the crowded weekend, many drunks scenario. Weekends are family and recharge time.
avatar for stan1986
15 years ago
I mainly go on wed thurs sun , it seems every time i went on a fri & sat the DJ cranks it too the point i can feel my heart pounding
"I got a dance with a smoking hot Hungarian woman who informed me she'd blow me for $150."

Wow, is that the going rate for BJs down there? If so, that's way too high IMO.

I try & restrict my strip club outings to evenings or later at nights on Wed-Sat, but I might venture out on other nights if there's a good enough deal to be found...like the 2-for-1 LDs early in the week at Club Fantasies in RI.
avatar for potheadpl
15 years ago
MG---that's the rate for a 30 minute room. BJ would be included in that.
Hmmmmm, that still seems at least a tad high...does all of that money go to the dancer?
avatar for potheadpl
15 years ago
Well, getting a BJ in the dance room would be a difficult proposition. No privacy, and I'm not quick enough to pop during one song.

The girls have to split the room fee with the club.
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