
Comments by ozymandias (page 12)

  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    North Carolina
    first time invitation
    It's worth remembering that strippers are basically just party girls. They aren't "always on", and actually *like* hanging out, socializing, whatever. I've had quite a few "stripper friends" but I never really *think" of them as "stripper friends" - just girls I like to hang out with. Like any chick, sometimes it leads to bed, sometimes not. I actually just go with the flow, see where things lead. I think part of the reason I've had *success* in getting to the "fuck buddy" stage is because I've never really *tried*. I'm reasonably generous in the club (I got over the "baller" thing long ago, now I just chill and buy dances and drinks within reason) and friendly and cool outside of it. It works. Really, if you are going to clubs with the explicit intent of "hooking up", it's really a LOT more convenient (and cheaper) to hire escorts. Fees are known up-front, the girls usually have *way* more skills in bed than the typical stripper, and they are much less likely to be dramatic. O.
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    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    What is the most unusual feature of a strip club that you have seen?
    The 2001 Club in Bangkok had a huge scale model of the spacecraft from "2001: A Space Odyssey" hanging from the ceiling. No one does "over-the-top" like Asia. I went to a club once in Tokyo which featured an aquarium wall with nude "dancers" swimming underwater, strobe-lit. Kind of a disco mermaid thing going on. Fairly typical for Japan, though. O.
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    16 years ago
    stripper pics
    If you Google ("cell phone pics" + stripper) you'll get about 39200 hits. I'm betting you can occupy yourself with that for an afternoon or two. Sadly, I doubt any allow you to pay with spam. Not to many Monty Python lovers in the pay-per-view world, or so it would seem. O.
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    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Spell checks.
    Yep, Firefox is the shit. I haven't used the crappy, security-hole-riddled Explorer in years. I was a flawless speller until I studied German in college - for some reason, German blew out my internal spell checker. I studied Spanish and Chinese before that, no problem, but something about German... O.
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    16 years ago
    FAT ASS Comment, Would it Cause To Stop Going to the Club?
    Insults roll off me like rain from a newly-waxed car. But dirty aquariums? Have you NO standards, man! I'd leave and never look back! Criminy! O.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    New York
    Sweet smell of strippers
    I hate the smell - it's a blend of cheap perfume, cigarettes, baby oil and horny, sweating men. Yuck. First thing I do after a club is shower and change - and I have to admit, there are times I'm thinking of going to a club but then realize I'm meeting people later (or whatever) and, since I don't want to stink, I pass on it. That's what I love about the AMPs - you actually leave cleaner than when you got there. Now, if there were a strip club where you had the option to shower with your girl before you left - well, that would be JUST FINE! O.
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    16 years ago
    girl from a local club in miami weve been dating she wants to move in ??????
    That should read "who can't shake her off" and "wouldn't it suck". Speaking of which, it sucks that there's no editing feature for these posts! >.< O.
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    16 years ago
    girl from a local club in miami weve been dating she wants to move in ??????
    "Polluted" has two Ls... But in regards to the O.P. - are you kidding? I see two scenarios: (i) She's genuinely a pathetic fuck-up, in which case you don't want her anywhere near your house. (ii) She's trying to set you up as a sugar daddy who can't shake you off OR is trying to set you up for palimony later down the road. I don't know what kind of residency requirements there are for a palimony case under Florida law, but wouldn't it such for her to walk away with a bundle after the settlement, only to then shack up with her "real" tattooed, ex-con boyfriend? See her in the club and screw her in motels. Keep her away from the house! O.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    You're are special. I don't do this for everone....
    "That stripper's so hot her STDs are weaponized, man!"
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    16 years ago
    Do you play cards or games involving dice? In S.C. it's illegal in your home.
    I've played D&D with friends in S. Carolina, in private homes... damn, I'm such an outlaw. O.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Any body ever done a porn star?
    Wow, IDleStripper, what a pointless post and complete waste of pixels! Please let those of us with tales of porn-star fuckery regale one another, without your gay fantasies intruding. Thanks! O.
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    16 years ago
    Will the convention at the Columbia Platinum Plus be a bust?
    Okay, this anti-Shadowcat thing is getting creepy and obsessive. parodyman-->, for all I know you may have a legitimate beef with Shadowcat (I don't know, because I didn't visit this site for a couple of months), but if so it's time to man up and let it die... cyberstalking him and forum bullying is just kind of weird and pathetic. Worse, it's boring and no fun to read. O.
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    16 years ago
    New Jersey
    Stripping the stripper
    I love to undress the strippers. It usually takes them a little by surprise, but they like it and it usually sets a more erotic tone. Women have a much more refined sense of the erotic than men do (to say the least) and I think undressing really gets to them - it's sort of at once submissive (you're taking off her clothes) and dominant (you're taking off her clothes!) Not to over-analyze. Besides, it's like unwrapping presents... and who doesn't like Christmas? O.
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    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Any body ever done a porn star?
    Every now and then. Not sure if she counts as a "porn star", but I did Kia Delao (Penthouse Pet '96) on-and-off for a week when she featured at Pink Pony, and it was a "hook up" so I didn't pay anything per se (though I tipped her in the club, and picked up the bill when we went out). We were occasional fuck-buddies for a while after when she'd be around; she was a drug addict though which got tiresome fast. I did Rebecca Lord, Midori, and Yasmin Pendavis when they featured at the old Cheetah Elite (now Goosebumps). No, not all at once. I took Yasmin out for lunch to Einstein's and she wanted to suck my dick in the car afterwards - a freebie, and she swallowed (I got a call on my cell from an ex-girlfriend while my dick was being sucked and I answered and said "A pornstar is sucking my dick, I'm busy"... I actually put Yasmin on the phone and she said hi. Ah, once in a million opportunity!) Later I paid her $300 to cover her "time" and fucked her. The other two I guess I paid maybe $400 or so - this was back before porn stars realized they could get $1000+ for an hour of time! The best ever was Jade Marcella. I hired her as a straight-up escort in LA, and she was wild as fuck. I paid her $1000 for an hour, and we spent maybe 2.5-3 hours together, just fucking and sucking. Outside the room later getting a bite she was really quite funny and smart. Was she worth it? Totally. That's about it... I'd guess generally PSEs aren't really worth it. Katsumi is coming to Atlanta in May, though - I don't know if she escorts, but I'll probably meet her at the club, say hi, work some charm, see if it leads anywhere. O.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Longest Visit to a Stripclub?
    I just can't do hours and hours like that because the smoke gets to me, especially night shift. When I was in grad school, though, I used to have a friend who DJ'd day shift at the Cheetah in Atlanta; he was a registered GM chess player, and I used to go over there for lunch (I was a poor student so I'd go for the free buffet) and we'd play a game of chess down on the tables when he could get away from the booths. The girls either found it weird or cute, but they'd come watch sometimes. It was good fun, and I guess I did that a few months, a few days a week. So those were my longest stretches in clubs, though I wasn't really spending much money ;) O.
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    16 years ago
    R.O.B.'s of a different type
    I always pre-pay for the dances in segments ("Here's $40, just dance when you here a song you like") and it works like a charm - first, she tends to relax more and hustle less, because she knows I understand it's "bidness", AND if she tries to "overdance", well, that's her problem for not being able to count. I also NEVER run a tab at a club - that's tantamount to handing your wallet over to the club... "here, can you hold this for me?" Living in Japan taught me that FAST! O.
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    16 years ago
    Surprise Visit - 6 minute countdown . . .
    I am NOT a fan of unexpected drop-in visits by anyone, with the possible exception of Ed What's-his-Name with a huge Publisher's Clearing House check. So no, I can't say I'd welcome it. I was working on a project in another city once, and had a corporate apartment for when I stayed there. While there, I happened to frequent a strip club a few minutes away from the complex, and hooked up with this one ultra-hot Russian stripper OTC at a hotel adjacent to the club (I never bring hoes or strippers to my actual residence) and started making her my regular there. Then one day I ran into her at the mall shopping for sunglasses, joined her and we shopped a bit, had lunch, talked, had a good time in general. She was going to get a taxi (why do so many strippers lack a car/license/whatever? oh yeah, too many DUIs) so I offered to give her a ride home since she mentioned it was nearby - and it sure was, my same apartment complex! Yeah, sounds fun but I like to be able to keep my toys in a box and only take them out when I want to play... fortunately we respected each other's privacy. Could have been a nightmare though, the Inescapable Stripper Friend. O.
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    16 years ago
    jealous stripers
    Can she keep you out? She sure can... she just goes to the bouncer/management and says "that guy is bothering me" and very likely you'll be banned from the club. Strip club management treats their girls like shit with ONE EXCEPTION - they don't like dumbasses fucking with their girls. Best play is ignore her (if you want to continue visiting that club) OR find another place to spend your "ton of money" (why am I seeing a "stack" or rumpled singles in this case?) O.
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    16 years ago
    Is It Wise?
    Never trust anything on "The Internet". I *guarantee* that half the "strippers" who post here are guys. True story. O.
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    16 years ago
    NO Interest Secured Loans to Your Favorite Strippers?
    "Neither a borrower nor a lender be." I would never loan money to anyone, stripper or otherwise, unless I did it with collateral and a contract. If I can't sue someone and put a lien on their house, I'm not lending them a dime. Well, unless it were my kid brother, the most honest and reliable person I've ever met in my entire life... I'll loan to him on his word ;) I will GIVE money away, however, to charity or, why not, to strippers. I don't even expect anything from it (that would create expectations, and by extension, disappointments.) If you want to give loans, start a bank! O.
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    16 years ago
    Seniors, Douche-bags, assholes etc, etc, etc.
    Ah, this is nothing. Check out a gaming forum sometime - especially one devoted to "PvP" ;) THAT'S where you're going to find vitriol! O.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Would you follow a dancer that is changing clubs?
    Probably not - at this point I'm pretty fixed on where I'll go. What I HAVE done on occasion is corral a girl I've met at another club to MY club - every now and again when I've gone prospecting outside my usual club(s), I've found a gem, and on a few occasions - when they've complained about their current club - I've persuaded them to check out one of my favorites, and even given the management at my clubs the heads-up and recommended her ;) I suppose, though, if they moved to a new club I hadn't been to before, and it turned out to be amazing (great VIP rooms, whatever) then I'd "follow". Though that would mostly be me changing clubs, not "following" per se. Actually, that's how I found the Pink Pony (Atlanta) - my ATF from Tattletales (my early 90s haunt) moved to PP when it had just opened, and I tagged along. PP was my regular club for a long, long time. O.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Your first "extra" in a SC.
    Mine was a long time ago, in early 1992, at the Pink Pony in Atlanta not long after it first opened. I'd first gone there because a fave of mine from Tattletales had started working there, so I went to check it out. I started visiting periodically and having this gorgeous Filipina, "Jasmine", keep me company, and pretty quickly she was my new favorite. We got along pretty well and there was some chemistry, though she wouldn't go to lunch or the like because she had a boyfriend. One night I came in in a very spendy mood, was having her dance a LOT - she was also drinking way too much (she had a drinking problem, frankly). The club was differently configured in those days, and there was couch seating that was somewhat out of view of the main bar area, which is where I always tended to sit - more comfortable and more private. So we're sitting there, she's leaning against me and I have my arm around her back, and I kind of experimentally reach all the way around (she was petite and easy to fully embrace) and slipped my hand under her costume and started massaging and gently pinching her nipple (she had AMAZING nipples, like 2cm long fully erect). When she didn't complain, and indeed encouraged it, I continued. I then took off my blazer, put it around her shoulders for more privacy, then had her raise up a little so I could slide a hand under her, slipping in into her bottoms and sliding a finger into her. I finger-fucked her, she came a few times and was telling me how much she wanted to fuck, and I have to say I've not often seen a wetter girl. After we finished, she licked he juice from my fingers - hawt. IN later days and weeks we wound up as OTC fuck buddies, until one night I drove her home and her boyfriend saw us making out in the car (he didn't let us know at that time, but evidently mentioned it to her later in what I presume was quite a scene) and she cut it off after that. The experience certainly emboldened me though, to the point where I now view a SC as simply a place to windowshop for fucktoys. Of course it's much easier now, SC were much more conservative in 1992 than they are now! O.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Funny Things Dancers Say...
    I first heard "conversate" about 6-7 years ago (I can recall it because I mentioned the word to a woman who was a business partner at that time) and it is indeed an ebonic mutation of "converse". Sort of like to "axe" a question. If you are hearing people say "conversate" you aren't talking to educated people ;) ... I've been partial to the black clubs lately myself, so I've gotten quite an earful of ebonics; it's funny how different speech can be, like "where you stay at?" rather than"where do you live?" or "I ain't seen you in a minute" for "I haven't seen you in a long time." However, the speech seems to infect strippers (and other uneducated types) regardless of race... I was amazed once when I got a voicemail from an Asian stripper I know and, if I hadn't know otherwise, I would have assumed the voice was that of a streetwise black girl ("yo, wassup, jus' wanna give ya a holla, you know what I'm sayin? gimme a call back, peace...") O.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Dancer confiding in you she's about to get evicted, what would you do?
    Many years ago, when I was first starting out in business, a client gave me a piece of advice: "successful people like doing business with other successful people". In other words, always project an image of success, no matter what. It works just as well for dancers. If I'm sitting with a dancer who's happy with her life, maybe she's in school or just happy partying or whatever, it makes *me* feel good too... her success creates a positive vibe I pick up on, I enjoy her company, and she makes more money. The converse, some loser complaining about her fucked-up life, worthless boyfriend, financial woes or whatever is just a huge turnoff. So what would I say if she said she was being evicted? "Wow, that sucks. Well, I don't want to keep you then, guess you better make the rounds and try to get some dances." Then I'd find a girl who's having fun. Pretty simple. O.