The Penthouse Club - Phily - scary reviews - but I have to wonder?

Visited on: Thursday Evening • Dancers on Shift: Unknown
Ratings: Physical Club: 1 • Dancer Quality: 1 • Dollar Value: 1 • Overall Rating: 1.00 / 10
If you want to get brutally assaulted by their own degenerate bouncers then go visit the Penthouse. My brother was there the evening of august 11th, 2011 and He was brutally assaulted Thursday late night at Penthouse club in Port Richmond by the bouncerh employed there. Please spread the word to anyone you know to never go to this establishment. Their own degenerate employees brutally assault their paying patrons right out front of their door on their "red carpet" for no reason & there are witnesses to prove it. This is not the first time this has happened here and if something doesn't get done it will not be the last. They have assaulted people before out front & they drag them to the side of their building and leave them for dead. To make it worse, a waitress was asked if this is how they always treat their patrons and she answered yup pretty much all of the time. So if you want to get brutally beaten up with brass knuckles at that, go to Penthouse club. They just about killed my brother so do not let anyone you know ever go there.
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Member Since
August 2011
Last Seen
August 2011
Reviews: 1
Clubs: 1
• August 15, 2011
Visited on: Unknown • Dancers on Shift: Unknown
Ratings: Physical Club: 1 • Dancer Quality: 1 • Dollar Value: 1 • Overall Rating: 1.00 / 10
Do not support this place. My boyfriend & a friend of his were in the club the night of august 11th. They sat at the bar all night, did not bother any of the girls working or any patrons. After paying their tab & leaving they were brutally beaten at the front door by 6 bouncers. My boyfriend was attacked from behind by a Hispanic bouncer that cracked him in the back of the skull causing him to be ...knocked unconscious. His friend was held down while these pieces of crap low-lifes that work there proceeded to kick & beat my boyfriend so badly that he was put in the hospital. He has contusions all over his body that are shaped like boots & knuckles, he needed 7 staples in his head & he also had bleeding on his brain which is very serious & potentially fatal. Thank god he's doing ok but 2 witnesses have come forward on their own and called 911 saying they were in the club & saw 2 men that had been there for a few hours minding their own business & then were brutally beaten by all bouncers (no patrons) for absolutely no reason. After they beat him they tried to drag him to the side of the building where patrons cannot see to do god knows what else to him. Thankfully his friend was able to free himself
& got him to safely. We have now learned that thus is not the 1st incident like this where someone was attacked by penthouse employees & beaten half to death for no reason. This being said. Only go here if you want to be beaten within an inch of your life for no reason at all.
last commentWTF? I'm surprised they didn't call the cops or file some type of lawsuit. I think I should head up to penthouse and show them a lesson or two.
i just read the top review before i entered discussions. just read the second one now too.
true or not i don't know but i used to work as a bouncer in a regular club. for the most part we only went as far as we had to to end problems and never attacked someone for no reason although every once in awhile we'd have a new hire that liked to rough people up so i do know that such things happen.
I guess we take it with a "grain of salt" until more definate proof is provided.
Police report ?
Lawsuit ?
Community activist ?
And I'm sure some local TV station would absolutely love to do a live report if all of the above were true.
Well, something happened:
the penthouse in detroit had some lawsuit against it from a former stripper who claimed the management was promoting prostitution. Also another lawsuit because they have a large penthouse sign with a hot gal on it.
Sounds like a lot of info is being left out. If it doesn't sound right, it probably didn't go down that way. I've gone in the afternoon, and not even seen a bouncer. They may have been too aggressive, but something must have caused them to attack the guy in the first place.
Both events took place on the night of 8/11 and tell similar stories (multiple bouncers accosting two patrons etc.) which leads me to believe these depict the same incident. If this was a case of an unprovoked attack, these bouncers should be sent to prison. As it was a brother and boyfriend, those don't represent exactly "unbiased" opinions so there may be more to the story - or not.
I sent a PM to interiornat last night, asking about police involvement. I questioned the validity of the review and invited him to respond here. We'll see!
The owner of the Penthouse in Detroit is managing partner of the Penthouse in Philadelphia.
Never had or heard of any problems with the bouncers in Detroit.
Hey guys, I spend a LOT of time at the Penthouse and I have never had a problem. The girls are friendly and the bouncers behave if you behave. Not an issue.
I spent a short time at PH one afternoon. Had a nice LD from 2 dancers, a 6 and an 8. Had a nice time otherwise and was treated respectfully. will admit club is in a rougher part of town. I'm not inclined to believe incident was unprovoked, but I will approach with care next time.
They're making the rounds, since they also copy/pasted the same report on
people just dont make this stuff up and as Fenster posted, something happened. I posted that so people are aware, if they want to flag it then flag it. The future will tell all. I have the vision of a battered body in my head every day. Try and live with that you other people on here who just think it could never happen b/c when you were there it didn't. Not the first time and certainly wont be the last if people such as yourselves think someone would actually make this up.
interiornat - You are still avoiding the question. Was LE involved? If no, why not?
shadow is spot on. How is it that five bouncers, completely unprovoked, just randomly decided that these guys needed as ass whooping? Is there a police report?
Smells like horseshit to me. I am voting for one of the following: (1) this never happened; (2) it did happen but the "innocent victims" in this story were not quite so innocent; or (3) something happened, but not quite as severe as reported and there was provocation involved.
interiornat, you're either naive or being deliberately misleading when you say people don't make this stuff up. The courts are filled with people makes shut like this, and worse, out of whole cloth. As shadowcat says, was law enforcement involved? If so, post a news story or police blotter. Otherwise, don't get all indignant when somebody suggests that all might not be as sonar stated by only one person.
Both reviews are third person. I'm going to bet on option (2) rickdugan said above.
I am tired of this. I have just flaged both of these reviews as not being reviews. Submitter was not even there. Just alegations that neither will respond to. They should be removed.