
Comments by CCRiderm (page 5)

  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Days or Nights
    From my experience, the day shift is usually full of older pervs like me. :) You'll get more respect from the crown and usually a very low quantity of drunks. All in all, I think it would be a good fit. However, as mentioned, extras are usually expected more during the day, but from what you've told us, that doesn't seem to be a deal killer. Good luck!
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    14 years ago
    Columbia Police Raid, Shutdown Platinum Plus Strip Club
    Holy crap, I thought you were going to give SC a heart attack!
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    15 years ago
    To Tip or Not to Tip?
    On a similar but related note, I find that my time in the SC is making me tip ever so more generously in real life. Whenever someone does something nice, the first thing that flashes into my mind is: "Hell, I tip girls $2 just for shaking their tits in my face." Then the poor schlub who just did something nice usually gets $2 too.
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    15 years ago
    Tan Lines...
    Oh, I am a definite fan of tan lines...
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    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Love em or hate them?
    Gator, ShadowCat IS DickJohnson.... Just in another life..
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    15 years ago
    Tucson police ID 6 people arrested in strip-club raid (stripper mug shots!)
    Yeow!! Run away....run away.....
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    15 years ago
    How far back into past discussion topics back do you continue to read?
    It would be really helpful if the site kept track of the last time you were logged in and highlighted the discussion threads that had activity since the last time you were here. That way you could just scan the titles and look for the "New" flag. Would be a great help. Founder? Any hope on this one?
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    15 years ago
    The alleged mistress of Sandra Bullock's husband Jesse James is a stripper
    One word..... Blech.
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    15 years ago
    Festive Colors
    Oooowwwwww...bleach on the little head.....pain to even think of...
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    15 years ago
    Does it bother you if they have boyfriends/husbands?
    I got to a club early one day and saw one of my ATF being dropped off by her BF. I was heading in for the lunch crowd and got there about 5 minutes before they opened. I was sitting in my car and catching up on some emails and up pulls the BF and the ATF. The obligatory kiss on the way out of the car and I could almost imagine the "Have a good day at work sweetie." A half hour later she was naked and in my lap. Kinda took the edge off of it. It has never been the same with her since.
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    15 years ago
    I want my GFE
    Judy, Being a GFE does NOT preclude slutty behavior in the third or fourth dance. :) The best of both worlds.
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    15 years ago
    Clear heels?
    I ALWAYS watch the shoes. Sitting on Perv's Row you have to make sure you don't get knocked out by one of those things....
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    15 years ago
    A Recommendation For ESL
    Stick with Hollywood. If you shop carefully, you can have a great time there.
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    15 years ago
    Womens Olympic Curling
    Cheryl Bernard, the skip of Canada just does it for me... http://www.curlingzone.com/forums/images//newsphoto/2O7W4013.jpg
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    15 years ago
    kissing pussy...when and how to ask
    If she is letting fingers wander down in that direction, the first thing is to discretely make sure that THEY taste good. You don't want her to agree to your suggestion and THEN find out that she has a hygiene problem. If all seems well, a little well timed tickle down in that area with "Why don't you bring this up here so I can taste it." whispered into her ear tends to get your answer. Sometimes it will be no, but sometimes you will get a very naughty conspiratorial look from her and she will crawl up to kneel on the back of your couch. You pays your money and you takes your chances. I have never had a bad reaction, just a polite "We can't do that here" or "Sorry, no" No harm, no foul but heaven if it works. Now, just a warning, if it does work, you had better know what you are doing. She won't tolerate a lack of talent.
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    15 years ago
    How to ask for more in the VIP room (i.e., a "special" dance)
    Unfortunately, in most cases you start with a private dance and see where it leads. You can encourage certain activities with a little whisper in her ear during the dance, but always pose it as a question that she can say no to during dance two or three if she seems fun. That way she's not feeling obligated or coerced and you will be amazed what can happen...even without the tongue ring.
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    15 years ago
    Clubs with beautiful young dancers
    It's the same way with Centerfolds in Boston. There is absolutely NO touching. Not even an ankle. But I will tell you, those restrictions make it THE place to see incredible women get naked. Like CTQWERTY said, load up on the singles and go watch.
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    15 years ago
    Good thought.
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    15 years ago
    Clubber, that's what the Ignore button is for. See...I didn't even SEE Dougster's response to you.. The Ignore button is king....
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    15 years ago
    "Do you want to tip me a $1?"
    Gentlemen, The ladies are there to make a living. You are there because you want to see tits. If you don't want to tip for that privilege, go to a local bar. If you think these girls dance because they like to shake it for your entertainment, think again. They are dancing because it is their job. If it's not worth a dollar of your hard earned money to watch her writhe for you for three to six minutes then once again, go to your corner bar and have a beer. My two cents. Let the flaming begin.
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    15 years ago
    New Look
    Nicely done! Thanks for all the hard work.
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    15 years ago
    That big wet spot on your pants(or shorts)
    TTime, that is just about the funniest thing I have heard. I can sympathize. Us old farts tend to take a while, but when you get a determined sexy young thing, all bets are off. "Stand back, she's a gonna blow!"
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    15 years ago
    One need only bring in Winston Churchill's quote of: "Madame, we have long since established what you are, we are now negotiating price."
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    15 years ago
    "You got me all wet"
    It was classic Gator. The first time she came it was very subtle. The second time she was curled up in my lap with her head on my shoulder and pretty much came unglued. I had to hold her up as all of her shaking almost knocked her off my lap. Needless to say, she was very appreciative.....
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    15 years ago
    The 'tude disappears when the cops are filming
    Damn, if I knew the girls were THAT cute I would have stopped in there when I was up in the city. DAMN!