Viva Las Vegas!!!

avatar for DJ_Geo
Vegas is the strip-club capitol of the world. Have you been to the clubs here? What's your favorite? Least favorite? Why?

Personally, I like Treasures the most. Sapphire and Rhino are bad-ass too. I think the reason I like Treasures the most is that unlike Rhino and Sapphire it was built from the ground-up as a high-class gentlemen's club, and from an aesthetics point of view, it's the most beautiful club in the world. Rumored to cost $28 million to build it. The dancers are on par with Rhino and Sapphire, but what Treasures has that those guys don't is food. More specifically, a world-class steakhouse. It's a little smaller than Sapphire and Rhino, which I believe makes for a more intimate experience. I think all three of those clubs are AWESOME, but Treasure is a must see.

Because I'm a dj in search of a gig, I can't tell you my least favorite, but I wish I could. Wait, I can. I wouldn't work there even if they paid me. Bada-Bing is an out of the way shithole with no dancers, a slouchy smoking door-lady and terribly terrible service. If you could catch crabs walking through a parking lot... There ya go.

That's my Vegas story. What's yours? RocK oN, Geo


last comment
avatar for bumrubber
14 years ago
It's fun to go through Sapphire, Rhino, or Treasures for the eye candy, but Vegas clubs are so ungodly expensive that I just can't have fun participating. My choice is OG during the day.
avatar for samsung1
14 years ago
For strip clubs, I would take Detroit over an all expense paid trip to Vegas any day of the week!
avatar for DJ_Geo
14 years ago
OG during the day? I'm gonna check that out. I do like the way they've laid-out the stages. Have you been there before and after deju vu began managing it? Do you think there's a difference between the Greek era at OG and Deja Vu's OG? Smasung, what'r the hot clubs in Detroit?
avatar for DJ_Geo
14 years ago
OG during the day? I'm gonna check that out. I do like the way they've laid-out the stages. Have you been there before and after deju vu began managing it? Do you think there's a difference between the Greek era at OG and Deja Vu's OG? I hear what you're saying about the price of playing in Vegas. Happy hour is usually reasonable at these places, but the energy and girl-count lags big-time compared to nights. Too bad we can't score the best of both worlds. Sucks that Ricks in Vegas closed, but the good news is that a better club in that location may soon come along.

Samsung, what'r the hot clubs in Detroit and why would you choose them over Vegas?
avatar for vincemichaels
14 years ago
DJ_Geo. Let's see, by quick count, there are at least 8 clubs in Detroit where mileage is off the charts. Some are fancy places where you will pay more, others not so fancy. Vegas is overpriced. I liked OG in the afternoon when I was out there last fall, but it was a constant upsell. The Penthouse, Players Club, La Chambre in Detroit proper. Bogarts and Flight Club in Inkster. Subis Place and Henry VIII South in Southgate. Landing Strip in Romulus
avatar for vincemichaels
14 years ago
DJ_Geo. Let's see, by quick count, there are at least 8 clubs in Detroit where mileage is off the charts. Some are fancy places where you will pay more, others not so fancy. Vegas is overpriced. I liked OG in the afternoon when I was out there last fall, but it was a constant upsell. The Penthouse, Players Club, La Chambre in Detroit proper. Bogarts and Flight Club in Inkster. Subis Place and Henry VIII South in Southgate. Landing Strip in Romulus
avatar for rickdugan
14 years ago
It has been a few years since I last visited Vegas but, when I was there, I was not overly impressed by the clubs. High fucking hustle, which in my experience almost always leads to low return.

I have not visited as many Vegas clubs as many around here, but between my own experiences and what I have been reading it seems as if Vegas is way over-hyped.
avatar for newmark
14 years ago
There is no doubt that Vegas has a ton of very hot women. It may also be the only city in the world where the clubs themselves are an attraction, even without the women. However, the cost and hustle factors take a lot away from the experience. And while the regular mileage may be better on average than the worst cities, the high mileage, on average, isn't nearly as good as the best cities.
avatar for Dougster
14 years ago
Been a few years, but the Spearmint Rhino was my favorite then. Talked one of the girls (and her friend) to show up at my room for a little fun afterward.
avatar for farmerart
14 years ago
My gambling takes place on the Venture Exchange in Toronto (not playing against the house there).

Not one single tuscl review of any Las Vegas SC has spurred any urge in me to visit Las Vegas for that kind of action.
avatar for Dougster
14 years ago
Only a complete n00b would go to Vegas for the strip club scene. There are much easier hunting grounds. Girls there are mostly interested in and used to hustling casual visitors from out of town as opposed to dealing with us grizzled SC junkies.

Still it is possible pull them OTC there, as my experience proved. The cost was very reasonable too.
avatar for georgmicrodong
14 years ago
Based on what I've read and seen reported, though, to be fair, not seen for myself, for those who want to just *look* at the absolute hottest women in the country, and are willing to pay premium bucks to do it, Vegas is the place to go. There might be some mileage or extras going on, but by all reports, those are going to be premium as well.

When I can walk into a club here locally and walk out with a phone number whose owner, while maybe only falling into the "attractive", versus "drop dead gorgeous", category, will meet me later, and for less than $200, including the cost of the room, will give me basically anything I want, Vegas holds little attraction.

If I'm looking for more variety than my local clubs can provide, I can make a weeken trip to East St. Louis. Or any of at least a half dozen others that are within one day's travel of here, in almost any direction incare to go. And for a fair bit less money, even if I might have to "sacrifice" some in the looks department, which I'll do in a heartbeat for the price difference.

The "Sin City" moniker appears to be mostly hype, and much less substance, in this day and age.
avatar for Dougster
14 years ago
There's was one club, formerly called Jaguar's which I think later became Rick's that had amazingly beautiful women. They also hired cirque du soleil like performers to do some amazing acrobatics once an hour.

Paradise across from the Hard Rock also had some amazingly beautiful women, but the place as complete about hustle for everything from the second you entered the door.

Other than that, I don't think Las Vegas was any different from anywhere else in terms of dancers looks. But heck, even a local club tried the hiring all the best looking girls to one place strategy for a time, so Vegas is not that much different from any other city looks wise.

Florida, Mons in particular, I understand is the place you go if you want top of the line eye candy.
avatar for harrydave
14 years ago
Gee, this thread didn't go the direction intended!

Until my recent relocation to the Land of Zero Strip Clubs (Muscat, Oman) I lived in Phoenix and traveled to Vegas 2 or 3 times a year. Always went to strip clubs there. Not one strip club visit in Vegas would make my top ten list. I go there for the shows, good food, and the illusion that I will be lucky in the casinos. The strip clubs are a diversion: sometimes pleasant, and sometimes such a bad value that I vow never to return. Of course, we know how those vows work out.

Places I would rather go to for their strip clubs:
- Detroit
- Tampa
- Dallas
- Houston
- Phoenix
- San Diego (ahem...well Tijuana really)
- East St Louis
- A notable strip of the northeast corridor extending from Irvington NJ to Tolland CT
avatar for Dougster
14 years ago
Finding extras was never a problem for me in Vegas. Stripper psychology is the same everywhere, IME. A whore is a whore is a whore.
avatar for vincemichaels
14 years ago
Well, DJ, you are entitled to your opinion, of course. I'd say noone here agrees, we know much better can be found all around this fine country of ours. I wasn't impressed that much by OG. Sure it was nice, but even during the day, the "Hustle factor" destroyed the ambiance.
avatar for vincemichaels
14 years ago
Well, DJ, you are entitled to your opinion, of course. I'd say noone here agrees, we know much better can be found all around this fine country of ours. I wasn't impressed that much by OG. Sure it was nice, but even during the day, the "Hustle factor" destroyed the ambiance.
avatar for vincemichaels
14 years ago
Damn, this site is slow today. LOL I waited and waited for my comments to post so I clicked again.
avatar for pop
14 years ago
Vegas strip clubs are like a real bad boob job; huge, hard and unsatisfying.
avatar for Cheo_D
14 years ago
I made a recent trip to Vegas and hit Treasures again and have to agree on the description in the first post here (my review from last December still stands), of the "establishment" woul-be-upper-class clubs it gets my vote, I like it there. But that's because I'm not looking for more than what there is. That said there is expensive upsell everywhere in Vegas; and you can still run into not-just-dancers even in the "classy" joints -- on my last night at T's one of the ladies signaled availability for more OTC... but when I heard the term$ of the deal, Holy Whoa Mama! I guess after all, the town's business IS separating you from your cash...
avatar for luckyone
14 years ago
Have to say that I truly love Vegas strip clubs for what they are: expensive, fun entertainment. Not any more of a rip-off than any number of other places if you know your limits and stick to them. Yes, I suppose I could fly out to Detroit and get some amazing "service" but, at the end of the day (hour?) I would be in Detroit and there is no other reason to want to be there. In probably close to 40 Vegas strip club visits through the years, I have only felt "taken" maybe 3 or 4 times and I probably deserved it. As in any town, it is all about finding the "right girl" and you can have a lot of fun. I'd rather drop some cash on an amazing dancer than nickel and dime it with a girl I could probably hook up with for free.
avatar for chimark
14 years ago
Vegas is a different type of breed, tourists go there to say they've done the club action. Vegas can be really good if you go the right time/day. Strongly suggest, you stay away from the club after 10 until 4am especially on Friday and Saturday nights, go pretty much anytime on Thursday, as many of the girls come in on weekends the day before, and you can usually coordinate an OTC if that's your thing. Also, you can hit the clubs pretty much any afternoon and find a diamond in the rough and also work the magic for extra curricular activities as the girls during that time are usually workin with locals more often. As far as clubs to go to, Rhino is all about the tourism, eye candy is nice but don't expect much more then benjamins out the door. I still long for the days of Crazy Horse 2, that club was awesome before the raids and ultimatel closure. Crazy Horse 3 has opened up, but I haven't been to Vegas since that club opened up. Treasures never worked for me, but maybe it can be a success. I've found that Cheetah's is more of a locals club, the dances are a bit lame, but extras can be had.
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
14 years ago
I'd have put Houston in the top-cities list, until a few months / couple of years ago, when everything evidently changed. My top cities, based on both (A) personal experience and/or (B) reading these boards and getting a general sense of what has reliably been approved of, are the following:

Detroit, Tampa, Dallas, San Francisco, Las Vegas, Toronto, Montreal

... in no particular order. And it all depends on what you want.

Vegas gives you glitz, some degree of glamour, and a very high price tag. San Francisco is as close to Amsterdam's attitude, as you can get, in North America. Toronto is higher-end than most cities, but with full-service options a-plenty and basically not frowned upon as long as you aren't unreasonable with it -- and because it's more approved, it's of less risk, and therefore of lower price, generally; but the damn Canadian dollar keeps getting stronger relative to the US dollar, and that has all but ruined the allure.

I hear you can get whatever you want, from fabulously hot girls, in Detroit. I hear that's also the case for East Saint Louis, too, except for the "fabulously hot" part. Tampa is fun but there's a lot of driving and a lot of heat and humidity.

Dallas I've never been to -- is it really just Houston North? Or is there a different flavor? I loved the glory-days of Treasures and Michaels and what's-er-call-it Centerfolds (is that the right name?) in Houston, getting the little chair-fort service, having forty-odd fillies of questionably young-looking appearance just sidle up and down and you can keep your hands full for hours just by standing by the bar while they all beg you to spend more time with them. Love love LOVE that shit. :) Used to get it in Memphis at the late lamented Pink Pony; and got it in spades throughout the 1990s in Toronto, especially at ol' Fantasia in Richmond Hill. Still have SOME access to that kind of action in some cities, but not generally.

What is it, really? Are we in the most "no you aren't allowed to have sex, because we're going to make it preclusively difficult for you to find a venue" period of human history ever? Or does it just seem that way? :P
avatar for CCRiderm
14 years ago
If you have to go to Vegas, try Little Darlings during the day. A lot of good looking girls and not too much hassle.
avatar for lopaw
14 years ago
I go to Vegas fairly often and find myself enjoying the SC's there less & less. There are now only 5 or so nude clubs (my preference) and with the exception of the unexpectedly great time I last had @ TOTT, I wouldn't even bother going to any of them anymore - especially any ending in "Cabaret". The last visit I tried LilD's in the afternoon, and it was at best so-so. About 6 or 7 dancers and only one of them above a 6.

Vegas is all about the high hustle, high turnover tourist market, and mileage is nowhere near what I can get at home. I get great high contact here in LA, so there really is no point to drive 4 hrs for less contact and more headaches.
avatar for DJ_Geo
14 years ago
I feel Vegas is getting a bum rap in this string. If you're looking for hand-jobs and blow-jobs in the club, Vegas might not be the place, but if you like clubs with endless lap-candy, wouldn't you agree that Rhino in Vegas has more Super-Hot entertainers than any club on this big beautiful (Bin-Ladenless) planet?

If I had to choose any one place in the world other than Vegas' a-list clubs (Rhino, Treasures, Sapphire), I think I'd like to try Adelita in TJ. Millions of hot latina dancers/hookers ready to give full-service pleasure on the ultra-cheap. What could be better? Colombia?
avatar for vincemichaels
14 years ago
Deservedly so, DJ_Geo.
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