Seniors, Douche-bags, assholes etc, etc, etc.

avatar for ShotDisc
Enough is enough!!!

As John Winger in Stripes so eloquently stated....We're all very different people. We're not Watusi, we're not Spartans, we're Americans. With a capital "A", huh? And you know what that means? Do you? That means that our forefathers were kicked out of every decent country in the world. We are the wretched refuse. We're the underdog. We're mutts.

We are all different people, with different likes, dislikes, traits and habits, both good and bad. It is time to get back to the task at hand. Reviewing strip clubs. Its just that simple.


last comment
I love stripes...

drop the soap, drop the soap... I didn't know they could do that!
avatar for parodyman-->
17 years ago

These are your words, "When did this site become the old ladies bitching society? it is so simple. post what you want to post, read what you want to read, ignore who you want to ignore. Do this in a civilized manner and life will be a breeze here."

Kind of funny that instead of taking your own words to heart you choose to complain about what others say in various threads.

I bet you aren't feeling half as smart as you thought you were.
Oooohhhh, I wish I were a loofa...
avatar for ozymandias
17 years ago
Ah, this is nothing.

Check out a gaming forum sometime - especially one devoted to "PvP" ;)

THAT'S where you're going to find vitriol!

avatar for FONDL
17 years ago
Ozy, I think the thing that bothers some of us is that this board didn't used to be like that (except for RL, who most of us put on "ignore" the day the feature was introduced.)

Welcome back, AN, it's good to see you haven't left for good. Where have you been? I was afraid you got to visit the Wheel and decided to stay there forever.
Hey FONDL, I still check in every so often, but right now I don't have much interest in clubbing, or for the most part the discussions, but I just couldn't pass up the opportunity to quote lines from Stripes.
boom shacka lacka


nobody's given you the Aunt Jemimah treatment yet...

Shit, I've been one-upped.

Swear to god, without referring to IMDB...

Recruiter: Are either of you homosexual?

Bill Murray: You mean like ...flaming?

Recruiter: Well, (heh heh) we just have to ask...

Harold Ramis: No, but we're willing to learn.
we're not parking it, we're abondoning it
Sergeant Hulka? Are we done for the day?

avatar for ShotDisc
17 years ago
Not my intention for the thread, but WTF! sure beats dealing with people who complain about bullies while being on themselves. I find it convenient that Parodyman doesn't have the balls to list his email address on the site. As for feeling smart, my intelligence is confirmed everytime I read one of your posts. How does it feel to be hated?

How's it goin' Eisenhower
avatar for parodyman-->
17 years ago

This is post is going to make you feel like Albert Einstein. First let me correct your spelling of the word one, which you spelled "on", I'm going to point out the fact that you do not list your email address either. Now that we are brothers in eunichdom I will answer why I do not have my email address listed publicly. I use mine for business and do not have time to sort through the insane rants of retarded little trolls like you who take these posts as a matter of life and death seriousness. Besides is the message function here too difficult for you to use?

How do I feel about being hated? I'm cool with it. It means my posting is having it's desired effect. The morons I focus my ire on hate me because what I say is true. So please feel free to hate me all you want. And when you are done you can hide like a bitchy little coward by placing me on your ignore list. That will show me!

While I would certainly not characterize myself as a supporter of yours, i.e., being in agreement with many of your posts, I do support freedom of speech and your right to post here whatever you wish. And yes, I feel you do speak the truth. Like I said before, you are often times brutally honest - and I think this is what offends many people here. I think it hits too close to home. But my question to you is - why DO you feel the need to "focus your ire" on others here? Really, what concern is it of yours what we pathetic losers, that regularly post here on TUSCL, write about. Differing opinions are great and make fun reading, but why not do it with a little more tact and a little less hate?

Like the banned CliffBar, you go to strip clubs just like the rest of us. Pointing out things such as they are not really our girlfriends, is's the truth, but geez, can you lighten up a little? And, no, I don't want to put you on IGNORE, because at the very least, you do add some life to a sometimes boring board.
avatar for parodyman-->
17 years ago
david120, I think you misunderstood my meaning. I don't have some great need to bash others. The people that I do rip on have absolutely done something to deserve negative attention. And there is no Hate involved. I may strongly dislike Shadowcat. In fact I do. But do I hate him, short answer, no. As for ShotDisc I wouldn't ever have addressed that douche bag had he not started in on me first. Again I do not hate him. I feel sorry for him because he may be a little slow and probably completely socialy retarded.
Listing your e-mail address in TUSCL is *exactly* how one of you out there starting harrasing wondergrl! THAT's the no-balls, pussy-play in my book. I hope that one (or more) of you supporters of scat (or scat himself...who knows) out there that is continuing to do this lil boy, BS play are all happy & getting your lil jollies's pathetic IMO...
avatar for ShotDisc
17 years ago
parody- i only have two people on ignore. obviously you are not one of them. if all you can do is attack my typing/spelling skills and call me names, well that says more about you than it does about me. I don't hide from people like you. And please, save your pity for someone else. I don't need it.
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