
Comments by CCRiderm (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    For georgemicrodong - Interesting Sight In The Canadian North
    Maybe he LIKED you Art....
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    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    The Penthouse Club - Phily - scary reviews - but I have to wonder?
    Hey guys, I spend a LOT of time at the Penthouse and I have never had a problem. The girls are friendly and the bouncers behave if you behave. Not an issue.
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    13 years ago
    Undressing your dancer
    That is just about my SECOND favorite thing to do in a VIP. I just love it.
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    13 years ago
    "Revenge"of the PL
    The only part I thought was petty was the turning your back on her while she was on stage. THAT was childish. The rest, you were just having a good time. After lavishing big tips on your new fav, I might have sent her up to the stage to tip the old one $1...that gets the service message across.
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    13 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    negotiation skillz say what ?
    Juice, you need to get your computer fixed because it looks like your "S" key keeps typing "Z"s. I know you wouldn't be doing that on purpose because that stops when you're 12, so I'm guessing that you computer is having problems.
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    13 years ago
    Need advice on bringing a girl home to hubby...
    This is something you really need to do in person, not on the phone....
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    13 years ago
    Ok, so this is probably nothing unsual to a lot of you but
    I have one dance that is a regular and she told me that she is "Financially bi-sexual" as in if it will make her money, she's for it, otherwise she's just not that into it. I can vouch for her comment as one night I took her back with another dancer and she had her face all buried in it because she knew that was what I wanted to see. It was financially a good move for her.
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    13 years ago
    Seattle, Washington
    Dancers Who Are Grandmothers
    I have a regular favorite who just made grandmother status a couple of months back. She is hot as fuck and we regularly have a wonderful time.
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    13 years ago
    Watson Pharmaceuticals: Pfizer Seeks To Block Generic Viagra
    There is an whole other patent that Pfizer is trying to enforce in order to block any generics until 2019. This is currently under debate and lawsuits. http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=newsarchive&sid=aCcNwtvlGWds
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    13 years ago
    Watson Pharmaceuticals: Pfizer Seeks To Block Generic Viagra
    Actually, what was applied for was approval of the drug. Their patent expires March 27, 2012 and Watson wants to have their drug already approved and ready to ship. No sense waiting until later to dick around with the approval process. Here are the details on the Viagra patent: http://www.accessrx.com/research/viagra-patent-expires
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Hopefully it was early enough in your VIP session to look forward to round two.
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    13 years ago
    Overheard at the coffee place
    Damn, I TOLD her to stay out of the coffee shop......
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    13 years ago
    A bit of confusion about lap dance policies at strip clubs.
    Guys...this is troll baiting. Don't even bother...
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    13 years ago
    When You Discover You Are Not The Man You Used To Be............................
    Art, remember that you couldn't hold up the first time you did it either. You had to work up to it. After two years off, you've lost all of the conditioning you built up. You'll never be 30 again, but you can still get back in shape.
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    13 years ago
    Viva Las Vegas!!!
    If you have to go to Vegas, try Little Darlings during the day. A lot of good looking girls and not too much hassle.
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    13 years ago
    strippers private orgasm pleasure
    Two words... "Stripper" "Shit" Sorry.
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    13 years ago
    farmerart's Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
    You guys are really missing the point. He's not getting carpal tunnel from all the typing, he got it from 5 months in Europe with no strip clubs. He was buying all those dirty French books. THAT's how he got carpal tunnel... *grin*
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    What do you prefer?
    Poll tricks or not? Some pole work is sexy Booty dancing or slow and sensual? Definitely Slowwwwww and sensual Talkative dancers or straight to the point? Need to get to know us a bit first Is drinking or smoking a turn off? Do NOT smoke. Nothing worse than a pretty girl that smells like an ashtray. Lingere or bikinis or costumes? Costumes are always appreciated, and lingerie counts as a costume. I agree with Art, ditch the silly stripper shoes. Black FMS is where it's at.
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    14 years ago
    In the wind
    Cheerleaders, Nurses, Secretaries ...& Strippers
    I was down at Mons in Tampa last week and a girl hit the stage wearing just a pair of thin track suit pants and a pair of sneakers. She kept teasing those pants down before removing them completely. She then danced around the stage with nothing but the sneakers and a watch. Damn girl almost killed me! When she came by and I told her that I liked the look, her response was "You wouldn't believe the leverage I get from the tile floor back in the dance room." followed by this lascivious wink.
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    14 years ago
    Went to Mons Venus last night
    I'm coming to Tampa the week after next. I've usually go to the Ybor for the mileage, but I was debating going to the 'Vu or to Mons just for some eye candy. The only time I was at the Mons, it was just too crowded and having a lapper with your thigh brushing up against the guy sitting next to you was a bit of a turnoff. However, this time down I'll only be looking for eye candy sooooo.... I take it Mons beats the 'Vu for good looking girls?
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    14 years ago
    Oh, tan line really do it for me. That creamy white skin next to the bronze....damn...
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    14 years ago
    13 dancers busted at Las Vegas Deja Vu
    *whew* I'm headed to Vegas in a couple of weeks and all I could think of while reading this was "There goes ANY mileage..." Thankfully this is old..
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Is Minneapolis a lost cause?
    Deja Vu is a great spot for eye candy. I have been there many times and that's where I head when I am in town. Do NOT expect any mileage. Even for the bed dances, you have to keep your hands down and off the pretty lady. That being said the women usually are very pretty. Go watch and have a reasonably priced night and enjoy yourself. If a girl named "Red" is still dancing, she is worth the cost of the night just to watch on stage.
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    14 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Condoms - I hate em but I use em...
    #10 - Actually, they're 3/$5 now....inflation. :)